By shimrara

13.8K 1K 306

Being a best friend and at the same time being in love was so hard. You are happy being close to him but at t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 32

254 22 6
By shimrara

Kittee was opening his eyes slowly, though he felt his eyelid was heavy. His face was scrunched up trying to adjust his eyes with the unfamiliar surrounding he was in right now.

In his young minds, he remembers he was at the big hall sitting at the round table with his daddy and his uncle, while everyone was busy chatting, dancing, or even taking pictures. He was tired and his daddy was always there beside him. His caring daddy. His sweet daddy.

But then, Uncle Tae and Uncle Itthipat had called him for some pictures and he didn't want to join them since they were actually had taken so many pictures with him that he wasn't excited anymore. So, he let his daddy and his friends. He knows how happy his daddy was seeing his friends again.

Then uncle Wutt left for some phone call he didn't know from who. He was looking around when he spotted Uncle Tee at the door of the hall, looking inside, watching his daddy and uncle Kimmon, uncle Itthipat, and uncle Tae taking pictures together.

He wanted to invite him in, and he knew his daddy will be happy seeing his uncle Tee. His daddy doesn't say much about Uncle Tee, but he knows every time he asked him about uncle Tee, daddy would be sad and he would stare into the pictures longer than he intended. That's why he wanted to ask uncle Tee to at least coming in and meeting his daddy.

But then, when he was about to reach the door where uncle Tee was standing, his uncle Tee was turning around and walking away. He didn't want uncle Tee to leave so fast. He wished he had his bean bag with him so that he just could throw it to him but he didn't bring his bag with him so he had to walk faster and faster so he could pull uncle Tee and ask him to come back to the hall.

When he was about to reach the bottom of his back shirt, someone had pulling him and taking him from behind and was covering his mouth, hiding in a corner, so that uncle Tee couldn't see him. He was struggle to get away from that man's hold, but his young energy couldn't fight that guy until he felt sleepy and his world turning dark.

So, where was he again? He looked around. It was a room, and it was dark, he couldn't really see anything. His eyes was adjusted to the dark for a while before he could see anything around him in the dark. He was lying on a couch, the only things available in the room. There were no other furniture and the window was been closed by a few board crossing it, nailing on the wall. The light emits from the gap of the boards from the street lights was the only light source to the room.

Daddy must be very worried. Daddy must be very sad. Daddy must be angry. And he missed his daddy and his daddy must be missing him too. He wakes up walking to the door and try opening the door, turning the door knob but unable to pushed it. The door was locked from outside. Kittee had bang the door trying to get attention from whomever outside the door, but no one had opened the door for him.

He looked around the room once more and he could see another door and headed straight to it. It was a bathroom and he was trying to look at any open space, but the window was too high and it was small. Even though he tried to reach it, he couldn't open it and it was too small for him.

Kittee then seating on the floor, leaning on the couch and crying. He really missed his daddy and everyone, but then he was scared too. 'Daddy....daddy....daddy...' he keeps on chanting in his head, wishing his dad could hear him somehow.

He was crouching there for a while crying when he heard something from outside the door. He was afraid to even looking up, so he stayed that way, even though he could hear the door was been opened. When the person just standing by the door, Kittee was looking up slowly, instead of seeing the face of that person, his eyes was blinding by the light emitted from behind the guy that force him using his arm covering his eyes. Until the guy turning on the light switch.

The guy then closing the door back and coming closer to Kittee with a plastic bag in his right hand and was taking a seat right in front of Kittee on the floor. "When did you wake up? You must have been hungry. You sleep for so long. What is your name? How old are you? Let's have early morning breakfast. We don't know when we will have the chance to eat again. We need to keep running."

The guy would throw his strings of questions while he put out the packed food inside the plastic bag and put it in front of Kittee. Instead of trying to answer that guy's questions, Kittee would just watch him with no expression. He honestly feeling strange with how this guy was reacted. He thought this guy would be scary and that he will be afraid of him, but then he was coming to him casually, talking to him almost in friendly tone. So he wasn't sure how to react to him.

"Can you speak? Can you hear me?" That guy would ask again, and Kittee was just looking at him without any response. Sighing, that guy then putting the chopstick in Kittee's hands and pointing to the packed food that he put in front of Kittee. "Eat."

Slowly, Kittee turning his eyes to the food in front of him and slowly taking it and eating it slowly. He don't know how long it was already he was been kept in here, and he really wished he could go back home, and see his daddy. He missed him so badly. He cried while eating his food, making the guy wipe his tears.

"Missed your daddy? We'll find a way to your daddy, so you have to listen to me. What am I saying, you can't hear me. Anyway, just follow me, okay? I'll find a way to send you to your daddy. But we had to move discreetly. The bad guys was looking around for me like crazy. Understand?"

The guy was trying to use some signal while talking so that the boy in front of him could understand him, since according to him, this boy couldn't speak, nor hear him.

Kittee was frowning, doesn't really understand this guy. Was he the bad guy, or not? Still, he was nodding his head slowly and hoping that this guy was telling him the truth. He wanted to believe him, since he was the only hope he had right now.

End of Chapter

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