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By marrymeaubreyplaza

154K 3.5K 3.9K

ใ€ ๐ง๐จ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐จ๐ง ใ€‘ โ ๐™ž๐™› ๐™ž๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ง๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™ค๐™ฃ, ๐™ž๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ง๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ข๏ฟฝ... More

๐™Ž๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ฎ ๐™๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ˆ๐™š
Introduction (please read!!!)
Chapter I: Dreams Over Reality
Chapter II: A Butterfly's Cocoon
Chapter III: Fuck the Media
Chapter IV: What a Surprise
Chapter V: 188
Chapter VI: ๐˜ผ๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ฎ๐ŸŒ
Chapter VII: แต–สณแต‰แต—แต—สธ หกโฑแตสฐแต—หข
Chapter VIII: Ducks
Chapter IX: Clueless
Chapter X: Worth
Chapter XI: *RING*
Chapter XII: Mama
Chapter XIII: Flirt
Chapter XV: Oh Brother
Chapter XVI: Platonic Soulmates
Chapter XVII: Chopsticks
Chapter XVIII: Queries and Affairs
Chapter XIX: Little Things
Chapter XXI: Cosmo and Walter
Chapter XXII: Fallimento
Chapter XXIII: Almed
XXIV: She'll Be Okay
XXV: Fairy Godmother
~ Epilogue ~
Author's Note :)

Chapter XIV: The Officer Who Cried Skank

4K 109 136
By marrymeaubreyplaza

TW: Sexual Assault, Murder

"Kiss me until I forget how terrified I am of everything wrong with my life."
- Beau Taplin

She kisses him.

She cups his face and sinks into his lips. A split second before he sinks with her. The others lip as if they were a sea that they weren't afraid to drown in. The kiss was unlike any other kiss before-- not with Anna or Mady, something new. She pulls back—

Her eyes peering into his, asking him—

Is this okay?

Her question is answered once he pulls her back in. This time, more intense. No longer are they drowning, but igniting a fire between them. A fire they wish to burn in. A fire they yearn to take their last breath in.

A few moments pass before they pull away, catching their breath, looking into the eyes of each other for any indication to not continue--

Yet Spencer settles back in his seat,

"The team might be worried."

Eden realizes they needed to head towards the hotel, "Right, " she forces a laugh, "the team."

She heads back towards the hotel, the tension in the air increasing by the minute. The drive stays silent, both the doctors racking their brain for what the hell this means now.

Eden parks at the hotel gets out of the car to grab her bags. Spencer follows her lead, simply grabbing the bag between his legs to head to the lobby.

As they both enter the building, they realize--

We're doubling up.

They glance at each other for a split second before heading to the front desk to grab their keys. Once they receive them, they head onto the elevator, entering it once it arrives. The ride increases the tension between the two, taunting both of them.

Once they arrive at the room, Eden heads to put her key in the slot-- a mission she can't complete. Spencer chuckles before grabbing her key card and entering with ease.

Eden enters the room and drops her bags, opening them a second after. She breaks the silence,

"I'm gonna take a shower if you don't mind."

"You're good, " he replies, his voice cracking, he clears his throat, "do you have a preference on which bed?"

Eden shakes her head before rushing to the bathroom, she sets her clothes down and strips, she starts up the shower as Spencer changes into pajamas.

20 minutes pass and Eden walks out of the bathroom noticing Reid simply reading a book--

A book he hasn't turned the page to in the last 20 minutes.

She settles on the bed, body under the comforter, she turns to lay on her right side. Which just so happens to be the side Spencer is faced. She closes her eyes and tries to go to sleep, something she knows she won't accomplish.

Spencer turns his light out and puts the unread book on the end table beside him. He lays down and turns to face the direction of Eden, noticing how the moon shines on her skin, how ethereal she looks. He closes his eyes, thanking whatever external deity out there, for that being the last image he sees before dozing off.

Eden's POV:

I wake up to the sound of water running, someone obviously is using the shower.

Spencer. Spencer is using the shower.

I rush out of bed to my suitcase to start changing for the day as memories of last night flow in.

I kissed him. I fucking kissed him!

I take off my top leaving me in only my bralette. I start rushing to take my shorts off I don't even hear the water shutting off. I quickly pull up my skirt, it being the first bottoms I spotted. I zip it up, leaving my top half in only its bra. Just then a door unlocks,

"Oh sorry! I didn't know you were awake!" Spencer exclaims as he gets out of the shower in only a towel, covering his eyes and quickly rushing back in the bathroom.

I quickly rush to put on a blouse, that luckily doesn't need to be buttoned up. I pull it on and start tucking it in,

"Coast is clear Reid, you can come out."

He comes out in only a towel, holding onto it as he grabs a couple of pieces of clothing. I look away focusing on tucking in my top properly, but my eyes fail me. They continue to trail down his body, his back muscles carved as if he was a Michelangelo sculpture.

This man might seem scrawny but he is the farthest thing from it.

My eyes continue to trail down to his towel, my brain follows the lead of my eyes,

Wonder what's under that towel?-- OH GOD I NEED TO STOP.

I turn back around to give him privacy, after hearing a door lock, I turn back to see him gone. I continue to look through my bag realizing I haven't even put my stockings on yet.

I am such a genius, here I am, drooling over a guy and not being able to put my clothes in the correct order.

I grab my stockings and quickly scrunch them up to get them on my legs easier. I pull up my skirt a bit to help me out. I flatten it out after being done with the stockings and go to grab my shoes. Putting them on, I notice Reid getting out, wearing a white button-up, around his neck a tie, a vest on top of that as another layer, along with a suit jacket, he wears simple dress pants and work shoes.

Damn, why does he have to be so hot all the time?

I stand up and grab my purse, I open the door and keep it open as a cue for him to walk first. He does, his wet hair quickly turning damp.

Fuuuccckk me. Like seriously, please do.

I walk after him, closing the door on our way out. As we walk towards the elevator in an uncomfortable silence we see a blonde and brunette standing side by side. Emily and JJ.

Thank Hera.

"Hey!" I said to the two women and headed straight next to Emily.

"So?" she whispered in my ear.

"So what?"

"So how big?" she grinned.

I slapped her arm as the elevator opened. The four of us entered and JJ resumed her conversation with Emily.

"Wait- so Emily what do you think about it?" JJ says.

"Think about what?" I ask.

"Think about the surprise I have planned for will, " she says wiggling her eyebrows.

"I think... you'll have him at your beck and call. Do it, " Emily smirked.

"I need to be filled in, " I chime in, JJ eagerly nods.

"I don't, " Spencer says as the elevator opens. The four of us walk out of the elevator and then out the lobby to the parking lot. I get my keys ready as Spencer shouts,

"Wait JJ! I have something to ask you about the case, mind if I ride with you?" JJ shakes her head and goes into the car. Emily goes by my side,

"Figured you wouldn't want to ride alone, " she says.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind riding you, " I say flirtatiously, she laughs loudly in response.

Once we get in the car, I feel my nerves increasing, the slow realization of what I'm about to tell one of my closest friends on this team is sinking in.

"I kissed Spencer."

Spencer's POV:

After entering the car, JJ speaks up,

"What'd you wanna talk abou-" she says turning the key in the ignition.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah, what's up?" she asks concerned. She drives out of the parking lot.

"Eden and I kissed, " I whispered despite nobody being in the car.

"You what!?" she exclaimed with the biggest smile on her face.

"Jesus! Wanna scream any louder?"

"No ones here, " she asserted, "you kissed Eden?"

"We- sh- more like she kissed me."

"Well- did you kiss her back?" she furrowed her brows.

"Yeah! I- I really like her--" I told her before stopping myself, releasing a deep sigh.

"But..?" she asks.

"But I think she just did that because I was comforting her."

"God, Spence, you need to stop doubting yourself, " she scoffs.

"I don't doubt myself."

"Uh, yeah! You do!" she says, "listen, I know I'm good at keeping secrets, but just for this, she's told me she likes you, " she smiles.

"sh- She did?" I glowed.

"Yes! Ask her out! Or something! I don't know, "she shoves my shoulder, "Just don't be afraid, wondering 'what if?' won't be any better than 'I wish'."

I nodded at her before turning back to the road, she smiled and continued driving, pulling up to the station shortly after.

Eden's POV:

"You what!?" Emily grinned.

"Jeez! Do you want to blow out my eardrums?" I said covering my ears before I slowly pulled out of the parking lot and drove toward the station.

She smirked, "I mean I'd rather blow out your back."

"But seriously! You kissed him?" she smiled.

"Yeah, " I grimaced.

"What's wrong?" she asked after noticing the change in facial expression.

"I- I've only known him for so long, " I mentioned, "I'm scared I'll go too fast, and then my heart will be broken, and I don't need that right now."

"Spencer wouldn't do that, " she said with her hand on my shoulder.

"I know but I would, " I exclaimed, "I- I know myself. And I'm going to build on expectations that can't be fulfilled. Not expectations he won't fulfill but that I won't."

Emily sighed, "Eden, you exceed his expectations, "she chuckled humorlessly.

"That's not the issue though. It- It just seems too quick."

"Eden, it doesn't matter if you've known one another for a week or 10 years when you find that person, it's worth the risk, " she says.

"But is he that person? Is he worth the risk?" I asked pulling into the station, JJ and spencer already heading in.

"You won't know unless you find out, " she says grabbing her bag.

"Ugh, I hate when you make sense, " I said walking out of the car.

"It's in my blood, darling, " she jokes walking out of the car and wrapping her arms around my shoulder.

I laugh and open the door to the station, we quickly walk to the private room for the team, seeing the rest of the teammates in there.

Narrators POV:

Eden and Emily grab their seats as they continue to rifle through the files, trying to get a lead, Morgan clicks a button on the telephone,

"Ask and be heard!" an optimistic voice on the other side said.

"Garcia, can you search men between the ages of 18-30 in a 30-mile radius of Avery's hospital with any sort of medical history?" Spencer requests.

"You know I can! I'll hit ya back!"

The room is filled with silence and Eden catches JJ glancing her way now and then, confusing the curly-headed doctor.

Once Spencer leaves to refill his coffee, JJ grabs Edens's arm and leads her out to the women's restroom. JJ is surprisingly strong and Eden can't manage to escape her grip. Entering the restroom, Emily walks in shortly after.

"Jesus! Do you wanna break my arm off?" she says rubbing the spot JJ held on to.

Emily goes by JJ's side and they both stare at Eden expectantly.

"What?" Eden asks.

"You don't what us, we what you!" Emily announces.

"Spence talked to me about last night, " JJ smirked.

"Shit, he did?" Eden said, her hand hitting her forehead.

"Oh hush, he likes you too, " JJ poked Eden lightly.

"I filled her in, " Emily says proudly.

"Of course you did, you two are married, " Eden turns to the mirror.

"I also told her about how you're scared, " Emily wraps her arm around Eden's shoulder.

"Spencer is a good guy, bub. Go for it!" JJ whisper shouts.

"I know, I know, I already got this talk from both Emily and Andy."

"Andy's a God, " Emily says.

"That he is, " Eden chuckles, nodding along.

Emily kisses Eden's cheek and heads out, JJ then wraps her arms around Eden's waist,

"Risk it, hun, he's worth it, " JJ says.

"I know, " Eden says patting JJ's head, "now you two go pull Spencer into a bathroom, it'd be unfair if only I got this lecture."

She laughs and ruffles Eden's hair before heading out. Eden fixes her hair and starts walking out, however, a hand on the door stops her. A male hand.

"So you like skinny boy and not me?" a deep voice says.

God, at least with Andy's nicknames, it's creative.

"This is the women's restroom, " Eden turns toward officer Taves.

"The perfect place for us to talk, " he says grabbing her waist, she quickly pushes his hand away.

"Oh what, sweetheart? Scared it'll be too good?" he smirks.

"I'm not scared of you."

"But you will be, " he wraps his hand around her throat and locks the bathroom door.

Back in the private room, Garcia chirps back in,

"Ladies and Gents, may I present, Archibald Smith-"

Morgan butts in, "Garcia that looks a lot like-"

"Officer Douchebag, I know, Em filled me in, " she replies, "Jackson Taves is a fake name, I guess this station didn't do their research because our Jackson is him. He changed his name after his ex-wife filed a restraining order not long after she passed."

"Let me guess, she was murdered, " JJ says.

"You are correct madam. Her name is, wait for it...Alexandra Davis."

"Victim 2," Rossi says.

"But he was also here for Avery's murder and some of the other victims'," Morgan mentioned.

"I'm not done, my love, Smith has a half brother, Johnathan Smith."

"John Smith? Let me guess their grandparents owned slaves, " Emily joked, earning a couple of snickers from her teammates.

"I mean I'm sure they did, honey bear, but sadly that isn't relevant to this case, " she giggles, "anywho, the brother is 26, and volunteers at all of the hospitals our victims visited--"

Meanwhile, in the restroom, Taves hold his grip on Eden,

"you know I have to admit, you aren't usually my type, but I'll make an exception."

"I am not a paper due late, I am a human being, and I am more than you'd ever be able to get, " Eden spit back.

"Oh hush, you skank. You dress in this skirt and you're practically begging for it--"

Oh hell no.

"Just like Avery--"


"And Grace and Tasia and Arianna and most importantly... My darling Lexi."

This bastard.

"Usually I kill moms but like I said, " he started leaning towards her ear, "You're an exception."

Eden then kneed him in the balls, he grunted in pain, she quickly grabbed his forearm, pulling it towards her and behind his back. She pushes him onto the sink and grabs her handcuffs, putting them on his wrists--

As tight as possible.

Taves then started screaming, "Help! Help me!" Eden grabbed some paper towels and shoved it in his mouth,

"You don't get to be the offender and then pretend to be the damsel in distress."

JJ and Spencer open the door to see Eden saying,

"You can't be the officer crying skank."

Her head turns their direction, she smirks at Spencer, she then turns to Taves again,

"Jackson Taves-"

"Archibald Smith, " JJ snickers.

Eden laughs lightly, "you are under arrest for 5 counts of murder and assaulting a federal agent, " Eden continued to read him his Miranda Rights as JJ turns to Reid,

"Assault of a federal agent?" she said angrily.

"Fucking bastard, " Reid whispered, surprising JJ.


Eden enters the private room after finishing the arrest, Hotch spoke up,

"Good job, Ellis."

"How'd you know?" Morgan asked.

"Well, I guess I sort of pieced it together-- I'm teasing he straight up confessed while pinning me on a wall, " Eden laughed.

"He what?" Spencer said angrily.

"Spence, relax," she puts her hand on his shoulder, "I kneed him in the balls."

"I'm getting us tickets to Vegas asap, we're eloping, " Emily notifies.

JJ smacks her on the stomach, "We're already engaged, " she winks at Eden.

"When did all of these things happen?" Morgan laughs.

Eden laughed it off, Hotch quickly ended the fun,

"We have to go arrest his brother."

"brother?" Eden groaned.

"Brother, " Rossi patted her shoulder.

( ╹∩)
A/N: what shall happen now? this was a loooonnng one. me writing over 2700 words and failing all my classes? you got the wrong bitch.. (*'ー`*)
what'd ya think?

Thank you for reading!

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