screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.2K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•


857 26 0
By stories000007

ELLIE'S twelfth birthday. The day Ellie had been dreading. Ellie never really cared much for her birthday. In fact she could care less. The only time she truly cared about it was when she was around 5.
And that was because she wanted cake.
Ellie didn't really care about presents, or celebration. She just treated her birthday like a normal day. Too bad her siblings wouldn't.
Ellie quickly debated on doing pigtails. Then she just shook her head. She felt like they were too childish. So she just kept her hair down.
Ellie walked down the steps of the girls dormitories and saw Micheal Corner reading.
"Happy birthday." Micheal spoke, not looking up from his book. Ellie just stared at him. "I overheard your siblings' conversation on what they wanted to do. That was after I had finished teasing Jane for how stupid she is of course." Micheal explained.
"You make it seem like you like her." Ellie advised.
Micheal just rolled his eyes.
"Please the day I like Hankel shoot me." Micheal spoke.
"Pow!" Ellie exclaimed, making a gun with her fingers. Micheal just rolled his eyes.
"I don't like her." Micheal spoke, then took his bag and left the Ravenclaw common room. Ellie just rolled her eyes.
She never really had anything against Micheal herself. He mostly just kept to himself, whenever he's not teasing Jane. He reminded her of Blaise. Mostly because they both silently judge everyone.
Just then she grabbed a book and went to get her bag. And she made her way to the great hall. Then she saw three people at the Ravenclaw table. They were all smiling madly.
"Hi." Ellie spoke as she sat down.
"Hey Jane." Rosie spoke.
"Yes?" Jane queried with a grin. Ellie looked at the two and just rolled her eyes.
"Do you know what day it is?" Rosie asked.
"Yes I believe it's September 14th." Jane replied.
"Oh yeah." Rosie spoke. She quickly stared at Ellie while Ellie couldn't care less.
"Ellie." Brandon said.
"Yeah." Ellie spoke.
"Could you pass me toast?" Brandon queried. Rosie just nudged him.
"Ow! I want toast." Brandon shot.
Ellie just rolled her eyes and passed him the toast.
She looked at the food and saw Luna Lovegood walk in and she sat next to her.
"Hello Ellie." Luna greeted.
"Hi Luna." Ellie spoke.
"Oh I almost forgot!" Luna spoke, she pulled something out of her bag. It was a tiny hummingbird brooch . She had told Luna once that they were her favorite animal. "Here, it keeps away the nargles." Luna spoke.
Ellie smiled at her.
"Thank you Luna." Ellie thanked her. She quickly put the brooch on her robes and smiled. "I'll wear it everyday." Ellie exclaimed.
"Happy birthday." Luna spoke.
"Thanks." Ellie thanked Luna and gave her a smile. She grabbed an apple and started to leave.
"You're already leaving?" Rosie questioned.
"Yeah. I told Daphne and Blaise I'd talk to them before breakfast ends. They wanted to talk to me about something. They said to go to their table." Ellie exclaimed.
"Do you want me to come with?" Brandon asked.
"I'll go with her. I have to see Jake anyway." Rosie explained with a smile.
They both walked towards and Ellie spotted Daphne and Blaise and walked over there. Rosie however quickly walked over to sit with Jake.
"Hey." Ellie spoke. Daphne looked up and smiled.
"Hey." Daphne shot. She moved a bit so Ellie could take a seat. "Oh come on I don't bite." Daphne shot.
Ellie just chuckled and sat next to her.
Just then Blaise walked in.
"Hey look who's here." Daphne pointed out.
"Hello Smith." Blaise spoke. Sitting next to Ellie.
"Zabini." Ellie spoke. "Why did you guys want me to sit here?" Ellie asked.
"Well for your birthday." Daphne answered, and she grabbed a muffin quickly. "Here." Daphne spoke.
"No thanks." Ellie spoke, taking out her apple.
"You're seriously going to have an apple for breakfast?" Blaise queried.
"I mean yeah." Ellie replied. Blaise just gave her a silent look. Which Ellie knew meant that he was judging her.
Jake Baker quickly walked up to Ellie.
"Hey happy birthday." Jake spoke.
"Oh um thank you." Ellie spoke.
Jake just patted her head and Ellie just gave him a look. Then he left and sat with Rosie.
"Since when did you talk to him?" Daphne queried.
"I don't." Ellie chuckled. The two girls smiled while Blaise just gave them a look.
"Well, look who it is a disgusting half-blood." Draco Malfoy spat.
"Good morning to you too Malfoy." Ellie replied sarcastically.
"Why is she here?" Draco asked Blaise.
"Well she's our friend." Blaise replied. Ellie just smiled at him.
"And it's her birthday!" Daphne added, glaring at him.
Draco just rolled his eyes and sat down.
"Well whatever. Give me your apple?" Draco shot. Ellie just rolled her eyes and took a bite out of her apple.
Draco just scoffed at her. Blaise and Daphne just laughed.
"I knew we were friends for a reason." Daphne laughed. Ellie just smiled.
"WHY was Elle sitting with the Slytherins this morning?" Fred asked George. They we're currently in potions. Snape was currently yelling at Lee because he did his potion wrong.
"You know she has friends there right?" George queried.
"Yeah, but Draco Malfoy was talking to her." Fred explained.
"We both know that Ellie definitely insulted him." George spoke. Fred just chuckled.
"Weasley's! Focus." Snape shot. They just rolled their eyes at Snape.
Just then Fred heard Brandon Smith's obnoxious loud voice.
"Oh please we both know that Ellie would not want your quill for her birthday!" Brandon shot. Fred just listened closely. "It's not my fault I couldn't find anything good for today!" Brandon shot.
Today was Ellie's birthday. And he didn't know. Why didn't she tell him? They're friends right?
"Did you know that it's Elle's birthday?" Fred asked, as he turned to his brother.
"No." George spoke, adding an ingredient to the potion they were brewing.
"Well are you going to do anything?" Fred whispered .
"We could prank her!" George advised, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
"No." Fred paused, thinking of why he wouldn't know. "She probably didn't want us to know, maybe she doesn't like celebrating her birthday." Fred exclaimed.
"Who wouldn't like their birthday?" George queried. Then he grabbed a parchment and wrote some stuff down.
"Maybe she just doesn't like being the center of attention." Fred replied.
"That's something you can't relate with." George smirked.
"Hey! That is so not true!" Fred protested. George just rolled his eyes.
Just then the bell rang and the twins started to head their way over to divination.
"Why did we pick divination again?" Fred groaned.
"Percy." George replied. The twins just looked at each other and grinned.
"Thinking what I'm thinking?" Fred queried.
"Always." George replied . Then the two decided to go to the Gryffindor common room to skip.
They decided to work on their potions in the corner of the common room. No one ever checked there.
"Ugh why does Snape assign so much!" Fred groaned.
"Oh stop being a baby." George shot. Fred just glared at him and got back to his work.
Just then they heard the door open. The boys jumped and saw who it was.
"What are you two doing here?" Percy spat.
Fred quickly tried to think of something.
"I fell and we went to the infirmary and by the time we got out class started." Fred lied. Percy just eyed him.
"Why aren't you in class?" George asked.
"Professor McGonagall specifically asked me to bring some more parchment." Percy shot. The twins just rolled their eyes.
"It is so sad to be related to you." Fred advised.
Percy just rolled his eyes and quickly went up to the dormitories. Leaving Fred and George alone.
ELLIE was sitting on a bench that she would like to go where she wanted to be alone. She would usually run into Fred Weasley at this spot. She had been here everyday and she hadn't  run into him yet. However she didn't really mind because she just wanted to be alone.
She decided that it was getting late so she closed her book and got up from the bench. She quickly walked through the corridors. Just then she bumped into someone, which made her drop her book.
"Ow, watch it!" Ellie shot.
Ellie looked up and saw that it was Fred.
"Sorry Elle." Fred apologized.
She just looked up at him and saw that he meant it.
"It's ok." Ellie replied, she bent down to grab her book but Fred beat her to it.
"Here." Fred spoke.
"Thanks." Ellie replied.
He looked at her for a second and felt a shiver down his spine.
"Um happy birthday." Fred spoke.
Ellie just looked up at him.
"Oh um thank you." Ellie thanked, then she looked up at him with a questioning look. "How'd you know that?" She asked.
"Oh um I overheard Brandon and his loud voice." He replied. While she just chuckled. "I would've got you something if I knew." He spoke.
"Oh no it's fine I don't really care about presents anyway." She exclaimed. He looked down and smiled at her, he had just realized how short she was. Which he found adorable.
"You are so tiny." Fred teased.
"Wow thank you so much." Ellie replied sarcastically.
He laughed for a second he saw Oliver Wood and groaned.
"What's wrong?" Ellie questioned.
"Oliver's mad because I didn't go to practice yesterday." Fred exclaimed. Ellie just gave him a look. "I accidentally slept through it ok. I'll just pretend to be Georgie." Fred exclaimed.
Ellie just chuckled and Oliver walked up to them.
"Fred why weren't you at practice?" Oliver shot.
"I'm George." Fred lied.
"Oh um sorry." Oliver apologized, and he walked away.
"Wow what a great liar." Ellie exclaimed.
"Hey! You're the only person who can tell me and Georgie apart." Fred shot.
"I know." Ellie replied.
Fred just rolled his eyes.
"Well I should probably get going. I skipped Divination so I have to make up a lie for an excuse. So I don't get a howler like my brother." Fred exclaimed.
"That was a funny howler." Ellie advised.
"You're not wrong." Fred replied with a chuckle.
Then he walked away and Ellie went towards the Ravenclaw common room. On her way there she saw George Weasley.
"Why did Oliver just say I was Fred?" George questioned.
"I don't know?" Ellie lied.
"He said that I was apparently with you. What did you and Fred do?" George questioned.
"Nothing. Honest." Ellie replied. George just glared at her.
"I'll find out one day Smith. One day." George spoke, then almost bumped into a wall.
"Bye Weasley." Ellie called out and got towards the Ravenclaw portrait.
"What has a neck but no head?" The portrait asked.
"A shirt." Ellie spoke.
The portrait swung open and then she saw the common room was empty. Which meant only one thing.
"Surprise!" Brandon yelled out.
"Brandon! You were too early!" Rosie shot.
"Oops." Brandon replied annoyed.
"Um happy birthday." Jane spoke.
"Thank you. But I didn't need you guys to shout surprise. Considering it was just you three." Ellie advised.
"Still we wanted to do something for you." Rosie spoke.
"Yeah, and I think you are going to love what I got you." Brandon admitted.
"He means that Jane, Chase, Brandon, and I each got you things." Rosie spoke. Ellie just chuckled.
Giving Ellie a box that was wrapped with brown paper as wrapping paper. She could tell that Brandon was the one who wrapped it. Mostly because it was wrapped from a brown bag from hogsmeade. He would always save them so he wouldn't have to throw it out quickly.
One quill. Two journals. Three sets of ink. Four boxes. Five books. Six chocolate frogs. Seven pieces of parchment. Eight single Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Nine envelopes. Ten pieces of wax. Eleven cards. And twelve hair ribbons that were blue and silver.
"Wow this is a lot." Ellie spoke.
"We thought since you're now twelve we wanted to get you an extra special gift." Jane explained.
Ellie just smiled up at her.
Just then Penelope Clearwater and Percy Weasley came in holding Chase.
"We found this one saying he was invited." Percy spat.
"Well that's because he was Percy." Brandon advised. Percy and Penelope's faces both fell.
"What. Why?" Penelope questioned.
"Well because it's Ellie's birthday." Rosie explained. Percy just stared blankly and Penelope just scoffed and rushed to the girls dormitories.
"I—failed—duties!" Percy shrieked, drawing into a ball.
"Hey Chase." Ellie spoke ignoring Percy.
"Hi." Chase replied, staring at Percy for a few seconds. "Um I was the one who got the chocolate frogs." Chase muttered.
"I figured that out. I'm guessing the stuff Brandon got was the quill and eight jelly beans." Ellie admitted.
"Yeah." Brandon spoke. Ellie just smiled.
"Well thank you guys." Ellie spoke.
For a second she felt chill down her spine. She figured it was nothing. After all she had been getting those a lot.
"ELLIE are you going to eat your chocolate frog?"Chase asked.
"Go nuts." Ellie replied with a laugh.
"Thanks for letting me sit here with you." Chase spoke.
"Chase you're welcome to sit at the Ravenclaw table anytime." Ellie spoke.
"Why do you come here for breakfast so early?" Chase asked.
"Well it's simple. I can eat my food without Brandon taking it." Ellie exclaimed.
Chase just laughed then Daphne and Blaise walked to the table like they did every morning.
"Hey." Daphne spoke, sitting next to Ellie. Blaise following.
"Hey." Ellie replied. She could already feel the tension.
"So did you guys do the potions work?" Ellie queried.
"We had potions?" Blaise queried.
"Yes." Ellie replied. Blaise just shrugged and took out his potions.
Just then Chase took out his work.
"Here, you can copy off of me." Chase spoke. and he handed the paper to Blaise.
"Thanks I owe you." Blaise spoke. Chase just smiled at him. Blaise then whispered something into Daphne's ear. Ellie looked at her and Daphne sighed.
"He said that we should probably get to know Chase." Daphne whispered. Ellie just nodded. The two girls looked at Chase and he smiled at them.
"I think Blaise is right." Ellie whispered.
Chase just looked around.
"Where's the Luna girl you talk too?" Chase asked.
"Oh she comes later. She likes to go outside to talk to the animals." Ellie explained. Chase just smiled at the statement.
"Here." Blaise muttered, handing the paper over to Chase.
"Thanks." Chase replied with a smile. Blaise just gave him a small smile.
"Ellie can you open this for me?" Chase asked. Giving Ellie the chocolate frog box.
She opened it and gave it to Chase.
"Wow! Dumbledore!" Chase shot.
Ellie laughed.
"Don't you already have like ten of him?" Ellie queried.
"Yes." Chase replied. Ellie just laughed.
"This dude is adorable." Daphne whispered in Ellie's ear. Ellie just chuckled.
Jane quickly walked in and looked like a mess.
"What's wrong with you?" Chase asked.
"Micheal. Corner." Jane shot.
"What did he do this time?" Chase questioned. Ellie and Daphne watched carefully while Blaise just stared at Jane.
"Nothing, he's just a jerk!" Jane shot.
"It seems like you like him." Ellie spoke.
"What!" Jane shot.
"Well I mean you can't hate someone for no reason." Ellie spoke.
"Well I don't like him." Jane scoffed. Ellie just rolled her eyes.
Then Blaise leaned into the two girls.
"She definitely likes him." Blaise whispered.
"Oh yeah." Daphne spoke.
"One hundred percent." Ellie laughed. Jane just glared at her. Meanwhile Chase wouldn't stop telling Jane about the chocolate frog card.
"What are you two doing here with Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff?" Pansy queried. Blaise, Daphne, and Ellie turned around.
"Why are you over here?" Daphne queried. In a mocking tone. Pansy just scoffed and walked away.
"Man she sucks." Blaise muttered.
"I agree." Daphne spoke. The two looked at Ellie.
"What she could probably hear me. I mean I don't want her on my bad side." Ellie spoke. Daphne chuckled. While Blaise just rolled his eyes.
Just then Luna Lovegood walked in and she went to sit next to Blaise.
"Hello." Luna greeted the three.
"Hi Luna. How are you?" Ellie asked.
"I'm great, I see you wear the brooch. I haven't seen many nargles around. I think that's why." Luna spoke. Ellie just smiled at her.
"She is something else but I love her for it." Daphne whispered. Ellie just laughed at her.
"So are you excited for herbology." Ellie asked. The Ravenclaws and Slytherins had herbology together this year. Daphne, Ellie, Blaise, and Jane were in a group and they had to add things for their mandrakes.
"Not at all. I don't think I've got this part right." Daphne admitted. She took out her book and showed Ellie an underlined part.
"You're right." Ellie advised. Daphne did a sigh of relief and put her book back.
"I should get  back to the Slytherin table. My sister is probably going to send me mail." Daphne spoke.
"You have a sister?" Ellie queried.
"Yep, Astoria Greengrass. Also known as mum's favorite." Daphne chuckled. Ellie just smiled at her. "Blaise, are you coming?" Daphne queried.
"I'll be there in a second." Blaise spoke. Daphne nodded and made her way over to the Slytherin table.
Blaise quickly stood up and gave Ellie a note.
"It's from a secret admirer." Blaise whispered. And just like that he said goodbye to Luna and left.
She quickly opened the note.
Hey Ellie Smith you don't know me. But I think I really like you.
— Anonymous
Ellie put the note in her bag.
"What a nice note." Luna spoke.
"You saw that?" Ellie queried. Luna nodded. Ellie looked at the Slytherin table. No one was staring at her. She looked at the Gryffindor table. Fred Weasley looked up at her and waved. She waved back. Then she could have felt like he noticed something but he didn't show it. Ellie just shrugged it off and got back to try to have a conversation with Jane and Chase.

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