05 | Defectors

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"I'm starting to regret this idea," Echo murmured as we made our way toward Octavia. She had her back toward us and was talking to Cooper. I was walking beside Echo with Bellamy to talk to her about Octavia. Bellamy was quite reluctant to even let me out of the bunker with the condition I'm in. It hasn't even been 24 hours since the sandstorm and I'm already on my feet and he hates it.

Also, with everything that's happened so far, I don't trust Octavia to be alone with Echo and if she doesn't agree to let Echo stay, I'm going to try to talk to her. Echo tried to kill Octavia and she did the same to me, so I might be able to talk to her. Bellamy's with us because he's Octavia's brother and she'll probably listen to him more.

I shook my head. "We've got your back, okay? You'll be fine. Trust me," I reassured as we stopped a few feet away from the girl in front of us.

"Octavia," Bellamy called out, causing the girl to turn and look at us. Her head immediately went to Echo, her face souring. "Glad to see you back on your feet. Echo tried to get in to see you, but they wouldn't let--"

"What is she doing here?" Octavia interrupted, her eyes moving to Bellamy.

"I just wanted to thank you for saving my people."

"They're not your people," Octavia spoke. "Azgeda is a memory. There is only Wonkru. And there is no place in it for you."

"I know you two have history, but Echo is on our side," Bellamy explained. "She proved herself dozens of times on the ring."

"Octavia, Echo tried killing me more than once," I butted in, causing the girl to look at me. "She killed my best friend, too. I have more of a right to hate her than you do, but she's changed. Trust me."

"Why should I?" She asked before turning to Bellamy. "And this isn't the ring." Just then, she turned and shouted to everyone. "Wonkru, I vanished this murderer from the bunker six years ago. My judgment still stands."

I glanced at Echo, whose face fell.

"O," Bellamy tried, but the girl was having none of it.

"She has 24 hours. If she's still here by then, she fights in the arena."

I pursed my lips as Octavia brushed past Echo, hitting her shoulder. I looked at Bellamy as he spoke. "I'll be right back."

As he turned to leave, I spoke. "Good luck."

Everyone around Echo and me talked quietly amongst themselves. I exchanged a look with the girl. A few minutes later, the sound of a horn caught our attention. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly until I saw Diyoza's ship flying toward us. My eyes widened slightly as I grabbed Echo's hand, pulling her toward the nearest building, stopping just under the arch on the outside of it. I winced slightly as I twisted too fast.

"Aiden!" I heard Bellamy shout, grabbing my attention. I stepped into the open, to see Bellamy running this way.

"Bellamy!" I called out, causing him to look at me. He ran toward me, pulling me under the arch. We looked into the sky to see crates being ejected from the ship, Diyoza's ship flying away soon after. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly as I watched the crates slowly float to the ground, parachutes being the only thing holding them in the sky.

When they landed on the ground, they opened, revealing an enormous amount of food. Three speakers sat on each crate.

"People of Wonkru. This is Colonel Diyoza offering you a chance for peace. I know you all suffered, I know you're hungry, and so many of you are weary of Octavia's rule, but now you have a choice.  Abandon your weapons, leave Wonkru behind, and join us in Shallow Valley. We have plenty of food and shelter for those seeking a better life."

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