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By aestheticmoron

18.3K 411 90

"๐˜ผ๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™„'๐™™ ๐™˜๐™๐™ค๐™ค๐™จ๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช; ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™– ๐™๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ง๐™š๐™™ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™›๐™š๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ข๐™š๐™จ, ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™– ๐™๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ง๐™š๐™™ ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ก... More

01 | Green's Green Goop
02 | Eligius IV
03 | This Is War
04 | Sandstorms And Worms
05 | Defectors
06 | Eye In The Sky
07 | Kill Or Be Killed
08 | Sneaking Suspicion
09 | Fighting Pits
10 | Battle Plans And Rations
11 | Shallow Valley
12 | Planet Alpha
13 | Red Sun
14 | Welcome To Sanctum
15 | Naming Day
16 | Mind Swap
17 | Mercy
18 | Josephine Prime
19 | Attempted Assassination
20 | Nightblood Serum
21 | Death To Primes: Part 1
22 | Death To Primes: Part 2
23 | Hope Diyoza And The Anomaly
24 | Solitary Confinement
25 | Absolution Day
26 | Bardo
27 | Trust Levitt
28 | I Am Strength
29 | Join The Flock
31 | Friend Or Foe?
32 | May We Meet Again
33 | Back To Bardo
34 | The Last War
35 | Epilogue

30 | Gem9

279 13 1
By aestheticmoron


After Octavia, Echo, Diyoza, and I had taken off our helmets, the looks on our friends' faces clearly said they were confused with what's going on. If only they knew about the crap storm we went through.

I kept my face blank as Clarke's eyes landed on me before looking at Octavia beside me. The blonde girl still had her gun trained on Bill as she spoke. "Let them go."

The man spoke truthfully, "They're not my prisoners, Clarke."

"Great. Then here's the deal. I'll use the key to help you but only after you let my people return to Sanctum, all of them."

Bill was silent, looking at the four of us as he shrugged. "You're free to go with her."

None of us said anything until I decided to speak. "We're not going anywhere... We have a war to fight."

I have a plan and I have to follow through with it. Every single person on Bardo deserves what's coming to them. Clarke's face fell at my answer, confusion written all over her face. I clenched my jaw as I turned and walked out of the room, putting my helmet back on. Echo, Diyoza, and Octavia followed suit soon after, putting their helmets on as well.

I placed my hands behind my back as I watched Clarke take a few steps forward before pinning around, pointing the gun at the Shepherd's head. "What did you do to them?"

"We didn't do anything," Anders answered. They killed Bellamy, that's what they did. "They simply committed to the cause, ready to serve mankind in the last war."

Bill nodded in agreement. "A moment that will soon be upon us, now that you're here. With the help of the key."

Clarke lowered her gun, taking a step toward the man. "So here's the new deal. We talk to our friends alone. I don't even want to see your men in the halls. You want my help? Earn it."

Bill immediately spoke, his eyes not leaving Clarke. "First disciple Anders, have all nonessential personnel return to livsec."

"Sir, I'm not sure if that's--." Anders stopped at the look bill gave him. "Yes, my Shepherd."

"Good. Your Shepherd stays here. The rest of you out... Now!"

"In other words, get the flock out of here," Miller added.

"Go," Bill said to Anders. "I'll be fine."

Anders didn't hesitate to turn and leave the room, the rest of us disciples following him.


I had managed to take two people hostage in Octavia's room, and tied them to a chair. I had gagged them as well so they couldn't shout. This is the moment of truth. I'm going to get Gem9. I stared at the two people in front of me, waiting for Levitt to enter the room. Just then, I heard the door open behind me and someone stepped into the room.

"Aiden?" Levitt asked confused. I slowly turned around to face him as he came to a stop a few feet in front of me. "What-- I-- I don't understand. What's going on?"

"I need your help, Levitt. And if you don't help me, I'm going to make you."

The man studied me warily before shaking his head. "I don't understand... Why do you need my help? And why do you have two of my people tied to chairs?"

"I need your help accessing Gem9," I stated matter of factly. The look that appeared on Levitt's face immediately told me he wasn't going to help me. "Do it, and I'll let your people live. Reject, and I'll kill them right here and now."

"No..." I clenched my jaw slightly at the man's answer. "No, I can't. I won't let you have it. Gem9 will kill everyone-"

"That's the point," I muttered. Levitt stared at me in horror. Just then, he spun around and went to run out of the room, and I immediately reacted by hitting him on the back of the head with the but of my knife. The three people behind me began whining as Levitt's body fell to the floor, unconscious.

I grabbed an extra chair and tied the man up, waiting for him to awaken. It took a few minutes, but eventually, he did so, groaning slightly.

"Good, you're awake," I spoke, stepping toward him. "Now, tell me how to get it."

Levitt gave me a look of disbelief, shaking his head. I let out an annoyed sigh. God, this is frustrating. I'm really starting to lose my patience with this man. I shrugged as I spoke. "Well, you asked for it."

With that, I brought my fist up, punching the man in the face hard. He cried out in pain, blood slowly seeping from his nose. Sorry, not sorry, Levitt.

"Tell me."

Levitt looked up at me slowly and shook his head again. So I then proceeded to punch him in the face... Again. I repeated this a few more times before I leaned forward, grabbing the collar of his shirt aggressively. "Tell me, Levitt! I have to do this. Your people killed my fiancé... I-- I have to do this! Do you understand? Because of you and your people, the only good in my life is gone! I am going to kill every last person on this damn planet if it's the last thing I do... So, if you want to save your friends here, I highly suggest you tell me the passcode for Gem9."

Levitt's head bobbed weakly as he slowly shook his head, blood covering his face. He spoke weakly. "N-no..."

I clenched my jaw as I shoved the man down before flipping my knife in my hand. I turned and began walking toward the two others in the room, a my anger boiling. Looks like I'm going to have to kill his people to change his mind. I grabbed the hair of the girl, pressing my knife to her throat.

"Tell me... Or she dies," I spat viciously, staring at Levitt. The man shook his head.

"Please, don't. Don't do this, Aiden."

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before slitting the woman's throat without a word. The man beside her let out a muffled cry as the girl slumped in her chair. Levitt gasped in shock. I turned to the man, pressing my knife to his throat.

"Levitt, I won't ask you again... Tell me," I threatened. Levitt had tears in his eyes, but he didn't let them fall.

"Stop this! You can't kill them. They haven't done anything. Please, just leave him."

Shaking my head, I pursed my lips. "Wrong answer."

I slit the man's throat, his body slumping as well. When I turned to Levitt, he looked terrified. I looked down to see blood on my hands, but I didn't care. If this is what needs to be done to avenge Bellamy, I'll do it.

"What is wrong with you?" Levitt whispered in horror. I looked up at him as he shook his head. "You just killed two people without a single regret... You're-- you're a monster."

A froze as I felt a pang in my heart, but I didn't show my emotions. A monster? Am I really a monster? Whatever, so what if I am? This is who I am now, and no one's going to change that. I felt my anger boil inside me. I turned and stormed toward Levitt, pressing my knife to his throat as I got in his face.

"If you don't tell me the passcode right now... It'll be three deaths, not two... You know what, scratch that. Everyone's going to die anyway. And unless you want to die right now, I suggest you help me."

The man looked like he was going to reject me again, but suddenly let out a small sigh, closing his eyes. "2765... That's the passcode."

"Good choice." I straightened, putting my knife away before gagging the man. I grabbed the bodies and shoved them into the closet, finding it best if I didn't drag them around the halls.


I followed a woman to Hope's cell, stepping inside. The girl was curled up in the corner of the room. When she saw us, she glared at me.

"Moving day. On your feet," the woman ordered.

"You're really gonna let them send me to Penance?" Hope spat angrily. I just clenched my jaw, not saying a word. It really pains me to do this, but I have to. In order for my plan to work, I need the people of Bardo to think I'm with them completely. Hope let out an angry growl before quickly getting to her feet. As she ran at me, she was stopped by the woman and put into a chokehold.

"Seeker Diyoza, you will never commit to the cause if you continue to--" the woman was cut off as I pulled out a knife and stabbed the woman in the back of the head with it. Hope stumbled forward, gasping for air as she turned to me, confused.

I just shook my head. "What? You didn't think I really believed this crap, did you? I'm gonna kill them... All of them. And you're going to help me."

A look of realization crossed Hope's face as she spoke, "You have a plan."

I nodded. "I've had a plan for a while now. It took our friend Levitt some convincing, but yes, I do."

"What can I do?"

"There's been a small complication. Our people are here-- Clarke, Raven, Miller, Niylah, Jordan. The watches are synced. Put on the guard's uniform and take this." I grabbed the guard's watch and tossed it to Hope who caught it. I'll give you exactly one hour to get everyone we care about off this damn planet... One hour, Hope."

I turned on my heel and began walking toward the door as Hope spoke. "What if I can't?"

I stopped in my tracks, not looking at the girl. "Then everyone we love is going to die. So can't isn't an option. They'll want to know how I'm doing this, that's why I haven't told you... One hour."

With that, I walked out of the cell.


I decided to use the air system to distribute Gem9. It'll give us some time to get out before it becomes airborne. I looked down at my watch to see I had ten seconds left.

9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Times up.

In front of me sat a small cylindrical device containing Gem9. I pressed a button on top, causing it to turn red. I opened the container, slowly reaching for a small vial full of some red liquid stuff. I'm guessing this is Gem9, then...

This is the moment of truth. I pulled open the hatch leading to the pipe with flowing water. If this works, then I'll have avenged Bellamy. If anyone tries to stop me, I'll kill them... I took the lid off the vial, which turned out to actually be a syringe. Taking a deep breath, I held it over the water, getting ready to squeeze it.

"Aiden, no!" I heard Raven shout, her voice muffled. My eyes widened slightly as I looked over my shoulder to see my friends walking into the room.

I stared at Hope in disbelief, anger coursing through my body. Damn, it Hope! "You were supposed to get them out!"

"It's not her fault. We wouldn't leave without you, Aiden," Octavia said. I looked at the girl, my anger growing even more as the girl room a step toward me. "You don't have to do this. I get it... Everything they took from you, they took from me, too. But there are good people here."

I narrowed my eyes at the girl, hissing angrily at her. "Who? Levitt? The man who stole your memories and gave them to the enemy? Everything that happened here, happened because of him. Sure seems like a great way to honor your brother's memory."

My eyes darted to Clarke as she slowly walked toward me. I clenched my jaw as she spoke softly. "Aiden, this is not who you are... I know it isn't. You may think this is the right thing to do, but-- trust me-- it's not. There's always another way. Grief is something we can learn to live with, but once you make a choice like this, it stays with you."

I shook my head, "You mean like Mount Weather? This is nothing like that, Clarke. You did that to save the people you love. This... This is revenge."

I turned back around, getting ready to put Gem9 in the water when Clarke spoke once again. "Aiden, stop! This is not what Bellamy would have wanted."

I snapped my head to her, tears beginning to form in my eyes. "Bellamy isn't here, Clarke! Don't you get that? I'm doing this because of that reason. These people took him from me... I lost mom, and not even a day later, Bellamy was taken. I spent five years on Penance waiting, only to find out that Bellamy had been dead this entire time. Do you know what it was like to find out he was gone? It left a hole in my heart. The only good thing in my life was taken from me, and I can't live with myself knowing these people are responsible! They shouldn't get to walk around like nothing happened. If they had killed me, or you, or you, Octavia, he would be standing exactly where I am."

"I don't think so," Raven suddenly blurted, taking a step forward.

I narrowed my eyes at her, my body tensing. "Stay back!"

"The Bellamy who helped massacre a sleeping army that was sent to protect us maybe he might be there, but not the man we spent six years on the ring with. Bellamy loved you, and he wouldn't want this for you... Aiden, you're my sister, and my sister wouldn't do this."

Sister... I felt my body begin to shake as tears formed in my eyes. I want to, so badly. I want to get revenge... But my friends-- no, my family-- aren't going to let me. But... I have to. I shook my head, looking at Raven. "You're wrong, Raven... This is who I am now."

"I'm not leaving, Aiden... If you drop that, I'm staying right here. You will have to kill me, too."

I squeezed my eyes shut, a tear falling down my cheek as I fought myself. I want to... But Raven. I felt my legs grow weak as I slowly lifted my arm away from the water. I let out a pain-filled cry as I tried desperately to get myself to do it... But I couldn't.

"Hey, hey, hey," Raven spoke softly, pulling me into a tight hug. I felt the syringe being pulled from my hand as I cried into Raven's shoulder. Damn you, Raven... "It's okay. It's okay. We're here now. Come on. Let's take you home, okay?"

My body felt weak as my heart pounded loudly in my chest. Why... Why do I have to care so much? Maybe if I had actually bought into the cause, I wouldn't be here right now.

"Good choice," I heard Anders suddenly say. I sniffled as I looked up at the man.

"We had a deal. I told Cadogan if I saw any of you, I wouldn't help him," Clarke said.

"That was before we knew that one of you killed three more of us, torturing another. Just to get him to give you a weapon with which to commit genocide."

To my right, Diyoza spoke. "The man makes a good point. Let's call it even."

The woman stepped forward, handing the syringe to Anders, who took it. "Even? I just told you three disciples are dead. You people disgust me... Look at yourselves. Raised in the wild. You're nothing but primal beasts utterly in thrall to your feelings, prioritizing the want of self over the need of all others. You don't deserve the Shepherd's mercy."

"Brave words coming from a man standing alone in front of a pack of armed beasts," Miller hissed, raising his gun at the man. Diyoza held her arm up.

"He's not alone." Damn, they're invisible, aren't they?

"Smart girl," Anders spoke before four disciples suddenly appeared behind the man, their weapons raised at us. I took a step back as my friends raised their weapons at the disciples.

"Probably not a good idea to fire lasers in a room with a WMD," Diyoza stated. "Let's get back to the Shepherd's mercy."

"Aiden will be sent to Penance for 20 years, but she'll be back before you know it unless by them the code hasn't been entered to begin the last war in which case, she dies there."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach, inhaling sharply.

"I have a better idea." I turned to Hope as she stared at Anders, anger written all over her face. "You die here."

My eyes widened slightly as Diyoza screamed for Hope to stop as the girl slit the man's throat. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the syringe fell from Anders' hand. However, Hope caught it before spinning on her heel and running past us toward the water. I watched as she held the syringe over the water and a single drop of red fell from it. My heart stopped in my chest as Diyoza dove forward, reaching her arm out to stop the single red drop. The woman closed the hatch to the pipe when I noticed her hand. No... She caught it?!

"Get her out of here!" Diyoza shouted at the Gem9 slowly spread on her body. Hope cried out as Octavia wrapped her arms around her waist, dragging her away from the woman. I watched in horror as Diyoza's body calcified. "What are you all waiting for? Move! Go!"

We all ran out of the room as the Gem9 spread around the room. Octavia struggled to get Hope out of the room as the girl screamed. "No! I can't lose her, not-- not again!"

"Don't waste this, little one. Be better than me." Those were Diyoza's last words as she was suddenly engulfed in the bioweapon. I watched in horror as Octavia managed to drag Hope out of the room, the door closing in front of them, locking Gem9, Anders' body, and Diyoza inside. Hope sobbed, banging on the door as we stared at her.


Holy SHIT, was that intense? This chapter had so much happen in it that I didn't know what to think. Did you guys like it? I hope you did... Man, Clarke must think Aiden has gone crazy or something lol. Tbh, I don't blame her. Also, the next chapter is gonna be, um... Surprising...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you all in the next one.


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