Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

34.6K 1K 129

Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss
50 : Lifetime
Author's Note

33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)

383 18 1
By goldenpup45

Feeling the familiar warm taste of coffee on her tongue, a contented sigh released through Rhian's nose before gazing at the flower-filled garden in front of her. Yesterday's happenings flooded through her mind.

Seeing Glaiza in a tight rashguard had her cheeks warming at the sight, especially when it clinged to her wet body, really highlighting the short-haired girl's feminine toned abs. It took Rhian all her might not to gaze at the girl's abdomen for long. Their moment behind the waterfalls, she couldn't stop staring at Glaiza as she close her eyes peacefully. Still not satisfied with this, she even attempted to kiss her, but decided not to, when she noticed the girl's nervousness, despite that quick second of Glaiza's interest when she glance at the rich girl's lips. Her favorite moment though, was when they shared a long towel to warm themselves. It felt good having the girl close to her like that. Peaceful even.

Hurried footsteps interrupted Rhian's thoughts before the backyard door opened with slight force, revealing a panting Glaiza.

Her gaze immediately landed on the rich girl. "Hey, how we doing? Are all the floats ready? Do you need my help? Like do you need me to go buy you materials? Or do you want me to stay with you? You know what, I'm staying. I'll help you first fix whatever it is that needs fixing and then I'll-"

"Woah, hey, slow down. You're rambling." Rhian chuckled. "But no, I don't need your help 'cause I'm not fixing anything."

"What, you finish earlier? Its like 6:30 in the morning. Damn, how long were you awake?" Glaiza asked.

Rhian giggled. "I woke up 30 minutes ago and all I did was sit here peacefully and sip on my coffee."

"But today's the parade. Aren't you gonna do last-minute fixing on the floats?" Glaiza questioned, to which the rich girl shook her head no.

Glaiza tilt her head and look at the girl weirdly. "Okay, who are you and what did you to Rhian?"

Rhian look at her in amusement. "What? Why is that hard to believe?"

"Uh because the Rhian I know is uptight, an overthinker, a worrisome person, and a perfectionist. So seeing you calmly drinking your coffee and not minding the fact that the parade starts in a few hours, is kinda freaking me out." Glaiza says.

Rhian smiled lightly. "Yeah, well, I'm taking a break from that Rhian. I've been told by this friend of mine that I deserve to rest and relax after doing an amazing work. And that's exactly what I'm doing. Besides, I agree that the floats are already good enough for the parade."

Glaiza smirks putting her hands on the table and lean forward. "Good thing you listened to your smart friend. Tell me, is this friend of yours a cute and gorgeous short-haired girl?"

Rhian mirrored her smirk and leaned in. "Yeah, she's also this cocky person whose ego is sometimes larger than her already large eyes."

Glaiza's jaw slacked. "Okay, I'm gonna let that one slide, 'cause that's... partially true." To which the rich girl shook her head in amusement.

Glaiza sat infront of her. "Kidding aside, I'm glad you took my advice... Well, also slightly disappointed." She sighs. "I woke up earlier than usual thinking that you need help. It didn't help that when I glance down from our terrace, I didn't hear any noise that indicates you're busy. So I hurriedly walk down, almost tripping down the stairs, thinking that you're stressing out with the floats. Man, was I wrong."

"So that explains your messy bedhair and the drool on your lips." Rhian commented.

Glaiza's eyes widened. "What?! Why didn't you say that earlier?!" Before proceeding to wipe the side of her lips. Rhian chuckled before standing and making her way towards the girl.

She stood between Glaiza's legs and gently tilt her head upwards.

"You're damn lucky I care about you and your floats, or else I would've snapped at you for ruining my beauty sleep." Glaiza muttered.

"Why is it my fault? I didn't wake you up." Rhian says as she finger-combed the girl's hair.

"No, but its your fault for making me worry, enough to get myself out of the bed in this ungodly hour." Glaiza mumbled.

Rhian smiled at this. She knows that the girl isn't a morning person and a very deep sleeper. So the fact that Glaiza woked up early in the morning just to help her, made Rhian warm inside.

"Sorry, it wouldn't happen again." Rhian apologizes, as she smoothen down Glaiza's strands that are sticking out.

"Apology accepted, if you come help make breakfast. I'm starving." Glaiza stood up, grab her wrist and headed inside.

The two went straight to the kitchen and began preparing. As usual, they bicker and joked around as they cook, which didn't go unnotice by some of their friends who had just woke up.

"Girls, I know you're having fun, but please minimize. You might get hurt with those knives and hot pot, so be careful." Julie-Anne commented as she make herself a cup of coffee.

"Yes, mom." Rhian sarcastically said which brought a nudge from a giggling Glaiza. Julie-Anne shook her head in amusement.

Katrina and Brian prepare the table before Chynna put the plateful of food on it. After everything is done, others, including Jason, had also got out from their room and joined them in the dining area.

Rhian, a bit tired, sat in relief and drank water. Before she could get it herself, a plateful of meal already set in front of her and felt a kiss on her head. She look up and shot a smile towards the short-haired girl, thanking her. Glaiza grin back, tapping Rhian's chin before sitting beside her.

While eating, the group talk about the parade. Rhian walk them through today's event to which the group couldn't be more excited. After breakfast Rhian and Glaiza head to their room.

"Alright, we got 2 hours before the fiesta start. What do you want to do now?" Glaiza asked.

Rhian sat on the bed, grab her novel book and flip it to where she left off. "I'm going to read."

"That's it? What am I suppose to do?" Glaiza says.

"Whatever you want." Rhian muttered.

After watching a short episode of tv series and strumming random tunes on her guitar, Glaiza became bored. She look around the room for other source of entertainment, but failed when she found none. She sat beside the rich girl and look at her.

"Are you almost done reading?" Glaiza questioned to which she was met with silence. She rolled her eyes at Rhian's deep concentration on the book.

Wanting to get her attention, she began poking the girl's cheek to which the rich girl merely grab her hand and gently place it down. Glaiza frown and decided to kiss her cheek and her temple. Rhian only smiled, but her gaze was still on the book.

Glaiza smirked when she got an idea. She then proceeded to straddle the girl's hips and put her hands on both Rhian's cheeks and caressed it. She clench her jaw when Rhian still refused to look at her and instead had her nose buried on the book. She groaned, slouching back before she grab the book, closing it. Rhian frowned.

"You're ignoring me." Glaiza muttered.

"Sorry, but I want to finish that book. Go entertain yourself with your friends." Rhian responded and reach out to grab her book from Glaiza's hand.

"But I want you to entertain me, though." Glaiza pulled her hand away before dropping the book on the night stand. She grab both Rhian's wrist to prevent her from reaching out. "We can play chess."

Rhian snickered. "With you? No, its not going to be a challenge for me and for that I wouldn't enjoy the game."

Glaiza frowned. "Fine... How about we draw? That's something you enjoy, right?"

"You mean I draw and you watch me do it? I'm not in the mood, so no." Rhian answered.

Glaiza sighs. "Well there has to be something."

Rhian manage to pull out her left hand before reaching to grab her book. "Why don't you just rest? Sleep. Sometimes its best to just lie low for a while."

Glaiza gave a thoughtful look. "Okay. Yeah, I'll do that." She leaned forward and rest her head on Rhian's chest.

"What are you doing?" Rhian calmly says.

"Resting." Glaiza mumbled.

"Yeah, I know. What I meant was, why here? On top of me." Rhian says.

Glaiza shrugged. "Why not? Now go do your thing, I won't bother you." Before she adjust to a more comfortable position.

Rhian shook her head in amusement and began to read. Getting hooked on the story, she absentmindedly tangled her hand to Glaiza's hair and began caressing it softly. Satisfied at how the story ended, Rhian close her book and was about to stretch her arm, when she saw the short-haired girl still laying on her chest. She smiled lightly as she gaze at her sleeping figure. Before she could stare at her longer, their bedroom open rather loudly and in came a Lovi.

"Hey couz, we'll-"

"Shh!" Rhian glared at her cousin. "Glaiza's sleeping."

The rich girl saw the smiling look on Lovi's face when she glance at the sleeping girl. Rhian cleared her throat. "What brings you here?"

"I was gonna tell you if you want to have final touches on the parade floats, given that we only have one and a half hour before the fiesta... But since you're quite preoccupied with someone, well, I guess that's a no from you." Lovi smirked.

"There's no need for me to double check on the floats. They're already good enough." Rhian glance down at Glaiza's sleeping form, smiling lightly. "And for that, I can rest."

Lovi smiled softly before sitting on the edge of the table. "You really do like her, huh? I mean its so obvious that you're crushing on her hard."

Rhian smiled, still entrance at the girl laying on top of her. "Yeah, I really like her." Just then, realization hit her. "Wait, w-what do you mean I'm crushing on her hard? I-I don't have a crush on her! I mean, I like her as a f-friend. Not, not, romantically. Not to say that she's not attractive. Believe me, she's gorgeous, but I-I don't like her like that. Its just-"

"Its okay, Rhian. I'm your cousin, you don't have to lie to me." Lovi chuckled. "I've seen the way you look at her. Those sweet touches and kisses you do to her. And the way you are with Glaiza, in general. That is something I've never seen you do that with anyone else."

Rhian look down. "Are you-"

"No, I'm not disgusted nor mad at you. I'm happy that you finally found your special someone." Lovi gave an understanding smile.

"That is, if that said special someone is on the same page as me... But... she's not." Rhian smiled sadly.

Lovi slightly frown. "Why not?"

Rhian chuckled humourlessly. "Well, for starters, she already have her special someone. From that alone, I stand no chance. Even if she hasn't, she and I are opposites in so many levels, so the chances of having arguments are high. Besides, I don't think she like girls, much less like me."

"Okay first of all, you two hang out more often than her and Benjamin, well, more so, now that he's not here, which means Glaiza favor your company more than him. Second, who cares if you two are opposites? You know what they say, opposites attract. That shit is accurately true. Plus, have you seen Glaiza when she's around you? She follows and clings to you everytime." Lovi points at Rhian and Glaiza's current position. "Take this, for example... Believe me, she's into you, couz."

Unlikely, but God I hope so.

"When do you plan on telling her?" Lovi asks.

"I.. don't know. Honestly, I'm hesitant. I'm not even sure if I should tell her how I feel. I need some time to figure this out. For now, I'm okay with how we are now."

"Alright, if you say so. Just remember that whatever decision you make, I'm always here to support you." Lovi shot her a smile.

Rhian mirrored her grin. "Thanks, couz. I really appreciate that."

Shortly after, Lovi left the room, not before reminding Rhian to prepare themselves since the fiesta starts for the next hour. The rich girl stared at the sleeping beauty for a while, before she gave a peck on the girl's head, gently shaking the girl.

"G, hey, wake up sleepyhead." Rhian whispered softly.

Glaiza groan before nuzzling her head on Rhian's shirt and mumbled, "Don't want to."

Rhian smiled. "But the fiesta is almost starting. We're gonna miss the parade if you won't get up now."

"Well, fuck the fiesta. I want sleep." Glaiza muttered, tightening her hug on the rich girl and adjusting her position comfortably.

Rhian chuckled, caressing the girl's hair. "Okay, you can sleep. But I want to watch our floats on the parade, and I can't do that if you're still on top of me."

"Don't go, then. You've already seen the floats, so just stay here." Glaiza mumbled. "You're really comfy."

Rhian bit her lip from smiling too widely. "As much as I want to stay, I really want to see the parade though."

Glaiza let out a huff. "Alright, fine. I'll come with you."

Begrudgingly, Glaiza lift her upper body, sitting on Rhian's thighs while rubbing her eyes. The rich girl sat up giving a quick peck on Glaiza's forehead which brought a tiny smile from the latter before getting off of her.

After the two change into more appropriate clothing, they headed downstairs and straight to the backyard. Everyone was busy. Strangers of men were there to drive the parade floats outside the house, while Lovi call out orders. Rhian and Glaiza's male friends were also there to assisst.

When all was said and done, the group headed out. Rhian stared in awe at the sight in front of her. Booths of different kinds stood side by side with each other. Numerous colorful strings of buntings hanged above their heads. People are wearing funny hats and face paints on. Before she could gaze some more, her wrist was pulled.

"Rhi, come on! The parade's almost starting!" Glaiza calls.

They squeeze in through a sea of people before they got a good view of what's in front, their friends a meter away from them. Drum rolls began to start before series of instruments are heard. Women wearing dresses with intricate designs dance their way into the path with bright smiles. A couple of stunts were seen from a small group wearing red overalls. Then came the parade floats, slowly driving the trailers with each had a person on top wearing under the sea themed costume.

"Look, look! There's our floats!" Glaiza excited said, pointing them out to which Rhian chuckled and nodded.

The rich girl was amazed how each representatives on each floats were able to do their costumes well. Some even went as villains from the disney movie The Little Mermaid.

"Wow, we really did great making those floats." Glaiza commented. Rhian look at her and smiled when she noticed the look of awe on Glaiza's face.

Damn it, why does she have to be so cute?

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