34 | The Last War

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Jordan and I have been moving small pieces of rubble one by one, trying to dig our way through. I groaned as I pulled a piece out of the pile, breathless. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn and face Miller. "Take a break. I can take over."

I only nodded, stepping away from the doorway, grabbing a canteen Jordan held out to me. There was only enough water left for a small swig so Jordan offered to go to the river to get more. I could hear faint clanging on the other side of the rubble. It must be our friends.

I licked my lips as I wiped the sweat from my face. I hope we can get through this damn rubble sooner rather than later.

Just then, the bridge opened, causing me to immediately stand up, grabbing a sword from the floor.

"Form up! Attack on my orders," Indra shouted. Miller, Indra, Hope, Jordan, and I all stood side by side, waiting for whoever it was to come through. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion when multiple members of Eligius IV came into view, holding those giant guns they have. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Saving our asses. Again." I let out a sigh of relief when I recognized Raven's voice. The girl pushed last the prisoners, a small smile on her face. Raven turned to the woman in front, who I recognized as a woman named Nikki. "Stone's right through there."

The woman nodded. "Copy that. Rest of you beat it unless you want a kind full of pulverized bunker."

"Hey," Miller called out, causing the prisoners to look at him. "We have people down there."

"So you do. Hear that, boys? Set phasers to stun."

"You got it."

"It's not Jackson," Raven spoke, walking past Miller and up the rotunda. The rest of us followed her as she continued. "He's in Sanctum, treating Emori. Murphy's with them."

"It's gotta be Echo or Niylah then," Hope stated, seeing as how they're the only ones not accounted for.

"Why not the others?"

"There are no others," Indra answered. "Gabriel's dead. Cadogan has Madi on Bardo. Clarke and Octavia went to get her back. They're to return for us so we can help stop him."

Just as we heard Nikki shout fire in the hole, all of us closed the door to the office at the top of the rotunda. I haven't been in this room in a long time... This is where I found out that Jaha had decided to lock me up instead of sending me to a different family.

I heard rubble fall as Raven nodded at the woman. "Then let's do that."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. "How are we gonna do that? Cadogan will be mobilizing his army for war. We got eleven people."

"With Sheidheda dead, Wonkru will fight," Indra stated. "We go to Sanctum first."

Miller shook his head. "Wonkru will lose, Indra."

"Miller's right." We all turned to Hope. "What we need is a distraction, not a fight, a way to get a small team past their army to kill Cadogan."

Just then, I heard Jordan mumble energy weapons. "Their weapons require energy, too."

"Too bad we won't be able to see what we're firing our at."

"Maybe we will." I furrowed my eyebrows together. Jordan has a plan, doesn't he? Before anyone could say anything, the door opened to reveal Nikki, Echo and Niylah behind her.

"Look what I found."

I let out a sigh of relief as I pulled Echo into a hug, Hope joining in. I pulled away after a few seconds as Nikki spoke. "More importantly, we're through the collapse."

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