screw you - fred weasley

Door stories000007

63.1K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... Meer

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•


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Door stories000007

ELLIE had just finished her last exam and was heading on her way to dinner. Harry Potter had just gotten out of the infirmary and all the Gryffindors we're excited to see the boy again. Ellie didn't really pay much attention because she never talked to the chosen one before. They both knew each other; they just never talked.
"Finally done with these stupid exams." Brandon spoke. Ellie just gave him a look and rolled her eyes.
"Brandon we both know that the only reason you're happy is because mom said you could get an owl if you pass your exams." Rosie smirked.
"That is true." Brandon spoke. Ellie just rolled her eyes at her annoying brother.
"Are you excited for holiday?" Rosie questioned.
"Eh not really." Ellie spoke. Brandon just gave her a shocked look.
"Why not?" Brandon shrieked.
"I mean sure I love home but all of our neighbors that have gone to Hogwarts probably won't stop asking us questions." Ellie explained.
"So." Brandon said.
Rosie just slapped him.
"Ow. You've got to stop doing that!" Brandon shot.
"Make me." Rosie spat. Brandon just rolled his eyes at his sister. Ellie just got annoyed and entered the great hall. She went to go sit next to Jane.
"Let me guess you're annoyed by your siblings." Jane spoke.
"How'd you know?" Ellie replied sarcastically. The two girls just laughed.
"I still can't believe we're in second place!" Jane shot. She paused for a moment. "Snape gives Slytherin points like it's candy." Jane protested.
"You aren't wrong." Ellie replied. Just then her two siblings decided to sit next to her.
"Ellie your hat is so big for your face it's adorable." Brandon said.
"Thanks I guess." Ellie shrugged.
She looked over at the Gryffindor table. Ellie noticed that most of them looked annoyed because they had lost 150 points. Ellie really could care less, but she did think it wasn't fair.
She quickly switched her gaze to the Slytherin table. She saw Daphne Greengrass smiling because they had a victory.
Ellie notice Daphne look up at her. Ellie quickly waved and Daphne returned the wave. She saw Blaise Zabini quickly whisper something into Daphne's ear. Daphne just rolled her eyes at him.
"Ellie stop zoning out!" Rosie shot.
"Sorry." Ellie apologized.
"FREDDIE stop being bitter!"Angelina spat.
"Don't call me that." Fred shot. Fred was annoyed because of Gryffindor's loss. George however didn't care.
"Hey at least it wasn't us." George spoke, taking a bite from his chicken. Fred just rolled his eyes at his brother.
"This year sucked." Lee spoke.
"I wouldn't say it was that bad." Fred replied. He looked over at the Ravenclaw table for a moment and smiled.
"I forgot about her." Angelina whispered. Fred just rolled his eyes.
"Do I owe Lee 10 sickles?" George questioned.
"No!" Fred shot.
"Sorry." George apologized.
Fred just gave a small chuckle.
"I still can't believe Slytherin won." Lee spoke.
"Snape gives Slytherin points like candy. What did you expect?" George replied. Fred just nodded in agreement.
"Snape sucks." Oliver cut in.
"Thanks captain obvious." Fred spoke, George nudged him and Fred groaned.
"Captain obvious? I'm quidditch captain." Oliver spoke.
"Idiot." Percy muttered.
Just then Dumbledore started to talk and everyone was shocked at what happened.
"ARE you kidding me!" Brandon shot.
"Brandon calm down." Ellie spoke.
"Yeah it's not like we were going to win anyway." Jane added.
"Still that's bull-." Rosie cut Brandon off.
"Hey. Enough." Rosie shot. Brandon just groaned.
"Are you packed?" Ellie asked.
"Pretty much." Brandon replied. They were all currently in the common room ready to leave early tomorrow morning.
"What a crazy year." Rosie spoke.
"I know right." Jane replied.
"I'm happy that I get to have an owl." Brandon said with excitement in his voice.
"You don't even know if you passed yet." Ellie spoke.
"So." Brandon sassed.
"Oh shut up." Rosie spoke.
Ellie looked around the common room one last time.
"I can't believe I'm going to be a fourth year—it's so cool!" Brandon exclaimed. Ellie just rolled her eyes at him.
"Wow you're a big boy now. Does that mean you won't get scared of a spider?" Jane asked teasingly.
"Hey! Arachnophobia is real." Brandon protested.
"No duh." Rosie said. Ellie just laughed.
Just then Professor Flitwick entered the Ravenclaw common room.
"Hello children." Professor Flitwick greeted.
"Hi Professor Flitwick." Ellie spoke.
"Ms.Smith just the girl I was looking for." He spoke.
"Oh, is there something you need help with?" Ellie asked.
"Yes, would you mind helping me clean up my room?" He asked politely.
"Of course." Ellie replied, which caused him to smile.
"Teacher's pet." Brandon coughed.
Rosie just slapped him while Ellie laughed.
Her and Professor Flitwick made their way to his room.
"So Ms.Smith are you excited for holiday?" Professor Flitwick asked.
"Yes, how about you?" Ellie questioned. She never really talked much with Flitwick but overall he was a good teacher.
"Oh not much just getting ready for the next year probably, we're very low with members in frog choir." Flitwick explained.
"That seems fun." Ellie replied sarcastically.
"Oh it really is. Would you care to join it?" Flitwick asked. Apparently he didn't get the sarcasm.
"I'll think about it." Ellie lied. The only way she would join was if someone she knew was in it. And so far she had known no one.
"Well if you do maybe you could ask your siblings?" Flitwick suggested.
"I will." Ellie spoke.
Then they both walked into his room. Ellie just stood at the door for a moment. After a second she heard Flitwick scream.
Then she heard laughter.
The twins.
"That was awesome Georgie!" Fred laughed.
"Right. Hilarious!" George laughed.
The two boys stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Ellie.
"Hi." Ellie spoke.
"H-hi." Fred stuttered.
"Is he going to be ok?" Ellie asked.
"Don't worry we do this all the time." George exclaimed. Fred then started laughing.
"Where've you been? We haven't seen you in a while." Fred asked.
"Oh, I was busy studying for exams." Ellie exclaimed.
"Ellie! Did the twins get you?" Flitwick yelled, this caused the twins to grin.
"No, I'm good thank you." Ellie yelled back. She quickly turned to the boys. "You both are very irresponsible." Ellie spoke, crossing her arms.
"Wow did you hear that Freddie?" George queried. Fred just had a stupid smirk. "We're irresponsible." George shot.
"You should get going, I think Filch is going to be doing checks soon." Ellie warned.
"Thank you kind lady." George spoke.
"Thanks Elle." Fred thanked, Ellie just rolled her eyes while George just gave Fred a smirk.
"Um Ellie could you help?" Professor Flitwick called out.
"Oh um coming." Ellie spoke, and she helped her tiny teacher.
"ELLE?" George questioned, shoving a scarf in his suitcase. Excited to leave the awful school in about an hour. The boys ended up quickly falling asleep as soon as they got back last night.
"What's the problem?" Fred asked.
"Nothing. It's just that's new." George exclaimed, eyeing Fred carefully.
"Well things change and they become new." Fred spoke, George just rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Ok whatever." George shot. "Do you have everything?" He quickly questioned.
"Yep, do you?" Fred asked.
"Yes sir!" George shot. Fred just rolled his eyes, and they both started walking.
Just then Fred spotted a toad.
"Wait!" Fred shot. George quickly stopped and almost fell, he groaned when he realized what Fred was doing.
Fred quickly grabbed the toad and kept it in his hands while George carried the cases.
The two boys got to the common and Fred quickly scanned it until he found Neville.
"Neville!" Fred yelled out.
Neville quickly ran up to Fred.
"Yes." Neville spoke softly. Neville then saw his beloved Trevor. "Trevor!" Neville shot with excitement. Fred smiled at the boy.
"Your welcome." Fred spoke.
Neville just gave him a huge smile and walked back to Seamus and Dean.
"Twins." Lee yelled.
Fred and George quickly walked over to Lee who was currently talking to Oliver Wood.
"Hello George and Fred." Oliver greeted. Oliver always switched up the order of what he called the twins so they wouldn't feel like one of them is greater than the other.
"Hey, excited for next year?" George queried.
"Stoked!" Oliver shot.
"Why is that?" Lee questioned.
"Quidditch." Oliver spoke. The twins looked at each other and smirked.
"Of course." Fred muttered.
"Oh zip it." Oliver shot, ruffling his hair.
"Hey!" Fred shot.
Just then Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell walked up.
"Hey boys." Angelina spoke.
"Ew." Lee shot.
"Excuse me!" Angelina spat.
"You heard me." Lee sassed. Angelina scoffed and her and Katie Bell went back to talk to the other Gryffindor girls.
Just then Percy walked up.
"You boys better have everything ready!" Percy spat.
"Woah calm down Percy." Oliver shot.
"Seriously Perce it should be Ron and Harry Potter to worry about." Fred spoke.
"Yeah! And what's that nerdy girl's name because her too." Lee spoke.
"Do you mean Hermione Granger?" George queried.
"Yes her!" Lee shot. George just rolled his eyes at the idiot.
"You boys are actually right for once." Percy exclaimed and strutted down to the three first years.
"He needs to sort out his priorities." Oliver spoke.
"So do you." Fred shot. Oliver just glared at him.
"Attention, let's go to the carriages." Percy announced.
"COME on Jane! One hug!" Cedric protested.
Jane huffed for a moment.
"Ugh fine!" Jane groaned. Cedric smiled and gave her a hug.
"Come to my compartment if you can." Cedric advised.
"We will." Ellie spoke. Cedric smiled and gave her a hug. He looked over at Chase who looked like he had tears in his eyes. "I'll see you soon ok buddy." Cedric explained.
"I know." Chase sniffed. "It's just I accidentally got a rock in my eye." Chase explained.
Cedric laughed and then gave Chase a hug.
"Love you guys. I'll be in compartment 20." Cedric informed and he walked into the Hogwarts Express.
Ellie sighed for a moment.
"I can't believe our first year just went by so quick." Chase exclaimed.
"Yeah. I think I might miss this place." Jane exclaimed, patting Ellie's shoulder.
"I know that I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to be stuck with Rosie and Brandon all summer." Ellie shot.
The three just laughed together.
"Ellie!" A voice called out.
Ellie looked back and saw it was Daphne Greengrass.
"Daphne! Hey!" Ellie spoke.
Daphne walked up to Ellie and Blaise Zabini quickly followed with his black cat in his cage.
"Write this summer?" Daphne questioned.
"Only if you write back." Ellie assured. Daphne smiled and then leaned towards Ellie's ear.
"I'll give you a hint on who likes you. It's not Blaise." Daphne whispered.
"Thanks." Ellie laughed.
"Can we go now? Noir is hungry." Blaise groaned.
"Ugh one second." Daphne shot.
"You named your cat black in french. That's very original." Ellie said.
Blaise just looked up at Ellie.
"Thanks." Blaise spoke sarcastically.
"Bye Ellie, sorry for him." Daphne explained.
"It's fine I don't really mind." Ellie replied. Daphne then went off with Blaise.
"Ready?" Chase asked.
"Yeah." Ellie replied.
"Did you tell Brandon and Rosie to sit in compartment 23?" Jane questioned.
"They both are already in there." Ellie advised and the three walked in.
"Wow you are smart." Chase gasped. Ellie just smiled.
"You guys said your goodbyes that quickly?" Brandon questioned.
"Yeah." Ellie replied.
"Are you forgetting anyone?" Rosie queried.
Ellie thought for a moment.
"Oh yeah. Neville!" Ellie shot.
Brandon and Rosie facepalmed themselves.
"Let's go find his compartment." Ellie pointed out to Jane and Chase.
"But the trolley's about to come!" Chase protested.
"We can stop by Cedric's." Jane said.
"Ok!" Chase replied.
Brandon and Rosie looked at each other and smiled.
Jane stopped for a second and pulled out a few sickles.
"Get us something." Jane instructed.
"Yes mam!" Brandon spoke with a smile.
Then they walked to find Neville's compartment.
"Where do you think he is?" Chase asked.
Ellie looked for a second and found his compartment.
"Here!" Ellie advised. She quickly opened up the compartment door.
"Hi Neville." Ellie greeted.
Neville smiled.
"Hi Ellie! Guess what! I'm one of the best students in herbology!" Neville announced, with a huge smile.
"He won't shut up about it." Dean Thomas said.
"It's a bit annoying." Seamus admitted.
"At least he has eyebrows." Ellie spoke.
Dean laughed.
"Very funny. And for your information they have completely grown back!" Seamus yelled. Ellie just laughed.
"Well congrats Neville! Have a nice holiday guys." Ellie spoke.
"You too Ellie!" Neville replied.
"I hope she doesn't." Seamus muttered.
"Thanks Seamus." Ellie replied sarcastically.
Ellie just closed the door and walked with Chase and Jane to Cedric's compartment.
"Which one did he say again?" Chase asked.
"20 you idiot!" Jane shot. Ellie just laughed.
Just then Cedric walked out of his compartment and walked up to them.
"Hey I was just about to come see you guys." Cedric said.
"Wow so thoughtful Cedric." Jane replied sarcastically.
"I know right." Cedric replied. Not noticing her sarcasm. Jane and Ellie just looked at each other and laughed.
"You ok?" Chase asked him.
"Better than ever fourth year here I come!" Cedric shouted.
Just then Draco Malfoy walked over.
"Quiet Diggory can't you see some of are trying to go into our compartments." Draco spat.
"I'm sorry but my voice has nothing to do with you going to your precious compartment." Cedric shot.
Draco just looked at him with his eyes widened and walked away complaining to Crabbe and Goyle.
"I hate them." Cedric stated.
"Who doesn't." Ellie laughed, Cedric smiled and then his face frowned.
"Chase what did I tell you about crying?" Cedric asked.
"To not cry." Chase replied with a sniffle.
Cedric then grabbed Chase to hug him. Cedric told them that he didn't have a favorite but Ellie and Jane both knew that Cedric liked Chase more. Mostly because Cedric and Chase were brothers.
"Have a good holiday Cedric." Ellie said.
"You too. Bye guys." Cedric said his final goodbyes and walked back to his compartment.
"I'm going to be honest. It'll be a little boring not teasing him." Jane admitted. Ellie just smacked Jane lightly while Jane laughed.
The three then walked to their compartment and saw Brandon arguing with Ron Weasley.
"No, buddy! I was here first I got the two pumpkin pasties!" Brandon shot.
"But I saved the school!" Ron protested.
"I don't care if you saved the school buddy. I just want to get two pumpkin pasties." Brandon spat.
"Well so do I!" Ron shot.
Just then Rosie walked out and rolled her eyes.
"You guys are idiots." Rosie spoke annoyed. "How about you each get one." Rosie added.
The two boys glared at each other and both took one.
Chase just stared at them weirdly, while Ellie and Jane were laughing.
The three walked in and sat down.
"Nice going Brandon." Ellie said.
"Thank you." Brandon thanked but then gave her a look. "Wait." Brandon spoke. Ellie just giggled.
Just then the Weasley twins opened the door.
"Ew." Brandon shot.
"Well same to you too." The twins said in unison.
"What do you want?" Brandon asked, annoyed.
"Nothing, we just wanted to wish a nice holiday." Fred exclaimed.
"I doubt that." Ellie said.
Fred looked at her and smirked.
"Yeah that's not why we're here. Ron wanted us to yell at you." George pointed towards Brandon.
"Stupid crybaby." Brandon muttered. Rosie just kicked Brandon's foot. "Ow!" Brandon shot.
"We'll see you guys next school year.
"Bye." Ellie spoke.
"Bye." The twins spoke in unison. And just like that they left.
"Excited for next year Ellie?" Brandon asked.
"Extremely." Ellie said with a smile. Not knowing if the year would be chaotic or not.
But she didn't care.
FRED was looking out of the window of the Hogwarts express thinking about Ellie. He felt sad he didn't get to say a proper goodbye. He and George did go by her compartment but only because Ron was being a brat.
"What's wrong mate?" George whispered.
"Nothing, I'm just tired." Fred whispered back. Just then Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson walked in.
"Hello." Lee greeted and quickly sat down. Angelina just glared at him.
"Hi." The twins said in unison.
"Fred." Lee spoke.
Angelina quickly sat down next to Lee.
"Yes." Fred replied. George just rolled his eyes because he knew what was about to happen.
"Does George owe me ten sickles?" Lee asked cheerfully.
"No." Fred simply replied. Lee's face fell.
"Why would George owe you sickles?" Angelina questioned.
"None of your business Angelina!" Lee shot.
Angelina just quickly scoffed at Lee and walked out.
"Saved it." Lee said.
George and Fred just face palmed themselves.
"Are you going to miss her though?" Lee asked. Looking up at his friend.
"Yeah. I am." Fred admitted.
George and Lee looked at each other and chuckled.
"Ok lover boy." George teased. "What about Angelina?" George queried.
"She still likes me?" Fred questioned.
"Shockingly." George replied.
"Well I don't like her. In fact I think I would rather like Elle than her." Fred admitted.
The two boys laughed at what Fred said.
"Awe you called her Elle." Lee spoke.
"Oh shut it." Fred replied.
Lee and George just laughed while Fred started looking out the window. He thought of Ellie and he smiled at the thought of her. Now she would be a cute tiny second year. And Fred smiled at the thought of that.
"Noir!" A random Slytherin boy yelled, running in the middle of the train.
"Blaise calm down!" A blonde Slytherin ran.
Fred just chuckled and leaned his head against the window smiling and thinking of old memories of the previous year. Most of them involved Ellie.
Ellie did the same however most of them involved Fred. And they both just smiled at the lovely memories.

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