Bound in Love

By SpiritualBahar

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Seattle's music scene was flourishing in the 90's, with bands from the town gaining global recognition. Howev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 7

960 28 40
By SpiritualBahar

The night had set outside, and a starry sky bathed Seattle and a shinning moon set still in front of their window. Chris was still asleep while Ellie watched the night news just with a reading lamp on so the room wouldn't have extra light to disturb Chris. The TV was so low she could hear Chris's heavy breathing as he slept off his exhaustion. Every now and then she would look down at him and slid her fingers through his hair gently. Chris didn't even move and she was glad that he was resting a little bit. Maybe 45 minutes later after ordering dinner, the doorbell rang and Chris's body jerked a little for having been abruptly disturbed and he opened his eyes slowly and then frowned.

"Babe?" Ellie said softly still running her fingers through his hair. "Our dinner is here." She said as the doorbell rang a second time.

"Oh..." He complained a little and then sat, rubbing his face to shake the sleep away from him.

"Are you ok?" Ellie asked him as she put the cushion on her lap away and got up.

"I go there, babe." Chris told her with a deep sleepy voice.

"No." Ellie smiled down on him. "I go. I can walk to the door." She told him beginning to walk as the doorbell rang a third time.

"Oh... motherfucker... stop ringing." Chris complained wincing a little and Ellie giggled.

"We are taking a while to open the door." She said pressing the button to open the door to the building.

Then, she opened the door of the apartment and waited. Meanwhile, she saw Chris getting up and rubbing his eyes again.

"Are you ok?" She asked him.

"Yeah..." He smiled shyly at her. "I am just going to wash my face." Chris pecked her quickly as he passed by her.

"Good evening." She heard a voice and she looked at the door.

Ellie found a tall young man with a bag of the Chinese takeaway they had ordered. She could tell it was cold outside for the tip of his nose was cold red and so were his cheeks. His lips were a little purple and his glasses a bit blurred.

"This is your order: Meat with oysters sauce, spicy shrimp, two spring rolls and two doses of rice, right?" The boy asked, taking his glasses off his face.

"Yes, it is." She nodded and then she grabbed her wallet from her purse that was on the hanger. "How much do I owe you?"

"That will be twenty-two dollars." The boy responded.

Ellie grabbed thirty dollars and put it in his hand. "Keep the change." She smiled.

"Thank you so much." He told her with a genuine smile.

"Have a nice night." Ellie told the boy that was already going down the stairs and then she closed the door gently.

Chris, who was coming back from the bathroom, grabbed the bag from her hands.

"Go sit at the table." He told her and pecked her after.

"I can do this!" She protested holding onto his neck with a smile on her lips that made his heart flutter.

Chris smiled back at her and bent over her to place two quick kisses on her puffy cherry lips and then smiled down at her again. That adorable smirk that made her heart skip a bit since the first time she saw him.

"I know you can..." He pinched her nose lightly. "... I just don't want you to."

"But..." She was about to say something, but he began to walk away with the bag in his hands and then pointed bossily at the table. "Alright..." She rolled her eyes and started walking calmly to the dining table.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me." He told her while searching for plates in their cupboard.

"How do you even know that?" She laughed looking at him. "You weren't even looking!"

"I know what you do when I tell you to do something." He replied putting two plates on the counter and taking a quick glance at her.

"Ah..." She pointed out. "So, you know when you are being bossy." Ellie teased him.

When she got near the table, she took the flowery center away and then she sat. Chris began to bring everything to set the table.

"I am only bossy when I have my reasons." He smirked as he put the table cloth on the table.

"Right." Ellie smirked looking at him.

Chris smiled and then went to grab the plates and cups from the counter. Ellie watched his tall and tone frame reach for the ceramic and then turning around to come back. Her elbow resting on the table and her chin resting on her hand. Chris smiled at her as he turned around, noticing her glittering glare and soft smile on her lips.

"Cat got your tongue?" He teased a little more as she had fallen silent.

"No... I was just watching you." She responded.

Chris put a plate and a cup in front of her and then the other at his place. Then, he rested his hands on the table near her and bend over her face. Ellie raised her head an inch to reach his lips and a slow wet smooch was shared.

"Are you really fine?" She asked him, looking in his blue gaze. Chris nodded.

"I am, my love." He pecked her and then caressed her face. "There are no signs of it anymore."

"I love it when you call me like that." She told him.

Chris noticed how her eyes sparkled as she pierced his blue gaze with hers as she said these words to him and pecked her one more time, lingering for a few seconds and then pulled away.

"You are my love." He affirmed, walking away.

He grabbed the rest of the stuff from the counter and came back with his hands full. He put the bag with the food on the table and then distributed the cutlery and the napkins. Done, he sat in front of her as usual and began to take the boxes out of the bag.

"It's beautiful outside." Ellie commented as she watched their view.

Chris looked outside too, to acknowledge what she was seeing and he knew she meant the moon and the starry sky. Ellie loved to watch the sky and the stars and that's when he thought it was the perfect moment to bring the subject up. He looked back at her.

"You know what I thought about today." Chris told her. Ellie turned her head to look at him. "I was thinking that we could get a new house." He told her opening the pack with her meat and putting it in front of her.

"You want to move out?" She asked him rather surprised.

Chris shrugged. "We both like nature and I sure would like a bit more of privacy..." He looked outside. "I like the park we have in front of our building but I don't like these buildings I can see across the park. We can get a much starrier sky if we live in the middle of nature."

"Wow..." She exclaimed. "You really thought about this."

"I have." Chris told her. "I think it would be good for us to get away from the city and get a cozy place near a beach that we both love... maybe near a lake... I don't know. There are so many places we love."

"I work downtown..." Ellie breathed.

"There are wonderful places at the distance of a Ferry." He argued. "Think about it. Please..."

Ellie studied his face for a few seconds, even when Chris looked down at his plate to pick up some food with his fork. This was the same thing he had talked about in the hospital but put in other words and in a lighter way. A way that served them both.

"You want to get away from the city." Ellie concluded and Chris shrugged.

"I thought that is what I just told you." He smiled.

"No..." Ellie shook her head and rested her fork and knife on her plate. "You want to go away. This has to do with the conversation in the hospital. To go away..."

"Maybe." He said vaguely.

"Maybe?" Ellie repeated his words. "Chris, come on..."

"I need to clear my head, babe." Chris confessed. "I feel like the city is really smothering me. Everything is turning fuzzy and I don't know... ugly... all these demands. All these rules. I want to go to somewhere where I can be away from all this so my head can take a break once in a while." Ellie stayed silent looking at him and Chris stared back at her. "At least think about it..." He asked a minute later unsure of what she was thinking. His eyes searching for hers passionately.

"We have a baby coming. Is it the best time to move? You are going away..." Ellie asked though. "I am not saying no... I am just bringing up questions..."

Chris nodded. "You can look for some places while I am away and then we decide when I come back."

"I wish I could understand better what is on your mind. You know I'll go anywhere you ask me to. So, if you say you need to go live somewhere away from the city, then ok." Ellie nodded. "We will search for a place that we can afford and that we both like."

He reached out for her hand. "Thank you, babe."

"Chris, do you think you need to see a doctor?" She asked him while their fingers intertwined tenderly.

He looked at her for brief instants and then shook his head. He put a shrimp in his mouth with his free hand and shook his head again.

"I don't think so." He responded after.

"You say you have been having these attacks again... I don't know... maybe we should search for help again. I go with you. You know that." She insisted. "You are not alone... you have me... you will always have me..."

"I don't think it is needed." He looked at her while sipping on his beer. "It's not like it's worse than before. Maybe I am agitated. I am agitated..." He corrected himself right after.

"They are going to put me on medication... I don't want to."

"It would help." Ellie said.

"Let me try to do this the way I think it will help, alright?" She nodded. "I need a quiet place where nothing else exists but us. That is all I need."

"Ok, babe." Ellie agreed. "If you think that's what you need then, yes."

After dinner, Chris allowed Ellie to help him put some order in the kitchen and adjust the dining table. Sitting on a bench, she would put the cutlery inside the dish machine while he passed it on to her. It was a nice way for her to help and not feeling as if she was putting all the work on his shoulders. She knew he was having a hard time and maybe driving him to exhaustion wouldn't do him any good. At that point, she felt she was being another burden, for he also had to take care of her and he worried too much, so she hoped that two weeks was exactly the time needed for her to come back to a normal life and free him of some preoccupation. When they were done with the kitchen, they turned the light off and went to the couch. Chris sat and then raised an arm so she could snuggle with him.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked kissing the top of her head as she leaned against his chest.

"I don't know if I am able to watch anything." She told him. "I am feeling so sleepy." Ellie giggled. She felt his hand run over her hair and his lips touching the crown of her head again.

"My girl is sleepy?" He asked tenderly.

"Very..." Ellie nodded.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" He asked her.

"Oh no..." She smiled. "I want to be here with you... like this..." Ellie snuggled better against him, making him giggle low.

"Close your eyes then." He whispered near her ear and then placed two soft kisses on her temple and wrapped his arm around her tighter.

Chris zapped through the channels trying to find something that would interest him, while he felt Ellie falling deep asleep. Not finding anything interesting, he turned off the TV and grabbed his notebook and a pen. Chris opened it and put it on the arm of the couch and began to write down words that were coming up to his mind. Sometimes, he'd look down at Ellie for a few seconds and sink in her sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful sleeping in his arms that he smiled for a few seconds, then he started writing again. He knew he was laying down disperse words only and a couple of sentences but it was coming from deep inside him and he would make something out of it. Chris was always writing. It didn't matter if it was going to be a song or not, sometimes it was only a poem or random thoughts. When he met Ellie and then fell in love with her, he filled a couple of notebooks with thoughts he wrote only about her. Later, he let her have it and she kept all of his journals near her most loved belongings.

The house was deeply silent. Nothing could be heard, not even in the building they lived in. No one could be heard in the stairs and even outside, as he took a quick glance at the window. It seemed like the world had fallen into a deep but most appreciated quietness. Just as he smiled in contentment, the doorbell rang loudly, making both him and Ellie jump as it scared them.

"What the hell?" He protested while Ellie sat and rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"Nine o'clock." He said getting up while Ellie stretched up her arms trying to shake he laziness away.

"I thought it was later." She told him looking back, watching him approach the door.

"Who is it?" He asked on the inter communicator.

"CJ?" He heard and curled an eyebrow.

"Pete?" He asked rather surprised.

"Yeah..." His brother responded and he immediately opened the door.

Then, he looked at Ellie. "It's my brother." Chris sounded surprised. "What is he doing here?"

"Oh... I am in my pajama." She rolled her eyes and he smiled.

"The delivery guy saw you in your pajama." He mocked her, opening the door of the apartment. "It's ok, babe. It's decent."

"But I don't know him." She argued. "So, I don't care."

"Your pajama is fine." Chris assured her.

Ellie looked down at herself and shrugged. "Well..." When she raised her eyes to look at Chris again, he was smirking. "What?" She smiled at him.

"You are going to change to something sexier when we go to bed though." He told her which caused Ellie to giggle.

"What for?" She shrugged.

"How come what for?" He protested but smiling. "For me!"

"Brother!" Peter exclaimed as he saw him waiting for him at the door and their conversation came to end. "I haven't seen you in a while. You haven't showed up these days and I got worried."

"Well..." Chris smiled. "I am fine." He told him straying from the door to give him space to enter.

As Peter entered their living room, he saw Ellie sitting on the couch and a wide smile formed on his lips.

"Ellie!" He exclaimed going to her in a hasty pace. "How have you been?" He asked and Ellie got up to receive his hug as he opened his arms. They hugged tightly.

"I am so sorry I am in my pajama..." She excused herself.

"Now I know why you disappeared." Peter smiled at his brother as Chris approached them with his unique shy smile on his lips.

"I am sorry I didn't look for you, but we have been..." Peter didn't let him finish.

"It's ok... I understand." Peter said. "I am so happy for you guys." He added looking at them, one at the time. "Really..." Then, he tapped Chris's shoulder and winked.

"Ellie..." Chris looked at her. "You better sit."

"Yes, sir!" She joked and he smiled.

"Do you want to have a beer?" Chris offered, turning to Peter.

"Sure." Peter nodded.

"Sit." Ellie told him and he sat by her side.

"Babe?" Chris called and Ellie peeked over Peter's shoulder. "Want anything?"

"A beer too." She grinned.

"Very funny." He smirked. "A juice?"

"Orange." She told him.

"Am I missing something here?" Peter curled an eyebrow. "Why can't Ellie have a beer?" He turned to Chris who was arriving with their beverages.

"Chris..." Ellie called him and signaled him to tell his brother the news.

"Right..." He cleared his throat while handing Peter his beer. "Ellie is pregnant." He said and turning to her to give her the orange juice.

"What?" Peter asked looking at them. His eyes went back and forth from Ellie to Chris and from Chris to Ellie. "What did you just say?"

Chris sat on the carpet in front of Peter, pulled is legs up and supported his arms on his knees. His beer on his right hand.

"I said that Ellie is pregnant. We are going to have a baby. You are going to be an uncle." He added in the end.

"Oh my God!" Peter almost yelled. "But..." He stuttered. "You guys were not together..."

Ellie nodded. "I am ten weeks pregnant."

"So this is it..." Chris shrugged. "I guess..."

"You guess?" Peter got up smiling and then tapped strongly on his back. "You are going to be a father, CJ!" He exclaimed. "I am going to have a baby niece or nephew... that is some fucking amazing news. Congratulations to you both..." He kissed Chris on the top of his head and then he went to kiss Ellie's cheek. "Really... this is so amazing. I am so happy for you both." Then, he turned to Chris. "You have to tell mom." He said in a more serious tone.

The room fell silent that moment. Ellie looked at Chris and his eyes searched for hers too. They had had that conversation. Then, Chris turned his head to look at his brother.

"Why don't you tell her?" He said instead. Ellie took a deep breath but decided to say nothing.

Peter sat back on the couch and looked in his brother's eyes. "You should be the one telling her that. It's your child. She is going to be a grandmother. It's a huge thing."

"You know how things are weird." Chris shook his head.

"Because you don't let mom in." Peter said.

Ellie just heard them talking and sipped on her juice quietly. Her eyes set on Chris, studying every single reaction. He was tense and nervous. He had that little furrow between his eyebrows that let her know so. Deep inside, she knew Peter was right, but she also knew that Chris tried it but he didn't seem to accomplish it. Something deep inside forbid him to let his mother get close and fully be his mom.

"Chris..." Peter called him as Chris had fallen silent.

He had recoiled to his own mind's space that was very hard to get into. Still, he raise his eyes to look at his older brother.

"It's your child. You should be the one telling her. She loves you, brother!" Peter insisted.

Chris smiled bitterly. "Right... she does..." He nodded and then gulped on his beer. Then, he got up and walked until the window, giving them his back.

"I think..." Peter was going to add something, but Ellie held his hand and he looked at her and she shook her head, letting him know it was enough. It would not be good to insist. Chris was already uncomfortable. He nodded at her, understanding her gesture. "Well... I am really happy for you both." Peter got up and put his empty bottle on the coffee table. "I am leaving you two alone now. I just came to check on Chris."

"You don't have to go." Ellie told him.

"Pete..." Chris turned around to look at his brother. "I am sorry..." He said. "I don't want you to go... I am sorry for my reaction."

"It's ok." Peter smiled at him. "I am not mad at you. I just want to leave you alone. I think you two have a lot to catch up..."

Chris approached him and tapped his arm. "Thanks for stopping by. For caring..."

"I love you, my brother." Peter told him.

"I love you too." Chris smiled. "Are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer? We don't mind..." Chris said so looking at Ellie.

"Not at all." Ellie added.

"No." He responded firmly and then walked up to the door. Chris followed him. "Good night, Ellie."

"Good night." She said.

Chis opened the door and Peter stopped in front of him. He just looked in Chris's eyes and smiled and then tapped his shoulder in support.

"I'm fine." Chris told him.

"Good night, brother." Peter said walking away.

"I'll stop by the restaurant tomorrow." Chris still said.

Then, he closed the door and locked it. When he turned around, he found Ellie looking at him. Her gray eyes were following his every move until he sat down by her side.

"Stop looking at me like that." He asked her. "I know what you are thinking."

"Which is?" She asked him.

"That my brother is right..." He sighed. "Ellie, please.... Let's not go through this again."

"I am not saying anything." She told him.

"You don't have to." He argued. "It's written all over your face. You agree with him and we had this same conversation..."

"He is right." Ellie affirmed. "I know this is not what you want to hear, but he is right."

"Not now... not today..." He looked in her eyes with a pleading glare. She nodded.

"How about Bainbridge Island?" She asked out of the blue and Chris curled an eyebrow at the sudden changed of subject.

"What about it?" She shrugged lightly. "I don't get it..." For a moment he was lost.

"To move... to get out of town..." She then smiled. "It has some wonderful spots near the beach and woods and it's easy to commute because of the ferry..."

He smiled there. "It has some beautiful places indeed. We like it there."

"I just thought it could be a nice place to live."

Chris dragged his body over the couch to be nearer her. Then, he cupped her face within his hands and pressed his lips against hers softly, lingering for a while.

"Thanks." He whispered resting his forehead against hers after the kiss.

"You are all that matters." She responded. "Well... and this tiny thing we made that is growing inside of me."

Chris giggled there. A hand left her face and rested on her belly and his eyes fixed on the little bump she had there. He smiled so sweetly that she felt her heart skipping a beat at his tenderness.

"We were living our worst time ever and yet we were gifted with a baby..." He recalled. "Everything happens for a reason. Though I wish that stupid girl would never existed."

"Let's not talk about that." Ellie asked him.

"No." He whispered. "You're right."

"Wanna go to bed?" Ellie asked him and pecked him after.

"It's still early."

"But we can cuddle... and talk..." She pecked him again.

"Change that pajama." He chuckled.

"I promise." Ellie laughed too.

"Let's go then." Chris got up.

He then approached Ellie and grabbed her in his arms, which caused her to crack a laughter and he giggled.

"Chris!" She pretended she protested while he carried her to the bedroom.

"Don't complain!" He laughed.

"I am not..." She told him beginning to nibble on his neck. His skin spewing in goosebumps as she did so.

"That is low." He giggled feeling her lips caressing every sensitive spot she knew.

"You like it Christopher." She raised her face to look in his eyes.

"Christopher, uh?" He smirked as he entered the door of their bedroom. "In other time I knew how this Christopher thing was going to end up..." He kissed her lips.

"Yeah?" She teased him looking in the blue of his eyes.

Chris lied her down on the bed and then crawled on top of her and stayed on his fours looking down at her face.

"It hasn't been that long." He winked.

Ellie stretched an arm and tugged her hand behind his neck, pulling him down on her. Immediately, his lips searched for hers and his black curly hair fell all over her face. First they shared tiny wet kisses and then they shared a long kiss that involved a playful and blazed encounter between their tongues. Meanwhile, Chris let his body fall on the bed by her side for he knew her ribs were hurt and Ellie turned on her side to curl a leg around him.

"Ellie..." He breathed into her mouth.

"This is so frustrating." She responded. Ellie was dying of desire for him and there was nothing she could do.

Their lips united again. The lust was felt by the way the kiss had turned turbulent and a little harsh but in a good sense. Their tongues seemed more like they were fighting with one another and their hands began to travel along their bodies. Ellie felt Chris's hand dig under the shirt of her pajama, running from her belly up her breasts and she moaned into his mouth as he carefully played with her sore nipple.

"We need to stop." He said pulling away abruptly.

Instead, Ellie took a hand to his chest and made him lie completely flat on the bed. Then, she got on her knees and pulled her shirt off her head, throwing it away from her. It landed randomly on the floor near the window.

"Ellie..." His voice choked a little. "What are you doing?"

She sat on him, right on his erection. "Getting the most of what we can actually do." She smiled.

Ellie grabbed the end of his shirt and began to pull it up, when it reached his torso, she bent over him and began to kiss him, playing with the tip of her tongue around his nipples. Chris yanked his shirt off and let it fall on the floor right by his side. As she kissed her way down, his respiration became heavier, and while she spread kisses along his stomach she couldn't but smile as she noticed how it came up and down so fast already.

"Getting really excited, are we?" She played looking up at him.

"Babe..." He smiled. "You don't have to..."

"You're right." She placed a kiss on his navel and then looked up again. "I don't have to... I want to...." She continued to kiss her way down until her lips met the waist of his shorts.

Ellie tugged her thumbs on it and began to pull his shorts down. Chris raised his hips of the bed so she was able to do it and she pulled it down until his knees. Then, she bent over him one more time and placed a kiss on his belly.

"I love it that you wear nothing under these shorts, Chris..." She groaned against his skin, which made him chuckle.

"It turns you on?" He caressed her hair with the tip of his fingers.

"Uh... uh..." Ellie responded entertained spreading kisses along his abs.

After, she looked up at him and smiled, and grabbed his fully erected member in her hand. Ellie began to work on him, letting her hand push up and down gently. Chris started breathing even more heavily, loving the feel of her strong, firm grip touching his cock. He closed his eyes and threw his head back as the pleasure began to engulf him and a moment later, he felt her mouth wrapping around his shaft. Ellie started by twirling her tongue around and around the head in slow teasing moves.

"Holy shit..." Chris breathed.

Ellie was feeling his body jerking as she caressed him. Then, she slapped at the underside with her tongue, using her hand to thrust the base.

"Oh Ellie..." He wailed as she began to suck harder and faster.

Ellie created incredible suction. He never taught her what he liked but Ellie had been wonderful since the beginning, when they started having sex. She had been fast at catching what he liked and how he liked it, and with time she only perfected it, driving him insane beyond words. She then swallowed half of his cock, the head settling at the back of her throat where she would further stimulate him by swallowing. Her throat clasping and caressing every millimeter of his oversensitive head.

"Fuck..." He moaned the special moan she had been waiting for. The one that let her know he is in complete delight by the way he drags the word and his back arching a little as he did so. "Oh fuck, yes..." He clenched his jaw feeling intense pleasure.

Then, she sucked him strongly with her mouth, slowly pulling off his throbbing shaft while she still worked on him with her hand. It felt like she was sucking his cum directly from his balls. It was feeling phenomenal. Chris threw his head back in pure ecstasy.

"Oh Ellie..." He gasped.

There, Ellie began to adjust the speed of her sucking. She began to altern between pulling off until she was only sucking at the head and swirling her tongue around his gland. At the same time she stroke his length with that extraordinary firm grip. Her saliva dripping down his cock was making her hand slid so incredibly well and easy.

"Fuck... you are driving me insane." He told her.

Ellie smiled still with his dick inside her mouth, then she returned to bob up and down in short moves, swallowing half of his member and sucking at the tip. Chris was shaking all over. Suddenly, she plunged all the way down until his head went into her throat again. She swallowed him rhythmically. At the same time, she began to caress his balls gently, before slowly pulling off and using her incredible suction again.

"Oh my fucking God." Chris tensed and moaned out loud. He felt himself getting close to explode. "El..." He called her trying to warn her.

"I am going to come, Ellie." He gasped, feeling his member throb almost uncontrollably. Ellie twirled and sucked repeatedly. "Oh fuck, don't stop..." Chris let out as she sped up and pumped her mouth over him. "Like that sweetheart... oh fuck yes..." He moaned unable to contain it inside anymore.

Ellie knew he was ready to come. He was in need to come for his erection was pounding in her hand and mouth. He was dripping precum intensely and she continued sucking and twirling and down throating him.

"Oh Fuck..." He groaned as he started to come the next minute. "El..." He grunted feeling his whole-body tense. He held onto the sheets, gripping his hands firmly around it. His vision got completely clouded. "Yes... oh shit... yes..." He moaned as Ellie kept draining him of every drop of cum still inside, until his cock head was so sensitive that he couldn't bear it anymore. "I can't no more..." He warned her, feeling his body quiver from head to toe.

Ellie slowly pulled her mouth off and looked at him in the eye. His chest was coming up and down quite fast as he was gasping for air. His eyes contrived and a dark blue had taken over his iris. One of his hands rested on his chest as it came up and down so fast. Ellie smiled and he gave her a worn-out smile that made her heart speed. He always looked so lovely after an orgasm that she only wanted to start all over again, but she wouldn't. Instead, playfully, she opened her mouth and threw her tongue out to show him how she had swallowed it all.

"God, babe..." He said still a little lost and pulling her up to him by her chin. Ellie crawled over him until she reached his lips. They shared a long tongue kiss. "And now what?" He asked against her lips.

"Now we go to sleep." She giggled. "I think you are worn out sufficiently to sleep like a baby."

"I miss you though..." He pulled her hair away from her face with both hand and then held it back so he could have a perfect view of her dolly face. "You know... being with you..."

"I miss that too." She kissed his lips. "I swear I do, Chris. I think you might have to take a few days off after the doctor give us the green card."

Chris began to laugh loud. "I am feeling a little pressured now!"

Ellie went to her side of the bed and looked at him. "Oh... I know you well Christopher Cornell. Don't play the quiet boy with me. You only fooled me once... the first time we did it."

Chris turned on his side and rested his chin on his hand. "At the backseat of my brother's car." Chris cracked a laughter.

"I assume Peter never knew about it." Ellie giggled.

"No." He bent over her naked breasts and sucked lightly on her left nipple, making her close her eyes at the touch of his lips. "These are really round and bigger and..." He smiled at her.

"Get your mind out of the gutter." She taped his forehead lightly and Chris laughed.

"They are calling for my attention!" He exclaimed.

"Let's sleep?" She asked him.

"First..." He said getting out of the bed and pulling his shorts up. "A sexy pajama." He said going for the chest drawer.

"What do you have in mind?" She sat on the bed smirking.

"This." He said showing her the black lace night gown that reached jus bellow her ass. "I love this one."

"Threw it here." She said and he did so.

Ellie slid it over her head and then adjusted it and then she took off the pajama pants.

"Better?" She asked as he slid under the sheets.

"A lot better." He kissed her lips. "I love you sweet girl."

"I love you too my wild boy."

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