29 | Join The Flock

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"Look. I know you've only agreed to disciple training to get out of your cells. That's because you're blind to what's really going on," Anders explained as he led us down a hall. "I'm about to open your eyes to the truth of our cause."

We were stopped in front of an elevator as Octavia spoke. "Where are we going?"

"I realize that taking things on faith is not in your nature, so I'm gonna show you what happens if we lose the last war..." The man stepped into the elevator. "Surface."

Echo, Diyoza, Hope, Octavia, and I stepped in as well. I kept my eyes forward with my hands behind my back as we waited.

"You are pretty brave taking us yourself," Hope spoke calmly.

"It's not bravery, Hope. You see, this elevator will stay on the surface until I signal for it to be brought down. I take it on faith that you'd rather not die today..." The five of us were silent. "Good. Then masks on."

I put my mask on my face as Anders continued. "The particulate matter in the air is lethal to humans. It'll literally calcify you from the inside."

We eventually reached the top and when the doors opened, crystalized humans were strewn about everywhere. It was like they were frozen, turned to crystal. I could hear thunder in the distance as Octavia muttered something under her breath.

"Gabriel saved us."

"Where is Gabriel?" Hope asked curiously.

Anders answered, "Gabriel is no longer your concern."

Just then, multiple flashes of lightning went off outside, causing Echo to step forward. "This is what you're preparing to fight?"

Anders shook his head. "No. The Bardoans lost their last war... This is all that is left."

No one said anything as we looked at the people in front of us.

"Let me get this straight." I turned to Octavia as she stepped forward. "The ten-foot aliens with superior technology that built this place got genocided and turned to stone by the enemy we're gonna fight."

"Precisely... Now you know what you're training for."

"I do love me an unwinnable war," Diyoza muttered.


Levitt watched us as we stretched, waiting for our first day of training. I leaned down, touching my toes to stretch out my legs.

"Anders took us outside," I heard Diyoza say. I looked to my right to see her talking to Levitt. "Why the hell did you try to send us out there?"

"It's survivable for an hour or two," Levitt answered lowly. "I just needed time to figure something out."

"If he was trying to kill us, he would've found easier ways to do it," Octavia stated bluntly. She really must trust this guy.

"And now you're our trainer? You always have so many jobs?"

Levitt took his glasses off, pursing his lips. "I'm only involved because of my knowledge of--," his eyes went to Octavia, "from the M-Cap, and clearly, this isn't a normal situation. Anders himself will lead the training, something he never does."

Hope scoffed behind me. "Oh, lucky us."

"He usually lets others dole out the punishment."

"Oh, what, staying awake for 73 hours, sleeping in a mud pit, eating rats to stay alive?" Diyoza shot. "Please. Been there, done that."

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