Bound in Love

By SpiritualBahar

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Seattle's music scene was flourishing in the 90's, with bands from the town gaining global recognition. Howev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 10

1K 30 51
By SpiritualBahar

Ellie stirred in her sleep and turned around to try to sleep a bit more, but she knew it would be unfruitful. She usually did not manage to fall asleep again. Chris was still in bed too for she could feel his body next to hers and hear his heavy breathing right behind her. Little puffs of air caressed the back of her neck as he breathed, giving her the goosebumps. Not resisting it, she opened her eyes and noticed it was day already for some day light could be noticed coming from under the door of the bedroom. It was early though. The clock on the nightstand read in big red letters 9 am. Though tired, she turned on her back and stretched and then rubbed her eyes to shake the sleep away. Right after, she turned on her right side, curling on her own body, to look at Chris. Through the poor light that illuminated the room, she saw how part of his hair covered his face and she gently pulled it away. Ellie knew how he hated his hair on his face, that was the reason why he was tying it all the time. His puffy lips slightly parted as he breathed profoundly. Chris was lost in deep sleep and she would not disturb him. Still, she ventured a soft brush of her lips on his cheek before sliding out of the bed gently.

Tiptoeing, she got out of the bedroom, closing the door gently and she entered the bathroom that was just the next door on the hallway. Ellie stood in front of the mirror contemplating the dark circles under her eyes. A night out would always give her bad bags the day after. Opening the basin's tap, she cupped the cold water within her hands and splashed it over her face and then she washed it with her special cleansing gel. After, she brushed her teeth and finally, she sat on the toilet for her morning pee. Done, she flushed the toilet and then grabbed a rubber band and rolled her braids on a knot, so she wouldn't wet them in the shower. That's where she went right after. Ellie opened the water and waited for it to get warm. After trying it with her hand, she entered the tub and had her morning refreshing shower, washing her body with her cocoa scented shower gel.

When done and dried, Ellie put on her slippers and went to the laundry where she knew she had clean clothes to wear. She knew that coming back to the bedroom meant waking up Chris and she didn't want to do that. At her laundry space, she found a set of black lace lingerie that she put on and then she searched on the pile of ironed clothes for something to wear. Down at the bottom, she found her tight blue jeans, ragged on her knees that she could still zip but not button it and then she found a black sweater which ending was misaligned in different angles, falling like a tunic. Happy with her outfit, she got out of the laundry space and found herself in the kitchenet ready to have breakfast. She poured cereals in a bowl and then showered it with some milk. She searched for a spoon in the first drawer at the right side of the sink and then she walked up to the window.

The day was gloomy. The sky was shadowed in grey, but in different shades of grey. Right above her building it was light grey that would intensify until far in the horizon where was it dark grey. The wind was blowing a little stronger than the day before for she could hear it whistle as it infiltrate in between the branches of the trees in the park. The trees danced according to its rhythm, bending, and shaking as the wind caressed them. She took a deep breath realizing that winter was approaching sooner than expected. She could see by the people walking at the park that it should be cold. They were wearing long coats and beanies.

"Oh dear..." She whispered, takin another spoon of cereals to her mouth and feeling discouraged. Summer and Spring were much nicer seasons.

When she finished her light breakfast, Ellie came back to the bathroom and washed her teeth once more. After, she ran a moisturizer cream on her face and began to undo her braids. As she expected, her long black hair had the wavy effect she wanted. The only thing she did was to gather the front strands of her hair, pull it back and tying it on a top knot, the rest fell lose down her back. Knowing they needed some bread and vegetables; she took the chance to go to the market. Ellie put on the All Star from the previous night on her feet and grabbed her long coat from the hanger and ran its zipper to close it, even pulling the collar fully around her neck. Then, she pulled her hair out of it and grabbed her little purse and the keys and she got out, closing the door gently. As she descended the stairs, she met the neighbor from next door opening the mail box.

"Good morning." He told her.

Ellie felt her cheeks turning hot as she remembered how Chris and her had been loud when they came back home. Still, she responded.

"Good morning." She said trying to sound firm and even forcing a shy smile. Then, she opened the door and got out of there quite fast.

Mr. Robson had once caught them in the stairs and kindly asked them not to be so noisy. At first, they didn't understand what he was referring to. They thought he probably meant the music or maybe when their friends would come over, but as he mentioned they should take care of their bed for it grated, they quickly understood his hint. Ellie was mortified and Chris giggled the entire day.

As soon as she stepped out on the street, she could testify how her suspicions had been right. It was really cold and she regretted she did not have a beanie too as most people. With her hands inside her pockets, she descended the street watching people come back and forth occupied with their daily lives. From the park came the sound of children playing and running around and Ellie smiled as she watched them so care free, remembering that someday it would be her own child running over a park somewhere and making its giggle echo in the air. She ran her hand over her belly that moment, as if she was caressing her baby, and then put it back inside the pocket. A few meters ahead, she entered the market and went straight to the vegetables and fruits sections.

"Good morning, Ellie." Marge greeted her with her contagious smile.

Ever since they had moved in to that part of town, that Ellie bought her fruit and vegetables from Marge. The market was where most people living near downtown Seattle would shop for everything was fresh and top quality.

"Good morning!" Ellie responded smiley too.

"You look happy." The vendor told her with her raspy voice.

"Because I am." Ellie responded looking around her stand to decide what to buy.

"Everything is very fresh dear." Marge told her.

"I can see that." Ellie said looking back at Marge. "I am even at loss..." She giggled. "I see all these fruits but I cannot carry too much weight."

Marge curled an eyebrow and looked at Ellie, but under her coat nothing could be perceived yet.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Marge asked her while Ellie grabbed and smelled an orange. Ellie looked up at her and smiled.

"No..." She shook her head. "I am pregnant."

Marge opened a huge smile. "Congratulations!" She clapped visibly content. "I bet your husband is radiant."

"Chris is happy, yes." Ellie confirmed, looking back at the oranges. "Well, I'll take some oranges." She then told Marge.

"I have a stroller here that I can borrow you if you want. That way you won't carry any weight." Marge offered.

"You don't mind?" Ellie asked her for that was actually a good idea.

"Not at all sweetheart." Marge smiled.

"I'll take your offer then." Ellie smiled back. "It's a good idea Marge. I will buy one for me so I can carry the shopping home."

"Here it is." Marge said coming from behind her stand to put the black stroller by Ellie's side.

"Thank you so much Marge." Ellie told her.

"How far are you?" She then asked.

"Just twelve weeks."

Marge patted Ellie's arm. "No... you cannot carry too much weight. I wish you all the best for you and Chris."

"Thanks. So far everything is going well." Ellie told her. "Well, I want oranges, apples, mangos..." Ellie pointed.

"The usual?" Marge asked and Ellie nodded.

While Marge was weighting her fruit, Ellie was looking around to decide what else to take home. She also bought bananas, kiwis, tomatoes, and grapes. When choosing the greens, Ellie opted for some asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, and a cauliflower for they loved it gratin in the oven. When Ellie was paying, someone approached her.

"Ellie?" She heard a familiar soothing and quiet voice calling her.

Ellie looked to her side and smiled instantly. "Karen!" She said. "How are you?" Ellie held her mother in law close.

"How are you?" Karen smiled at her when they pulled away. "Peter told me the news..." Her blue eyes became a little sad there. Chris had inherited his mother's eyes.

"I am fine." Then she turned to Marge who was waiting to give her the exchange. Ellie stretched her hand to receive it. "Thank you Marge. I will return your stroller as soon as possible."

"No problem, Ellie." Marge winked.

"That is a good option now that you should not be carrying too much weight." Karen pointed.

"I guess." Ellie shrugged. "Would you like to go for a hot chocolate?" She invited her. "It's been a while."

"Sure, sweetheart." Karen smiled. "I'd love to."

"There's this lovely place outside the market." Ellie pointed and Karen nodded.

"I know... I go there quite often." She said as they began to walk away.

The café was right beside the market. Despite the tables outside, they chose to go inside because it was cold and the wind was blowing stronger. It was probably going to rain. As they entered the cozy space, Ellie left the stroller near the entrance and began to take her coat off. Karen couldn't but notice her baby bump under her sweater.

"You look lovely." Karen giggled and Ellie noticed that glitter, the same glitter that Chris usually had in his eyes when he liked something.

"Thank you." Ellie smiled and looked down at her small bump and ran a hand over it. "I am so in love with this little thing."

"That's being a mother." Karen told her.

"There's a table over there." Ellie pointed. "I think we can sit." She said looking around, trying to see if someone was coming to received them at the door. "Come..." She said, seeing no one would come around.

Karen followed her and they sat at a round table for two next to the window. The double glass window blocked the noise that should come from the outside, so they could see all the commotion of a busy city but no noise to disturb them. Not from the cars or the people passing by.

"May I help you?" A girl approach them with a small notebook and a pen in her hands. "Good morning." She greeted after.

"Do you want a hot chocolate or something else?" Ellie asked Karen before turning to the waitress.

"Hot chocolate will be fine." Karen nodded.

Ellie turned her face to the young girl and smiled. "Two hot chocolates and good morning because I was rude and didn't greet you when you did so. I am so sorry..."

"Oh..." The girl snickered. "It's ok. So... two hot chocolates." She repeated writing it down. "I'll be right back." The girl smiled and then walked away.

Ellie and Karen looked at one another and stayed silent for a few seconds. Then, Karen talked.

"How's Chris?" She asked.

"He is alright." Ellie told her.

In fact, she wanted to tell her that he was having panic attacks again, but she knew Chris wouldn't want her to share that with anyone, and though she was his mother, they were not close.

"He is going away again." Karen said.

Ellie nodded. "He is. He is going on tour with a huge known band, Guns N' Roses. He is caving his success."

"I bet he is so happy with the baby." Her mother in law added. Karen's eyes flooded with tears once more.

"You know we were separated for a couple of months, right?" Ellie asked and Karen nodded. "Well, I found out I was pregnant during that period. I had an accident and Chris was with me and found about the pregnancy at the hospital. First he reacted badly for he thought someone else was the father..." Ellie smiled there and rolled her eyes, making Karen release a laughter.

"Chris is great at concluding things." She joked.

"In a way, I get him. We were not talking or seeing each other so we didn't know what we were doing..." Ellie paused there. "... but then I told him it was his and he was so happy."

"I am happy you two could find your way back to one another." Karen held her hand. "I know my son loves you dearly, Ellie."

"I love him too." Ellie told her. "He is so amazing. He is truly amazing, Karen."

Karen's eyes clouded with tears again that she promptly cleaned. "What about this pregnancy? Tell me everything."

"Well... so far all we know is that everything is fine which is the most important thing. I am only twelve weeks pregnant; I just entered the second trimester. I had a lot of nausea in the beginning. I had to be medicated so I would not throw up everything I'd eaten. Other than that, it is just waiting for the baby to grow up and be ready to be born."

"I know my son is going to be a terrific father. I know his heart..."

Ellie patted her hand. "I hope one day you two can solve your differences too."

"I made mistakes, Ellie. I was not a perfect mother but I love my children. I know Chris is hurt, but I also hope one day we can sit as mother and son and he can forgive me."

"I hope so too." She kissed Karen's hand.

"Here it is..." The young waitress interrupted their conversation arriving with their hot beverage.

"How much is it?" Ellie asked.

"Four dollars." The girl responded.

"I'll pay for it." Karen said looking for her wallet inside her purse.

"Nonsense." Ellie told her. "It was my invite." Ellie grabbed five dollars and put it in the girl's hand. "Keep it like that." She said.

"Thank you." The waitressed bowed lightly and walked away.

"Where were we?" Ellie asked blowing her drink.

"Me hoping that Chris can forgive me one day." Karen told her.

"I think he will, but he needs his own time and his own healing." Ellie was honest.

"Knowing that he is loved and well taken cared of is wonderful though." Karen smiled at her.

"That, he is." She giggled.

After half an hour, Karen and Ellie left the café. At the street they hugged each other tightly. Ellie felt Karen's arms holding her really close and strongly, maybe transmitting to her the embrace she should probably want to give to her son. When they separated, Karen smiled at her and caressed her face.

"Take good care of my boy." She said sweetly.

"Always." Ellie giggled.

"You are glowing, Ellie." Karen added. "I am so happy about this baby too."

"I am glad." Ellie gave another hug and then pulled away. "I have to go. Chris is probably up by now."

"Send him a kiss."

"I will."

They separated their ways. Karen came back to the market and Ellie pushed her stroller up the street back home. The street had become quieter as the commuters would be working by then and the children were not at the park anymore. The wind was blowing strong and rain was menacing to fall at every second. The sky above her head was so dark, that forced Ellie to haste her pace. Nevertheless, the first thick drops of rain began to fall. With no umbrella or hoodie to pull over her head, Ellie had no choice but to walk as fast as she could, pushing the stroller with her. Luckily, she wasn't far away from her building and when she entered it, she had just wet her hair a little and her coat around her shoulders.

To push the stroller up the stairs was a challenge though. Though it would not be the same as if carrying the bags, she still had to use some force to pull it up. She knew next time even the stroller could not be that heavy. In front of her door, she grabbed the keys inside her purse and opened it; next she pushed the stroller inside and closed the door. Ellie was taking her coat off and hanging it when Chris appeared coming out of the bedroom.

"Hey, you!" He smiled at her.

"Did you sleep well?" Ellie asked him as he approached her. Before answering, he smooched her lips.

"Why did you leave me in bed alone?" He asked her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and then kissing her neck.

"You were sleeping," Ellie said giggling as he tickled her with his moustache. "Chris... you are tickling me."

"I know." He smiled against her skin and then kissed her again. "You went shopping?" He said then pulling away and noticing the stroller.

"Yeah... we needed fruit and some vegetables. Marge lent me this stroller. It is actually a good idea." Ellie explained.

"Let me take this to the kitchen." He told her, reaching for it.

Ellie followed him. Chris was in a pair of black shorts and his Nirvana tank top. His hair wet from the shower and falling lose down his shoulders. Ellie giggled behind him and he looked back.

"What?" He smirked.

"Nothing." Ellie shook her head.

Chris stopped near the fridge. "It's not nothing. I know you Ellie Cornell." He pointed a finger at her.

"Is this..." She pointed at him from head to toe. "... why you keep the heat so high? So you can walk around the house with minor clothes to impress me?"

Chris smiled, tug a finger in the waist of her jeans and pulled her to him. Right after he wrapped his arms around her, imprisoning her.

"It might be." He joked, still with a smirk on his lips.

"Get off me!" Ellie exclaimed laughing and tapped his arms. "I saw the neighbor in the morning and he gave me that look."

Chris started laughing loud. "I think then..." He pecked her lips. "... we should give him more..." He pecked her again. "... I don't know..." Another peck and Ellie started laughing.

"Chris..." She warned him, but she felt him pushing her against the kitchen's counter. "Christopher John!" She tried her warning tone but she was laughing too much to be intimating. "Chris... stop..." She still giggled.

Chris kissed her lips. "Don't you think we should give the neighbor more love?" He whispered against her lips.

"Have you had breakfast?" She asked running both hands over his hair and pulling it back. Chris looked in her eyes.

"Not yet." He smiled. "Changing the subject will not get you off the hook."

"Excuse me?" Ellie protested but laughing.

Chris grabbed the ending of her sweater and pulled it up, noticing the unbuttoned button. "It does not button, uh?" He smiled tenderly.

"No..." She said looking at him. "I could only zipper it. Soon I have to do some shopping." Then, Chris bent over her. "What are you doing?" Ellie asked him.

"Kissing my kid good morning." He told her and then placed two soft kisses on her belly that made her melt.

"You are so sweet my wild boy." She said diving her fingers in his hair again. "And I love you so."

"What do you want to do today?" He asked her, kissing her lips, and then looking in her eyes.

"I thought maybe we could go to Bainbridge to see the surroundings?" She said in questioning tone. "But it started raining..." She added looking at their glass wall at the side of the little kitchen.

"We can take the car." He said. "I think it is a good idea."

Ellie smiled. "Have breakfast then while I put everything in the fridge." With that she got rid of his arms and escaped the counter.

"Nice way of escaping it." He giggled, while opening the door of the cabinet right above him.

"Do you want anything from the fridge?" Ellie asked him as she opened its door.

"The milk, please." He said.

"Here." Ellie said passing it on to him.

Chris put some milk in the bowl and then added some cereals. While Ellie was putting all the fruits and vegetables inside the fridge, Chris walked around the kitchenette and sat at the counter facing Ellie so they could talk.

"You bought a lot of stuff." He said as he watched her putting the kiwis inside the fridge's drawer.

"I saw your mother." Ellie said though.

That moment, she closed the fridge and turned around to look at him. Chris had stopped with the spoon half way to his mouth and was staring at her. His eyes wide opened. His chest coming up and down heavily.

"I saw her at the market." Ellie continued, seeing he was not going to say anything. Chris finally took the spoon to his mouth and eat silently. "She sent you a kiss and a hug."

"Ellie." He protested.

"Chris..." She approached the counter. "I know you have conflicting feelings, but she seems so sincere. And you should see how happy she was with our baby..." He continued eating, looking down at his bowl and letting his hair cover his face. "Don't be like that." Ellie sweetly pulled his hair away. "Babe..." She called him sweetly.

"How is she?" He then asked looking at her. "Is she alright?"

"Yes. She seemed fine. We went for a hot chocolate and we talked for a little while." Ellie explained and she saw a soft simile on his lips. "You should look for her, Chris."

Chris shrugged. "I don't know what to tell her or what to say... you know..."

"I get it." Ellie nodded. After all, they were not close and it had been a long time since Chris had last talked to his mother. "But you are her son. I am sure she will know what to do."

"You better get ready to go. I am almost done here." He said then pointing at his almost empty bowl.

Ellie took a deep breath. He had deviated the subject again.

"I am just going to the bathroom." She said and she turned around to leave.

"Ellie." He called her sensing her desolated tone. "Fuck." He got up and went after her. "Babe?" He called when he got near the bathroom's door. "Babe..." He said holding her from behind as she adjusted her hair. "Don't me mad at me, Ellie."

"I am not mad at you." She said. Ellie turned around to look at him face to face. "Chris?" She frowned a little. "I am not mad."

"It seemed like you left suddenly." He affirmed.

Ellie cupped his face within her hands and kissed his lips. "I am not mad at all, babe. I just think that with a baby coming, it would be good to be alright with both families. I would like our child to meet her father's family."

"Ellie I am so unsure about that." He told her. His blue eyes pierced on hers. "I want what's best for my child and quite frankly I don't know if my family is the best thing. It was not for me."

"Ok..." She said. "I won't insist."

"Look." It was his turn to grab her delicate face with both his hands. His right hand caressed her cheek. "I know you want what is best for me, but what is best for me is this... us... the three of us."

"Come here." She whispered touched by his words and pulling him for a hug.

Chris wrapped his arms around her waist and Ellie around his shoulders. For a long minute, they just held each other close in absolute silence. Soaking the magical moment that was to be that close. Then, he turned his head to place a kiss on her temple and pulled away, looking in her gray eyes.

"It's not easy for me, babe." He said and then rested his forehead on hers.

"I know." She caressed his face.

Chris closed his eyes as he felt her touch and took the opportunity to entrap her better between his arms and her knees began to fail a bit for she could not resist him. He took a hand to her face for a caress again and bent his face over hers a little more. Their gaze locked, and that was fatal. His hand clutched on the back of her neck sending shivers down her spine and his lips came closer to hers. Her eyes looked down at his requesting lips, their noses touched, and she held her breath. She closed her eyes as he touched her, and she felt his lips again softly brushing hers. His other hand searched for hers and their fingers intertwined before he pressed his lips against hers firmly. He kissed her lips once and then twice and their hands squeezing as the kiss intensified. Ellie parted her lips so his demanding tongue could meet hers. Their hands separated and they wrapped their arms around each other, uniting their body also on that kiss. The whole world stopped turning around that moment, nothing else mattered. They kissed until they could no longer breathe. When Chris broke up the kiss, their eyes opened meeting again, the blue of his eyes was darker but incredibly beautiful.

"You always have to get what you want." Ellie smiled.

"I am not asking for anything that you do not want too." He smiled back and then pecked her.

Looking in his eyes, Ellie grabbed him behind his neck and pulled his face closer to hers and glued her lips on his once more. They kissed slowly first, with small pecks. Then, their lips became one and parted and their tongues played along, twirling, and caressing one another. His hands dug under her sweater, finding her soft warm skin. They traveled up her belly and torso until he reached her breasts. Always kissing her, he began to tease her nipples, by digging his fingers inside her bra and there, Ellie broke the kiss and pulled away.

"Chris..." She whispered his name, still with a hand tugged on the back of his neck and her forehead against his.

"Ellie..." He spread tiny kisses along her face and then neck. "We are not going to stop now." He said and she giggled amused. He smirked against her skin as he still kissed her neck.

She pulled her head back to give him better access and to fully enjoy the caresses of his moist lips that burned on her skin every time he rested them on it. Ellie took the opportunity to let her hand caress his prominent groin. Chris bucked lightly as she rubbed her hand on his crotch and gave him slight squeezes, getting him fully hard in a short time. He moaned sexily in her ear enjoying her hand job, but he then grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.

"What?" She asked him with a smile.

"Nothing..." He smiled back.

Chris grabbed Ellie around her waist sat her on the basin. His fingers began to pull her sweater up, not breaking eye contact with her. Ellie raised her arms so he could pull it off and Chris let it then fall on the floor. Ellie tugged her hands on his tank top and pulled it off his head, throwing it on the floor as if it was some disposable item. She would not be the only one getting naked. Then, he unclasped her bra, setting her perfect round and bigger breasts free.

He bent over her and caught one of her nipples in his mouth, making Ellie entangle her fingers in his hair pulling him more to her. Her gasps became audible as he toyed with them. No one could arouse her more than him while suckling hard on one nipple and then going to another and always leaving her yanking for more. He let a hand and thumb caress one breast, while his mouth sucked hard on the other, alternating between one and another, clouding her vision and judgment.

"Chris..." She breathed his name faintly to let him know how good it was feeling for her.

He left his hands caressing her breasts and started kissing his way up. Up her neck, chin until he finally encountered her lips once more. While their tongues mingled in perfect passion, her hands came between them to pull his shorts down. As usual, he was not wearing anything under it and she pulled them down just right under his ass. While they still kissed lustfully, and his hands palmed her breasts and his thumbs teased her so hard nipples, her hand grabbed his manhood and she stroke it gently, immediately his lips separated from hers.

"Fuck, Ellie..." He whispered cupping her face between his hands and his eyes closed as her hand worked on him. She let her thumb circle on the head, feeling pre cum coming out of it. "Oh, yes... babe..." He let himself be pleased and even his hips moved a little to intensify the deed. "Fuck..." He moaned a long-dragged moan and kissed her lips again.

After the kiss, he pulled away from her to take her jeans off. Ellie unzipped them and then raised her hips while his hands pulled it down her legs and then off her feet. Another piece of clothing falling on the floor. Then, his hands came back to free her from her G string, getting her fully naked. Chris pulled it all off her legs and parted them, resting her feet on the marble base of the basin. Ellie perceived him bending over her, but she held his head still and he looked up.

"I want you." Ellie gasped.

Chris smiled and went up to kiss her lips. "You'll have me..." He whispered against her lips.

Still, he bent down over her, holding her thighs from within rather still, and then his tongue opened her lips and found her most sensitive spot. He wanted to spend time pleasuring her. He wanted to send her to heaven if possible. Her back arched in pleasure and a moan escaped her lips when his tongue began to wonder her. Her fingers tugged on his hair gently.

"Chris..." She whispered his name. "Oh God..." She contorted against his mouth. The more his tongue explored her most sensitive spot the more she moaned. "Oh..." She grunted when he inserted a finger in her. Chris pulled in and out and let his tongue flicker on her clit. Ellie raised her hips a little in absolute delight. She was pulling his hair a little stronger and the other hand clutched onto the basin. No one could pleasure her as he did. She was wailing in absolute delight. Hearing her so far gone, he took the chance to insert a second finger and picked up a rhythm that drove her to another dimension. "Chris..." She gasped his name again, but he felt her already losing her control. She was tightening around his fingers and he wanted to make her come like that. "Oh..." She moaned louder and with shaking voice. It didn't take long until she erupted in orgasm, calling his name over and over again as her body shook in absolute delight. When she calmed down, he made his way up to her again.

"You wanted to miss that..." He gasped bending over her to kiss her lips. She could still taste herself in his mouth but she pulled him to her hungrily.

"I want you... Chris... please..." She then whispered against his lips.

"I want you too... I can't wait any longer." He confessed.

His voice was shaking but he didn't care. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to the edge of the basin for a better position.

"Please..." She breathed as she felt his hand guiding himself to her. Chris found his way inside of her, penetrating her slowly. "Oh..." Ellie moaned low as she felt him tearing her apart wonderfully.

"Fuck, babe..." He said in her ear as he started to rock her. "It feels so good inside of you..." He said thrusting fast. He would not be able to fuck her slow. He wanted her too badly.

"And you always feel so good too..." She answered opening her eyes to find his blue eyes staring at her.

He slowed his pace there. He wanted it to last after all... he wanted to savor it... he wanted to own her completely, rip the feet off her floor. He wanted to love her and not just fuck her.

"God... Chris..." She said feeling him completely. Every inch of his hard member making her throb. He would pull almost out and then entered her again in steady moves.

"Is it good like this my love?" He asked against her lips, then pecking her. Ellie smiled as she adored when he called her like that. "You are my love, Ellie..." He said as he saw her smiling.

"Yes." She simply said. "It's wonderful."

Chris embraced her and nibbled her ear. He wanted to feel her that close to him. Her skin against his skin. Ellie roamed her hand over his lower back until she reached his buttocks and she pressed them harder to her. He realized she wanted him to go deeper into her, so he pulled her even more to him. Their bodies were so bonded that moment that he thought he was going to fade into her. The sensation she always made him feel was terrific.

"I love you, Chris." She whispered in his ear. "I love you so."

He smiled earing her and bit her lobe. "Say that again." He asked.

"I love you." Ellie repeated.

"You are getting so tight.." He groaned. Her inner muscles were already coercing him to the point of lunacy. "Fuck... Ellie..." He groaned again and took a faster pace.

Ellie bit her lower lip feeling her pleasure peak and peak bit by bit. The fever between her legs was driving her insane. She wanted to yell and groan, but she contained all that inside.

"Chris..." She whimpered unable to stay quiet.

The pleasure she was feeling was too much to take it inside without saying anything. She needed to vent and buried her nails on his back. Her body bucked a little, giving signs she was about to orgasm.

"Oh... fuck..." It was Chris's turn to release his mind. Inside of her everything was constricting him in his fullness. It was clouding his vision "Oh" He moaned, increasing his thrusts in rapidness. He was fighting hard not to come before her. "I'm gonna come, babe..." He complained. "You are killing me..."

"Fuck me harder..." She said but her last words were already barely audible as she took a great intake of air as her whole body seem to come to a violent halt.

Inside, Chris felt all her muscles shrinking, pumping him to the boiling point, and finally she released all the air she had breathed in loud moans. Chris came right there too. She felt his cum being spelt inside of her in violent gulfs as he rode his orgasm. The muscles of his legs were shaking and he moaned openly. He kept thrusting until there was no cum left inside of him to be released, at the same time he eased his pace until he was fully done. A huge sigh escaped his lips and Ellie pampered his hair. After all the rush abandoned their bodies, they looked in each other's eyes and they smiled, not sharing a word. Not caring about anything, he just did what his mind and body were asking him to do, and he pulled her close in an embrace. He felt her arms around him too and she kissed his shoulder.

"My wild boy." Ellie whispered then pulling away to look in his eyes.

"Can't you come on tour with me?" He asked her out of the blue.

"Babe..." Ellie breathed and kissed his lips. "I have appointments because of the pregnancy...not to mention my work. I am coming back on Monday."

"That's right..." He told her. That moment he pulled away from her, but Ellie held his hand.

"Come back here." She asked him. "What's the matter, babe?"

Chris shook his head. "It's nothing." He tried to smile. "It's that I miss you still, even if you're here. We have been separated for two months and I don't want to separate again."

"It's just a couple of weeks. Then you will come home for Christmas and then I can go for the New Year's gig."

"That would be awesome." He pecked her.

"Still wanna go to Bainbridge?" Ellie asked him.

Chris nodded. "Yeah. Definitely. Let me just get dressed."

"Yeah... because I am going like this." Ellie laughed.

Chris helped her descend the basin and kissed her lips when her feet hit the floor gently. Ellie then caught her bra from the floor.

"I was thinking we should look near that beach we like? There are a couple of small places there quite quiet." He suggested while putting toothpaste his toothbrush.

"I think that is a good idea. I love it there." Ellie smiled while clasping her bra.

"Maybe we can even do this before I go." He said.

"I just want you to be alright." Ellie told him.

Chris rinsed his mouth and then turned to her. "I am alright with you." He then said.

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