Princess Thief [✔]

By xxsoteria

78.2K 8.1K 4.3K

A princess in name, in body, and in blood but when her mask is on, she becomes the thief who's the enemy of a... More

Writers's Note
01. At Present Time
02. Magic of Disguise
03. Fedor Manor
04. Little Damsel
05. An Invitation Sent to Ace
06. Willow
07. The Gem and the Stone
08. Twilight Party
09. Reichen
10. The Second Day
11. The Brazen Knight
12. Haunted Past
13. A Visit from Carrion
14. The Royal Family of Ezriel
15. A Price To Pay
16. The Oubliette
17. White Bandits
18. The Encounter at Mt. Grisly
19. Never Ending Confusion
20. The Amica
21. Verdari, The Magic of Barrier
22. The Siblings
23. The Selection
24. Enchantment
25. The Princess and The Knights
26. Welcome to Deliora
27. Reid
28. The King and His Brides
29. Silverious
30. The Crusaders
31. Carline
32. Hypocrisy
33. A Liar
34. The Mark of Deliora
35. Renounce
36. The Goddess, The Fallen God, and The True God
37. Lost Treasures
38. Reichen's Earring
39. His Identity
40. Resonance
41. Sun Month
42. The Goddess Temple
43. Linosas Kingdom of the Far East
45. Willow's Party
46. A Reaper
47. The Real Monster
48. The Last Treasure
49. Xenon
50. The Magic of Ace
51. The Dead Prince
52. Selfishness
53. Choices
54. The Fallen God's Curse
55. The Goddess' Blessings
Ending Note
Side Story: Cannaria
Side Story: Night
Side Story: Erodessa

44. Arvory Manor

537 74 3
By xxsoteria


The urgency in everyone's eyes was evident after our downright failure to retrieve the treasure in Linosas. Reichen was reproached severely by the older members since our scout had confirmed that the jewel eyes were indeed part of the Lost Treasure. This resulted in both organizations having five Lost Treasures each.

The palpable tension only grew worse with the ongoing conference as they were unified for once with how they admonished Reichen for the consecutive fruitless missions. Aside from us, Sullien and his team returned heavily injured after they tried to break into Druir Woodlands.

Almost a quarter of the members involved were wounded by enchantments that took a period to heal but Sullien had the worst case. Our magic was not easily exhausted but with the casualty that fared, Sullien suffered the brunt.

"Our only hope right now is to locate the treasures at Hasfor and Nurien. Also the one in Deliora," said a woman with a low-pitched tone.

"That is what I was repeatedly suggesting yet no one minded my heed. Now look where it got us," complained an elderly voice who had a full mask with a painted x-mark on his mask.

"Centuries after centuries, no one had stumbled upon the Lost Treasure of Deliora and you expect to find it now? Lady Mhilrim's safety is much more significant than measly treasures which we do not know the real power are," countered another woman. Based on her posture, with her back straight, and how she spoke with authority, she was undoubtedly an aristocrat.

It was nearing a month since I arrived here and it was the same time Lady Mhilrim had gone missing so I wholly understood her apprehension. Majorly because of the fact that I knew Lady Mhilrim was not just a priestess but the Goddess that was revered. I had asked Night why did they had not reveal the truth to the members but of course, I was answered with nothing.

"You are an Amica yourself and you do not even believe the true powers of the Lost Treasures? How naive. The treasures are not mere legends that had pampered you to sleep," rebutted the elderly man.

"That's not what I mean. What I'm pointing out is the life of Lady Mhilrim is more important than finding the treasures."

"As I said, that is naivete. If we collected all the treasures, Lady Mhilrim's safety is guaranteed."

I glimpsed around as I could foresee it would end up in another row which had been frequently happening since the meeting started. How I wished Willow was here but she didn't come today either. My eyes landed on Reichen who was sitting several seats away from me. He had been quiet the whole time and did not even bother stopping the members.

"Pardon my impudence but I assume you don't see the whole picture of this situation. How confident are you that we can find all the treasures in this era which was unsuccessful even a millennia ago? How convinced are you that Lady Mhilrim is still safe by then? With our current powers and without Lady Mhilrim, no one can awaken new Amicas and the Reapers will undoubtedly seize the Lost Treasures we have for they have the advantage in numbers," the woman expounded, full of composure and emphasis on her words.

"Hah! With cowardly youngsters like you, no wonder the Cattivos were able to take the jewel eyes that was a difficult task to achieve for decades," the old man refuted with exasperation dripping in his words.

"I must say the same. With close-minded elders like you, no wonder the Crusaders are slowly degrading," the woman opposed.

"That is enough. We don't have to argue within ourselves," said a hoarse-voiced man. 

I had noticed him way before since he always spoke up when things get awry. His mask was almost the same as mine that only revealed a part of my cheeks, only that he had a four-leaf clover painted on his instead of a spade.

"What about the clue on Deliora?"

He was clearly asking Reichen but the latter was lost in his world until Blaze nudged him on his side.

What got him so distracted? I thought as Blaze was probably telling him about the question.

"The clues on the Lost Treasures in Deliora are false. I have sent Karios there yesterday but it was futile," Reichen replied.

He gestured to the man who looked the same age as me with a half-mask covering his face vertically, who in turn, spoke.

"Yes. It was only a common jewel when we tried to purify it."

Thankfully, the discussion ensued calmly while my gaze traveled to anyone who spoke the whole time. I certainly had no idea who they were aside from their voices and masks. 

Even their second names were hard to know since everyone had been preoccupied lately so I was not formally introduced to anyone. Not to mention, they didn't even address one another most of the time.

Ah. Reichen was definitely not kidding when he said that secrecy was the highest priority here.


When the meeting belatedly ended, the people dispersed while I approached Blaze who was with another member. It was the same old man who stopped further disputes and led the whole conversation looking at how Reichen was very sidetracked.

"What's going on, Reichen? This is the first time you acted like this. With the leader being absentminded, how do you think the members will feel especially in this grim circumstance?" criticized the old man.

"See? Grandfather, you can't get anything out of him when he's brooding. Oh, hey, Ace," greeted Blaze when he saw me.

"Hello. What's wrong with him?"

"Probably lost in thoughts. Anyway, this is my grandfather, Elkan. He's the one who made all the current masks and your dagger. Grandfather, this is Ace. She's the one I talked to you about."

Elkan. Blaze only had one living grandparent and that was the famous Count of Riom. One could not mention talent without saying his name. He was a knight who honed exemplary people all over the Grand West and the Far East and had risen to the noble ranks. Moreso, he was a legendary craftsman that influenced the current period of arts.

The man's stature bent with age but my respect towards him had always been high up to the sky with all his accomplishments. It was even rumored that if he acknowledged you, your potential was boundless.

"It is an honor meeting you, my lord."

"Hm?" He glanced at Blaze and the other man shrugged before his eyes returned to me. "I can say the same. I never expect to meet a person blessed with two magic. It is truly best we keep your magic in secrecy. As your name stated, you can be our ace in this battle."

"Please lessen your expectations, my lord. I'm afraid I cannot exceed it."

They had told me about my role but, in truth, I was hindered by boundaries I could not discern. There was no assurance I could do what they want me to do because I may have loathed Father but deep inside I feared him too.

Fear that consumed and ingrained in my being. I thought I was numbed but I never overcame the terror rooted in his atrocity. I could confront him when his façade was on but when his charade was bared and his raw emotions reflected his disgust and revulsion towards me, the feeling of suffocation followed.

My heart thumped as memories flashed of all those moments in the oubliette where Father's true nature was revealed. I hated how I could never forget things I had personally witnessed.

My magic had always been a blessing and a curse but at the moment, it was mostly a curse for even when I had fled, a time would always come that I would recall all that conspired in that hell.

"... Ace?" Blaze pulled me back from my reverie. "Grandfather's been talking for a while now."

"I apologize. What was it, my lord?"

Elkan let out a deep-sounding chortle that I could hear the amusement when he spoke. "Nothing, child. By the by, I'm assuming you know Blaze's identity since you're referring to me by my title?"

I almost knocked my head when I realized it. To meet such an amazing person was a rare opportunity that I completely forgot my manners and the number one rule.

"I apologize for my rudeness."

"No worries, child. You must be really special for him to reveal himself. In that case, there is no need to call me that.  We only use our second names here."

"I'll keep that in my mind."

"I undoubtedly will enjoy staying around and getting to know each other but I have urgent matters to attend to. Nonetheless, I can say this is something to brag to my coffin-covered peers that I had encountered an Amica with two magics. I shall thank the Goddess for blessing me with several decades to meet you," he said with genuine appreciation laced in his speech.

"I don't deserve such flattery. Your longevity is surely well deserved," I stated, trying to stop the awkwardness surging in me.

I was still not used to being highly regarded so the feeling naturally did not sit well. Elkan bid his goodbye and left together with Blaze.

"Is there something I should know about you and King Enmir?" Reichen's words reverberated in the empty hall, as if he was waiting all this time for us to be alone.

I was frankly disconcerted by his unexpected question involving Father. Feigning ignorance would be the best option.

"What do you mean?" 


Before he could even utter a whole sentence, Cindra was hastening towards us.

"Oh, there you are, dear!" Her attention went to Reichen beside me and the glee was replaced with disapproval. "Can you give us a moment?"

"I'm the leader and you quit already so I have all the rights to stay, correct?"

It's no surprise he was so disliked by how he talked. He had an annoying way of phrasing things when he could take the more respectful route. Only that, it was until recently that I realized that was how he conversed with people he was comfortable with. I had observed him with strangers and he could be polite if he wanted to.

"Pert as ever," Cindra commented and turned to me. "Anyhow, you have a mission as Ace. I'm aware we have a dire situation but I ask you to spare tonight for the mission."

I glanced at Reichen. He was my superior and my current partner. We were supposed to go to one of the towns to search for Lady Mhilrim's track again.

"Count Arvory had bought an orphanage but it is suspected of illegal activities of selling children. He had gained a lot of jewelry with it. The headmaster had asked for a favor. We will take back what he stole and give it to the headmaster to make them an independent institution."

Cindra gave the details as I kept my gaze on Reichen, silently asking for permission.

"Alright, but on one condition," he negotiated.

"What is it?" I became skeptical looking at his smile.

"I'll go with you."

"What? No. I can go on my own and besides who will do our assignment if we both abandon it?"

"I can ask someone to do it for me."

He had the upper hand and can do anything he wanted so I had to change my tactic to persuade him. It was fun having missions with a group but as Ace, it was ideal to do it individually.

"Are you sure? Do you know where the Arvory Manor is?"

"Of course. It's in Deliora Kingdom."

"Then aren't you forgetting something?"

I eyed him, trying to portray what I meant but he didn't receive my signal. I thought he planned to stay away from Deliora because he was being pursued but he insisted.

On that note, even Cindra followed his demands and we prepared for tonight's mission.


Reichen had a phantom mask but since we were going to Deliora, he equipped a full mask that was similar to what he wore when we met at the palace of Deliora.

He was probably using Reid back then but I was not entirely sure since his hood covered his eyes. The memory felt like it was from ages ago when it was just two months or so after the Twilight Party.

With my encounters with Reapers these days, it was fairly easy to accomplish the mission that I didn't have a pep talk to cheer myself up. I had expected Reichen's presence to be beneficial and he did not let me down when he effortlessly defeated the stationed knights.

"What are you up to, Reichen?" My brows furrowed as he would not let me enter first after I unlocked the door.

Though it was considered a gentlemanly deed for a man to open the door for a woman, he was being overboard on how he did it at every single entryway we passed. Besides, we were not at a party where we needed to observe proper decorum. We were dressed as thieves and we were expected to act like one.

"Nothing," came his curt reply.

There was definitely something amiss as he regarded the room with vigilance that was unreasonable, in my opinion, since we were only dealing with an avaricious noble and not the Cattivos.

Since he was not willing to explain, I scoured for the count's jewelry instead. The wood creaking in the silent night coupled with the loud ticking of the clock accompanied us in the room.

We were as quiet as possible as we opened the cabinets and drawers but I could not find anything valuable. The slow tick-tock didn't aid either as it was aggravating to hear like we were in a timed mission.

I looked up to where the clock was but my eyes locked with Reichen.

"Is it bad if we destroy his personal property?" he suggested with a hint of annoyance.

"Probably, yes," I replied and returned to scavenging the count's belongings.

"It's not the clock," muttered Reichen with the wall clock in his hand.

The hands were not moving but the ticking sound could still be heard.

No way.

"Damnation. Let's go!" Reichen shouted and we reached the nearest window and jumped without any second thought.

We dashed like madmen until a deafening sound echoed in the tranquil surroundings and brightened the evening skies. Reichen tried to cover for me but he was not able to as we were both caught by the impact.

My body fumbled on the ground. We were not too far from the manor and all I could see was wreckage with embers on its end, raining like shooting stars on deep blue skies. The beauty from afar entailed disaster on my end as it hit with a great impact on me. The scalding debris went past my clothes and burned my skin in an instant.

"Damn it." I hissed as the heat spread on my back and tried to dull the pain.

I quickly removed the smoking cloth that now had a gaping hole at the center. I stood up and stamped up the fire from my robe which was turning into charred threads as seconds passed. Thankfully, it didn't spread on my shirt. I continued putting out the fire but it was already beyond recognition.

A chill ran across my back. It was summer season but it did not matter in Deliora since it was always cold during nighttime. It was a pity I had to discard my outer garment at this point.

I scanned to see Reichen and he was not too far away from me. It was thanks to him that we were able to leave safely. If we were just a step too late, it could have been worse. We were both not awakened and our magic could not be summoned in just a millisecond because of our incantations.

"Are you fine?" I asked when he sat up.

"Still alive."

"Why was there a bomb in that room? Isn't it quite a daring move to set the whole mansion ablaze just to prevent a thief?" I wondered and helped him get up as I squinted at the mansion being engulfed by the raging fire.

It was then the knights flashed into my mind.

"Let's go, there are still bodies there. We need to save them." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the manor.

"Your scars..."

It was a soft whisper amidst the roaring flame but it was crystal clear. I completely disregarded how my shirt was damaged by the force of the explosion. I had nothing to cover my back so I pretended to be unaware.

"Hurry up."

"It's too late. With that fire, no one can survive," he responded with the bitter truth.

They were knights who were assigned to their duties. They did not deserve to be sacrificial lambs.

"How could a sheltered princess like you have those scars? Those were not just from a fight with a thief. Those were scars made from enchantments. They are the only ones that can mar an Amica's body. Was King Enmir also the one who put an enchantment to you?"

Anxiousness was creeping inside me with his abrupt interrogation.

"We need to at least try. Maybe some of them were alive."

"No. This is all a trap. Those men were not knights. Didn't you notice how unskilled they were? They were probably brought here as a guise to lure you into thinking this was a regular household."

"How did you know this is a trap?"

"I'll tell you if you answer me first," he bartered but I refused to do so.

Reichen was definitely clever but most of the time we were together, he was a fool. Now I fully regretted he was using his brain when I did not want him to find out. I disliked having more people involved in my problem.

"I thought Night was just keeping you but it never occurred to me he would do it to his child..." His eyes were in a daze. "If we failed to realize it, it could have been us lying lifeless in that burning mansion right now. He was truly a sick bastard to be so merciless on his own kin. It all makes sense why Night wanted to get you out that he even abandoned his position. I thought he was just a lovesick fool that fell to you at first sight just like me," he continued.

"Lovesick fool? With me? Of course not. Night is my benefactor and it will remain that way," I scoffed and was not able to maintain my silence at his ludicrous words.

"I know. That was just my initial impression before I uncovered the truth since all he always talked about was you. It was also from him that I learned that tonight was a trap. King Enmir had learned that you are the thief, Ace."

"What?" Panic rushed over my body as the color drained out of me with his last statement.

It could not be. How did Father know?

"A portal lantern arrived this morning with King Enmir's voice. He was already aware you are with Night so I've been contemplating how to hide you from him in the meantime."

"Does that mean he planned all this? Whose portier did he get?" That was the only thing that was in my mind the moment Father's name left his lips.

"I don't know whose it was but I'm absolutely definite he planned this. With his connection, I cannot deny a possibility."

What possibility? Of course, it is him. I should have known Father was involved with this. He was a sinister person who didn't care about innocent lives as long as he could achieve his goal while I bore all the responsibility. It was all because of me that he did all this cruelty.

Those people were his warning. They were another additional death tolled on my list.


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