By shimrara

13.8K 1K 306

Being a best friend and at the same time being in love was so hard. You are happy being close to him but at t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 37

285 21 2
By shimrara

Copter gets astonished and clueless watching Kittee who had ignored Tee the whole time and just keeps on playing with Pete and New. Kimmon was having his doubts about Pete since they didn't know where the kids came from, but Tee had secretly asked Prem a favor. He just wanted to make sure, so, once they got the information about Pete the next day before their flight, Kimmon gets relieved. Copter was just known he believed Pete.

But Tee didn't know how to converse with Kittee since that morning when he first knew about Kittee's condition, and Kittee would just ignore him all the time, not even giving a response to any conversation Tee was trying to have with him. Copter would just give him a guilty smile that he was sorry, and he will try to ask Kittee later on. Right now they were busy packing and getting ready for their flights, and guess what, Tee was coming with them, much to Copter's happy tears.

"Are you sure you were okay coming with us? What about your mom?" Copter would ask while he was packing things into a few big items of baggage. They had to do some shopping for Pete too before going back to Chiang Rai. "I've visited her at the prison. I told her I'm gonna start my life with you, which was postponed for years now because of her. I might not be coming to visit her anymore and I don't care about the trial. Still, I wish her the best. I also told father about us, and about you and Kittee. It was hard for him to believe at first, but eventually, he was happy with me. He had plans for me, but we will talk about it later. So, yes, of course, I will be coming with you two, I have nowhere to go but to you, and Kittee."

Tee was talking while sometimes watching Kittee who was still playing with Pete and New. "New, have you finished packing your bag? Mae and Pa will be angry if you don't." Copter was reminded New since he was here right after breakfast. "Of course I did. I'm not like you P, and everyone else, I just have one small baggage." New will answer without even turning to Copter but to keep on playing with Pete and New.

Tee was still watching their direction, which specifically watching Kittee while he was still playing. Copter would put his hand on Tee's shoulder, making him turn to Copter. Copter would smile at Tee and Tee would replied him with a smile too.


In the flight, Kittee, would take a seat beside the window, Copter would be beside him and Tee was beside Copter. Warun, Prichaya and Preya would sit together while Wuttichai, New and Pete would sit together. Maybe because they were at the same age, that New and Pete could be a good friend right away.

Kimmon and Elena took the flight almost the same time with everyone, except that they were headed to Bali, for their postponed honeymoon for a week. Warun had an expectation, so were the others, just that Warun was more vocal for it, making Kimmon rolling his eyes. Well, he could understand his father though, since Wuttichai and Freya looks like they were planning on staying single their whole life. Freya even added a statement, 'I just need Kittee as my son, I don't need another child in my life,' making Warun shakes his head to that.

When the flight just about to ascend, Kittee was holding his daddy's hand tightly while closing his eyes tightly and Copter would patting at his hand that were holding his arm a few times, and telling him it will be okay. Once the flight had been stable once again, only then Kittee would open his eyes and would turn to the window right away.

He was scared of flight ascending, but he loves the view that he could see the world below that got tiny by the second pass until the view had lost replace with nothing but a fluffy cloud, still he loves watching all of it. He would sometimes tell Copter how the cloud would look like, sometime it looks like a rabbit, sometimes it makes a big static smoke. Copter would just entertain that all for his cutie son.

Tee would just watch all that. He didn't plan to disturb the communication between those two, and he still needs to understand why Kittee ignoring him when Copter had told him how his son would ask about him from time to time before they met. Besides, he still need to learn Kittee's language so that he could communicate with him properly. He'll take his time, as long as he could protect them besides him. It's all that matters for him now.

After an hour, Kittee was starting to feel tired and he would lay down on Copter's lap, and it wouldn't take long for him to lose in the dreamland. "I was planning to learnt signal language, you will help me, right?" Tee who was talking suddenly making Copter turn to him. Copter was watching Kittee in his sleep while rubbing on his hair nonstop before Tee was making his statement.

"Of course I will." Tee then taking Copter's hands in his hold making them both staring at each other. "I'm sorry baby, I wasn't there with you when you giving birth, and I wasn't there with you when you first heard about Kittee's condition, h*ll, it was hard for me, and of course it was harder for you. I know it was all in the past, but I felt useless and regretful, for leaving you just like that."

Copter than pulling his hands out of Tee's hold, and instead, he was the one holding Tee's hands now. Copter then would wipe the tears on Tee's cheeks. "I never once blaming you on everything that had happened between us, though I think I should be the one to blame. It was hard for me, yes, but I'm glad Kimmon was there for me, and his family too. But then, Kimmon had asked me multiple times why I did what I did. And tell you what? I never once regretted it no matter how hard my life was. It's a choice I make, so you don't have to blame yourself. I don't want to blame myself either."

Copter then leaning on Tee's shoulder while looking ahead, hands still holding each other and continue, "So, Tee, please focus on us right now and our future, because this time, I will never let you go again, no matter what."

Tee then holding Copter's shoulder, pulling him a little closer, though, Copter couldn't moving much because Kittee was still in his lap. Tee then leaning on Copter's head too, drowning in his own agony.


Kittee was squirming and he was sweating in his sleep that Copter was waking up to the movement on his lap. He didn't realize he was asleep on Tee's shoulder, making Tee was waking up too.

"Kittee, baby, it's okay, baby. Daddy's here, shh....shhh baby, daddy is here, baby..." Kittee was squirming some more before his eyes fly open.

He then wakes up and would be straddling Copter right away while sobbing, hugging Copter's neck tightly afraid his daddy would be gone if he ever letting go. Copter had to calm him down with sweet talk while rubbing on his back.

Tee would just rub on Kittee's back, trying to help in any way he could, though for now he knew not much he could do. Kittee needs Copter more now than ever, and the post traumatic of the kidnapping was still there.

End of Chapter 37

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