11 | Shallow Valley

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We had finally made it to the entrance of the valley without being caught. I firmly gripped my gun as we quickly but quietly stopped behind a cliff. Bellamy looked through the scope of his gun. "Two pillboxes, just like Echo said."

The sound of machine-gun fire caught my attention. "That's our signal."

The gunfire continued. I turned to Bellamy as he continued looking at the pillboxes through his scope. "It's working. They're moving out."

Octavia turned and looked at Indra behind her, nodding. Then, she unsheathed her sword and raised it into the air. We then began marching. I kept my gun ready as we continued marching, my eyes looking up onto the cliffs on either side of us.

"You did your best to stop this." I looked to my left to see Indra talking to Bellamy. "In the end, if we have to fight, it's better to win."

I gave the woman a nod. Just then, a gunshot went off, causing me to flinch. My eyes widened as more and more gunfire flew around us. I felt a hand grab my arm and drag me out of the open area. Just as we were about to make it to cover, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, causing me to fall to the ground. I let out a gasp as pain shot through my body. I was pulled behind a large rock by Indra, who pressed her hands on my stomach. I felt my eyes grow wide as realization hit me; I've been shot!

My heart pounded so loudly in my chest, I bet everyone could hear it over the gunfire. I looked at Indra, who had a horrified expression on her face. "Indra--"

The woman shook her head. "You're going to be okay." I watched as the woman shouted for someone. A man whom of which I've never met ran over to us, managing to dodge the gunfire. "You need to take her back; get to Jackson as quickly as you can."

The man nodded as Indra took a walkie from her belt and handed it to him. "Contact Jackson and tell him Aiden is injured. Go!"

The man nodded before Indra grabbed my gun. I let out a whimper as the man picked me up, carrying me toward the entrance of the valley. We had managed to make it out unharmed... You know what I mean. As the man carried me, I tried keeping pressure on my stomach, blood slowly seeping out of my wound.

"Jackson!" The man shouted into the walkie. "Jackson! I need your help!"

After a few seconds, I heard Jackson speak. "Parker. What is it?"

"Aiden's injured... Bad; bullet wound. Bring everything you need; Indra said to call you."

"Where's the bullet wound?" The man asked frantically.


"I'll be there as quickly as I can. Hang tight, and make sure she stays awake. Tie something above the wound to restrict blood flow and keep her from bleeding out."

The man nodded. "Got it."

I felt my legs slowly failing me and the man lost his hold on me. I fell to the ground, sand getting in my mouth. I felt the man, Parker I've learned, roll me into my back before tying something around my waist a few seconds later.

My vision blurred in and out as Parker frantically tried to keep me awake. It was a few minutes before I saw Jackson drop to his knees beside me. My eyelids became heavy and that's when everything went dark.


My eyes shot open as I cried out in pain. A tear slipped from my eye as the pain got worse and worse.

"Get more anesthesia!" I heard a voice shout. "We need to put her back under! Now!"

I cried out. Slowly, the pain subsided and my vision became blurred. I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I slowly lose consciousness once again, my head falling.

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