The Mafia's Muse

By strawb3rryluv

207K 7.3K 3.7K

๐—˜๐˜‚๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ- ๐—ข๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜€. ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฐ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ... More

Author's Note
1. A Job
2. Birthday Gift
3. I Own You
4. She's Regular
5. The Vaughn's
6. Set Back
7. Avery's Emory
8. Your Uniform
9. Breaking In
10. The Club
11. That Window
13. A Problem
14. A Spy
15. White Only
16. Snipped Wings
17. The Girl
18. Her Screams
19. Desperate Attempt๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ
20. With Him
21. Day Off
22. The Pain
23. Completely Shattered
24. Middle Name
25. The Lies
26. Drowning Eyes
27. How Lame
28. Worst Enemy
29. Hamburger Helper
30. Spinning Rim
31. Blind Rage
32. A Father
33. Veggie Noodles
34. Milez High
35. Now Him

12. Welcome Back

6.2K 236 116
By strawb3rryluv


My eyes went to the clock and I grabbed a pillow hitting my face over and over again. It was 5 in the morning and I had school today. School was usually my safe place but now it's the place I loathe. I did not want to go back to Ashes, especially with the Vaughn's or Braxton to be specific. He is an asshole and can kiss my- whatever.

I got up slowly and did my usual routine not forgetting my pills and walked downstairs. No of the others were awake which was expected since school didn't start till around eight. My phone went off and I stopped reading the message.

From Milo: Hey babe, we're ready when you are.

I put my phone away again and walked straight to the kitchen. Jensen and Milton were up and ready already making food and moving around. I saw my notepad on the counter and started writing stuff that I needed down.

Can I have three iced coffees and two blueberry muffins? Please and thank you.

I gave that note to Milton then turned to Jensen.

Can you please let the others know that I already have a way to Ashes?

"Of course," Jensen smiled.

"Thank you" I signed.

Jensen started working again and I could only assume it was for Rydge since it was the same try as last time. Damn, does that guy ever take a break or something? Milton came over and gave me a small picnic basket with the stuff I needed. I thanked him and made my way outside to where the boys were waiting for me.

I hopped down a few steps and walked down the dirt road until I made it to the gate. I practically threw the basket at August when I saw what they had.

"You brought my bike!" I gasped.

August huffed, "No love?" He pouted.

I jumped on him and he gave me a big hug, "Thank you for bring my bike." I kissed his cheek.

"And me?" I heard Miles whine as well.

I turned to give him a hug, "Thank you Milo." A small smile slipped through.

"Strawberry..." August said in his scolding tone, "I want an honest answer," he paused making me let go of Miles and look around, "Why are there only two muffins and not three?" He crossed his arms.

I opened my mouth, "No lies!" He pointed, "I wasn't hungry." I muttered quietly.

He sighed, "Euterpe..." he frowned, "Here," he handed Miles a coffee and then me a muffin, "I know it's hard for you, I know. But I want you to eat as much as you can okay?" He grabbed my hand, "I will eat with you okay? I'll take the first bite and then you take the next." He spoke softly.

I frowned looking at the muffin but slowly nodded nonetheless. He took a bite and I took a deep breath before taking the smallest bite I could myself.

"Euterpe." He narrowed his eyes.

I sighed and took another bite and he smiled, "I know it's hard strawberry, I'm so proud of you. I only want you to eat what you can." He kissed my head.

"Good job babe!" Miles sipped his coffee.

I sniffed before taking another bite and after a few minutes, I was able to eat most of it. I handed the rest to August with a frown but he just smiled widely.

"You did amazing. I'm so proud of you." He praised.

Miles handed me my coffee and I immediately started sipping on it. Maybe if I drank it all now then the muffin flavor would be gone.

Miles look at me, "I know you want to ride your bike but it's going to poor today so we're taking the car. I wanted to ride too but no ma'am." He shook his head at my disappointed face.

"We told some guy when we got here... I think his name was Jensen?" August furrowed his brows, "I think that's what it was but anyways he said he'll put the bike in a safe spot. It's time we get going, you need to go to the store right?" He gave me our match black jackets.

I just noticed that like me they were wearing black jeans but we all wore our colors. August had on a yellow t-shirt that had 'Turn your passion into a paycheck' embroidered on a pocket and yellow converse. Miles on the other hand was wearing a t-shirt with a small Skelton giving the middle fingers in the bottom corner with his tattoos on display and black converse. I myself was wearing a long sleeve red tee with the word heartless embroidered near the wrist. It was small to wear you couldn't see it unless you were looking closely but my jacket covered it up. I left my hair down and my black boots just added to everything. I looked down one more time to make sure I was wearing red and sighed in relief.

Ahhh... I hate myself because of that.

We were back to the SUV after leaving the store with a large bag in my hands. I got in the back while August got in the driver's seat and Miles was in the passenger seat.

"Babe?" Miles turned around.

I hummed turning to him, "I just wanted to know... why are you still coloring your hair? You know, the black hair dye. Now you don't have to look like Nolan..." he trailed off quietly.

"Because..." I frowned, "You've seen the Vaughn's, they look exactly like her, and I'm not supposed to. If they see how much we look alike then what do you think their  reaction is going to be?" I asked looking out the window, "Even if they might now see me as their sister which is fine with me... they will when they see what I really look like. Avery had strong genes but luckily mine are a tad different, I was able to look more like Nolan." I sighed.

August scoffed quietly, "I still can't believe that bitch started dyeing your hair at the age of three." His eyes narrowed turning on the SUV.

"What Avery wants Avery gets..." I muttered annoyed, "She was so upset when I didn't look like Nolan. She always said I reminded her too much of 'them' so she wanted me to look like my 'father.' Stupid bastard was never acted like a father in the past ten years. I was so little and didn't understand but then I met him..." I whispered the last part.

Nolan wasn't always there in my life apparently. For the first three years, Avery was a single mom because Nolan was in hiding. He was wanted by her ex-husband or whatever, not to mention his warrants in Russia as well so he hid for a while. I met Nolan when I was four but I don't think he knew about Avery taking me to see the Vaughn's. I don't remember any of that anyways...

"He can't hurt you anymore," Miles reassured.

I nodded, "Of course not but I just... I always wanted to know why. Why he did that to me, to his own blood." A tear fell.

"It's okay, one day you will have answers." Miles whispered.

I nodded numbly and turned to look out the window again, it was 7:30 so school would start soon. The whole way to the stupid school I was in my own world battling my problems.

Am I a bad person? Am I not enough? Was I ever a bad daughter? Did I need to do more? Maybe what he did was right then, it was discipline, wasn't it? It was the only thing that made sense, if I was bad then obviously he was just trying to discipline me. He always said bad girls get punishment. I tried to be good, I tried for him but it didn't work. Maybe if I tried harder, just maybe...

The engine revving brought me out of my thoughts and I rolled my eyes. August and Miles always liked to show off their cars especially this one for some weird reason. It was an orange Lamborghini Urus and it was only orange because it was a mix of our favorite colors. They wanted a fast car while being able to have a place for me as well so they bought the SUV and love it.

I looked out the window and saw people in the parking lot gaping at us. August parked in a reserved spot, maybe Rydge set this up or something. Both of them got out and I heard a few girls squeal making me gag. Miles opened my door and offered his hand which I gladly accepted since I was feeling queasy, I think it was the muffin.

"Isn't that..."

"No way."

"They're back."

"Damek will throw a fit."

"And the Vaughn's?"

We heard lots of whispers as we walked and the boys glared hearing that name.

"Behave." I signed.

"No promises." August grinned.

After a short walk to the office, an old lady smiled when she saw us go in.

"Oh, new students!" She squealed, "I assume it is August Everett, Miles Santiago and... Miss Euterpe Sage?" She looked up.

"Yes ma'am." Miles gave her an innocent grin, "I believe you know about her mutism." He tilted his head in my direction.

She nodded, "Yes I do," she grabbed a small stack of index cards, "Your teachers have already been informed but just in case I printed out a few excuses for you. The headmaster has many meetings today so you three will meet him another day. Here are your schedules." She handed us our stuff, "Have a nice day, and if there's trouble you are always welcome in here." She smiled brightly.

"Good day, gorgeous." Miles blew her a kiss.

She laughed shooing him away, "You never blow me kisses." August pouted.

"Because I give you real ones." Miles winked.

There was a bell and I looked around seeing no one in the hallways. Since when did they add a bell? I am in no way listening to that, I will arrive when I want to arrive.

"Where is this again? I think they changed the layout." I signed looking around.

August looked at the schedules, "Uh... I think it's that way..." he pointed to the right.

Eh, good enough for me.

After twenty or maybe thirty minutes we finally found the room and opened the door carelessly. The boys walked in first and instantly whispers started going around. It was a high school and college/university together but not a lot of students came here. These schools were only for the rich so small classes but everyone took the same class together. Although it's a lot for a class there were about maybe three hundred here in this lecture but only because it was a requirement. It was math, disgusting, and boring if you ask me.

"They came later than the others..."

"Damek is pissed."

"They haven't been here in years."

"Why are you late?!" The professor snarled at us.

August scoffed, "Maybe because we knew you were a horrible professor, maybe because we're new, maybe because we just simply didn't want to come." He listed sarcastically.

"Who do you think you are?!" She yelled.

This lady was about fifty and looked like a straight-up bitch, sorry. She was wearing a pantsuit with her gray hair in a bun and a nasty glare on her chubby face. She was small but her head looks a bit big for her body but I'm not one to judge, it just looked a bit different.

"Oh, I can answer that!" Milo smiled, "I think I am funny, talented, smart, obviously extremely good looking..." he said cockily, "So that makes me... oh I don't know... Shrek?" He shrugged.

August chuckled with a few others but the professor's face was turning red.

"You!" She pointed at me, "If you don't sit down and stop disturbing my class I'll have you withdrawn!" She practically screamed.

Lady- I was just standing here. On one hand, I was extremely angry but on the other, I was amused. Maybe if she does what she says I don't have to come back again.

I held my finger up signaling to wait and started searching my pockets before looking up at her and giving her the middle finger. She gasped while the boys laughed and I leaned on the doorframe.

"What's your name?!" She demanded.

I gave her a look, "What you are too afraid to talk now? Scared I'll have you expelled? Can't... I don't know, talk?" She mocked with an ugly smirk.

A few gasps went around.

"Of course she can't talk, she's mute!" August growled, "Are you making fun of her? The office already said all her teachers knew so you did that one purpose. You should be ashamed of yourself and we will be letting the headmaster know." He crossed his arms.

Her face paled, "I- I..." she looked around, "You're lying..." she accused.

I threw a paper at her and she caught it before skimming over it quickly. Her eyes widened and she cleared her throat walking to her desk.

"Right, take a seat please." She requested quietly.

I shrugged and sat right by the door with the boys next to me but I felt eyes on me. I turned to see the Vaughn's giving me a dirty look making me want to roll my eyes. It was funny though, seeing them in those outfits are enough to make me want to talk to make fun of them. Here at school, they're not considered the bad boys but the golden boys, it was to help keep them off the negative radar. People believed they were straight A, athletic but quiet people when it's quite the opposite. I gave them the finger and turned around to watch the stupid lady babble about math.

I hope she knows the answer she just wrote on the board was incorrect.

"That's wrong!" A student spoke up.

"You're wrong!" She shouted.

Fucking shit...

"Hurry I'm hungry," August whined.

He pulled us into the cafeteria and I immediately cringed at the loud noises. The boys got in like while I scoped everything out and sat at an empty circular table. I put my feet on another chair and a few minutes later the boys sat down.

"Do you need that much food?" I asked looking at the huge pile on their trays, "Of course. We are growing boys, we need all the food we can get." Aug stuffed food in his mouth.

"So, I hate this place," Milo grumbled.

I nodded in agreement but before I could sign anything the doors to the cafeteria burst open. I had a feeling that we already knew who it was so they continued to eat while I took out a book to read. It was extremely quiet with a few lone whispers but I was busy in my book world.

A hand slammed on the table between me and Milo and the boys sighed. I looked up and saw the Vaughn's staring at us from their table in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Beethoven's. Welcome back." Damek spat.

The Vaughn's eyes flashed with recognition and Axton gaped at me. I turned my head to look at the brown hair boy glaring at us.

August sipped his water, "That's very offensive and flattering at the same time. Beethoven was deaf, she's only mute you idiot." He rolled his eyes.

Damek stood up at full height and his brown eyes narrowed at us. He had light caramel skin and was very fit at 6'0 and always tried to show off. Behind him was his little group known as the bad kids... well after us. When we came to APC all those years ago they always tried to compete with us for the title of the bad kids. It was annoying and they all tried too hard to be something they're not. They have to plan in order to be bad, being late, not showing up, going to detention, it's all planned days before and that's sad. Damek was an absolute pig and hurt many girls which is why I hated him.

His best friend Creed was a different story though, he was quiet and only talked to them. I never understood why he was friends with Damek but it's whatever. Creed was 6'1 with light brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin with tattoos on display on his arms. He was simply... hot, but I wouldn't go for him if he's Damek's best friend.

"Why are you back?!" He demanded.

Miles rolled his eyes, "We just missed you so much that we had to come back. Want a kiss?" He smirked.

"Fuck you." He spat in his thick English accent, "I swear I will kick your arse. It would be so funny, aren't I right?" He grinned at his friends.

"Yeah, you would kick their arses. Innit time you did so?" His friend Violet nodded at us.

The boys started laughing, "I'm sorry." August chuckled, "I just... we can't take you seriously with that accent." He laughed harder.

"Fack you."

I think she meant fuck, I love different accents but this is a bit funny.

"BAHA." August laughed harder.

Damek scoffed and leaned down next to my ear, "I want you to stay away Euterpe. I own this place now and it will not be taken away in a day by you three idiots." He hissed.

No one could hear what he was saying but the Vaughn's looked a bit conflicted at me. Axton was about to stand up when Othello grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

I turned to glare at Damek, "Oh come on baby," I glared harder, "If you don't do what I ask then I'll just have to let a certain rumor out. All those years ago on the school trip," he whispered, "Do you know how easy it is to make you out as a slut? I mean you are one but..." he chuckled, "It was only more fun when you couldn't fight back." He finished.

I felt my heart drop remembering that.

"It was so much fun, don't you remember?" He mocked, "Maybe we could do it again?" He sniffed my hair.

I put my book down and elbowed him in the stomach making him bend over. I grabbed the nape of his neck and slammed his face into the table making a few girls scream. Creed and his friends stepped up but Miles and August covered me.

"Fuck!" He shouted.

I held his face against the table and leaned down, "If you ever touch me again I will not hesitate to kill you Damek. I know very well how to hide a body. You and your little wannabe friends do not compare to what we can do. Watch yourself." I whispered darkly in his ear.

His eyes widened and I let go making his hands finally fly up to his broken nose.

"Y-you c-can..." he stuttered.

I rolled my eyes and turned hoping he would go away already. A palm connected with my cheek and gasps went around the room. I tasted a bit of blood so I knew I accidentally bit my lip when my head turned. My eyes darted around and I saw Braxton glaring at Damek very darkly.

I stood up wiping my lip and grinned at Damek making him pale quickly. I tackled him to the ground and sat on his stomach throwing hit after hit. I heard the boys fighting with the others but I didn't care and was focused on this sorry excuse of a human. He tried to flip us but I wasn't letting it happen and I punched his face before I grabbed his wrist. I bent it the wrong way and it cracked making him scream. He started crying but what is a broken wrist compared to what he did to me? He can heal while I'm stuck with what he did to me forever.




I leaned down, "Look at that," I whispered, "I believe this will be the second time I sent you to the hospital." I chuckled sadistically.

He whimpered pathetically and my fist went back to his face as I landed a few more hits. Someone pulled me off and I thrashed wildly trying to kill that scumbag. The paramedics ran by and the person pulled me out of the cafeteria and into the hall.

"What the fuck Euterpe!" Braxton shouted in my face.

I glared at him because I wasn't done, I heard yells and saw Axton and Othello pulling the boys along. They had blood spatters on their shirts from what I assumed were from Damek's crew... squad... rent-a-homies or whatever.

A hand grabbed my face roughly, "I said what the fuck?! You had one fucking rule and you couldn't even follow it. Rydge is absolutely pissed." Braxton snarled.

"Get off her!" Miles shouted.

I punched Braxton in the face and he stumbled back letting go, "That's it! We're going home now!" He grabbed my arm.

I scowled as he dragged me through the halls and I knew I would get a new bruise from him.

"Stop touching her!" August yelled running after us.

Braxton tightened his hold, "She's in trouble! She had a rule to follow and failed! It's time to learn what punishment is." He spat.

I paled and felt nauseous again, I looked around and saw a trash can before getting out of Braxton's hold and running to it. I threw up and August ran to me, his hands rubbed my back with he spoke soothingly.

"It's okay strawberry, I'm here. He can't hurt you, it's okay." He whispered in my ear.

"Euterpe?" Othello asked.

I took a deep breath and August handed me a water bottle so I could rinse my mouth. When I was done I just walked away by myself with them following.

"I will call you later" I signed at the boys.

"I highly doubt that." Braxton scoffed.

Both of them hugged me, "It's okay, take your time okay? We can kill Damek if you want another day when no one is looking." August suggested.

I shrugged and Othello guided me to his car where we headed back to their home.

I'm in deep shit.


Hey cuties, I'm sorry but if you were wondering where I've been well... haha I HAVE BEEN NECK DEEP IN HOMEWORK. PLS TELL ME WHY NONE OF MY TEACHES ARE GIVING US A BREAK THIS SEMESTER! I HAVE WORK STRAIGHT THROUGH UNTIL CHRISTMAS WEEK!! I HATE SCHOOOLLLL! But lol do your work guys. Also idk if you guys watch but you'll know I'm talking about rn, I finally watched the New York special, and dude wth. I AM SO DOOOONNNEE with those two. I stg, they need to be together already!!! Okay, I'm done with my rant now, love you. See you soon.

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