28 | I Am Strength

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"Back so soon?" I asked with a smile on my face as Bellamy closed the door to our room. He was training with Echo today, much to my dismay. I don't really like her still, and that's partly because she did almost get me killed.

The man smiled at me. "I told Echo we were ending early so I could spend time with my girlfriend."

I nodded, standing up from the bed. I stopped in front of Bellamy, wrapping my arms around his neck, his hands holding my hips. I stared into his eyes lovingly. "I love you, you know."

A smile appeared on Bellamy's lips. "And I love you."

I bit the inside of my cheek as my eyes darted to Bellamy's lips. After a few seconds, I pulled him in for a kiss. The man seemed confused but kissed back before pulling away.

"Hey... What's wrong?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed. He let a hand rest on my cheek gently.

"It's just-- Bellamy, I don't want this to end, you know. Once we go back to Earth, I know things will be different. We might lose each other and I don't-- I don't want to lose you... Or anyone else."

Bellamy's face softened as he shook his head. "You won't lose me, Aiden. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

I licked my lips and nodded, resting my forehead on Bellamy's. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. As much as I want to see my friends in the bunker, I don't want to leave the ring; Bellamy and I, we're finally happy and we haven't lost anyone in three years.

Just then, I felt Bellamy's lips on mine, harshly. I immediately kissed back, toying with Bellamy's hair. Bellamy pulled me closer, his hands touching my bare skin under my shirt as we deepened the kiss.

A tear rolled down my face as I stared at the wall in front of me. Because Gabriel had betrayed us, we were locked up. Echo, Octavia, and I were locked in a room together, much to my dismay. I'm still extremely angry at Octavia about what happened in the gorge and I don't know if I will be able to forgive her. I've also learned that after we had betrayed Orlando, he had hung himself in the cabin.

I sniffled as I closed my eyes, Octavia's voice filling my ears. "I miss him, too.

"Don't talk to me," I hissed angrily, now moving from my laying position on the floor.

"I know you're in pain, Aiden," the girl spoke calmly. "I feel it."

I clenched my jaw as I sat up, glaring at the girl. "So what? Are we friends now? You almost got me killed. You almost got Bellamy killed on multiple occasions... You are the reason my baby..." I closed my eyes, clenching my fists as I took a deep breath. "Everything that's happening right now, is because you weren't happy with sharing the valley on earth."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Echo sleeping. My eyes darted to Octavia as she stood from her bed. "Aiden, we've all done things we wish we could take back. When Lincoln died, I beat my brother. He let me... Because he thought I needed it."

I looked away from the girl as she got on her knees beside me, feeling my anger growing by the second.

"I wish I could take that moment back." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "I wish I could take back what I did to you in the gorge..."

Just then, I felt Octavia's arms wrap around me, causing me to jolt back, trying to get out of her grip.

"Get off me," I hissed, trying to get away from her. "Get off me!"

"No. No. No way. No," Octavia spoke, tightening her grip on me. I felt tears welling in my eyes as Octavia let me go, looking at me. "Aiden, it's not your fault. I've been there. It's not your fault... You're my family, too."

I felt a tear slip from my eye as Octavia hugged me once again. This time, I didn't fight it. Instead, I hugged back, crying into the girl's shoulder.


It's been a few hours since my little break down. Octavia read a book and I faced the wall, trying not to think of Bellamy. I can't be weak. Just then, something I read on the Ark filled my mind.

While I was in the skybox, I was given a book that had a quote in it, along with a symbol. I need to show that somehow... My eyes slowly moved to my arm; my blood. I bit my lip as I dug my nails into my arm, drawing blood. I hissed quietly at the pain. Screw Ryker for making me a Nightblood.

With that, I began drawing the symbol on my face. As I was doing so, I could feel the blood dropping.

"Something's different," I suddenly heard Octavia mutter.

"What is it?" Echo asked confused.

"There's plenty of cells, but they put us together. They're feeding us. We have blankets. Why?"

"Who cares?" I spat. "We're alive."


I slowly stood up, turning to face the girls. When they saw my face, their faces fell. "Do you know what this symbol means? It means 'I am strength; weakness does not define me any longer.' It means the pain is gone, I can finally move on."

"Aiden, your arm--" Echo muttered.

I cut the woman off. "I'm fine. You want to know why it's different? We're not prisoners, we're recruits. They want us to fight with them."

I turned and pounded on the door. "We're ready to fight with you."

I heard Octavia begin to talk, but I stopped her just as the door opened. I stepped out of the room, Octavia and Echo behind me. We stopped a few feet down the hall, Diyoza and Hope looking at my face in confusion.

Anders stopped in front of us, looking at my face, also seemingly confused with the symbol on my face. "It means I'm ready to go to war."

The man nodded. "Mmm. I'm glad to hear that... Do the rest of you agree with Aiden?"

"Alright. Free us, and we'll fight your war," Octavia spoke.

"The last war will free us all, Miss Blake. Training starts tomorrow. We'll make disciples of you yet."


It's been three months since we began training to be disciples. A large group of disciples, including Octavia, Echo, Diyoza, and I were waiting outside the stone room. Minutes went by before suddenly, the door opened, and all of us raised our weapons.

Inside the room was Clarke, Raven, Miller, Niylah, Gabriel, and Jordan. Gabriel was standing by the door and Clarke had a gun pointed at a man's head; the Shepherd. I recognized the Shepherd as Bill Cadogan, the guy who created the Second Dawn bunker. Jaha had shown Bellamy, Clarke, and I a video of him once, a long time ago.

"Weapons down. All of you," Bill spoke. We complied, lowering our weapons. Anders slowly stepped into the room. "Send in their friends."

Anders motioned for Echo, Diyoza, Octavia, and I to walk into the stone room. Clarke stepped forward with Bill and the four of us took off our helmets.


Oh, my God... Aiden, what are you doing? She must really be hurting. I really hope Aiden doesn't stay this way forever...

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.


Ps. This is what Aiden painted on her forehead in blood and the words under it is what it means.

 This is what Aiden painted on her forehead in blood and the words under it is what it means

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