Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 50 - Angels on guard

2.1K 73 36
By iliqblack

Koray, by inertia, continued to click the camera, Omer's legs were rooted to the floor, and Seda and Laura were already running to their friend.

- What? - Laura exclaimed, and tears sparkled in her eyes. -The child? Is it moving?

Defne still pressed her palms to her stomach and nodded. Her enchanted gaze shone with tenderness. Omer leaped from his place, but Koray was ahead of him. He flew up to his skinny girl and began, like obsessed, photographing her face. His mouth, like a burst of machine-gun, fired the words:

- Skinny, can you imagine what I just shoot. It's a bomb! Family heirloom. You will show these photos to little Omyushik and say: Look! The ingenious Koray filmed the moment when you moved in your mother's tummy.

Omer tried to push him away and get to his wife, but he nudged him along the ribs and continued to photograph the cute skinny girl at a rate of one hundred frames per minute. Daddy-to-be grabbed his side and growled:

- Break up all!

The girls jumped to the side, and Koray pulled his head into his shoulders and lowered the camera. Omer went to Defne and, looking into her eyes, put his hands on top of hers. His heart was pounding furiously in his chest.

"The bead?" - asked his look.

She stretched out her hand and, covering his on top, pressed his warm, large hand tightly to her stomach. He heard a thrill. Delicate, barely perceptible. Like a wave of butterfly wings.

"Little one," Omer whispered. His voice trembled. - Daddy's daughter.

- Father's daughter?! - Repeated Koray, carefully scanning the touching scene and, exulting, shouted: - Ay-la-la!!! We will have a girl!!!

Everyone who was watching the boss and his wife burst into enthusiastic shouts.

But Omer and Defne did not hear them. They looked into each other's eyes, and their happiness was so tangible that you could touch it with your hand.

"She's growing!" Omer's gaze spoke.

"Yes!" - answered the shining eyes of Defne.

"We can hear and feel it!"


"She is our precious, most beloved girl!"


"I will take care of both of you!"

"We will love you ..."

Omer took a deep breath and kissed his wife with a long, quivering, tender kiss.

The space around them exploded with applause and camera shutters.


"Well, where is he?!" - Lаila repeated angrily and scolded herself for not taking the phone number from the programmer. Now he was really needed! It was vital for her to get to Zubeyir before Passionis's bosses and security services. She knew for sure - he was at the hotel. In the morning, she conveyed Omer's order to him to be present at the filming site so that the software would work flawlessly, and no annoying trifle, such as photos that refuse to be saved on the server, did not cause discomfort to Defne. She still laughed to herself, imagining what discomfort awaits his priceless wife when she walks out on the polished steps of the stairs in slippery shoes. But the order, giggling and mentally celebrating her victory, she carried out. But as it happened, Defne crashed right in the corridor and even into the arms of her husband. Like a witch who put magic protection around herself!

But where is this Zubeyir!

The ear caught a raspy muttering, vaguely reminiscent of singing. It came from a corner stylized as a winter garden. There, among the date palms, stood a crimson velvet sofa. He was on it, covering his ears with headphones and staring at a laptop, Zubeyir sat and hummed a fashionable song out of tune.

Turning away, Leila took a spray from her purse and discreetly splashed it into her eyes. The response was immediate. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Hiding the bottle back in her purse, she went to the programmer and, sobbing loudly, sat down next to him. He pulled the headphones out of his ears and stared at her with a confused look.

- L-l-аila? What's the matter?

"I'm lost," she drawled plaintively and raised a napkin to her eyes. "If you don't help, I'm finished! I will be fired from work for nothing. Only because Mr. Koray disliked me. Nagging at me, I don't understand why!

"Don't pay attention to him," Zubeyir began to persuade her. - He nags at everyone. This is Mr. Koray! He also calls me ugly.

- You? Laila opened her eyes in mock surprise. - But you're beautiful! And so smart!

Zubeyir blossomed before her eyes. Even the protruding ears were pink with pleasure. The subject of his dreams considers him beautiful! Yes, he will do anything for her! Even from the Bosphorus Bridge, he will jump straight into the winter strait!

- But why are you crying? He asked the plaintively sobbing girl. "The bosses don't care what Mr. Кoray thinks about the employees. They were used to his antics.

- Lady Defne's dress for the photoshoot was ruined by whipped cream. She had to wear something else. She also slipped and nearly fell. It turned out that the soles of the shoes were stained with oil.

- But what have you got to do with it?

- I was preparing shoes and the dress for the photo session in Mr. Koray's office! - Laila sobbed bitterly again. - Remember, you still helped me.

- I remember, - Zubeyir said thoughtfully. - I was with you, and then Nazlican called me because the e-mail stopped working.

- Exactly! - she exclaimed, - and I stayed for a few more minutes. And now Mr. Koray will blame me for what happened. And I'm not guilty of anything! It was as if he had accidentally soiled the dress with cream, and then took up the shoes with his greasy hands. And I cannot lose this job. My grandmother is sick! And more ... more ... how will I live without seeing you ...

Laila sobbed loudly. Zubeyir felt dizzy. Allah! Really beautiful Laila fell in love with him! But how can he help her?

- I know! He exclaimed. - I will tell Mr. Omer that I was with you all the time, and we left the office together!

- You also need to change the recordings of video cameras. As if I followed you into the Passionis reception room and immediately went to my office.

- A simple matter, - assured Zubeyir and tapped his fingers on the laptop keys. A picture of the reception area, the secretary's desk, and the doors to the offices of Iplikci and his assistant appeared on the screen. Nazlican passed, followed by Zubeyir himself. The programmer began to do some manipulations with the video recording and the period between his appearance, and after him, Laila disappeared. The video looked like she entered the waiting room with him and immediately went to her room. - Now I will change the time - he again pounded on the keys. - Like this! Ok.

- And no one can figure out that you changed the records? - Stopping crying, Laila asked cautiously.

- Except me - nobody! The programmer said boastfully. "Only I have access to edit the records, but not even the head of the security department knows about it. Don't worry, no one will suspect anything.

Laila, looking at him with the innocent look of the fawn Bambi, smiled an alluring smile, and kissed him on the cheek. Zubeyir's face flushed red. Not believing his happiness, he, stammering, asked:

- L-l-Laila, um-can we meet tonight?

"Definitely," she promised. - Just not today. Grandma is sick. She is waiting for me. But as soon as she recovers, we will catch up with you in full!

- Health to your grandmother - Zubeyir wished. - Let it all go.

- Thank you, dear, - Laila added seductive hoarseness to her voice. - And now I'm running away. Let them not see us together yet. So that no one suspects anything.

- L-l-Laila - Zubeyir stopped her. - Mm-can I call you tonight?

- Certainly cute! She blew a kiss to him and slipped out from under the shelter of palm trees into the hall.

"I'll look forward to the evening," he breathed after her.

Turning away from the adoring guy, she mockingly rolled her eyes.

"Wait, wait, you fool! - Mentally answered him. "Telephone conversations are the most that you will get from the beautiful Laila."


- Allah-Allah! - shouted at subordinates Koray. - Why are you crawling like snails?! Are you asleep? Bring silver slippers faster! You don't see, the skinny girl is tired!

- Mr. Koray, I'm not tired, - Defne timidly tried to reason with him, but he just shouted:

- I say, tired, then tired! I know better! And in general, how much will you rub my ears with your "master"? Call me Korish! I feel like an old man! Can anyone bring these shoes? He barked and looked around. Laila walked briskly to the room where the new collection's shoe samples were kept. - Stop, ugly! He shouted. - Let Ozie bring! And you - scatter from here! You spoil my karma! Skinny, my life - Koray's voice turned into a sweet syrup - maybe you want to drink or eat? Just tell me, and the pretty guy will bring everything in no time. And I'll eat with you!

- Thank you, Koray, - Defne smiled. - I do not want anything. Let's better finish filming. And then we'll go to a cafe and drink tea with brownies with a clear conscience.

- Oh, how well you thought up! - He clapped his hands. - Omyush, will you come with us?

- With pleasure, Koray, - answered Omer, who throughout the entire shooting, stood like a sentry at the base of the stairs, and did not take his affectionate gaze from his wife.

- Ay, I have a feast today! Omyush comes with us to eat cakes! Ozie!!! Are you wearing these shoes or not?!!

- I'm carrying it, Mr. Koray! - The guy rushed up the stairs in a whirlwind. Stopping beside Defne, who was sitting on a velvet pillow, he squatted down and was about to change her shoes.

Omer touched his shoulder.

- I'll do it, - he said, and the guy hastily got up and walked aside.

Omer dropped to one knee in front of his wife and took her foot in his hands.

- Fair Princess, will you let me put on the slipper? He asked, and his black eyes shone with love.

"Ah, Mr. Prince," she smiled softly. "I never knew how to say no to you.

- It means yes? - His smile could melt the ice of Antarctica.

"Yes," Defne replied. - Always, to infinity - yes!

Omer took one silvery shoe and put it on the small foot. Clicked the shutter of the camera.

- Freeze! - commanded Koray. - So! Excellent! Omyush, take the second leg in your hands. Tender, more tenderly! You need to teach! Put the shoe on it slowly. Yes! Like this! Excellent! Brilliant! My concept got new colors! Yoo-hu-hu!!! I'm a genius!

- Will you allow these photos to be used? - Defne asked her husband in surprise.

"Yes," he replied. - You are my princess! Let the whole world know about it.

- All! - commanded Koray. - The end! The final! Happy end! It was an enchanting photo session! Skinny, you are the best model in the world, and I am the best photographer in the world!

"Without a doubt, Koray," Defne agreed. Omer got to his feet and helped her up. She smiled at him gratefully and again turned to Koray: - But I hope that this is the last photo session with my participation.

- What more! - He was indignant. - Until the next, there is full six months. You will have time to give birth and restore shape. And anyway, stop talking in vain! You promised me brownie and tea!

- Good - Defne sighed. - I will just change.

- You are tired. Let me take you. - Omer took her in his arms and carried her up the stairs. She trustingly hugged him by the neck and pressed her redhead to his broad chest.

It was an amazing picture. A tall, strong man carried a fragile, charming girl in his arms. Her curls shimmered on the black fabric of his jacket, the hem of an ice-blue dress fluttered beautifully, from under which silver shoes peeped out. And a warm smile shone on her lips.

Everyone in the hotel lobby looked at them. Someone, rejoicing in their happiness, someone envious. But there were eyes, green, serpentine, which looked with hatred and malice. Having failed, Laila was already making new plans to destroy the happiness of this couple, whose behavior did not fit into any logical framework.

There are no such loyal men and loyal women! There is no such unconditional love! All people in this world are vicious, selfish, and materialistic. Everyone loves money and fame. They love debauchery and sex. And these Prince and Princess are no exception. It is only necessary to draw out this depravity from them.

And she will do it.

Otherwise, her name is not Laila!

- Well? Let's go to eat? - Asked Koray when, Defne in brown trousers and a cream sweater, went downstairs with her husband.

"We are with you," Sinan said and grabbed Seda and Laura by the arms. The girls did not need to be present at the photo session, but both decided to give Defne moral support. And they did not regret it at all.

- Wait a minute, I'll make one call, and let's go, - said Omer and, taking his phone out of his pocket, began to look for the necessary contact in it.

- Who are you calling? - asked Sinan.

"To the head of security," the partner replied and raised the phone to his ear. - Mr. Karan, today there was an unpleasant incident that looks more like a deliberate crime. The dress for the photoshoot was ruined, and oil was applied to the soles of some of the shoes. Miraculously, my wife was not hurt. Please check yesterday's CCTV footage. Those are located in the area of ​​Mr. Koray's office and at the entrance. Check all visitors who showed up at the office. Interview Passionis employees. I want to know who had access to the clothes and shoes prepared for the photoshoot. Tomorrow at eleven, I am expecting you with a report.

- You still decided to investigate? Defne asked when her husband finished the conversation and hid the phone in his pocket. Omer nodded. - Or maybe we will forget? After all, nothing terrible happened. I am alive and well.

"No, love," he said firmly. - These were deliberate actions. A crime. If we leave the criminal unpunished, then he will continue to do his dirty deeds and harm others.

"You're right," Defne agreed and took his arm. - But now let's forget about it, and just enjoy tea, cakes, and a good time with loved ones.

Omer smiled. His Defne! Her kindness is enough to warm the planet.

"Okay," he agreed. - Let's go enjoy it.

At the table of the presentable cafe, where six handsome men and women were accommodated, cheerful laughter sounded every now and then. The visitors looked at them in bewilderment - what is it mixed with the tea that makes them behave so free and at ease? Do they not understand that loud laughter in such a conservative place is bad behavior? The company understood, but today they didn't care about etiquette. Too many emotions were presented today. They were torn from the locks of convention and turned into jokes and laughter. Seda joked with Sinan, Defne teased Omer, Koray devoured pastries one after another and managed in every way to praise his genius, the beauty of the cute skinny girl, and the foresight of Omyush and Sinan, who made him a director.

"If you continue to work like this," Sinan promised, laughing, "Omer and I will increase your share. Up to four percent.

- What?! - Кoray shouted, widening his eyes in a daze. - Up to four percent?! I will, I will work! When will you increase it?

"Not earlier than in six months," Omer replied. "We need to make sure your business urge is consistent and won't go away in a couple of months.

- Will not disappear! It will not disappear! - promised Koray and clapped his hands. - Four percent! I can buy an apartment in Nisantasi! True on credit. But it is not important! I will live in the thick of things! Everyone will envy me and ask for a visit.

"This is motivation," Defne said quietly in her husband's ear. - Have you decided to turn Koray into an exemplary worker?

"You asked me to keep him busy and get him away from you," Omer answered just as quietly and Defne looked with gratitude into his laughing eyes.

"Countess Laura," said Koray flatteringly to the girl sitting next to him. - Will you bring me your famous cake for the housewarming?

- Surely, Mr. Koray, - she promised. - Only I have not been a countess for a long time. The title ceased to be mine even when I divorced my first husband.

- Fu! Nonsense! He objected. - As if your aristocracy has gone somewhere. Nobility is inside. You will always be a countess!

"Thanks," Laura thanked. - But, really, the title does not play any role for me. Much more important is that I am among people close to my heart and I am happy.

Koray looked behind her and gently touched the shoulder blade protruding under the sweater with his index finger.

- Koray, what are you doing? Sinan asked him.

"I'm looking to see if there are wings," he replied quite seriously. - If she is an Angel, then there must be wings.

- Mr. Koray, I am an ordinary person and I have no wings, - Laura laughed.

- It's a pity! - He was upset. - I would come up with such a concept about Angels and their wings.

- Not that! The girl exclaimed. - I will never be a model again!

"Yeah, yeah," Koray muttered sarcastically and turned to Seda. - Seda, honey, do you happen to have wings?

- No!!! She widened her eyes in dismay. - No wings! And in general - I'm not photogenic! Absolutely! I'm not good at photography! True, true!

- And-and-and! She screamed here. "He gave her a scornful look. - It's not up to you to decide. Sinan will say - to act, and you will agree, how cute.

- I disagree! - Seda was stubborn. - And generally speaking! Why are you bullying us and not shooting professional models?

Koray looked at her as if she were an unreasonable child and answered syllables:

- Because they are stupid! And I need aura and light! You three have it. So, do not getaway and you will be filming!

The girls groaned in unison, while the men laughed and winked at the happy concept director.


- Daddy's daughter, did you fall asleep?

Omer, leaning on his forearms, lay in the huge matrimonial bed, kissed Defne's naked stomach, and cooed with his daughter:

- Dad's kitten! Bead! Well, move some more. Talk to dad. Tell me, are you calm in your mom's tummy? Aren't you tired today while your mom was tortured by bad Uncle Koray? Defne chuckled. - Do you hear? Mommy laughs! Are you laughing too? Laugh more, my bird. You will be the most fun, beautiful, and happy girl in the world with us.

- She will be! - Defne cheerfully faked. - With such a daddy.

- And mommy, - Omer raised his head and stretched out his lips for a kiss.

Defne kissed them and looked away.

- I'll say something.

"Speak," Omer rolled onto his side and, resting his head on his hand, lay down beside her.

- My belly will soon be big.

- I can't wait.

"I'll get fat and awkward." She didn't look him in the face. She hid her eyes behind long eyelashes.

Omer rubbed his nose against her shoulder and retorted:

- Cute, touching, and funny.

"Maybe so, but my body will no longer make you want me.

Defne blushed and shot him a searching look.

- What?! - Omer exclaimed and laughed. - Darling, who inspired such stupidity in you?

- I read it on the Internet on the forum for future mothers. Many people there complain that when their figure has changed, husbands have cooled off to lovemaking.

- Maybe they are afraid to inadvertently harm the child? - Omer stood up for the men unfamiliar to him. - And so they restrain themselves. I do not believe that pregnancy kills desire in men. A beloved woman is always beautiful. And especially when carrying your child. This is such a special beauty. Like a light in a vessel. It shines through the walls and makes it shine.

Defne's cheeks flashed with a scarlet blush, but she still asked:

- Will you be afraid too?

"I don't know," Omer answered honestly. - Probably I will. But we will find a way out. There are a lot of ways to love each other. We will find the safest ones. I will be very careful and gentle.

"I have no doubt," Defne finally raised her eyes and looked into his face. "So I don't have to be afraid that my big belly and swollen ankles will disgust you?"

"Disgust," he grumbled. - Where do you only get such words? Of course not. Your tummy will make me tender. But the enlarged chest, - Omer stroked the high mound and slid his hand to the buttocks, - and your tempting ass will surely torment me with desire.

- Well look! She narrowed her eyes slyly. - You promised!

Omer laughed and, grabbing the still slender figure, rolled over onto his back and laid her on himself. Making his way with his palms under the pajama blouse, he tickled her ribs and caught a bursting laugh with his lips.

The kiss, at first playful, after a moment turned into a fire...


- What will you do if it turns out to be one of ours?

Sinan didn't even have a smile on his face. Always cheerful and funny, now he was more serious than ever.

"I'll tear him apart with my bare hands," Omer answered just as seriously. - And then I will kick out without severance pay and recommendations. And I will make sure that all employers in Turkey know about his criminal inclinations.

"Or her," his friend corrected.

- Or her.

Omer ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his head. His head ached from the tension. Even the thought that one of the employees, for almost each of whom he could vouch with his head, with whom he went through so many troubles and won victories, could commit such meanness, hurt.

"We cannot exclude the possibility that these are the antics of competitors," he said.

- I asked Nazlican, - Sinan involuntarily clenched his teeth, so he did not want to say the next phrase. But there is no point in hiding your head in the sand. - The day before yesterday, none of the strangers showed up at the office. Even from Sapphire, no one came.

- Koray's office is on the sidelines. Nazlican could not see, - Omer looked at his watch. - Let's wait for Mr. Karan's report.

Sinan nodded but didn't have time to answer. The door opened with a bang and hit the wall. On the threshold appeared Koray, red with anger, who was dragging the crying and restless Laila by her hair. Pushing her into the middle of the office, he declared:

- That's her! Her handiwork! She was packing shoes and the dress in my office! She was the last to leave it! And-and-and! Freak! She wanted to disrupt the photo session!

- Why do I need this, Mr. Koray? - Smearing tears on her cheeks, Laila whined.

- Shameless! She also asks! Because you have your eyes on Omyush and pretend to be the second skinny one! Shameless!

- Koray, calm down, and please be quiet for ten minutes, - Omer got up from the table and walked over to Laila. Clasping his hands behind his back, he gazed intently at the tear-stained face. "This time she is not crying beautifully," he noted mechanically and ordered in an icy tone: "Laila, you better explain the situation immediately.

She sobbed even more. Through sobs and convulsive sighs, she began to justify herself in a trembling voice:

- Mr. Omer, I am not guilty of anything!.... hiccup ... I did pack the shoes and dress for the photoshoot in Mr. Koray's office. ... But I didn't stain anything. Zubeyir was with me. He helped me. ... Ask him! Nazlican called him. We left the office together with him and I never went there again.

Omer picked up the internal phone and called.

- Nazlican? Immediately, together with Zubeyir, come to my office.

"Okay, Mr. Omer," the girl's voice sounded fearful. - Mister Karan came. Let him in?

"Let him come in," Omer ordered abruptly and put the receiver back in place.

A tall, broad-shouldered man entered the office. He had a military bearing, a clean-shaven head, a square chin, and a tenacious gaze of steel eyes. Omer pointed to a chair, but he remained standing. Behind him came Nazlican and Zubeyir, pale as a sheet. The latter looked, as usual, absent-mindedly stupid.

"Zubeyir," Omer turned to him. - Did you help Laila prepare shoes for the photoshoot the day before yesterday?

- Yes, Mr. Omer! - He answered quickly. - I opened the boxes, and Laila checked if the shoes were of the same size. Then we put the boxes in the right order. And just when we finished, Nazlican dropped in and called me. Laila and I left the office together.

Omer turned to the secretary.

- Nazlican, is Zubeyir telling the truth?

- Yes, Mr. Omer, - the girl replied, blinking her eyes, and hardly holding back her tears. - The mail has stopped sending letters. And I had urgent correspondence ..., Zubeyir's phone did not answer, and I ran to look for him. He was in Mr. Koray's office with Laila.

- They left the office together? Omer asked.

"Yes," she said uncertainly, and immediately began to cry. - I don't remember! Didn't look closely. I called him and immediately ran away. I had so much work to do!

- Until the end of work, you no longer went into Mr. Koray's office? Sinan asked, wincing at her tears.

- No-no, - the girl shook her head and burst into tears even louder. "Do you t-t-think I did it?

"Calm down, Nazlican," Omer said gloomily. - Nobody thinks so. Go to your place.

The sobbing secretary hastened to leave the office. The rest stayed where they were. The only sound that broke the silence was Laila's sobs. Even Koray sat in silence. Omer scanned everyone with a grim look and turned to the head of the security department.

- Mr. Karan, what are the results of your investigation?

The man opened the folder and took out a piece of paper. He put it in front of him and only then answered.

- Unfortunately, there is no positive result. Shoes and a dress were brought to the office of Mr. Koray the day before yesterday before dinner and taken away yesterday morning for the photo session. They were prepared by Ms. Laila. I interviewed all the employees - none of them entered his office in the absence of Mr. Koray. We cannot check their words - the room is located far from the reception and other offices, and there is no video camera near it. I admit that this is our omission, and we will immediately correct it. For the same reason, we cannot say for sure that outsiders did not enter Mr. Koray's office. This situation is quite possible. As for Zubeyir and Layla, the CCTV footage at the reception confirms their words. The man stood up and walked over to the boss's desk. Looking at Omer, he pointed to his laptop and asked, "May I?

The man nodded in the affirmative. Mr. Karan opened the required file and turned on the video playback at the required minute. The bosses moved closer to the laptop and stared at the screen. Behind them, Zubeyir and Laila looked at each other conspiratorially. The assistant imperceptibly winked at the programmer and smiled a feline, seductive smile, from which he melted and forgot where he was.

Omer watched the screen intently. The video showed the entrance to the reception area and his office. The time was reflected below. Nazlican rushed by with a quick step and disappeared into the office. A minute later, a clearly displeased Zubeyir appeared. He passed and disappeared in the same direction as Nazlican. Laila followed him to her office. Mister Karan stopped the video and said:

- From that minute until the end of the working day, which is a little over two hours, Laila did not leave her office.

The assistant cheered up. Straightening up, she cast a victorious glance at the bewildered concept director and said.

- Yes it is. Until the very end of the working day, I was busy with the list of invitees to the presentation. I went home with Zeyneb.

Omer clenched his jaw and said through his teeth:

- Laila, I apologize to you for the false accusation. You can be free. Zubeyir, you too.

- What! - jumped up Koray. - Are you letting her go?

"Koray," Sinan said judiciously. - The investigation showed that Laila has an iron alibi.

- What showed? What showed? Nothing showed! - Shouted he and, rummaging in the pocket of an emerald green jacket, pulled out a transparent plastic bag, inside which lay something greenish-gray and greasy, and then threw it on the table. - And what is it then?

- What is it? Sinan took it in his hands and began to examine it. - Looks like an oiled napkin.

- Exactly! Slow-witted! I found it the night before yesterday in my trash can. She, - Koray pointed a finger at Laila, - in her purse are exactly the same. I checked.

- Koray, - Sinan was indignant, - it's a shame to rummage through other people's bags. Besides, it is an ordinary paper napkin. All of Istanbul uses these. This is not proof.

"Koray," Omer said, "don't get us wrong. We know that you dislike Laila, but we must find the real criminal, and not pin the blame on an innocent person just because you have an antipathy for her.

Koray put his hand to his eyes in a theatrical gesture and exclaimed:

- Allah! And I thought he was smart! Omyush - you are a short-sighted fool, and you can't see beyond your nose. "He looked contemptuously at Sinan and poked him in the chest. - And you too! But you can't fool me! I will not take my eyes off this snake and prove that it was she who wanted to cripple the skinny one!

Proudly throwing up his head and grasping the lapels of his jacket with both hands, he swam out of the office.

Laila was not in the least afraid of his attack. Her maneuver succeeded, and she is above suspicion. All was hidden and no one will ever know the truth. Now she will be still for a week, and then she will develop a new plan on how to get rid of the rival and enchant the boss.

"Laila, Zubeyir, go to your work," Omer ordered and pointed to the door.

Both evaporated immediately. Omer sat down in his chair and, thoughtfully stroking his beard, turned to the men:

- What do you think of all this?

"I think it was the competitors who wanted to disrupt the photo session, and then the show," Sinan said.

- But why to harm Defne?! Omer raised his voice.

"They might not have known the model was Defne. Perhaps the plan was for the real model to suffer, and Passionis to be at the center of a scandal, the partner suggested.

"It's logical," Omer agreed. "Do you think Deniz took over the old tricks?

"I'm sure not. Defne drew him a great spring collection. Yes, you already know that. He will not risk good relations with her because of the dubious pleasure of annoying Passionis. Besides, he and Iz are now out of town. They went to visit Iz's parents. Yes, and we have enough competitors besides Tranba.

- You're right, - agreed Omer and turned to the head of the security department: - And your opinion, Mr. Karan.

He looked at the boss with an unreadable gaze of gray eyes and replied:

- Mr. Omer, I am used to working with facts, not unfounded assumptions. When I have them, I will come to you and comment.

"Okay, Mr. Karan," said the boss, holding back his irritation. - Look for the facts. Search hard. I want the culprit to be found. And think about how to make the office more secure. All the necessary funds will be allocated to you.

- Yes, Mr. Omer! - The man bowed briefly in a military manner and left the office.

"I'll go too," Sinan stood up and patted his friend on the shoulder. - Don't worry like that. We'll find this freak. The main thing is that everything worked out, and Defne did not suffer.

Omer patted his hand and stared thoughtfully out the window. Sinan left. A ringing silence froze in the room. His soul was dreary. The result of the investigation was not what he expected. He wanted to see Defne at once. To hug her and feel that she is safe, healthy, and loves him. Without thinking twice, he jumped off and left the office.

Defne was drawing another set of jewelry when the door opened abruptly, and Omer rushed into the office. Smiling, she stood up and immediately found herself in his arms. Strong and anxious. She stroked him reassuringly on the shoulder and pulled him to the couch.

"Let's sit down, and you'll tell me everything," she suggested.

They settled down on the sofa, and Omer recounted everything that had happened a few minutes ago in his own office.

"Mister Karan is looking for facts," he summed up. - Sinan believes that this is the intrigue of competitors, and Koray is sure of Lаila's guilt. But he hates her. And that means biased.

- And you? Defne asked. - What do you think?

"And I want to find the real culprit and remove him from our lives forever," he replied with desperate anger.

Defne lowered her eyes. Should she say or not? After all, these are only her feelings, and they are also not objective. Is it fair to blame someone based on feelings? But not so long ago, she and Omer promised each other not to have secrets and to talk about everything that worries the soul. And she made up her mind. She looked into upset dark eyes and quietly said:

- I don't like her either.

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