9: That's Because You're All Mine

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After almost 10 agonizing minutes of listening to Hoseok shifting and trying to find a comfortable spot on the bed, it was silent, and Yoongi finally felt like he could fall asleep.

And he could really feel himself dozing off, that is, until he felt a hand slip under his shirt. "Hoseok..." Yoongi sighed, he rolled his eyes when he heard Hoseok make a terrible attempt at a snoring sound. "I told you not to touch me." Yoongi muttered, Hoseok only snored louder.

"Asshole," Yoongi said, pushing Hoseoks hand away. He buried himself further into the covers, if possible. He will not let this Devil get his way.

Yoongi thought he successfully pushed Hoseok away, until an arm was suddenly around his waists and was pulling him into the tallers chest. "Hoseok." Yoongi muttered, pulling at Hoseoks arm. He didnt move.

"Move, you asshole."

"Yoongiiiii," Hoseok whined, Yoongi frowned, he could tell the older was pouting and he was not going to turn to look at him. "Pleeeeasse?"

"You sound like a bratty child." Yoongi said, Hoseok let out a gasp. "Are you giving in—"

"And brats need to learn that not everything goes their way." Yoongi said, "So fuck off. I mean it." Yoongi snapped, he heard Hoseok sigh and thought he finally got the message across.

"I bet you're too excited to sleep, aren't you?" Hoseok asked, even though Yoongi wasn't looking at him, he couldn't tell the older no longer had that shitty pout on his face. "You don't wanna admit it, but you're just waiting for me to make the next move, aren't you?"

Yoongi wanted nothing more than to punch that asshole, but the arm around his waists kept him from moving. "It's okay, I understand." Hoseok said, pulling Yoongi a tad bit closer. "I'll take charge, you just sit back and relax. Fall asleep for all I care, I'll just end up waking you." He whispered in the smallers ear.

Yoongi shut his eyes tight as he bit his bottom lip. He hated how that did things to him, things he'd rather not go into detail about. "I know you didn't wanna do it at first, but if you still don't now, I'll leave you alone for the rest of the night. Promise."

Yoongi was silent for a moment, there was no way he'd be able to sleep with the things Hoseoks said going through his head all night. "Fuck." He muttered, "Fine. Make it quick."

Hoseok chuckled as he lightly bit Yoongis red ears, his hand traveling further up his shirt until he reached on of his nipples, pinching the flesh. Yoongi pushed his face into the pillow, a hand reaching up to stop him. "You're sensitive." Hoseok muttered, kissing Yoongis neck before he pulled away. Pushing the smaller down on his back and sitting in between his legs.

Hoseok looked at the smaller for a second before he shook his head. "Ah, no." He muttered, manhandling Yoongi, making the smaller lay face down, ass up.

"Could you be a little gentler?" Yoongi muttered, his face in his pillow before he sat up to take his shirt off. "Stop moving."

"Fuck you." Yoongi snapped, Hoseok rolled his eyes as he pushed the smaller down, Yoongi groaned as he sat back up. "Come on, sweetheart—"

"Shut the fuck up, I'm getting the lube, asshole."

"Well I was going to get it."

"Did you know where it was? No? Didn't think so." Yoongi said, opening his bottom drawer and blindly moving his hand around before he found what was looking for, throwing the bottle at Hoseok and pulling off his boxers.

"Hurry," he said as he got back in position, clutching the pillow as he waited for Hoseok to stretch him out. "So demanding." Hoseok pouted, pouring the lube on his fingers before teasing his index against Yoongis hole.

The Devil's Work || YoonseokOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz