The Siren's Voice Calls

By Rapunzelkh

6.9K 343 330

Book 1 of an Is It Love? story of a young woman with a dark secret. When that tragic incident occurred she ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 21

115 6 8
By Rapunzelkh

December came quickly with the last day of our first semester passing. Eight of us students from Myths and Legends class were chosen. Peter and I had finished packing our things for the trip and headed to the university's parking lot where we were to meet with the others. We soon found ourselves on a plane with Professor Jones, heading our way across the Atlantic. We each shared an excitement for what was to come. Sarah decided to sit in the window seat, Peter sat in the aisle seat, while I sat in between them. Knowing we would be exhausted, we were handed pillows to rest comfortably. Peter and I shared earbuds to listen to some Classical music during our journey. The flight was long, but thankfully, relatively quiet. As the hours passed by, we were accommodated with snacks, drinks, and even a full course meal.

Even though we flew Coach, it was still more peaceful and relaxing than any other time I had been on a plane. A while after eating, I drifted off to sleep still listening to the music and leaning on Peter's shoulder. When I woke again the plane was slowly descending, prepping for a landing at its destination at Fiumicino International Airport. Grabbing our carry-on bags out of the cubbies above the seats, we headed for the exit. The young flight attendant thanked everyone on board and bid us farewell as we passed her by the front exit doorway of the plane. Professor Jones made sure he had a head count of all eight of us students before letting us proceed down the terminal. Everyone was eager to get our luggage and head to the hotel we were staying at to rest the remaining hours we had left of the night.

Standing near the luggage pickup area, one by one, we saw our suitcases appear on the conveyor belt. When I went to reach for mine Peter grabbed the handle before I could and pulled it off the moving platform. I smiled and shook my head at him. Peter just smiled and started to walk towards the window to stand out of the way while waiting for everyone else to get their bags. Following close behind, I then leaned against the wall for support since I was so exhausted. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes for a brief moment. By the time I opened my eyes again, Professor Jones had returned from the car rental area. He had procured a van to rent for the whole week for all of us to fit in. Riding through the streets at night and seeing all the beautiful scenery woke me up. All the modernized buildings and street lamps were lit up, the view fascinating. Soon the hotel was in view. The grand establishment was no mere cheap motel. It was a luxurious five-star hotel with six floors. A place where you would expect rich business people or celebrities to stay at.

As the van came to a stop under the carport in front of the entrance, the doors were opened on both sides by young men dressed in hotel uniforms, who helped us out of the vehicle and welcomed us in Italian. They collected our bags out of the trunk and placed them on carts. Both of them guided us inside while the valet took care of parking the van. We were led to the reception desk where the hotel receptionist looked up from her computer, smiling, and greeted us. Speaking to Professor Jones, she said, "Buonasera. Benvenuti all'Hotel de Russie." He smiled and replied, "Buonasera. Il mio nome è Sebastian Jones. Ho la registrazione per me e i miei studenti."

After typing his name to look up our registration, she smiled again and spoke in English with an Italian accent. "Aww yes, of course. You are the Americans from the University. We have reserved two Valadier suites for you." She pulled out a drawer and grabbed our room key cards and handed them to the professor. She also handed him a brochure and explained the different features the hotel had to offer. "I am sure you all will be in need of rest after your flight and drive here from the airport. Please, do enjoy your stay with us." She nodded towards the two young men helping us with our luggage. They guided us to the elevators and up to our suites. The professor gave them each a tip after they finished assisting us; he and the boys in one suite, us girls in the other.

The living room area of the suite was beautiful with floor-to-ceiling windows and a balcony overlooking Pincian Hill and the hotel's Secret Garden. I couldn't wait to see the garden in daylight, having only seen pictures online of it. Inside the main room hung paintings on the wall and a statue stood between each window. Each bedroom had wide beds to fit two people, so Sarah and I shared one room while Jessie and Rebecca shared the other. We each took a turn in the bathroom and went straight to bed. I didn't have trouble falling asleep with how comfortable the bed was.

The next morning, the four of us ordered room service and sat at the table in the main room to eat breakfast when it was brought in for us. Professor Jones had told us all the night before to meet in the lobby at nine o'clock in the morning. When we finished we got dressed and headed downstairs to join our men. I saw them sitting in the lounge talking and they stood up when they saw us coming. As we walked out the front door, Professor Jones gave his ticket to the valet gentleman, who then returned with the van a few minutes later. We hopped in and took off on our first tour for our school trip. The professor told us we were going to visit a couple museums for the day and have lunch at a café in between.

Our first stop was Centrale Montemartini, which apparently used to be a power plant. Many sculptures were displayed on pedestals in each room; some head, half body, and full body statues. Each one was carved with such detail that amazed me. The artistry work and time it must have taken made them all the more beautiful. The professor spoke about each of the representations of the clothing styles and important people in ancient times, and what they were known for. My favorites were the statues of gods and goddesses, along with some of their vassals. It was exciting to gain a more in depth knowledge of their powers.

At the end of the tour, the museum staff bid us farewell. One of the girls working behind the front desk kept smiling and eyeing Peter, which I didn't appreciate. I, instinctively, grabbed his hand and interlaced my fingers with his before we exited out the door and quickly glanced at her frowning face. I could see him smirking out of the corner of my eye; obviously, having witnessed the whole thing. We continued to hold hands as we walked to the van. He held the door open and let me get in first while the others climbed in on the other side. On the way, Professor Jones informed us that the Galleria Borghese was our next stop and that it had its own cafeteria.

Casina del Lago Café was a lovely establishment inside Villa Borghese with gardens and covered patio tables for when the weather was warmer. We sat together inside the building after the waiters put two tables together. After being seated, the waiters handed us our menus and took our drink orders. When one of them came around to Peter and I and asked what we wanted Peter kindly asked, "Acqua minerale, per favore?" The gentleman replied, "Sì, certo, e per la signorina?" I answered, "Cappuccino freddo, per favore?" "Sì, naturalmente," he said in response. Sarah ended up ordering the same as I did and we each looked over the menu for a choice of the lunch cuisine offered.

We all talked as we waited for our dishes while eating a salad and sipping on our drinks. We discussed our thoughts of the day, so far, our likes, and dislikes, if any. Professor Jones listened and took mental note of each of our responses, nodding in reply. Soon after, our plates were brought out and the waiters encouraged us to enjoy our meals by saying, "Buon Appetito." Our lunch lasted about an hour or so since we each ordered something light to eat. The professor paid for the food and we all left a tip on the table for the good service provided to us. Standing up from our seats, we left to head into the gallery.

Galleria Borghese was filled with many different forms of art. The tour was spectacular. Coming to the end, the professor showed us a series of statues. The last one we came to triggered unexpected emotions for me as the professor spoke, "Here we come to a sculpture by the artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Made in 1621, and finished in 1622, it is two hundred twenty five centimeters, or eighty nine inches in size. Bernini was twenty three years of age when he completed this piece of art. It depicts the abduction of Proserpina, seized and taken to the underworld by the god Pluto. It is titled 'The Rape of Proserpina'. Although, the word 'Rape' is a traditional translation of the Latin raptus, 'seized' or 'carried off', and does not refer specifically to sexual violence."

As I looked upon the intricate detail of the sculpture, a cold chill went down my spine, and I immediately folded my arms. Peter saw and asked me in a whisper, "You okay? Are you cold?" "A little," I answered in half truth. All of a sudden, images of that night flashed through my mind. My heart began to race and I couldn't hear anything or anyone around me. My breathing became shallower and Peter put his hands on my shoulders out of concern. Sarah came up to me, and I saw that her lips were moving, but I couldn't hear or understand what she was saying. The only things I could hear were the memories of Jacob's voice and his movements on me in the forest. I tried to blink and shake my head to rid myself of the images and sounds I dreaded so much.

I looked up and happened to glance at the statue again. My eyes focused on Pluto's hands, pressing his fingers into Proserpina's leg. It was so well sculpted that I began to imagine as if they were real flesh, and it was Jacob holding me instead. Unable to breathe, I came to realize I was having a panic attack. Outloud, I spoke, "I'm s-sorry,... but I h-have to... g-get out of here... now!" I turned and pushed my way through the crowd and ran outside when the path cleared open for me. Breathing heavily, I ran to a secluded area and couldn't hold my tears back any longer.

Peter's POV-

As Lydia turned to get away, Sarah faced me and asked what that was all about. In reply, I said, "I have no idea, but clearly, something definitely has frightened and upset her." I turned toward the front of our group and saw that the commotion had been seen by everyone, including the professor. He nodded in her direction, giving me the silent okay to go after her and find out what was wrong. I nodded in reply and turned to Sarah, saying, "I will go and see what's troubling Lydia. Stay here with everyone else." "You sure you don't want me to go with you?" "Yes, it's okay. I will take care of her." "Please do cause that scared the crap out of me, how she acted just then." "I know, it worried me too."

Reaching the door to the exit, I stepped outside and looked around to find her, but the view was blocked by many people with opened umbrellas held above their heads since it had begun to rain earlier that afternoon. I pulled my own out and closed my eyes to listen closely. I soon was able to single out the one heartbeat I was searching for. Still beating fast, I could tell she was in a panic with each thump pounding hard in her chest. I continued to listen to the sound, letting it guide me to her like a sonic wave visual compass. I soon came upon Lydia sitting on the stone ring of the fountain in the garden off to the side of the entrance to the museum. Gazing at her wet silhouette, I quickened my pace to reach her and cover her with the umbrella.

Lydia looked up to me as I looked at her with worried eyes. Despite the fact that she was wet from the rain, it was plain to see that she had been crying. Without a word, she just stared into my eyes with such sorrow and fear I had not seen in her before, emanating an eagerness and yearning for what troubled her to go away and disappear. I slowly sat down beside her and took her right hand in mine and asked, pleadingly, "Lydia, please... Will you tell me what just happened in there?" As her breathing slowed to a normal pace, she nodded and began to speak, though with difficulty.

"There is something... that happened to me before we met that I... that I haven't told anyone about. About Jac−... Something about Jacob." "Your ex boyfriend," I acknowledged. "Yes... It was the night of our Senior bonfire after we graduated. He and our English teacher went off into the woods to talk alone. It seemed so long, I thought at the time that they hadn't returned, so I went looking for them." She paused to take a deep breath. I remained silent, waiting patiently for her to continue. Grabbing her water bottle out of her bag, she took the cap off and began drinking multiple gulps. After she finished and put it away, she took my hand again and held it in her lap and tightened her grip before speaking again.

"I walked for what seemed like several minutes before I heard their voices in the dark. They were arguing about something, I-I don't remember what it was. Jacob soon lost his temper and before I knew it, he..." "Go on," I whispered, encouragingly, after a few seconds of silence had passed. "You see, I always knew he had a temper, but something that night made things worse. I thought I was imagining things, at first, but it was real!" "What was real?" "He... Jacob, he had become a... a huge gorilla or something and was pounding our teacher's chest into the ground. He killed him! I shrieked out loud without meaning to and quickly covered my mouth and tried to hide." "I remember you saying something about that when we first told Sebastian about your abilities." She looked at me, nodded her head, and then continued, "I didn't tell you everything.... Anyway, you can imagine how scared I was." "Yes, I can. Did he... did he find you?" I asked, worried that I already knew the answer to that question.

She nodded again and went on with her tale. "I tried holding my breath, so as to not make a sound, but I think he could smell me. He grabbed me by the hair and lifted me up in the air and carried me over to a large tree, growling in my face. I screamed and he then held me against the tree by the throat as his body slowly transitioned back into human form. I still remember the look in his eyes like it was yesterday, black with such fury and hatred." She shivered then, so I let go of her hand and put my arm around her. A moment later, Sarah walked up to us. "I, uh, kinda heard what you were saying. About Jacob being a gorilla and all. I'm sorry, I should leave you two alone." Before she could turn and leave, Lydia stopped her by saying, "No, please don't go? It's okay, you need to hear this too."

Continuing with her story, Lydia began again, "Jacob pondered what he was going to do with me. I don't remember, but I might have begged for my life. I don't know, but then the grin on his face at that moment frightened me more than witnessing him beastly murder someone." Sarah gasped and covered her mouth while shaking her head in disbelief. I knew exactly what she was thinking, for I was dreading the same thing. Lydia nodded and began to sob once more, unable to bear speaking it aloud. I dropped the umbrella and pulled her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her. I closed my eyes and leaned my chin over her shoulder. The feeling of her wet silky hair upon my skin, I whispered in her ear, "You don't have to say another word if it's too much to handle."

Lydia tightened her grip of the fabric of her shirt as she leaned back against me. "No, it's okay. I need to get this out, I need to finish." She then held my arms against her as a means of comforting encouragement, so I held on and let her continue. Looking up, I noticed Sarah was crying as well. "As Jacob... y-you know.... he, uh, I don't know how long I laid there in the dirt and grass. I could smell mud, grass, leaves,.. his sweat a-and... him. What may have been only minutes seemed like hours. I prayed for it to end some way or another, not caring if I lived or died at that point. I just wanted him to be done with me. As I prayed over and over, I heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. Jacob was too busy to notice, but I definitely heard something. All of a sudden, his body was no longer on top of me."

Sarah and I both looked at her in shock and confusion. Sarah then asked, "What do you mean? What happened?" "I turned around and scrambled to back up against a tree away from where he had me on the ground. I tried wiping my eyes, but I couldn't see clearly. It was like someone or something had thrown him hard and fast enough for his body to be flung several feet away. In the moonlight, I could see his limp body laying there like he had hit a tree and fell to the ground." "What did you do then?" Sarah asked again. "I got up and ran, of course. I wasn't sure which direction I was going, but when I saw a flicker of light from the bonfire, my hope was renewed, so I ran faster. I reached Jacob's car without saying a word to our friends as I passed them by. From there, I drove to my house to pack my things and stopped by an ATM before leaving town."

"What did you do with his car?" I asked, knowing she didn't own a car when she came to Mystery Spell. She smirked and chuckled, replying, "I sold it for cash. My name was also on the deed, so it was completely legal and untraceable." "HAH!! Serves him right, the.... Nevermind. What I'd like to call him isn't nice for these families with young children to hear," Sarah confessed, looking around at the people coming and going nearby. "Lydia." "Yes, Peter?" "That's what triggered your powers, isn't it?" She nodded, and answered, "Yes. That was my... tragic experience." I hugged her again from behind, hoping that my attempt to comfort her would be enough.

Sarah came and sat down and wrapped her arms around both of us, leaning her head against Lydia's shoulder. "Oh, sweetie... Why didn't you tell us this before? I would've prevented you from having to see that lifelike statue in there. I understand now why you panicked and left. And rightly so, after what you've had to endure," Sarah said, trying to console her. "Thank you, both of you. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't tell the whole truth before now. I guess maybe I was too scared to think about it again. I will try to always be honest with you guys, with everything from now on."

"I am glad you told us, though heartbreaking as it was. It explains a lot of what I have been wondering about since the day we met. Sarah and I are here for you. All of us are, my family and Professor Jones. If you will allow it, I will inform them as well, so you don't have to. I don't want you to relive that experience again as you did today," I offered. "Thank you, Peter, for everything, and especially your patience with me." "Of course," I said as we all looked up to see the rest of the group coming up to join us after the rain had subsided. "Is everything all right?" Professor Jones asked with concern. "Yes, sir. I just had a brief moment of a panic attack and came out for some air, not caring that I didn't have an umbrella," Lydia answered, and attempted a smile to assure everyone she was okay.

"Since the three of you are soaking wet, and we're pretty much done for the day, let's head back to the hotel, so that you can change out of those clothes before you end up getting sick. "Yes, sir," I said as I helped Lydia to her feet and let her lean on me as we walked to the van to climb in and buckle up. She held my hand in her lap again, which I had no objection to, of course. I tried giving her a smile to assure her everything would be okay and she squeezed my hand in silent thanks. The drive back didn't seem to take long despite the heavier traffic at that time of day, but we arrived at the hotel before the rain came down again in a downpour.

Not once did she let go of my hand as we walked inside and made our way upstairs via the elevators. Outside the doors to the suites, I held Lydia back while the others all went inside. Remaining in the hallway, I released her hand and lifted both of my hands to her cheeks, holding them as I leaned in for a quick kiss. Her lips felt like the soft rose petal after a rainshower. Her sweet scent of lavender perfume had faded by the rain, though it still lingered for my inhuman senses. I inhaled slowly, taking her scent in a deep breath, and heard her sigh with content as she hugged me. "I will see you soon at dinner," I said, smiling at her. "See you downstairs in a little while," she said in return.

Closing the door behind me, Sebastian was waiting for me in the living room. I went to my room to change and came back out to sit down in one of the chairs next to him. In a low tone, so the others couldn't hear, I explained everything that happened that afternoon. As I finished, Sebastian nodded in understanding and expressed his thanks that Lydia had friends like Sarah and me to rely on. "I would've hoped her gifts had not come to life by something so... horrific, but it is good that she came forward with it, despite the cause being what it was today at the museum. She worried all of us when she took off running from the group. Goodness! If I had known to begin with, I..... Thankfully, she trusts us enough to finally give us this information. Thank you for telling me on her behalf, Peter." "Professor, do you suppose Jacob is a shapeshifter like yourself, just a different animal, maybe?" I asked, having never seen firsthand any other than Sebastian's wolf kind.

"It is very likely, yes. Shapeshifters come in many forms, some more dangerous than others, I'm afraid. Because this Jacob could be one, he could also have a healing ability similar to mine, which means he likely survived the impact against the tree and the fall to the ground, even if it was several feet away. If he did, let's hope he never finds her." I nodded in agreement. Seeing Matthew, Cody, and James come out of the rooms, we stopped our conversation. "I suppose we should be going down for dinner." Sebastian nodded, and with a raised voice, he asked the others, "You all ready?" They all replied yes, so he went to go change and meet us downstairs with the girls. The hotel's restaurant was nice and elegant with everyone wearing formal wear. After eating, we all went to bed for some much needed rest after the day's events.

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