Family Comes First

By CRAZY40429

1M 31.8K 33.4K

Being alone? Check. Being afraid? Check. Being abused? Check times 3. Honestly, my life wasn't this bad befor... More

Before Continuing...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note

Chapter 23

12.9K 450 325
By CRAZY40429

- A m a r a   R u s s o -

"We are going to be flying on this?" I shrieked, gesturing with my hand to the private jet that was in front of me. Salvatore frowned at my behaviour.

"Is there a problem with it?" he asked, and I shook my head, a look of incredulity crossing my face.

"No! Why are we going on this anyways? Couldn't we have taken a normal flight?" I asked exasperatedly, and Salvatore shook his head.

"It isn't even comfortable. Anyways, I would pay for business class, but there's too many seats to book and it is way too squishy. Plus, there's no privacy on a public plane, and I'd be wasting precious hours where I could be doing work." Salvatore shrugged.

"There would be too much paparazzi, cameras, and media if we flew on a public plane as well." Sandeo added, being the helpful person he always was.

"So we just had to take a private flight?"

"Yeah, it was pretty much the only option." Santino responded this time, and didn't wait for me before climbing into the plane.

Shaking my head, I climbed in as well to be met with the most luxurious plane I've ever seen.

A chandelier hung from the top of the plane, and there were multiple chairs at the front that had cushions on them and a place to put our feet. Behind the chairs was a curtain that had a bed at the side with a working table. It even has a fricking lamp and desk drawers. At the front of the plane was the bathroom, and there was a shower included. Talk about extra right here.

I gingerly sat onto one of the cushioned chairs, and unintentionally relaxed into its soft cushion. Unable to suppress the yawn trying to break free, a wave of tiredness came, and I looked out the window to be met with the littlest bit of light.

I mean, it was only the crack of dawn when Salvatore had roused me from bed and had rushed me outside and into the car.

"Sleep, Amara. I know you are tired." Salvatore ordered, and I didn't need any more persuasion when I was lulled into sleep as Salvatore picked me up, bringing me to who knows where.


"You guys will have to be quiet. Young Master and Mistress Romano are still sleeping." the person driving us said as he drove the six of us to the mansion Samantha and Mr. Romano lived in.

It was only about eight in the morning here in Los Angeles, California, which means that the city was just beginning to start on its daily life. Traffic was forming, and I was not looking forward to being stuck in traffic for the next hour.

"Who's Young Master and Mistress Romano?" I furrowed my brows, utterly confused at the names.

"Alessandro and Alessia." Sandeo murmured over to me.

"Why is he calling them that?"

"Because it's the rules. It's a sign of respect." Sandeo whispers back. "Think of it this way. Stella used to call us like that too until she got used to us and started calling us by our last names. Even now, Stella still won't call us by our first names because it is inappropriate as we are her employers."

"Oh." was all that left my mouth when suddenly the most beautiful house - or mansion - came into view. It was huge, and just the driveway and gate to enter this house was long and at least a mile long.

"I will bring in your things for you." the butler said firmly, but quietly as he got out a ring of keys from his pocket and put it into the key holder.

With a few turns, the lock clicked open, but instead of the door opening like what it was supposed to do, a voice came out of the key hole. What the...

"Who is this?" a feminine voice snarled.

"It is Damien, Mrs. Romano. I bring along with me the entire Russo family." the butler answered, and the feminine voice who I presume to be Samantha hummed.

"Alright. Let me speak with the eldest then." she hummed.

"Yes?" Salvatore answered.

"What was the first thing I said to you when you had just ran out into the forest because you were angry with me?"

Honestly, I had no idea why she was taking this many safety precautions, but it is what it is.

"You shushed me and told me to be quiet." Salvatore answered without hesitation.

Samantha was quiet for a second, taking her time to consider her response.

"And Salvestro?"


"What was the first word you heard from my mouth when I saw him drunk?"

"Run." Salvestro answered.

"Good. You may all enter."

The lock opened, and I was met with the stunningly gorgeous interior of the mansion.

Samantha appeared not a few moments later, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt five times too big for her. She had put her black hair in a messy bun, and her glasses were put on top of her head. Wait a second. Samantha wore glasses?

"You're here!" Samantha said jollily, and wrapped Sandeo in a tight hug.

Feeling awkward, I tried to hide myself behind the wall when her cold, steel blue eyes turned to me.

"Amara." she murmured, and her eyes racked my body from head to toe. "It looks like you packed on some meat and muscle." she observed, and started circling me like a predator stalking her prey.

When she was satisfied, it was as if a switch was flipped. Instead of the cold and brooding personality I saw before, all I saw was a cheery and bubbly woman.

"Welcome to my humble home." she greeted happily, and Santino snorted his amusement. I think she's bipolar or something.

"Humble?" he repeated.

"Yes, humble." Samantha snapped, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Whatever." Santino muttered, and Samantha then lead us towards the kitchen where the amazing scent of pancakes was wafting into the room.

"So, I was trying to learn how to cook, and Rebecca over here was nice enough to try and teach me. Though I just don't think I am cut out for kitchen duty." Samantha sighed disappointedly, and pointed to a huge stash of pancakes that weren't circular and had these weird things drawn on them.

Before I could comment on them, Samantha had already added a few comments of her own. "Yeah, my art skills aren't good."

"You can ask Amara to help you." Salvestro suggested, and I froze as her piercing eyes bore into my head.


"Yeah. Amara is an amazing artist. I'm sure she can help you out." Salvino jumped in, giving me a smirk as Samantha considered the option.

"Then it's decided. Amara, you wouldn't mind teaching poor old me how to draw right?" She batted her eye lashes innocently like a child.

Oh, fudge my life.


"So what am I supposed to do? I can't paint for the life of me." Samantha groaned her annoyance.

I was still skeptical with the way Samantha has been acting as it was nothing like the way she acted at the party.

"Uh, so," I gulped nervously, "First we have to sketch out an image. So what do you want to draw?"

She raised an eyebrow and gave me a look that screamed, 'Do you think I care?'

"Right," I swallowed, "So why don't we draw something simple like a cartoon character?"

Samantha didn't reply, just giving me a shrug at my suggestion.

"Alright, um, how about we draw Dora?"

Samantha's lips tugged slightly at the tips, but she didn't smile.


"So to start off, we have to draw the shape of her head" I started, and although Samantha stayed silent like always, I knew that she was listening attentively.

By the time we were done painting, it was twelve in the afternoon, and Samantha looked proud of her work... Even though it looks nothing like Dora.

Honestly, her painting just looked like a brown blob with pink and orange on the bottom, though I had to give her credit. For a first-timer, this was better than expected because you can still distinguish the different clothings on the painting.

I think I should've started off with regular paint instead of using watercolours, and that was my fault. However, drawing with watercolours is easier in a way.

"Babe," Samantha said to her husband during lunch.


"Am I allowed to take Amara on a ride today?" she asked, and I was honestly surprised.

Samantha had to ask Mr. Romano for permission to do things? Well, maybe it was because she wanted to bring me out with her as well.

"You do know that in this situation, none of us are going to going outside, right?" Mr. Romano said firmly, and Samantha gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Please? You can come with me too." she said.

"And what about the kids?"

"We can bring them too. I'm only bringing Amara shopping." Samantha replied.

Mr. Romano contemplated for a while before reaching his decision.

"I can't come with you. I have business to take care of." he muttered thoughtfully, "Salvatore, do you and your family have anything to do today?"

"Nope." Sandeo answered for Salvatore.

"Alright, then you wouldn't mind going with Amara and Samantha to the mall would you?"

"Not at all."

"It's decided then. You seven will go after lunch. You should go feed Alessia before you leave though." Mr. Romano suggested, and a question raised in my head.

"Um, Mr. Romano?" I asked tentatively.

"You may call me Ace, Amara." he said as kindly as he could.

"Oh um, okay."

"What did you want to say?"

"I am just wondering how old Alessia is." I asked.

"Alessia? She's almost a year old now, turning one in March." he said fondly.

Before I could stop my running mouth, I had already blurted out my next question. "Then why does Samantha have to feed her if she's almost one? Do you guys still um, breastfeed?"

Ace looked taken aback at my question, and he took a moment to answer. "Because our daughter is stubborn and won't let anyone but her mother feed her."

"And yes, I breastfeed but only during the night to put Alessia to sleep." Samantha jumped in.

"Oh, nice." I mumbled, and Ace nodded.

"Anymore questions?"

"Uh," I thought about it for a moment, trying to get my brain to cooperate with me. This was the only time I got to ask questions, and I may not get this opportunity again. "Why did you say that you were my brother of sorts?"

Santino scoffed at my words, but the warning look Salvatore sent him had him quieting.

"That is a question I will not answer until you are ready, but we are technically family." he put so much emphasis on that one word. What does that mean?

The high pitched cry suddenly rang into the house, and Samantha jumped to her feet.

"Damn, she just couldn't sleep until I finished my lunch." she muttered, frustration leaking in her tone. "She's going to wake up her brother who I put to sleep just six hours ago."

Before I could ask the many more questions that were swirling in my head, Samantha was gone and sprinting up the steps to their room.

"Wait, why did Alessandro just sleep a few hours ago?" Sandeo spoke up, asking the question that was at the top of my head.

"Because Alessandro refused to sleep." Ace grumbled, running a hand down his face. For the first time, I see the haggard face he was wearing. "He wanted to stay awake and greet you guys when you guys came."

Aww, that is so nice of him. Kids these days were so innocent, knowing nothing of the real world.

The screaming continued before it stopped abruptly. Soon, Samantha was back in the room with a sleepy looking Alessia with a red and tear tracked face. Her hair was messy, and her lips were pulled into a cute pout as she leaned against her mom.

"Her attitude is so much like you, babes." Samantha told us when she sat back down, making sure that Alessia's head wasn't turning in a bad angle.

"I don't act like that." Ace objected, and Samantha shook her head, a fleeting smile on her face.

"Sure. When you are angry you definitely don't throw temper tantrums."

"I don't."

"Yeah, you do." Samantha insisted.





"Whatever." Ace grumbled, and Samantha gave a winning smirk.

"So, do you want to ride with me?" She turned to me.


"Do you want to ride with me?" she repeated slowly as if she was talking to a child.

Blushing red, I stumbled for response. "Wh- what do you mean?"

"Motorcycle. Do you want to ride on a motorcycle with me." she stated. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a question, but her tone stated anything but.

"Um, maybe?" I replied, because I honestly didn't know. Was it rude if I refused to go on a ride with her? It's not that I don't want to be with her, but more that I don't trust motorcycles. Including the fact that Samantha had the attitude of nonchalance and recklessness around her at the moment... I didn't know if it was going to be a good idea.

"Don't worry, Amara. I won't go too fast." she winked, and although I knew that I shouldn't trust that look of mischief she had on, I relented.



I didn't know if it was just me, but Samantha was bipolar. One minute she was a cold and brooding person, the next she was a cheery and bubbly person. I swear she's bipolar, unless one of her personalities is fake.


"I thought you said that you wouldn't go too fast!" I shrieked, holding onto Samantha's waist for dear life as my hair flew behind me.

"I'm not!" Samantha laughed, but the monitor on her bike said anything but. "Don't worry, Amara. I won't crash. I've been riding for years."

Samantha was in a good mood right now, laughing and teasing me, and I honestly liked that. Her eyes lit up when we were taking, and although I was scared to death, it was refreshing, having female company when I was always surrounded by males who didn't understand anything.

It was as if I was getting a glimpse of what Samantha could mean to me, and I was finally seeing why my brothers saw Samantha in such light. I just hoped her good mood would stay when we are at the mall.

"I know that you've been riding for years, but I haven't!" I yelled back. It may seem that I was frightened, but I was actually enjoying the wind against my face... To a certain level.

"Exactly! So trust me!"

I had no idea how she wanted me to trust her when we were going a hundred miles an hour at a forty miles an hour place.

"We're going to get in so much trouble." I muttered, and Samantha only laughed off my concern.

"Don't worry. I got this." she stated gently, almost as if she was comforting me. I didn't believe it, casting it aside, thinking that it was my brain making me feel and think things because I was missing female, or family companionship. I mean, with the way Ace had explained it, we were family... I think.

Five minutes later, we were still speeding on the road, and Samantha was getting shouted at through her helmet. Even with my own helmet on, I can hear Ace growling and shouting profanities as Samantha.

"I told you that we're fine." Samantha said exasperatedly.

More curse words were thrown through her mic before Samantha let out a disappointed sigh.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll pull over and wait for them. Yeah, I got it you big possessive bastard." she finally grumbled out her agreement. "I'll just wait at the gas station. Yeah, ping my phone. I'm sure they can catch up."

Not a moment later, she was pulling over at a nearby gas station.

"Come on." she urged, and literally carried me off her bike.

"Why are we going in?"

"Because I want to eat something." she responded quickly, "Did you actually think that I would pull over because Ace asked me to?"

I nodded my head sheepishly, and she let out a hearty laugh.

"One thing you should know about me, Amara, is that I don't take orders from anyone unless it is an emergency. Even if it is from my own husband." she winked, and pulled open the door, holding it for me as we both stepped in.

As if a switch was flipped, Samantha's mood changed completely. She had a serious and no bullshit expression on, nothing close to the teasing and bright woman from before.

I had a sudden epiphany, realizing that Samantha's cold mask she had on was all an illusion for the media so that they don't crowd her and bombard her with questions of her personal life. Too scared to get close to someone who looked like they were dead inside when it was the complete opposite for Samantha.

"Hello," a man greeted, before he suddenly went pale at who was in his store.

"Good afternoon." Samantha said monotonously.

"G-good aft-ternoon to you t-too, Mrs. Romano." He stuttered.

"Amara, why don't you get whatever you want to eat?" Samantha suggested, and I knew not to disobey her. I think I am starting to understand everything now.

My entire family put up an illusion of them being emotionless, but behind closed doors, they were anything but that. They did it so that people knew to not mess with them, and although I still wasn't sure why, I kind of understood now.

Since they have a reputation to maintain, they can not afford to show and let their emotions influence their decisions and actions, which is why they put up a front when in front of the public and gossiping eyes.

I think this is also why the twins never acted out of line when they were in public. They knew that they couldn't afford to have Salvatore's name put and rolled in the mud. So, when they were at home, it didn't matter how they acted because no one in their family would judge them for how they acted.

For the first time, I think I was finally beginning to grasp the pressure many celebrities were put under.

"Amara. Why didn't you pick yet?"

Samantha's voice was smooth, yet firm at the same time as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm still deciding." I bit my lip, and started stumbling around the aisles. I knew that Samantha was losing her patience, so I decided to take anything and everything that caught my eye.

Obviously, I knew to not get too much candy or chocolate, so I limited myself from that and picked a few other foods as well.

"You done?"

"Yep," I said, and put the following items on the counter: A plastic water bottle, a bag of chips, a bag of kisses (they are chocolates if you didn't know), and a mini fruits platter.

"Good." she answered, and faced the counter, taking out a fudging black card. Damn, she had money.

"Put it in, I don't have a lot of time." she snapped impatiently, and the man fumbled with the stuff. I can see the thin shine of sweat lining his forehead, and can only imagine the relief he'd feel when we leave.

Even I was intimidated by her presence at times, and I was her... Family, I think.

We were out of the store in no time, and Samantha's mask slipped off her face as she handed me my stuff.

She then gave me a smile mixed with a grimace. "I am sorry you had to see that, but it was necessary."

I didn't reply, opting to stay quiet because I didn't understand why it was necessary. And since I didn't know why, I wasn't going to be making assumptions and making people angry at me.

"Anyways, the brothers should be here soon, so eat your chocolate quickly before they take it from you." Grinning, Samantha opened the packet of kisses for me, and stole one, popping it into her mouth as she gave me a small wink.

"Samantha!" Salvatore's voice rang out into the gas station.


"You know that Ace is extremely angry with you, right?" He raised a brow, but Samantha shrugged it off, dismissing the matter as if it wasn't big at all.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry. I'll handle him after we've gone back from the mall."

"He's saying that you aren't allowed to go to the mall and that you are supposed to go back to the mansion immediately."

Samantha's nostrils flared ever so slightly and her eyes narrowed.

"Give me a minute. I need to have a small chat with my lovely husband." she snapped, and her ponytail swished in the air as she turned away, taking out her phone and dialling a number.

Oh frickityfrick.


Thank you all so much for almost 900 votes and 22k reads! I really appreciate it! Just a little incentive for you guys to keep on voting, but only vote if you genuinely like my story: I am going to be updating FCF three times when I reach 1k votes! So, on the day that I upload, I will be spreading out the upload times, and update three times, so stay tuned for that!

Other than that, I already have the next few chapters planned out, and there is going to be so many stuff about to go down by then. So buckle your seatbelts, as we are going to be going on a hell of a ride.

Love you all so much, and stay safe!

~ CRAZY40420 💋 

QotC: Would you rather drive a car or a motorcycle?

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