Leo Valdez x Reader

By fictionalboyz

229K 6.2K 3.4K

30,142 words-COMPLETE After being at camp for three weeks, you notice one boy talks to everyone but you. You... More

It's a Date
I'm Sorry
(Un)officially Dating
Pain Demands to be Felt
Jealous Much?
Camp Half-Blood Winter Ball
Baby its Cold Outside
The Tear in His Heart
Leo's Big Secret Revealed!
Alone Together?
Northern Downpour Sends its Love
Sugar, We're Goin' Down
Anger in His Voice; Pain in His Eyes
Iris Messaging the Master
A Kingdom of Idiots
Fluff & a Breakup
The Necklace
The Stars Below You
The Ballad of Calypso
Sunshine and a Ferari
The God of Good Looks
All Time Low
The Fall
Wisdom's Daughter Gives Wise Words
The Girl in the Room
Is This Really Happening?
Loose Bolt of a Complete Machine
The Start of the End
The End


12.8K 307 286
By fictionalboyz

"Hey, are you okay? You must've had a rough night last night..." Annabeth said as she saw you walk out of your cabin. Your hair was a mess, your heart was broken, and your your head was spinning.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you lied. Annabeth started to study you, and you immediately started to try and smile. Even forcing a smile was painful, though. Annabeth shook her head.
"Come on, you and I are going to the woods to talk. You're obviously rattled about something and I'm not dropping the subject until I know what's wrong." She grabbed your hand, and no matter how much you protested, she still pulled you forward, and you still followed, because you knew how powerful Annabeth could be. She took you to a quiet spot off in the woods where everyone was out of ear shot-including Leo. She let go of you and sat down against a stump.
"Okay, talk," she said sternly, crossing her arms over her chest and staring at you intently with her grey eyes.
"It was just a dream, alright?" you said, attempting to calm her down and just let her know that everything was okay. But this was Annabeth. She wouldn't drop it, no matter what. She narrowed her eyes and you let out a sigh, putting your head in your hands and dropping to the ground.
"Is it true?" you asked, your voice shaking as much as your hands. "I mean, about Leo. Is he, you know...immortal?" You looked up at Annabeth with tears in your eyes and shaky hands. She closed her eyes like she always did before explaining something painful.
"I-we don't fully know if he is or isn't, because if you're already alive and take the Physician's Cure, then it will make you immortal. But if you're dead, and it brings you back, will it have the same effect? Only time can tell, I guess." Tears started to stream down your face. You couldn't hurt him. But which was more painful? Rejection or death? The question had haunted you since you asked it to yourself. You needed an answer. And so did he. He deserved to know, didn't he? It was his life after all.
"Unless..." Annabeth's head perked up, and you could almost see her mind working behind her eyes. "Unless we ask Apollo himself. And that is saying if he decides to tell us, if possible. So don't get your hopes up. And that's all if Leo's agreeing to go, and if we even find Apollo and if Chiron even lets us go." You felt an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach that you couldn't quite pinpoint. It was a mix of fear and happiness and determination and sorrow and-most of all-hope. Annabeth saw the look on your face and immediately regretted her words. "I said don't get your hopes up. I mean, Chiron letting us go all that way just to ask a silly question to a god? Very unlikely. A god taking the time to answer that question after he just lost his prophecy magic in a war? Extremely unlikely-"
"Wait, repeat that last part again." Your mind was racing. You had a plan now. There was no stopping you. Annabeth turned pale.
"No, you are not-don't even think about it!" Her tone was like ice hitting your soul, but you didn't even care anymore. You might get an answer. You could be with Leo-or know not to get too close to him. You popped up so fast Annabeth couldn't catch you, and you started sprinting toward the camp. Unfortunately for you, Annabeth was faster. She was almost in front of you in no time. And then-snap-you went down fast. You looked down to see that your foot had been caught under a tree root while you were trying to run, and it was probably broken. But you didn't care. It was numb for right now, and you could probably limp faster than Annabeth-wait why was she limping? She collapsed next to you with a painful expression on her face.
"I told you not to do that."
"No you didn't. You never told me anything about running in the woods."
"How can you still be mouthy with your foot looking like that?" You looked down to see that Your ankle was swollen and purple, but Annabeth kept your shoe on, and probably for good reason, too.
"Uh, it's just a natural defense...what's wrong with you?" You nodded to her ankle, which looked pretty terrible, too. It was disformed and as purple as yours.
"What? Oh-that. When I fell into Tartarus, I broke it, and every time I'm stressed, it comes back. Sometimes even ambrosia can't heal stuff."
"So how are we going to get back then?" Annabeth slumped next to you, her hair starting to fall out of her ponytail. Pain started to trickle into your ankle, and you knew that you both couldn't walk back. You were stranded. That's when you heard a loud creeeeeeeeak.
And then a loud boom.
The cycle kept repeating, and you got really scared. Your heart was pulsing in your head, and all you could think was I'm dead, and I'm going to die in the dumbest way. But how were you going to die? At whose hand? Or at what's...paw? Claw? Talon? That's when you remembered a book you had read before you came to camp. It had weird slug-things in it called...what? Saders? No. Fearers? No...
"Grieves!" you shouted. Annabeth gave you a weird look.
"This is no time for shucking around!" she yelled. You both laughed. You figured that if you were going to die, might as well laugh at a Maze Runner joke before you do.
"And it's not a Griever, Minho. I think I know what it is...and it won't hurt us."
"Wait, why am I Minho?"
"Because you're sarcastic and sassy. That's why."
"Okay who does that make you then?"
"Newt," she said with a British accent.
"Wait so you want to be the one who-" she clapped her hand over your mouth and said, "shh!" You pulled her hand off your mouth quietly as fear filled you.
"What, did you hear something?" you whispered.
"No, I haven't finished the series yet!"
"Oh, sorry. So, what do you think-" you started to say as a giant bronze dragon leaped your way. "Never mind. Question answered."
Annabeth started to pound the ground. "Festus! Come're boy! Yeah, that's a good boy!" She called to him.
"Wait, you're calling that thing over to us? It could be dangerous!"
"Festus? Please! Fetus means 'happy' in Latin. Besides, he helped us in the way with Gaea. He's Leo's pet dragon."
"So, wait a second. You saved the world with Happy the Dragon?" Annabeth laughed as Festus skidded to a stop in front of you and her.
"Actually, Jason Grace said kind of the same thing when Leo named him. I'll have to introduce you to him later. He's pretty cool." She grabbed your hand and Festus picked you both up with his mouth and set you gently on his back. Annabeth turned around to you with a smile, but you could see the tears welling in her eyes from the pain of her ankle.
"Hold on tight," she said, spurring Festus with her good foot. He immediately bounded into action, leaping around. You held on tightly to Annabeth, and shut your eyes because you were getting dizzy from the pain. That's when the road smoothed out, and you opened your eyes again. You looked down, and saw the tops of the trees.
"Holy schist!" you cursed. Annabeth laughed.
"Oh yeah, forgot to mention that he can fly, too. Well, I mean, he is a dragon, after all."
"Yup. You're Newt. You are definitely Newt."
"Told you." She spurred Festus again, and you started to descend into camp.
"Oh gods," you said when you saw the dragon's owner standing next to a blonde dude with a stethoscope around his neck. Annabeth saw it, too.
"How the Hades did he know we were hurt?" she asked.
"I guess we'll find out soon enough..." you said. You landed, and the blonde dude gave you a grim look when he saw your foot.
"What in the name of Zeus were you two doing?" he asked, rubbing his forehead.
"Please, Will, it's those two, what weren't they doing?" Leo said with a smirk. You realized why he said that-he knew your mind, and he knew that you'd probably twist it to make it sound wrong in your head, which was completely true. Your face reddened, and you tried to smile, but the pain was too immense now. That's when you realized that he was trying to make you focus on what he said and forget the pain. He was making it really hard to stay away from him.
"Okay, point taken. Let's get the girls inside." Festus made his wing like a ramp, and Leo helped Annabeth into the one wheelchair that the camp had.
"Uh, I'll go get Annabetn settled and then come back out to get her-"
"No, it's okay. I got her, Will. Go take care of Annabeth," Leo said, his smile sparkling as he looked back at you. But the smile was hiding the worry in his eyes.
"Are you sure, Leo? It's no trouble, really..." Leo motioned him away and picked you up wedding-style.
"Hey, I'm stronger than I look, Will." Will shrugged, and wheeled Annabeth inside.
"And this is why I need to check in on you," he said in an I-told-you-so tone.
"What are you, my personal nurse?"
"No, that's Will, actually. I'm just a concerned third party because I, uh-" he cut himself off, turning red.
"You what?" You said sternly.
"I just really care about you, okay? I don't want you to get hurt...or worse..." He looked you straight in the eyes, and you could see the pain in them. You had to let on that it looked worse than it was because you felt really bad for him. Wait, you were the one with a broken foot! Why did you feel bad for him? Uh oh, you were getting attached...
"Expelled?" you said with a slightly cheery tone. Leo smiled, and you knew you you patched him up, for now.
"Come on, let's go see how bad this is."

**Oh so many fandom references...just in case you didn't catch it, Festus was doing Morse Code, not trying to sound like a Griever. By the way, thanks for 400 views! I'll try to update sooner from now on :) I love you guys!**

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