It's More of a "Hate, Hate" T...

By SupernaturallyLarry

373K 8.2K 1.9K

Alex Dimanni's life just went to hell. After losing her best friend in a car accident, she doesn't know what... More

Prologue: The Message
Chapter One: Finding Her
Chapter Two: Best Friends
Chapter Three: This is Going to Take Some Getting Used To
Chapter Four: You Bet They're My Friends
Chapter Five: Batman Stops the Attitude
Chapter Six: Getting Inside Your Head
Chapter Seven: Oh Yeah, and There's School
Chapter Eight: Who Needs a Lawsuit
Chapter Nine: What... Just Happened?
Chapter Ten: Do You Like It?
Chapter Eleven: Nerf Wars and More Heartache... The Usual
Chapter Twelve: Bonding and... Jealousy?
Chapter Thirteen: A Day Away
Chapter Fourteen: This May Be a Bad Idea
Chapter Fifteen: She's Here
Chapter Seventeen: A Bit of "Love, Hate" Maybe?
Chapter Eighteen: Done...
Chapter Nineteen: This is Not What We Wanted
Chapter Twenty: The Aftermath
Chapter Twenty-One: One Hell of a Party
Chapter Twenty-Two: Gone
Chapter Twenty-Three: Boy Band Withdrawal
Chapter Twenty-Four: Too Little Too Late
Chapter Twenty-Five: Where Do I Begin?
Chapter Twenty-Six: Hello Mr. Boyfriend
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Reunited and It Feels So Good
Epilogue: The Twitcam

Chapter Sixteen: Adventure Time

10.3K 245 67
By SupernaturallyLarry

Zayn’s POV

I woke up to a muffled screech. I opened my eyes groggily and rolled over in the bed trying to ignore it. It must have just been my imagination. What could be screeching this early in the morning?

“No!” I made out the word that rang through my ear drums. I shot up and looked around the room wildly. Niall and Lou were still sound asleep and Liam was missing from where he had crashed on the couch last night. Harry sat up beside me and looked at me confused.

“Did you hear that?” Harry asked groggily.

“Yeah…” I mumbled confused.

“Come back!” the voice shouted again. Now I could tell that it was Alex. She was screaming. My heart rate increased as I started to panic.

“Alex!” I told Harry, before jumping up and stumbling out of the room, Harry hot on my heels as I made my way down the hallway. I nearly collided with Liam as he walked out of the bathroom and into my path.

“Woah, what’s wrong with you mate?” Liam asked as I skidded to a halt, causing Harry to run into me. I clenched my fists a bit.

“Something’s wrong with Alex. Where the hell are you going?” I asked, noticing he was dressed and ready for the day.

“To get Dani. What’s wrong with Alex?” He asked quietly, not meeting my gaze. He sounded concerned, even though he tried to hide it.

“What did I ever do to you?!” I heard another shout come from upstairs, causing me heart to beat faster. What the hell was happening?

“I don’t know. Now watch out.” I said and pushed him out of the way and running up the stairs, followed by Harry, leaving Liam staring after us, confused and frozen. He didn’t make the effort to come with us to see if she was okay even though I half expected him to do to the way he asked me what was happening. I guess I shouldn’t have given him so much credit. I had to remember that this wasn’t the Liam I knew. This was someone foreign to us.

“Alex?!” I called, out of breath as I ran into her room. She was squirming around under the covers of her bed. She was dreaming?!

“No, stop Li-” she started, but Harry spoke before she finished.

“Alex!!!” he yelled as I stood in front of her. Her eyes snapped open and she shot up letting out a blood curdling shriek. She looked around the room with wide eyes, panting as if she had just run a marathon. I saw tears in her eyes and sweat on her forehead. That must have been one hell of a dream.

“Jesus Alex, are you alright? You woke us up because you were screaming.” I said as she looked around in terror.

“S-Sorry… it was just… a b-bad dream.” She stuttered leaning back against her wall breathing heavily. I felt so bad. I sat down lightly next to her and rested my hand on her knee.

“Are you sure you’re alright? You were yelling in your sleep pretty loud if we heard you from all the way downstairs.” Harry asked slowly. She nodded hesitantly.

“What was it about?” I pressed. She shook her head quickly.

“N-Nothing.” She lied. I bit my lip. Before Harry had woken her up it sounded like she was going to say ‘Liam’.

She was having nightmares about him. Not only did he haunt her while she was awake, but he tortured her while she was asleep too. I tried my best not to march down the steps and knock him out.

I tried my best to get more information out of her, but she just shot me down, telling me to go downstairs while she got ready. I obeyed, but couldn’t help but let it get to me. She told me everything that went on in her life when I wasn’t here with her. I would think that she would have only gotten closer to me during our stay, but instead it seems that she is shutting me out to everything.

And I knew for a fact that it had to do with Liam.


“Hurry up Niall!” Jules yelled playfully as we all stood at the entrance of the park. He quickly jumped out of the van and slammed the door shut behind him, clutching the small bag to his chest.

“You couldn’t just leave that in the car and come back out to get it later if you get hungry?” I asked him.

“I’m hungry now.” He shrugged as he popped a crisp in his mouth. I rolled my eyes. We ate less than a half hour ago.

“You’re hungry? I’m still stuffed!” Dani squealed, placing her hand over her stomach.

“How, you barely ate anything?” Jules asked quirking an eyebrow at her and giving her the look that says ‘you stupid Barbie doll’. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Just because I actually care about my weight, doesn’t mean I didn’t eat enough.” She snapped rudely. I saw hurt flash in Jules’s eyes as she clenched her fists and looked down, her arms moving subconsciously to her stomach. I clenched my jaw as everyone gave her a death glare and Liam just looked down uncomfortably.

“Let’s just get going.” Alex growled walking into the park and following the trail. “The faster we do, the faster we can try to lose them two.” She mumbled under her breath to me as she passed. I widened my eyes in agreement.

Everyone filed into the park, leaving Jules standing there as her eyes stayed locked on the floor and her hands drifted over her stomach. A lump rose in my throat.

That fucking bitch. Look what she did to Jules. She’s normally so loud and happy but just like any other girl, she has her insecurities and it was easy to see Dani just hit a weak point. I went to open my mouth to say something, but Niall beat me to it.

“Love, don’t you dare think anything bad of yourself right now. She’s just one of those prissy bitches who’s afraid to eat in public.” He spoke quickly and firmly, grabbing both of her shoulders and forcing her to look him in the eye. She gave him a weak smirk, trying not to seem phased.

“S’alright. I’m used to it.” She shrugged, walking after the rest of the group slowly. Niall and I exchanged a glance. Used to it?

“Used to it? What do you mean?” I asked hurrying after her, Niall still stuck to her side.

“I just hear that a lot. My parents make it clear that I should eat less and I know I should, I just… like food.” She shrugged with a small smile. My heart sank a bit. Why would someone tell her that? She’s fine. She doesn’t need to loose weight.

“I don’t know what your parents’ issue is, but they have no right to say that to you. You are perfect, don’t let anyone tell you different love. Please.” Niall spoke, stepping in front of her. Jules grew quiet as she just stared at the ground. I felt a bit awkward seeing they seemed to be have their own moment, so I decided I would speak to Jules about this later, before stepping around the two of them and walking down the path after Louis, Alex, and Harry who were walking a bit behind Liam and Danielle. Maybe if I left them alone, they would finally just kiss and realize that they love each other. Then at least one thing will come out of this visit.

Jules’s POV

“I don’t know what your parents’ issue is, but they have no right to say that to you. You are perfect; don’t let anyone tell you different love. Please.” Niall spoke so softly and sweetly to me. It made my heart speed up and my cheeks flush. What Danielle said was bitchy and uncalled for and it hurt. It hurt like hell. I’m a teenage girl. I have my insecurities, my weight being one of them. I had been lectured by my mother on a daily basis on how I should try to diet and loose the little stomach I had. But I was like Niall. Food was always the one for me.

I noticed Zayn walk away as my gaze dropped to the floor and I felt my eyes start to sting. I don’t know why I felt like crying. Maybe it was just everything coming to the surface. I hadn’t really cried in a while, trying too hard to have fun with the guys to find the time to be upset. But watching Liam gut Alex and hearing Dani say what she just said seemed to cut deeper than I thought. And having Niall standing here, confronting me about one of my biggest insecurities just made me think more and more of how much I like him. My feelings grew more for him by the minute to the point where it hurt. In a good way or bad it depended on what was happening, but I really did like this boy.

“Please Jules.” Niall said placing a finger underneath my chin and making me look up at him. “You’re absolutely gorgeous, babe. Prettier than her on any day.” He told me. I scoffed.

“Please Niall. Now you’re just saying shit.” I said shaking my head and trying to look back down. He wouldn’t let me though as his hands held my head in place.

“No. You are ten times more beautiful than she is. She may think she has the looks and everything else just because she has Liam wrapped around her finger but that means shit. Her personality is rotten right now and that means that she isn’t pretty. You need to know that you are breath taking, inside and out. Your eyes, your hair, your smile, your laugh…” he started. “…just… you…” he finished, his eyes looking deep into mine, searching for something.

I felt a tear break free and run down my cheek. At this point I wasn’t sure if it was a sad tear. I think it was happy, as I felt my heart racing, nearly braking through my chest as Niall spoke the words to me. I was floating high on cloud nine right now, when he said all of that. The best part of it all?

He meant it.

“Don’t cry. Please. It kills me to see you upset.” He said, wiping away my tear. I just shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his chest.

“I’m alright Niall. Thank you for that. You have… n-no idea how much that meant to me.” I explained. And he really didn’t. I couldn’t even begin to describe the feeling I had in my stomach right now. Fuck Dani. Niall understands my love for food, so her goddam opinion doesn’t mean shit.

“It’s the truth. So you better believe it.” He whispered in my ear, rubbing my back slowly. I didn’t respond, just squeezed him a bit tighter, not wanting to let go. He eventually pulled away and looked down at me. “I love you and all your little things.” He said with a playful smirk. I smiled widely with a blush and rolled my eyes.

“Cute Horan. Cute.” I giggled.

“Like you.” He said before leaning down and pecking me quickly on the lips. I froze, the feeling of his lips on mine sending sparks shooting down my body. I barely had a chance to react before he pulled away, staring at me a bit doe-eyed. I tried not to look so shocked, but couldn’t help it. My cheeks were on fire and my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to give out. I tried desperately to control everything going on in my head at this moment, especially the fangirl inside of me that just wanted to scream in joy.

Niall Horan just kissed me.

On the lips.

The fucking lips.

Niall cleared his throat, stepping away from me a bit and turning a bit so he wasn’t facing me any more. He rubbed his neck awkwardly and let out a breath before speaking. “Uh… we better hurry up and catch up with them before they leave us.” He said as if nothing ever happened, shooting me a brief look before his gaze dropped to the floor. I gave a small nod after a second, but then realized that I had to speak.

“Y-Yeah…” I stuttered out, sounding like a choking mouse. Smooth Jules. Real Smooth. I thought to myself as Niall just started walking away, his hands shoved in his pockets and I heard the crinkling of his bag of chips as he must have been fuddling around with it. It took me a second before walking after him.

 Did I just dream that? Did Niall Horan really just kiss me, or am I just losing my mind? He’s acting as if his lips weren’t just touching mine. He’s acting like he didn’t feel the incredible tingling sensation and sparks at the contact. He’s acting like it was just a mistake.

Because it probably was…

Harry’s POV

“Took you two long enough!” I exclaimed when Niall and Jules finally appeared from around the little curve in the path.

“S-Sorry…” Jules stuttered, looking pale as if she had just seen a ghost. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I thought Niall was talking her to make her feel better. Did he say something wrong? No… that can’t be… they’re the closest… he always makes her feel better. Even if it’s just by laughing like an idiot.

But then what’s bothering her?

“You okay?” I asked her quietly. She jumped when she heard my voice, her head snapping up as she stared at me appearing stunned. I just gave her a suspicious look.

“What? Oh yeah… I’m f-fine.” She stuttered quickly, her brown gaze dropping back down to the dirt floor as we started our little trek into the woods.

“Are you sure?” I asked her, not at all convinced. This was not normal Jules.

“Y-Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked laughing nervously.

“Um… maybe because Dani is a bitch and what she just said obviously hurt you.” I pointed out. She shrugged.

“I’m used to it. I said this already. I’ll be fine.” She sighed, seeming to get a bit down on herself once again.

“You shouldn’t be. You’re fine just the way you are.” I told her, my voice firm. She nodded.

“Okay Haz. I get it. Thanks.” She said, seeming to not want to talk about this anymore. I took the hint and shut up, just nodding slightly before throwing my arm around her shoulders and pulling her in for a small side hug. She smiled up at me in thanks before her gaze fell once more and I could tell she wanted to be left alone. I let out a sigh and let go of her, walking to catch up with Zayn and Alex who were laughing amongst themselves.

“Whatcha talking about?” I asked as I practically skipped over to them. Alex smiled warmly at me before linking her arms with me and Zayn. I smiled at the fact that she seemed happier now, and the dream that woke her up before seemed to be in the past.

It was pretty scary seeing her like that. She had been so distraught lately and it was killing me. I wanted to know what was bothering her. I wanted to be able to help her.

“Ditching the two ‘paynes’.” Alex said quietly with a cheeky wink and giggle. I laughed.

“I see what you did there.” I chuckled. She smirked at me before falling back into easy conversation with the two of us. I let all the tension on my shoulders fade away as I forgot about Jules’s strange behavior and Niall’s nervous glances. I forgot about Liam and Dani’s gaga faces that they were making and Alex’s hidden issues. I just relaxed and let myself have fun, which felt great to do.

“Which way are we gonna go? Oh, there we go!” Louis yelled as we came up to a fork in the path and quickly choosing a direction last second. We all laughed at him as he led the way eagerly, enjoying our little adventure.

“Ooh! I hear running water! Who wants to come with me to investigate?” Alex cheered, looking a bit too excited about the possibility of a creek to be near us. I shook my head, too lazy to venture off the trail. I’m a teenage guy. I can be lazy sometimes.

“You butt. Fine I’ll be right back! Don’t leave without me!” She laughed before walking a bit off the path. We all slowed down and waited for her to go on her little search.

“I see a deer!” Louis shouted, pointing ahead.

“Well be quiet Boo, you’re going to scare it away!” I scolded him.

“It looks like Bambi. Bambi! Come back!” he called, running in the direction the animal was located. I facepalmed before calmly following after him. He can be such a five year old sometimes.

“Louis, don’t scare it. It could attack you.” I warned.

“But it’s so cute! It won’t attack me! It doesn’t even have antlers yet.” He argued. I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah.” I agreed, “But that one does.” I said pointing to a large buck that appeared from behind a tree. Louis’s eyes widened in awe.

“It’s Bambi’s Dad!” he cheered excitedly. At the sound of his loud voice, the deer immediately went alert, before running off in the opposite direction and disappearing into the brush. I chuckled lightly.

“NO! Come back!” he yelled running after them, but stopped after a bit. I hurried to catch up with him. He hung his head and I placed my hand on his shoulder.

“Sorry Lou.” I laughed lightly.

“Bambi didn’t like me.” He pouted. I rolled my eyes.

“You got me Boo.” He smiled widely at this before pulling me into a large hug.

“Did Louis catch his deer?” I heard Zayn laugh, coming from around the bend, followed by Jules, Dani, and Niall. All but Dani were smirking at Lou’s immaturity. I ignored it.

“No.” Louis mumbled disappointedly. I patted his shoulder once again.

“Sorry mate.” Zayn laughed.

“So where to next?” I asked. Everyone shrugged and we just turned and headed in a random direction.

“Hey, guys. Do any of you know where Liam is?” Dani asked after we had walked for a minute or so. We all stopped and looked around. Nothing. Where was he? He was here before Lou ran after the deer.

“And what about Alex?” Zayn asked, his voice sounding concerned and his eyes widening a bit. I swallowed. She never came back after looking for the creek.

“You didn’t wait for her?!” I asked.[

“I thought she caught up with you two!” Zayn argued.

“What about Liam?” Dani protested. We rolled our eyes.

“We’ll find them.” Lou said calmly. Woah, sometimes he really can act his age.

We immediately retraced our steps, looking around and calling out their names.


“This isn’t good.” Zayn sighed, rubbing his face after about fifteen minutes of inconclusive searching. Jules let out a frustrated growl as she tried to call both of their phones. No service.

I bit my lip. These woods were huge. We were already deep in and there were so many different trails and things left unexplored. Who knew where they were.

And who knew if they were together. This made me even more nervous. Alex and Liam trapped out in the woods together…

This wasn’t ending well.

Alex’s POV

I smiled down as I saw a little fish hop out of the water in the tiny stream I had found. It wasn’t far off the trail and I was enjoying the serenity of the scene. It relaxed me quite a bit.

I didn’t stay down there long before heading back towards the trail. I didn’t want to make them wait too long for me.

I found it a bit difficult to find the trail again, as this place was confusing and the foliage was dense, but I found my way back soon enough.

But the boys, Jules, and Dani were no where to be found.

“Boys?” I called out, walking up the path a bit. “Jules?”


“Danielle?” I called. Now that’s pretty desperate… but still I was greeted only by silence.

“Anyone?!” I shouted. Nothing.

“Joy to the world.” I sighed. I pulled out my phone, but found I had no service. Even better. They left me alone and I have no way to get in touch with him.

“I’m going to fucking kill them.” I growled, trying to keep my cool as I started walking back from the way we had come. I would get out of the park and text them to meet me my the van.

I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking and I tripped and stumbled falling to the ground.

“And… my day get’s better.” I groaned in pain as I picked myself up off the floor. My ankle screamed in protest as I put pressure on it.

“Alex?” I heard a familiar voice. My head snapped up in hopes to see Zayn or Harry, but I was greeted instead by the one person I did not want to find me.

Well besides Danielle.

“Liam? Do you know where the others are?” I asked immediately, my voice rough as I was in pain and didn’t really want to be with him right now.

“No.” he growled. “I dropped my phone and when I went to go back to get it they must have run off without noticing I was gone.”

I let out a loud groan. Perfect just perfect.

“I can’t believe they left us.” I sighed, trying to stand normally.

“Dani’s gonna freak.” Liam sighed. My eyes narrowed.

“There is a bit more of an important situation at hand other than your whiny girlfriend.” I snapped. I didn’t want to be so harsh, but I couldn’t help it. He was just so irritating.

“You don’t have to be such a bitch.” He retorted.

“If you weren’t such a dick I probably wouldn’t be.” I said.

“You bring it on yourself.” He told me.

“I did nothing to you. Don’t tell me your rudeness is my fault, because that’s bull shit.” I yelled at him. He just shook his head.

“Forget it. I’ll get out of here by myself.” He said, his eyes showing anger among other things. I wish I could read him easier. It would make life so much easier. Maybe I’d know why he hates me.

“Listen Liam, I know you hate me, but you and I both know that’s a bad idea. We should at least stick together.” I sighed, not wanting him to stay, but at the same time, dreading the idea of him leaving. I didn’t want to be alone out here, and of course, just because I’m me, I liked having him here. Especially since he’s without Dani.

“Alright, so how do you suppose we get out of this?” he asked, exhaling deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose, looking irritated.

I let out a long breath. “I have a map on my phone. We can try to find our way out and then get in touch with the others when we have service.” I shrugged. He nodded slowly, his jaw clenching slightly.

“Okay… so… go on.” He said impatiently. I bit back my rude remark as I dug my phone out of my back pocket.

Lost in a giant park with Liam Payne. Every girl’s dream.

But of course, he just had to be my worse enemy.

I was distracted while writing this so if it's awkward or poorly written, i apologize. I also kind of rushed it a bit so yeah...

BUT!!! Jiall! (No? Idk, it's the best I can think of) He kissed her! :D you're welcome Val ;) but why is he acting so funny :o lol I wasn't expecting to add that in this chapter, but it just kind of happened so I hope you like it. And uh oh... Alex and Liam are stuck together... hows that going to work out?

Okay so I'm not good with the questioning. But you love me anyway. (Or at least I hope you do)

Dedicated to Bridget, my new wattpad BFFL :D Thanks for reading gurlll ;)





PLAY VOLLEYBALL WITH A PEARL!!! (lol gotta love Spongebob ;))

Thanks chippymunks :D

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