06 | Eye In The Sky

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"My sister would never approve of human testing," Bellamy stated. I'm sitting beside him at a table in the cafeteria, Monty and Clarke across from us. They had found a secret room while looking at the hydrofarm. Apparently, Octavia is testing the worms on the defectors she had shot; one of them is still alive. "I don't care how crazy it's become down here."

"Desperation has a way of making the unimaginable a necessity," Clarke said.

"Still, if she weaponizes those things and sends them into the valley, then Echo, Raven, Murphy, Kane, your mom--"

"Not just them," Monty interrupted. "All of us. Unleashing an invasive species on the last arable land on Earth is a monumentally bad idea."

"No offense, Bellamy, but I don't think Octavia would care who lives or dies," I added quietly. "All she wants is the valley and will stop at nothing to get it."

Bellamy let out a sigh as he ran a hand along his face before pulling his hair out of his face as he spoke. "Even if Octavia does know, she won't listen to me... We need help."

He nodded his head in the direction of one of the tables, referring to Indra. As the boy stood, Clarke spoke. "Be diplomatic."


I pursed my lips slightly as I watched Bellamy walk toward Indra.

"Clarke, he was there when Pike shot her and killed 300 of her people," Monty stated.

I turned to Clarke who was silent for a moment. "I'll go with him."

"Yeah. I'll go relieve Harper," Monty said as Clarke stood from her seat.

I stood as well, following Monty. "Mind if I join? I don't really feel like dealing with Octavia at the moment."

The boy shook his head. "Not at all."


Turns out, it was Octavia's idea for the worms. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me at all. I've been with Monty and Harper until Clarke and Bellamy entered the room and went over the plan with us.

"Let's go over this again," Bellamy said. "As soon as Echo and Raven get the eye down, we take the rover. We drive across the wasteland. We break out our people before Wonkru attacks with the worms."

Clarke shook her head. "Octavia will expect us to do something like that. She'll post sentries."

"That's too bad for those sentries."

The sound of Monty punching something angrily caught my attention. I turned to look at the boy who was sat at the table across from us. He looked at us, standing; he had a note in his hand. "This, this was supposed to be Jasper's suicide note after we pulled him out of the City of Light. He was gonna put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger."

"Monty now's not the time," Clarke spoke quietly.

"Now is the perfect time." The boy was very angry. He looked at the note and read part of it. "'Monty, I know you're an optimist. You think better days are ahead, but that's not true. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. There is only the tunnel, another enemy to fight, another war. I've come to the conclusion that we're the problem-- human beings. All of us. The cycle can't be broken As long as we're here. That's why I won't be here. That's why--"

His voice broke as his voice trailed off, breathing shakily.

"Hey... Monty. It's okay," Harper cooed, grabbing the boy's hand.

"Yeah. Jasper was smarter than all of us. It doesn't matter what we do. Coming back to the ground, opening the bunker, all we've done is make things worse. If a war is the only way to have the last survivable land on Earth, then maybe we don't deserve it."

My lips formed a straight line as Monty brushed passed everyone and walked out of the room.


Harper had left the room, going after Monty to comfort him, leaving me with Clarke and Bellamy to watch the computer. I was laying on the couch, resting my eyes while Bellamy sat at the table and Clarke watched the computer.

"Bellamy, Aiden, something's happening," Clarke exclaimed. My eyes shot open as I got off the couch, letting out a quiet groan from the pain in my back. Though it's only been about two days, my back is healing nicely. Slowly, but nicely. The cuts weren't too deep. I walked around the table, standing on Clarke's left, Bellamy on her right. Some sort of code or something was being downloaded onto the computer before three different cameras showed up on the screen. I smiled when I realized Echo did it. "We're in. Echo did it."

"Finally," I mumbled jokingly.

"Okay," Bellamy said before turning to the door, but Clarke stopped him.

"Wait, Bellamy. As soon as we tell her, she marches to war and unleashes those worms."

"That's why we gotta get there first," Bellamy explained. "We take the rover. We get our people out. Then we worry about stopping the war, okay?"

"Count me in," I said with a small smile.

Bellamy smiled in my direction as Clarke nodded. "Good. I'll get Monty and Harper. You get Madi. We leave tonight."


I had stayed behind, watching the computer, while Clarke went to get Madi and Bellamy got Harper and Monty. Bellamy had come back with Harper and Monty and Monty had taken my place in front of the computer. We waited until Clarke got back. When she had come into the room, her face was grim, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"Where's Madi?" Bellamy asked.

"With your sister," the girl answered.

"Clarke, we don't have time for this. We have to leave now. As soon as Diyoza realizes what Echo did, she's dead. We have no choice."

The blonde girl shook her head. "You're wrong. We have one."

I raised an eyebrow slightly as Clarke walked toward the table, her hand grabbing the walkie beside Monty. Both he and Harper stopped her.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Harper asked.

"Stopping the cycle." Clarke looked at Monty who removed his hand from Clarke's, allowing her to bring the walkie to her mouth. "This is Clarke Griffin. I have a question for Colonel Diyoza."

Just then, Diyoza answered. "Hello, Clarke. It's been too long. What the hell do you want?"

"What would it take for you to share the valley?" The girl asked.

"Share it? Well, let me see. Short of an unconditional surrender, nothing."

I shook my head. "Octavia will never surrender."

"That's why we're gonna take her out," Clarke said.


Oh, boy. Can't wait for the next chapter. Sorry, this one was boring. It's more of a filler chapter than anything, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. We also didn't get any cute Bellaiden moments but that's okay. Maybe we'll get some in the next chapter.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.


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