4: Stay away from me

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"I can't believe you did that," Taehyung sighed as he stirred his coffee with a spoon, he had his head in his hand as he looked at Hoseok with teasing eyes. "What? Why can't I talk to the cutie a bit after meeting him?"

"You and I both know that you're supposed to wait a couple days before you talk to your tie." Taehyung said, Hoseok rolled his eyes as he looked away from his friend. Sadly, he was right. It's an unofficial rule that it's best to wait a couple days before you get close to the person you're tied with. It won't change how the person thinks of you, but it'll give them time to look into how things work, and it allows them to get used to the pain in their hand from being around their tie.

"I wanted to tease him! Is that so bad?"

"Yeah, it fucking is. Why would you tease the person you're going to be tied to...for life. Now he's gunna hate you for eternity..literally." Taehying said, sipping his coffee as Hoseok mocked him. "You're only mocking me because you know I'm right."

"What's up, fuckers?" A loud voice boomed from beside the two, they jumped as they turned to who ever decided to interrupt their conversation. Taehyung sighed as he turned away from the guy. "Hey, Seokjin."

"Death boy." Jin smiled, lightly pushing Taehyungs head as he grabbed a seat to pull up to their table. "I feel like there's some drama happening. Fill me in."

"Hoseok's dumbass got tied to some guy last night, and purposefully ran into him today, tried to tease him." Taehyung explained, Jin turned to Hoseok with a disapproving look.

"I know it was stupid, okay? I just wanted to mess with him. Is that too much to ask?" Hoseok asked with a pout, Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Why not just get one of your little fallen angels to do it for you? They're good for that, yeah?"

"They're off today." Hoseok smiled, Taehyung scoffed, "Of course."

"I just don't think you should torment the guy while he's still trying to figure things out about how Gods and shit works." Jin said, Taehyung nodded but then glared at Jin as he took his cup of coffee, holding it tightly in his hands before he took a sip of it and gave it back to Taehyung. "You fucker, why'd you do that?"

"I need a drink!" Jin said, Taehyung looked at him in disbelief and then to his cup, and then back to Jin. "That doesn't mean you turn my coffee into wine!"

Jin was the son of Dionysus, he always needed a drink of wine, and if he didn't have one, he could turn any liquid into one. He said he had more powers than that, but that one was the only one worth mentioning. Of course.

"Guys, my problem?" Hoseok asked, Taehyung rolled his eyes. "No one gives a fuck about your tie hating you."

"Well you should! This is serious—"

"Hey, look at that cutie," Taehyung suddenly said, though it seemed like he didnt show much interest. "Which one? They're all cute." Jin muttered, Hoseok gasped as he turned to where they were looking. "I was talking to— oh, are you guys talking about the short one?"

"Sure, why not?" Jin asked, Hoseok turned back to them with a smirk. "He's mine."

"You can't just call dibs—" Jin started, but was interrupted by Hoseok, who's eyes flashed a bright yellow before the shorter guy at the door grabbed his hand with a curse. "Fuckin hell- where is he!" The guy yelled, looking around the cafe before his eyes landed on Hoseok, he glared at him before he turned to his friends.

"We're leaving."

"But I'm hungry," the tall one said, "But he's here!" The smaller whined turning to Hoseok with a glare before turning back to his friends. "Boohoo, suck it up and talk to him, we'll find a table." The one with pink hair said, pushing the smaller towards Hoseok.

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