32 : Unfair

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It started as a small tingling. A small prick in his right hand. He ignored it, but then it got worse, it was a sensation between stabbing and...being on fire? After all these years Hoseok still couldn't describe the pain.

But he knew all too well what this pain meant.

He suddenly hissed, gripping wrist with the look of nothing but pure agony on his face. Taehyung was the first to notice. "What's wrong?" He asked, which caused Jin and Namjoon to look over as well. Jin's eyes widened as he stood. "Oh shit."

"What? What is it?" Namjoon asked, sitting up from where he was cuddled up with Jin on the couch. It only got worse, he moaned in pain and felt like he was either going to pass out or vomit, he couldn't speak and he didn't know what to do or where to go. Paralyzed from the pain.

"Oh shit." Jin repeated, by Hoseok's side, rubbing his back because there really was nothing else he could do. This was what happens everytime, and there's really nothing you could do to stop it from happening.

Noises started to blend together, he couldn't tell who was talking unless he was looking at them, but then, his vision blurred. "Fuck!"

"What? What is happening?" Namjoon asked, Jin looked up at him from where he is seated beside Hoseok. "Yoongi." He said, the younger seemed to get it but Jin kept going. "Yoongi cut their tie." He said, Taehyung sighed, disapproving as they stayed by Hoseok's side, comforting him through the pain.

"Is there anything we can do?"

"This is the process, it has to work it's way through...there's nothing we can do." Jin muttered, biting his bottom lip, his eyes shined a little too bright in the lights, Namjoon realized it was tears. Whether it was because he was just sad or because he was incredibly frustrated, Namjoon couldn't tell.

Hoseok let out stuttered breath as he leaned against Seokjin, closing his eyes he tried to get through pain. He's done this before, multiple times, actually. So many times he should be immune to the pain. But it just hurt so goddamn much.

His wrist hurt. Burning, painful. He thought his arm would fucking fall off.

His skin was on fire, he had willingly leaned against Jin, but now he had to push him away, it burned, everything burned and everything hurt. He heard Jin say something about water, and in his blurry vision, he saw Namjoon walk—more like run— towards the kitchen.

"Hoseok? Can you hear me?" Jin asked, his lips basically touching his ear to make sure he heard him. Hoseok only nodded, Seokjin tried to put a comforting hand on his back. Hoseok pushed him away. He didn't know where Taehyung was, he reached a hand out to his right, feeling around until he felt Taehyung's knee.

He pulled away after that, he just wanted to know where he was. He felt something cold touch his neck and noticed Namjoon had come back with a water bottle.

Hoseok was getting better, he started to feel at ease, his vision was no longer blurred and he could hear just fine. But now that the pain was going away, Hoseok would have to focus on the real pain he was feeling.

Yoongi cut their tie. Yoongi had sex with someone other than him, without a condom. He let the guy cum in him. They're probably laughing and cuddling and kissing. And here Hoseok is, in pain, nothing but pain.

The problem with cutting ties is that the person who cut the tie won't feel the pain, which is so unfair. Yoongi cut their tie and he didn't feel a thing. He didn't feel the consequences of cutting their tie. It's not fair. It's just not fair.

Jin wiped at his cheeks with his thumbs. Pulling his head towards him to cradle his head against his chest. "It's okay," he whispered, and Hoseok broke. He felt his shoulders shake as his arms wrapped around Jin's waists. His fingers clutched his sweater so hard he thought he would rip the soft material.

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