Bartra's Sister and Neymar's...

By bartradasilva

330K 7.9K 837

The Bartra Siblings... Marc being the oldest one, he's basically taking care of his little sister and even if... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Eight
Another Author's Note.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note. {SORRY!}
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Marc is a father! *Not an update*

Chapter Thirty-Four

5.6K 186 22
By bartradasilva

Marc's POV-

Before I finished my question, the line went blank. God damn.

I ran up the stairs and to my room. I pushed the door open, knocking down a frame on the wall. I threw clothes out the closet, finding myself something to wear.

"Marc, what's going on?" Gianna yelled.

"It's Emelyn. S-she's in the hospital." I yelled back.

"What why? She's due in two months right?" She asked.

I just ignored her while I changed and did everything I needed to. Then I ran back to the nursery.

"Yes Gianna she is but I don't know what's going on. Listen, you stay here and please finish this up.." I begged.

"Y-yeah yeah sure thing. Y-you go ahead and go but be careful while driving. I love you." She replied, sounding a bit worried.

"Love you too. I'll call you if anything happens." I said, kissing her head and sprinting down the stairs.

On my way to the hospital, of course all I could think about was the worst case scenario. Lia sounded extremely worried and her tone just added to this anxiety. Emelyn losing the baby was all that ran through my head. All these thoughts and emotions began making me feel extremely emotional and scared.

"God please, I know that I'm not the perfect guy. Actually, I'm far from perfect but please, I'm begging you, let that baby be alive. Let her be healthy and also let her mom be perfectly fine as well. Let this all be a small scare. God you sent her to us, now please don't take her away, please."

I prayed all the way until I got to the same old hospital that I've been to before. I parked and ran inside to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for Emelyn Valenzuela." I told the receptionist.

"Valenzuela....Mmmh, looks like she is in Labor and Delivery sir." She smiled.

Her smile quickly faded away when she saw my face drain from its color. I slammed the desk and ran towards that section of the hospital.

Gianna's POV-

"Hey where's Marc?" Neymar asked.

"Maybe if you didn't take so long in the bathroom, you would know.." I teased.

"Seriously babe.." He nagged.

"He went to the hospital. Emelyn's friend called and told him that he should head over there." I yawned.

"Woah is everything okay with her? You know pregnancies have unexpected complications right?" He worried.

"I honestly don't know...Maybe I should call." I suggested.

I got up to grab my phone from across the floor but Junior stopped me.

"Wait until he calls.." He suggested.

"But what if..." I frowned.

"We'll know when he calls." He implied.

I sat back on the floor and looked down. I couldn't help but thing of the bad things associated with that call. Emelyn having a miscarriage was the main thing on my mind.

"Let's just finish this so when Marc comes home he'll be somewhat happy." Neymar coughed, pulling me away from my negative thoughts.

Marc's POV-

As I got to the Labor and Delivery reception area, I began talking really fast and breathing hard, making it hard for the lady to understand me.

"Emelyn...Valenzula..." I said between breaths.

I started breathing regularly while she got up and asked a doctor passing by. The doctor looked up at me and came my way.

"Mr. Bartra, Dr. Sanchez here pleasure to meet you." He greeted me.

"Hola Dr. Sanchez. What's wrong with Emelyn?" I answered, getting straight to the point.

He took a deep, unconvincing breath, "Mr.Bartra, Emelyn came in with a severe headache, abdominal pains and swelling and we have figured out that she has Eclampsia. This causes the placenta to not receive the blood it needs.."

"But the baby is okay right?" I sighed.

"She just had an ultrasound done and the heartbeat was okay, not perfect but it was okay." He admitted.

"What do you mean doctor? My daughter is going to be okay right?" I reiterated.

"Look Mr. Bartra-" He began saying.

"Dr. Sanchez, we need you in the room!" A nurse frantically ran through the door and yelled.

"Excuse me.." He said, getting up and running towards a door.

I got up and followed him but a nurse quickly blocked me off.

"You can't go in there sir, I'm sorry." She apologized.

"No let me go! That can be my girlfriend, that can be my daughter! Please!" I begged.

"No sir I'm sorry." She frowned.

"Just let me fucking go! I'll stand back I swear!" I yelled. She shook her head and closed the door.

I paced back and forth in the tiny waiting room, looking at the door every few minutes in hopes of seeing a happy doctor. Seconds turned into minutes and nothing happened. I sat down and prayed. As much as I tried to put off the truth, I knew that there was a chance that she was gone. Finally, after 30 minutes, Dr. Sanchez came back in. I got up and we frowned.

"Ms. Valenzuela isn't okay, meaning your baby isn't doing any better. When patients come in with fully developed Eclampsia, there is nothing much we can do. Her kidneys are shutting down on her..." He disclosed.

Right then and there I started crying.

"We can try to save Emelyn or we can try to save your daughter, but we can't save them both.." He added.

I was at a loss for words. I already knew who I would choose but I couldn't help but feel...guilty. I ran my fingers through my hair as I full on cried like a baby. Suddenly, a nurse walked through the door.

"Ms. Valenzuela would like to talk to you..." She silently said, almost whispering.

I looked at the doctor and he nodded. I followed the nurse through the previous door she had forbidden me to go into and down a hall way. We got to a door, labeled Room 09 and she signaled for me to go. I walked in and there was Emelyn, lying on the hospital bed, while monitors connected everywhere beeped as she took short breaths.

I stood next to her and took her hand. She opened her eyes and smiled, that beautiful but now weak smile.

"Hi.." She whispered.

"Hi.." I sniffled.

"I-I'm not going to make it.." She coughed.

"Emelyn..." I cried.

"You better chose to save this baby okay? I'll be fine." She began crying.

"I-I will Em, I will."

"I love you Marc. I always have and always will. Just please take care of her Marc. Make it clear to her that her mommy will always love her." She stammered.

"I love you too Emelyn and I'm sorry for everything. I-I was a horrible-"

"I only needed to hear the first part. Now go and tell the our daughter." She sobbed.

I kissed her hand and walked back out of the room, only to run into the doctor.

"The baby, save the baby." I stammered.

"Mr.Bartra, I hope you understand that there is only a 50/50 chance your child will survive due to the fact that she is premature.." He informed me.

Are you fucking serious?,I thought.

"I'm willing to risk it..." I replied.

He nodded and a nurse walked me back out to the waiting room.

"Can't I be there for the birth?" I protested.

"I'm sorry sir but not with the circumstances of the situation.." She lisped.

I just took my seat, not wanting to argue again and watched her leave. Once I was by myself, I began crying harder than ever before. I leaned my head against the hard hospital wall and began dialing Gianna.

Phone Call with G:

Hey, is everything okay?


Marc, please tell me everything is okay..

*more sobbing*J-just please come here now...

I'm on my way...

Why did I even call her?, I thought. I hardly spoke, I just cried into the phone.

I put my phone down and once again, turned to god for help.

"If Emelyn doesn't make it, at least let my baby survive. God please, I promise I will take care over and-and I-I will give her all the love and anything else that she needs. You're already taking Em from me, please don't take the baby too.."

About 10 minutes of sobbing later, the door swung open and in came Gianna and Neymar. Her eyes were already bloodshot red and she had tear-stained cheeks. She ran to me and hugged me for a good 5 minutes while I cried on her shoulder. Without saying anything, she sat down. Next, Neymar hugged me and patted my back. He was teary eyed but he wasn't fully crying. They both sat on either side of me and they each held my hands. Sobs and sniffles filled the quiet room as we waited for what seemed an eternity.

Approximately, 30 minutes after I had last seen Emelyn, the doctor walked back in. Both Neymar and Gianna squeezed my hands, knowing that this was it. I could literally be completely destroyed with what the doctor was about to tell me.

"She didn't make it..." He announced.

We all broke down into tears, me obviously crying the hardest.

"Wait, who didn't make it? The baby or Emelyn?" Gianna was smart enough to ask.

"Emelyn..." He revealed.

"Wait so where's the baby?" I queried.

"She's being sent up to the special care unit. Mr.Bartra, you're officially a father." He slightly smiled.

I got up and shook his hand. Of course I was at least happy that the baby was alive but now I have to inform everyone that Emelyn passed away shortly after birth and that killed me.

"I'll send a nurse to take you all to the baby's room once she's situated but it may take a while."

We thanked him and Gianna got up and hugged me.

"Congrats daddy.." She slightly whispered

We were all a bit happy but we weren't out of the woods just yet. Besides Emelyn's death, we still didn't know if the baby was going to be 100% okay.

"Wait, isn't she supposed to be in the NICU if she's premature?" Gianna asked.

"Maybe they messed up..." I responded, wiping my eyes.

We all waited quietly until a nurse came with a bag full of things.

"These are Ms. Valenzuela's belongings.." She informed me.

I grabbed the bag from her and took a deep breath. I looked through it and there were her favorite slippers that I assumed she had on, her sunglasses, wallet and phone. I looked at everything while Neymar rubbed my back.

"I already let her family know..." a voice was heard.

We looked up and there was Lia, her friend who has been MIA this whole time.

"We talked and they said that they want her body to be sent back to Mexico..." She added.

"We can arrange it." I responded.

Lia nodded in agreement and she walked out. Right away, I began making the calls I needed to, to have Emelyn's body quickly sent to Mexico. As much as I wanted her to stay here, so our daughter can visit her mother's grave often, it wasn't my decision. I talked with different mortuaries and finally found one that would pick up her body her and ship it by tomorrow night. I looked through Emelyn's phone and dialed her mother to tell her the information. We cried and shared a few memories of her deceased daughter.

"Please bring me my granddaughter one day..." She cried.

"I promise señora, that once she is old enough, I will take her to you." I sobbed.

We talked for a few more minutes and she finally hung up.

Right after, the nurse came in. She led us to the elevator, which took us to the 4th floor, which wasn't the NICU.

"Excuse me; wouldn't the baby have to be in NICU if she's premature?" Gianna asked as we walked down the hall.

"The baby is considered premature by just a hair. She will hopefully be ready to head home in no more than a month." She smiled.

When we got to the room, it was dimly lit and it had 3 chairs waiting for us. In the middle was the baby inside her incubator and a couple of machines surrounding it. We all stood outside the door, scared to go in until the nurse whispered, go ahead and we got inside.

Neymar and Gianna stood back as I walked to the incubator. I looked inside and there she was, the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life. She was wrapped in a pink blanket, with a pink little hat on her head. I put my hand through the little hole on the side and softy caressed her little cheek.

"She's beautiful." I whispered.

Gianna got closer and she let out a tiny gasp. That's right, she was that beautiful.

"Can he hold her?" Gianna asked, wiping a tear away.

"Um I'm sure that's okay. Here let me take her out." The nurse answered.

We stepped back as she did her thing with the incubator and finally took the baby out. I pulled a chair as close to the machine as I could because the baby was still connected to other machines and I sat down. The nurse handed her to me and I gently brought her closer to my body. After 7 months, and about an hour of pure hell, I finally felt at ease. Having her in my arms was probably the best feeling in the world. The feeling was like no other, it was better than winning the European Championship with the U-21 squad and even better than when Spain won the World Cup. I guess it's true when people say that the instant that the baby is born, your life changes.

I moved her hat a little and noticed her full head of hair.

"She's definitely a Bartra, just look at the hair and her little nose." Gianna giggled.

"Ah that's right, and what will you be naming her?" Another nurse with a clipboard asked.

Everyone looked at me because I had never mentioned any names to anybody so they probably thought that I was clueless.

"Do you even know of any names?" Gianna asked, a bit worried.

"Her name is Analyssa Marina Bartra." I smiled.

I spelled it out for the nurse and she walked away. Gianna didn't even ask about the name and I was glad she didn't because I didn't really want to have any more negetive thoughts right now.

"I'll be back in a few more minutes to put her back inside.." The other nurse smiling as she stepped outside.

We all thanked her and I looked down at Analyssa and pecked her little nose.

"I'm already completely and utterly in love with her. I mean she's beautiful, just look at her!" I gushed to Neymar and Gianna.

"Not going to lie, if G and I have kids, this little cutie is going to be hard to beat on the cuteness scale." Neymar joked.

I went back to looking at Ana and watched her peacefully sleep in my arms. I began to whisper things to her like I love you and Mommy loves you and she actually began to smile.

"Take a picture!" I whisper-yelled to Gianna.

She got close and took a few pictures of Ana smiling and then some of both of us. We did minimal talking because I wasn't focused on anything but the baby. Every time she'd move I'd kind of freak out and hum, hoping she'd calm down. After about 10 minutes, the nurse came back in and set her down in her incubator.

"By the looks of it, she's going to be fine but we still have to make sure. I'll be back at feeding time." She smiled.

"Thank you so much." I replied.

I sat down and asked G to send me the pictures she had taken of Ana and me. I chose the one of her smiling and I sent it to Sergi,Pique,Alexis,Cesc,Leo, and the rest of my friends. I put the simple caption and pressed send.

Look who made her early apperance in the world...


There you have it folks! The part you've been dying for since last week haha.


Check out my other books!

-Football / Soccer Imagines

-I.Am.So.Done. (Rant book)

(Just go on my profile and find them!)

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY ON MONDAY AYY TURN UHHHH. (just kidding, it's a freaking Monday lol) but yeah! I'm not that excited but at the same time I am, ya feel? Lol but it's Friday night rn and I haven't been to school in 2 days since I've been suuuuper sick. I still feel a bit shitty but I'll be okay! Haha.



P.S - No chapters have been edited / have had major edits made! Sorry for the errors!

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