10 | Battle Plans And Rations

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I walked beside Bellamy, a gun in his hand, as we marched across the deadlands. I let out a heavy breath through my nose as we continued to march. Bellamy glanced at me.

"Belomi, hola. Taim yu sen ai in, yo don drop nishiv of. Yemi," Echo spoke on the radio, breaking the silence of the deadlands. Bellamy, come in if you can here me. Bellamy quickly grabbed the walkie on his belt, making his way out if the group and stopping off to the side with Monty, Harper, and me in tow.


"Wait," Harper interrupted. "She's speaking Trig for a reason."

Bellamy nodded before speaking in Trigedasleng. "Hakom Trig? Chit's skechi?"

Why are we speaking Trig? What's wrong?

"Emo get in bilaik yo's komba raun. Yo don drop nishiv of."

They know you're coming. You've lost the element of surprise. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly in confusion.

"They know we're coming," Bellamy stated to Monty and Harper, causing Harper to let out a breath.

"Clarke?" Monty asked.

"It had to be," Bellamy said before speaking into the radio. "Ekou, sen ai op--"

"Bellamy," I interrupted, "if Clarke's on their side, she speaks Trig, too."

Bellamy pursed his lips as Echo spoke after a second. "Belomi, yo gaf bak yo klin. Osir don hon daun 'mo mavrik, den yo's klir, komonou. Ba yo nou na komba hir nowe."

Bellamy, you have to go back. We have their pilot, so you're safe for now. But you can't come here. I licked my lips nervously as Bellamy spoke in Trig.

"Nou na kom au. Chija: osir nou na bak op, en osir nou na hod op. Kom fai sintaim osir kamp ouder. Yo gada daun in na lok osir op klir trei. Pas daun, nou mori noumou."

Not possible. It's a long story, but we can't go back and we can't stop. We're five days out. You have that long to find us a safe way in. After that... We fun out of rations."

After a few seconds, Echo spoke, this time in English. "We're on it. Be safe. Over and out."


My lips formed a straight line as I watched Bellamy and Indra speak to Octavia. They were telling her what Echo had told us. After about a minute or so, Bellamy turned and began walking back toward me. The irritated look on Bellamy's face told me that Octavia didn't care. Bellamy began walking beside me, his jaw clenched.

My lips fired a straight line as I grabbed Bellamy's hand, intertwining our fingers. I squeezed his hand in a comforting manner as we continued walking, hand in hand.

Minutes went by and I suddenly felt dizzy. I just shook it off, thinking I was thirsty. I let go of Bellamy's and grabbed my canteen from my pack, and opened it. Just before I brought it to my mouth, it slipped out of my hand, the water leaking into the sand. My legs then gave out from under me as I collapsed on to the sand, falling into darkness.


I let out a quiet groan as my eyes fluttered open. Once they adjusted to my surroundings, I realized I was in a tent. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly when I heard a voice.

"Hey, Aiden," Harper said. I looked to my left to see the girl sitting beside me, a small smile on her lips. "How are you feeling?"

I took a deep breath as I sat up in the bed, with the help of the girl. Monty was sitting beside her, on a crate.

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