Captain Swan Fly Away

By isaballerina89

6.7K 138 98

Modern Setting of Captian Swan. Modern time. Emma Swan and Killian Jones meet in flight school. Emma grew up... More

Fly Away
New Job
Her Name
Preparing For Baby Swan-Jones
Past Returns
Unexpected Procedure
Extended Family
Baby Shower
Maternity Photoshoot
Finally A Family
Getting to Know Each Other
Family Is There When You Need Them
Family Together
Allison & Emma's Birthday
Unexpected Passenger
Family Time
Holiday Season
Swan-Jones Christmas
Family Support
Life Changing News
Family Time
Rough Day At Work
Hope's First Flight
One Step Closer
The Truth
Unexpected Last Day
Unexpected News
Crew Meet Up
Beginning Adoption Process
Family of Four
First Day Family of 4
Adjusting Time
Family Road Trip
End of Getaway
Beach Day
Family All Together
Family Time
Disney World
Special News
Sister Time
Swan's Birthday
Gender Swan-Jones
Out of Blue Visitor
Special News
Valentine's Day
After Surgery
Adoption Day
Killian Jr
Ian Is Home
Maternity Relief
Bonding Time
Ch.78 Disneyland

Wedding Anniversary

68 3 0
By isaballerina89

Emma was up most of the night with Hope who was crying when Killian arrived home from a late flight. He sees Hope crying her eyes out in Emma's arms in her bedroom. "Little love, you are having a rough night?""Hope has been non stop crying most of the night. She is very upset." "Swan, I think our little duckling wants her Daddy." Killian takes Hope from Emma "Hi, Hope. Dada is home. Dada..." He gently bounced her up and down. "Dada is home. I missed you all day little love." Hope was crying. "Swan, I got our little lass." Emma went to their room to change into pajamas. "Little duckling, Dada is here. I know you are very upset.""Mommy...Mommy..." "We are going to Mommy little love." Killian brings Hope to Emma. "We are with Mommy, little love." Emma gets Hope from Killian"Mommy.""You are with Mommy, baby girl." She rubs Hope's back."Mommy." Hope gripped her Mommy."You are with me, baby girl. You are alright." She kisses Hope on the head. "I do not like seeing you so upset." Killian rubs Hope's head. "I do not know why she is so upset, Killian. I fed her, her diaper is clean, she is not sick...""When Hope was being held by me, she just wanted you, love." Emma kissed Hope on the head, her daughter wanted her when she was really upset. "You are with Mommy. I want to know why you are so sad." She looks at her husband. She is just not her normal happy self." Killian remembers how Hope was on their flight to Italy."Maybe she is teething love?"Emma sighed. "I should have known. You are right. I did not think about that.""Emma, you are overtired. Hope is very upset. I will get Hope a teething toy." Killian leaves the room. "Hope, are your teeth hurting you?" Hope cried more. Emma knows Hope is in pain and overtired. Emma began crying, she was exhausted and hate seeing her baby in pain and sad. Killian returned with a cold pacifier seeing his swan crying. "Oh, Emma." He sits on the bed next to his wife and hugs her. "I hate seeing her so upset. I am so tired.""We are going to get little lass calm down soon." He looks at Hope. "Hope. Dada has something for you." He gives Hope a pacifier who chews and slowly stopped crying. "You are going to be okay, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Dada loves you, little love." He rubs Hope's back until she fell asleep on top of Emma's chest. Emma leaned onto Killian who kisses her on the head. "Thank you...I was not even thinking about teething...""That is why we are a team, love. Now, my swan needs her sleep." She kisses him on the cheek Emma falls asleep on him. "You and Hope are both with me, love." He watches Hope and Emma sleep. "I am never going to leave my family." The next morning was April 12, Emma and Killian's wedding anniversary. He kisses Emma gently on the head and changed into an outfit and snuck out of the house without waking his two loves up. He went to the town and bought flowers at the flower shop. He returns home and takes Hope from Emma letting his swan sleep in longer. He takes Hope to the living room and turns o the television to Barney. Hope was chewing on the remote control. "Hope." He takes the remote control away and his daughter began crying. He takes out the batteries and let her chew on the remote control. "There is my beautiful swan.""Happy anniversary, Killian.""Happy anniversary, Emma." They kiss. He shows her the flowers. "Buttercups? They are my favorite.""Aye, I know what my swan loves.""Oh, you." They kiss. Hope babbles. Emma kneels to Hope. "Hope, Dada got me flowers for our wedding anniversary.""Little love, Dada and Mommy got married 9 years ago today." Hope reaches out for the flowers. Emma shows her daughter the flowers. Hope smiles. "Hope, are the buttercups pretty?" Hope babbles and grabs one. Killian gives Hope buttercup letting her sniff them. She tries to put it in her mouth. "No, Hope." Hope began crying. Killian scooped Hope into his arms. "Little Hope, you cannot eat flowers." "Dada is not mad at you baby girl." Emma gives Hope her pacifier. "Killian, I have a present for you." She goes upstairs to her room to get her husband's gift. She returns to her family. "This is for you." Killian adjusts Hope on his lap. Hope grips the gift. "Little love you can help me open my gift." Hope babbles. "You know what Mommy got for me?" He kisses her on the head and opens the gift which was a compass. "Emma, you got me a compass?""Yes, I did. It always guides you home to Hope and me when you are flying.""I love it." they kiss. Hope chews on the compass. "Hope, you like the gift?" "She seems to like it.""Aye, she is chewing on the remote control.""I think she is at the stage of chewing everything she sees.""Aye, she is at that stage. I have a gift for you.""Wait, I have another gift for you." Emma gives him another gift. Killian lets Hope chew on the compass as he opened his gift which was a Manchester United hoodie. "Emma, you got me this?""I know you love Manchester United "football" team.""Aye, my grandfather and I always watch England soccer because he was from there."He cried happy tears. "It was one of my favorite memories of watching the game with my grandfather. Lia watched with us but he did not like it as much as our grandfather and I did. When they were in the world series, we went to Manchester to watch the game as a birthday gift for me."Emma smiles. "Your grandfather is a wonderful person.""Aye, he was."She wrapped her arms around her husband "I remember your room when I moved in it was all Manchester. You moved your stuff to your new room and let me decorate it. You gave me my home." "Aye,I knew you needed a home love. I want our Hope to know about football." "I think we should go to England as a family trip to see your favorite football team play.""Aye, I would love that. Hope..." Hope babbles. "You will watch UK football with Dada?" Hope screams making Emma and Killian chuckle. "Aye, we are going to watch football the England version, not soccer like the USA version." Hope babbles. "She will like football like her Dada." Hope reaches out to her Mommy. Emma holds Hope on her lap. "Hopey.""Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, this is for you." She opens with her with Hope chewing on the compass, which was an oversize sweater of Outlander. "Killian I love it!" She kisses him on the cheek. "I know my swan loves Outlander." Hope babbles. "That is a show you are way too young for, little lass." Emma smiles. "Aa-ahh." Killian puts Hope on his lap. Emma opens her gift, which was a gold swan necklace that says best wife & mommy. "Killian, I love it.""Swan, I can help you put it on your neck." He puts the necklace on his swan's neck.""Thank you, it is beautiful." She faces him. "I was thinking since it is our first wedding anniversary with Hope and you are off... we can have a family day.""Aye, I was thinking yesterday on the way home that we need to have family day." Hope babbles. "Little love, do you want to go to see the fishies at the aquarium?" Hope babbles happily. "Yes!" He lifts Hope up and down. Emma smiles. "Killian, she is going to love the aquarium-like her Dada." "Aye, I know we will have fun today.""Aa-ahh!"Killian faced Hope. "Yes, Hope?" Hope babbles. "You want to go now? We need to get ready first." "Mommy!" Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "We are going to see fishies in big tanks." Hope smiles. "You are excited?!" Hope screams. "Hopey, we have to get ready first. Killian, she is very excited." "She is excited for our family day." He kisses Hope on the cheek. They went upstairs to get ready. Emma dresses Hope in an onesie, with blue dress and light blue headband. "You are so pretty Hope." Hope babbles. "Yes, you like wearing dresses." She kisses Hope on the cheek and sets Hope down so she can change into her outfit. Killian sees Hope on her carpet. "Hope, you are so pretty!!" Hope smiles. He scoops Hope into arms. "Little love, we are going to the aquarium today." Hope babbles. "You are very excited for our family day." He tickles Hope making her laugh. Emma smiles hearing her husband and daughter having father and daughter time before their family day. After breakfast, Killian drove his family to the Brooklyn aquarium. The family arrived at the aquarium. Emma puts Hope in her carrier as Killian carries the diaper bag. They bought tickets and walked around the aquarium to the fish exhibit, Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope we are at the aquarium." Hope smiles."Yes, we are going to see fishies, Hope." They walked to the fish exhibit seeing a gigantic fish aquarium full of colorful, yellow blue, red, green, orange and silver fish. Emma goes closer "Look Hope at the color fishes." Hope pats the glass and babbles a lot. Kilian took pictures of Hope patting the glass and Emma smiling. "Hope, are you saying hi to the fishies?" Hope moves around. "Killian, she loves the fishies.""Aye love. This is a great idea.""We miss you when you are at work.""Aye, I love the idea of family day.""Now, we are having family time." They kiss. Hope turns around and faces her Daddy. "Aaa-ahh!""Hope, you want to get a closer look at the fishies?" He takes Hope out of her carrier and gives Hope a closer look. Emma takes pictures of Hope and Killian, on her iPhone. As they continue walking around the museum, Killian was holding Hope on his shoulders. "Killian, be careful with Hope.""I will. Hope, are you getting a good look of everything?" Hope chews on her Daddy's head. "Hope!" Emma chuckles and takes a picture. The family continue to see other mammals, like octopus, whales, and sealions. They would tkae family pictures at every exhibit. They went to a shark exhibit to double times the length of tanks full of water with large sharks swimming around. "Look, little love, sharks." Hope began crying seeing the sharks. "Mommy!" Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Hopey...the sharks are not going to hurt you." Hope gripped her Mommy and bounced her up and down. "You are okay. They are not going to hurt you." She hugs her daughter."Swan, let's go to another exhibit.""Yes, somewhere less scary for our daughter.""I have an idea. Follow me, love." Killian led his family to the penguins' exhibit. "Look, Hope, Dada brought us to the arctic." Killian chuckles. "Look at the penguins." Hope babbles."They live in the arctic where it is winter all year around. They are the only birds that do not fly." Hope babbles. "Yes, it looks very cold in there." The family went to the souvenir shop. Killian bought Hope a fish because once Hope saw the fish plush doll she chewed on it. "Hope chose her gift.""Aye, yes she did." Hope began to fuss. "Are you hungry?""Swan, I think it is a sign for us to get lunch.""Good idea. I am getting hungry.""I do know of a place." "Lead us the way captain." Hope began crying. "We are going to get lunch baby girl." They went back to their car and Emma nurses Hope. "Ddi you have fun seeing the mammals with Dada and Mommy?" Hope gripped her Mommy's shirt. "You are having so much fun with Mommy and Dada." She kisses Hope on the head. After Hope was fed and burped, Emma puts Hope in her carseat and goes to the passenger seat. "Swan, ready for our anniversary lunch?""Yes, I was getting hungry in the souvenir shop." Killian drove his family to another part of Brooklyn to an Italian restaurant, Rocco's. Killian set Hope's car seat stroller and puts Hope in her stroller and pushed her in. They ordered calamari for an appetizer, Emma ordered chicken parmigiana with spaghetti pasta. Killian ordered shrimp scampi with angel pasta. As they were eating calamari. "Killian, this is good.""Aye, I know a good Italian restaurant." Emma checks on their daughter who was fast asleep. "She is very tired, swan. She had a fun day at the aquarium.""Hope had so much fun but not sharks.""Aye, sharks are scary."Emma holds his hand. "She is going to okay, honey. I am wondering how did you found out about this place? You got me into trying seafood, well the Italian way and sushi."Killian smiles. "My grandparents love Italian food. They always took Liam and me to this restaurant.""Your grandparents sound amazing. they raised a very caring gentleman grandson." "Aye, I knew as young lad, I was not going to be anything like my father.""You are nothing like him. You are a great Daddy to Hope and my amazing kind caring husband." Their meal arrived, with Emma's meal she ordered a lemonade Snapple and Killian got a sprite soda. As they ate they continued to talk until they heard Hope babbling. "Swan, our little love is awake." He takes Hope from her carseat. "Hope, did you have a good nap?" Hope smiles. "You did?" he sits back with Hope on his lap. "Hi, baby girl. Did you have a good nap?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you dreamt about the fishes?" Hope grabbed her Daddy's pasta which made her parents chuckle. "Swan, I do not think she will like your pasta.""I think she will ike mine." She cute up pasta for her daughter and put it on a small plate and placed it in front of Hope. Hope grabs the pasta and eats it. Emma took pictures of Hope trying pasta for the first time. Hope babbles."Hope, is Mommy's pasta yummy?" Hope gives her Daddy a sauce-covered smile. "Do you want more?" She gives Hope more pasta. "Little love,Dada can make spaghetti pasta at home." Hope clapped her hands. "Killian, that is a yes.""Aye,a yes from our little duckling." Hope makes poop. "Hope, you really need a diaper change. Emma, we will be back." Killian takes Hope to the bathroom to change Hope's diaper. When they return, "Emma, Hope wants her Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hopey, my chicken parmigiana is so good. Do you want more of my pasta?" Hope fusses. "You are full? You can sit with me." After their meal, Killian bought a container of lemon drop cookies. 'Killian, you love lemon drops.""Aye, they are the best." Emma chuckles. Hope babbles. "It might be too sweet for you, baby girl." Killian puts Hope's car seat back in the car. Hope was tugging her Mommy's hair. "Hope, what are you doing?" She tickles her daughter making her laugh. "When we go home, we are going to snuggle." "Aaa-ahh!""Yes, Dada is going to snuggle with us." Emma places Hope in her car seat. Killian drove his family home. Emma carried Hope inside. "We are home Hope.""She is fast asleep.""Yes, she had a very fun family day." The family sat on the couch in the living room. Killian wraps his arm around his two loves. "Killian?""Yes, Emma?""On your day off, when you are not tired. Can we have more family days?""I was just thinking of that. I had so much fun with my two loves. I miss you both when I am flying.""So that is yes for ore Swan-Jones family time?""Aye, more Swan-Jones family time." "I love that idea. I had a great anniversary.""Me too, our 6th wedding anniversary and our first anniversary as parents." He rubs Hope's back. "I love being Hope's Daddy."Emma smiles. "I love being a Mommy. You made me a Mommy.""Aye you made me a Daddy." He kisses Emma on the head. "Happy anniversary, Killian.""Happy anniversary,Emma." They kiss and knowing they are going to celebrate many many wedding anniversaries to come.

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