08 | Sneaking Suspicion

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I quietly made my way through the bunker in search of Jackson. An hour prior I had taken a breather after Octavia had arrested Clarke and sentenced her to execution. During that time, I had begun to feel sick; I didn't want anyone to worry so I ran off and found a secluded place, practically puking my guts out which leads me to where I am now. I have a sneaking suspicion as to what's wrong but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

And since Clarke has been locked up and Abby's in Shallow Valley, Jackson is my only option here. I pushed past a grounder whom of which gave me a dirty look. I ignored it and made my way to Jackson who was walking to the hall leading to the bunks. When I reached him, I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jackson, can I speak with you?" I asked, my voice low. "I need to ask a favor of you."

The man pursed his lips for a moment before opening his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "I know what you're gonna say. I know Octavia probably doesn't want you talking to me, but I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important." The man seemed hesitant. "Please, Jackson."

"Follow me," He said after a few seconds. I nodded and followed him to an empty room. Jackson closed the door behind us before looking at me. "What do you need?"

"Well, I need you to-- um... I need you to run a few tests on me."

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Why? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. It's nothing like that."

"Okay... What kind of tests then?" The man asked a bit cautiously.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I bit my lip nervously. "The kind of test that can tell if I'm pregnant."

Jackson's face fell slightly and his eyes went wide. "Aiden--"

"Just help me, please," I interrupted. "I need to know. And... Can we keep this between us for now? Just to be safe?'

The man nodded before he led me to the medical center in the bunker. I sat in a chair as Jackson ran some tests on me. I tapped my finger on my leg impatiently as Jackson pulled his gloves off his hands and set them on the tray in front of him. He turned and walked toward me, sitting in the chair in front of mine. "The tests will take a minute so we have to wait... How long have you suspected anything?"

"About three weeks before we left the ring," I answered honestly. "I kept getting sick. I thought it was the Algae at first, but it kept happening after we came back to Earth. We'd been so busy with the valley and Diyoza that I had completely forgotten about it; it only started back up a day or so ago."

Jackson nodded, studying me for a moment. He seemed to be deep in thought for a moment before he opened his mouth. "Does anyone know?"

I shook my head, "Besides you, no."

Jackson nodded once again. The two of us were silent for a few minutes. Jackson let out a quiet breath as he stood from his chair and walked toward a machine that would tell me if I was pregnant or not. Honestly, I'm kind of scared. I mean, what will Bellamy thing? What will everyone else think? How can I raise a baby in a world like this? This baby could possibly grow up with one or fewer parents and that's something I don't want.

My attention turned to Jackson who was now standing in front of me with a piece of paper in his hands, a blank expression on his face. I straightened in my seat. "What does it say?"

"I think you should see for yourself," He spoke as he held the paper out to me. I hesitantly took the paper from him, my eyes darting to the one word that could change my life forever; my face dropped as I read the single word on the bottom of the page; positive.

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