screw you - fred weasley

Da stories000007

63.3K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... Altro

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•


1.1K 27 0
Da stories000007

"ELLIE wake up!" Rosie yelled, as she hit her sister with a pillow.
"Ow, what." Ellie shot.
"Happy Christmas!" Rosie cried.
Ellie smiled and pulled over a sweater.
"Happy Christmas." Ellie replied.
"Come on, Chase and Brandon are in the common room." Rosie instructed.
Rosie was a very big Christmas fan. Ellie on the other hand thought it was overrated.
"Come on!" Rosie whined.
"One second let me get changed first." Ellie exclaimed, with a laugh.
She put on a blue crew neck and a pair of grey sweatpants.
As Ellie walked down she rubbed her eyes and noticed Chase and Brandon sitting on the couch.
"Hey!" Chase greeted.
"Hi." Ellie replied, "What time is it?" She asked.
"7:30." Rosie replied.
Ellie groaned.
"I feel you. Rosie told Chase to go up there and wake me up." Brandon shot.
Glaring at Rosie, while Rosie just rolled her eyes.
"Yet you still didn't come down after ten minutes. Chase said you bit him." Rosie protested.
Ellie's eyes widened while Brandon just huffed.
"It didn't hurt that much." Chase exclaimed.
Rosie just smiled and grabbed a bandage.
"Here." Rosie said.
"But it's fine trust m-me." Chase stuttered.
"Not for the bite, for the paper it you got from the wrapping paper." Rosie laughed.
"Oh." Chase blushed.
Ellie and Brandon looked at each other and chuckled.
"There." Rosie exclaimed, as she wrapped the bandage.
Chase just smiled.
"Presents." Brandon said.
Rosie rolled her eyes and grabbed the presents that they had put under a tree.
It was Rosie's idea, they also only did a Secret Santa.
Mostly because they thought it wouldn't be fair because Chase didn't know many people.
"Ok Brandon go first." Rosie demanded.
"Well um, I got Chase." Brandon exclaimed.
Brandon grabbed a bow that was wrapped very carelessly.
"I'm not a good wrapper." Brandon exclaimed.
Chase chuckled and opened the wrapping carefully.
It was a box of chocolate frogs.
"I figured you'd want more for your collection." Brandon spoke.
Chase's face lit up.
"Thank you!" Chase thanked, and Chase went up to hug Brandon.
"Oh we're hugging." Brandon exclaimed, but then smiled in the hug.
Chase let go from the hug.
"Um, Ellie I got you." Chase exclaimed.
Chase grabbed his box that was wrapped beautifully. With silver and blue wrapping paper for Ravenclaw.
Ellie opened it and saw that it was a bracelet.
The bracelet was plain and simple, but it had a few blue stones in the middle.
"Thank you Chase." Ellie thanked Chase.
"You are very welcome. Also the stones are fake." Chase advised.
Ellie just chuckled and grabbed her box.
"I got Rosie." Ellie replied.
She gave the box to her sister.
Rosie opened the box and it revealed to be a blue journal.
"You always talk about how you love writing. So I got you a journal to write a story." Ellie explained, why she got her sister the gift.
"I love it." Rosie replied.
She went up to hug her younger sister.
"Brandon. Here." Rosie spoke, as she gave her brother his gift.
Brandon looked at her and then opened it carefully. It was a pair of grape socks.
"I love you." Brandon spoke, and quickly took off his slippers and changed his socks.
Ellie just laughed while Rosie rolled her eyes.
Chase was just examining the Ravenclaw common room.
"Ok let's go to the great hall." Brandon exclaimed, grabbing shoes.
"Wait one second." Ellie replied.
Then she quickly went up and grabbed a hair tie to put her hair in a ponytail.
"LOOK Perce you're just over exaggerating. We all know you love us." Fred teased.
"Shut up." Percy shot.
"Someone's moody." Fred shot.
"When isn't he moody." George whispered, which caused Fred to chuckle.
"Fred could you pass that over?" Ron asked, pointing towards waffles.
"Get it yourself." Fred scoffed.
Ron just huffed while he grabbed the waffles.
"I still can't believe mum and dad went on vacation." George complained.
"Hey I would rather be here than be in those weird outfits." Fred spoke.
George nodded, and then saw Ellie enter the great hall with her siblings and Chase.
"Hey it's your girlfriend." George pointed.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Fred shot.
George just chuckled.
For some reason Fred was jealous of the relationship her and Chase had. He knew they were just friends but still.
"You're dating Emily!" Ron gasped.
"Ellie!" Fred and George corrected.
"Same thing." Ron scoffed.
"And no I am not!" Fred protested.
"Oh yeah I forgot. Not yet." George teased.
"Oh shut it." Fred spat.
"That's the Ravenclaw you like, she's almost as smart as Hermione Granger." Percy spoke. Sounding impressed.
"I don't like her." Fred mumbled.
"Yes you do honey." George sassed.
Fred just glared at him.
"Wait what do you mean she's almost as smart as Hermione Granger?" Fred questioned.
"She's second top of her class." Percy replied.
"Wow you like the smart ones." Ron spoke.
"I don't like her!" Fred shot.
The three boys looked at each other and rolled their eyes at Fred.
Fred just scoffed.
"Ok calm down lover boy." George teased.
"I still don't know what that means." Fred confessed.
George just face palmed himself.
Fred just shrugged and continued to try to eat his food. Mostly because Ron was shoving food down his throat.
"Do you ever stop eating." Fred scoffed.
"Shut up." Ron shot.
"You know Ron if you didn't eat so much people would find you less disgusting." Fred pointed out.
"That is so not true!" Ron protested.
"Well the thing is he's right." George admitted.
Ron just rolled his eyes and walked over to Harry. Who was just sitting at an empty table thinking to himself about who knows what.
"It's kind of quiet without Lee." George stated.
"I know it's heaven." Percy replied.
Fred and George just rolled their eyes at Percy.
Fred then looked back at the Ravenclaw table.
He looked at Ellie and saw her laughing because Rosie had just hit Brandon.
"Fred! Are you listening!" George shouted.
"Sorry what?" Fred asked.
George just rolled his eyes.
"I said. Do you want my pumpkin pastie?" George repeated.
"Oh um yeah." Fred replied, taking it from his hand.
Then he bit into the warm pumpkin pastie and smiled.
"Your welcome." George sassed.
"Oh shut it." Fred replied.
Then the two boys laughed together.
"Don't tell me you two are plotting something?" Percy queried.
"Oh Percy." Fred started.
"We're always plotting something." George finished.
Percy rolled his eyes while the twins just smiled at each other.
They then got up out of their seats and left the great hall.
Excited to cause some mischief.
"HEY!"Brandon shrieked.
"Oh I'm sorry Mr.Sassy-pants." Ellie apologized sarcastically.
Ellie and Brandon we're currently taking down the Christmas decorations because the next term would be starting in a few days.
It had been a week since Christmas and Ellie was thrilled that it was over.
Because that meant she would get to see Jane again.
And she had missed seeing her. Sure Chase was great, but he wasn't in Ravenclaw. Which meant they didn't really see each other much.
Ellie did know that Chase would be excited that Cedric would be coming back from holiday. Chase looks up to Cedric like an older brother. Which Ellie thinks is adorable.
Just then there was a knock on the common room door.
"Did I just hear a knock?" Ellie questioned.
"I think so." Brandon replied.
"I'll go." Ellie exclaimed.
"Good because I wasn't going to open it." Brandon spoke, which caused Ellie to roll her eyes.
Ellie then opened the door and she heard two people groan.
The Weasley twins.
"Ow. Fred get off of me!" George yelled.
"I'm sorry I didn't expect to get hit by a door." Fred shot.
"Well it's your fault for not knowing the riddle." George shot.
"You didn't know it either." Fred protested.
"Hello." Ellie greeted.
The two boys quickly got up.
"Hi we come with news." Fred spoke.
"Good news." George said.
"Ok." Ellie replied.
"We remembered who likes Rosie." Fred shot.
"Great. Who is it?" Ellie asked.
"Jake something." George replied.
"Are you lying?" Ellie asked.
"No." Fred said.
"Ok well thank you for the information. I guess." Ellie muttered.
"You're welcome pigtails." Fred replied.
Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"Don't call me that." Ellie shot.
"Not a chance." Fred replied.
George just whispered something into Fred's ear.
Which caused Fred to slap him.
"Ow." George groaned.
Ellie just rolled her eyes at the boys.
"Have a nice holiday boys." Ellie spoke.
"You too." George replied they both waved off and Ellie answered the riddle so she could get inside.
"What happened?" Brandon asked.
"Oh nothing, just the Weasley twins." Ellie smirked.
"They told you something didn't they." Brandon assumed.
Ellie just shrugged but it was hard to hide her smirk.
"Did Fred ask you out?" Brandon shouted.
"What, no. They told me who likes Rosie." Ellie exclaimed.
"Oh, wait who?" Brandon asked.
"I'm not telling you." Ellie shot.
"Why not?" Brandon questioned.
"It's none of your business." Ellie said.
"Rude." Brandon muttered.
Ellie just rolled her eyes and went back up to the girls dormitory.
To read Quidditch Through the Ages to understand the hype.
She still didn't understand it.
Even when she finished.
ELLIE was currently sitting on the bench that she had run into Fred a while ago. Tomorrow was the first day of the new term so Ellie just sat there enjoying her last few moments of holiday.
Jane had gotten Ellie a nice blue sweater. Which she was currently wearing.
Ellie has gotten Jane one of her favorite books of all time. To Kill a Mockingbird.
Just then Ellie felt a chill down her spine. It felt like a sign that someone was coming and she didn't know why.
All of a sudden she saw him.
The one and only Fred Weasley.
"Hi Fred." Ellie greeted.
"How'd you know it was me?" Fred asked, taking a seat next to her on the bench.
"Like I've said before it's very easy to tell you and your brother apart." Ellie explained, while Fred just smiled at her.
"You confuse me sometimes." Fred admitted.
Ellie just looked up at him.
"What do you mean?" Ellie asked.
"I don't know it's just you confuse me that's all." Fred muttered.
Ellie just gave him a look.
Just then Ellie saw someone in a cloak walk past the bushes.
"What's wrong?" Fred questioned.
"Nothing, It's just I could have sworn I saw someone." Ellie explained.
Fred just gave her a worried look.
Just then he smiled.
"You know I've been thinking and I think I should stop calling you pigtails." Fred admitted.
"Really?" Ellie questioned.
"Yeah, but we'd need to find a new nickname of course." Fred exclaimed, Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"Well I appreciate you wanting to stop calling me by my hairstyle." Ellie replied. Fred just chuckled.
"How about Elle." Fred spoke.
"Elle?" Ellie queried.
"Yeah, it has a nice ring to it." Fred replied.
Ellie just shrugged.
"I have a question for you." Fred admitted.
"Ok." Ellie replied.
"How do some things not bother you?" Fred asked.
"What do you mean?" Ellie questioned.
"I mean every time Malfoy mentions something about your blood you don't get sad. Or feel hurt." Fred exclaimed.
"Well my mum taught me to ignore all the negative things people say and turn them into perks. For example I'm second of my class, sure it would be cool to be first but I really couldn't care less." Ellie explained.
Fred just looked at her and gave her a smile.
"Your mum seems wise." Fred spoke, then looked at her.
"She is." Ellie replied, she looked at her watch. "I better get going I have to go help my sister with something." Ellie exclaimed.
"Ok, see you later Elle." Fred teased.
"Oh shut it." Ellie shot.
Fred just smirked at her.
And just like that she left.
And Fred sat by himself.
While Ellie walked inside of the corridors.
By herself.
"OW stop stepping on my foot!" Brandon whined.
"Sorry drama queen." Rosie laughed.
Ellie had no idea on what she just walked in on.
"What are you guys doing?" Ellie questioned.
"Well you were taking a while so I asked Brandon to help organize my stuff for term." Rosie explained.
"Yeah but then you started stepping on my foot!" Brandon whined.
"You were eating my grapes!" Rosie shot.
"Yeah and I love my grapes!" Brandon shot.
"They were my grapes!" Rosie yelled.
Ellie just started laughing at her immature siblings.
"How about tomorrow Brandon gives you half of of his grapes?" Ellie suggested.
"Fine." Rosie huffed.
"Fine." Brandon scoffed.
Just then someone entered the common room.
"Ellie!" Jane shouted.
"Jane!" Ellie shouted.
The two girls ran up to each other and exchanged in a hug.
"How was holidays with your parents?" Ellie asked.
"Eh boring." Jane exclaimed, which caused Ellie to laugh.
"Did you get my gift?" Ellie asked.
"Yes! I loved it. I finished it in two days!" Jane exclaimed.
"What did you get her?" Brandon asked.
"I got her a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird." Ellie replied.
"Oh that's the only book I'll ever read. Pretty good book." Brandon admitted.
"It's me and Ellie's favorite." Rosie pointed out.
"I know. Which is why I was forced to read it." Brandon replied.
"Oh shut it." Rosie shot, and then smacked him.
Then the four of them started laughing, and enjoying their last few hours of peace.

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