Make it Home Tonight (august...

By AbbyTheAmazing

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"the bodyguard" sequel. More

chapter one: family
chapter 2: Moving On/Alex
Chapter 5: Wedding Day
Pop Quiz
Pass In Your Tests...
Chapter 6: talk it out/ shopping with the devil
chapter 7: Basement Party
chapter 8: Party & Bullshit
Chapter 9: Mommy Issues
Chapter 11: One More Drink
Chapter 12: Getting It Together
Chapter 13: The Mystery Begins
Chapter 14: TC?!
Chapter 15: August's Secret
Chapter 16: Break It Up
Chapter 17: Old Flame Rekindled
Chapter 18: Moving On?
Chapter 19: Court
Chapter 20: Favor
Chapter 21: Mommy/Finally
Chapter 22: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 23: Surprises!
Chapter 24: Special Visitor
Chapter 25: August's Letter Prt 1
Chapter 26: August's Letter Prt 2
Chapter 27: Miracles
Chapter 28: Family
Pop Quiz #2!

Chapter 4: Beach

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By AbbyTheAmazing


"then when you come out you'll latch arms with Casey" I hooked my arm with Cass's and we walked down the aisle. The weddin is tamorrow and we just now rehearsin.

"August you walk to damn fast"

"No nigga you just got lil legs nigga" I heard Jacob laugh behind me. She hit my chest with her other hand and scuffed. Salty ass.

We finally made it to the alter and separated. I stood behind trey and clasped my hands together.

"August can you scoot closer to trey for me"

"Any closer imma have my dick o

In his ass" I mumbled it making trey mug me then laugh. This weddin planner gettin on ma damn nerves with her king Trident lookin ass.

"alright now that all the groomsmen and bridesmaids are down. The music will change and Vanessa will finally come down".

"ion know why I'm so nervous and this is just rehearsal!" Egypt patted his back with a laugh. Dice wiped his hands on his pants lettin out a breath.

Vanessa walked down with her brothers since her parents refused to come. Talkin bout they ain't comin because dice ain't Russian. Like if you don't get getcho got damn -

"And then you'll  kiss the bride"

They kissed and we cheered a lil.

"and then from there you guys we'll  walk back down the aisle as husband and wife" they did as told.

"now you guys will link arms like how you came in as you walked toward the aisle". vanessa said she wanted sya to be her maid of honor. But since she can't be she's not havin one.

Egypt walked by himself. Then trey linked arms wit Z, then Jacob and TC, now me and Cassey. When I tell y'all it's 30 people in the weddin... I shit you not.

I dragged ol baby legs down the sand covered aisle. Yeah it's outside. It's hot asf too . If it wasn't windy out in this bitch I'd be meltin like a popsicle. We walked to the tent were the reception gone be at. It felt good asf under hea'.

"August you Really need to stop givin' me a hard time and do as I say. You wouldn't want to ruin your friends wedding". I grabbed a water and took a sip.

"if you wanna suck me up, just ask." I walked away shakin my head. Thirsty bitches need to go head an be bold. Why beat around the Bush when you can tell me you want the dick?

Everybody was doin they own thang till the limo came back, since we finished early. I sat down at a table and hopped on my phone. My instagram scroll was goin good till the pictures stopped loadin.

"fuck this damn foreign WiFi" I opened my gallery and hovered my finger over the "Sya" folder. I opened it and quickly selected all of them.

"come on Aug you gotta move on" I wiped my hand down my face. I have them backed up on the damn cloud shit, so it shouldn't be a problem.

"I can do this!" I pushed the delete button and instantly regretted it.

"watchu doing augster?" I looked up and saw TC sittin in front of me.

Besides Chris, she's my best friend. She's been thea' since I first joined this whole drug life.

"nothin Tia.. I uh. I'm havin some trouble."

"It's Sy ain't it?"

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"It's like s-she's right here. I've been havin that butterfly feelin since we landed hea'. And I always have these thought in the way back of my mind that she's alive a-and I'm-"

"I have that feelin too" she wiped the tear from her eye and smiled.

"and what if she is" I cleared my throat, tryin not ta get choked up.

"I'm sure she's okay"


"Come on cookie stop crying for mommy.  I'm scared to" I stood in a alley holdin Alex to my chest.

They found us. They killed Genesis in front of my baby!

we were so close to the town and we heard shouting. I turned around and those guys were flying down the road, hanging out the windows with these huge guns.

We were running down the road and they were shooting these harpoon lookin things. They fired it off and it got her right in the stomach.

I tried to save her but she told me to go. They hopped and shot her in the head. No hesitation.

We ran and ran. They never come out in the day. Never. There was more of them too.

We ran into the town and hid between two buildings.

"I think they're gone. It's too many people out here for them to come this deep into town".  I nodded and wiped my face.

"are you guys okay" they all nodded shakily.

"I can't believe they killed her" Kim shook her head.

"we gotta keep movin" I rubbed Alex's back and she sniffed a little. But the crying stopped. It just breaks my heart every time she cries. Like a piece of me dies.

I stuck my head out the alley and looked around. I turned around a little and nodded a little. I walked out and made my way down the Sidewalk.

"Don't be suspicious" Jackie said from beside me. I hicked Ria up higher on my hip.

"if we get separated we meet at the gas station, where that sign is" I nodded my head in response.

"there's a store up the way. Hopefully there's a ATM inside" we made it up there quickly. And entered the store. The air condition hit the sweat on my neck cooling me off".

"do you speak English?" I asked the young guy behind the counter.

"little bit"

"good. Do you guys have a ATM?" he nodded and pointed to the back.

"mucho Gracias Senor" he nodded and gave me a shy smile.

I walked back there and sighed in relief.

"remember sya, come on" I pulled up Alex more on my hip, wiping my sweat in frustration. I couldn't remember my pin number for the life of me.

"sya we have a problem?"

"what?" I turned around and Kim had a worried look on her face.

"they're here the-"


I tuned him out and looked at the guy behind the counter. He pointed to the other corner of the store where a exit sign was.

"God bless you" we ran to the other side of the store and busted out the door.

"dammit it's another alley. Left or right?"

"HEY NIGGERS!" I snapped my head to the left and they we're at that end.

"right then"

I ran for my life.

I could feel Rita hot on my back.

"we gotta split up!"


"Mommy!" Alex gripped my shirt as I squeezed through walls. The brick was scrapping my arms raw as a ran.

"there's light" I kept going till air kissed my face.

I kept running through people and looked behind me.


I stopped and looked around, trying to find a Fimilar face. I saw those men run out the alley looking every which way.

I hid behind some woman who was talking to some veneder. They looked around some more and headed back inside the alley.

"we're okay mama" I kissed Alex all over her face and wiped her tears.

I shuffled through the people who rudley bumped me back, trying to find the shell sign.


"yes baby"


I looked at what she was talking about.

"you wanna go to the beach baby?"

She nodded and kept pointing at it.

No body seemed to be down there.  Maybe it would be a good way to get around these people.

"Let's go to the beach then".

"yayyy" she clapped her hands together.

"yayyy" I said mocking her. I took the socks off my feet and stepped into the sand. It burnt my cuts, but if it makes my baby happy then I'll suffer for her.


"Chris wake yo ass up!" I sat on his back and hit him will a pillow. He's so damn lazy!

"what nigga?!"

"Chris take me to the beachhh" I bent down kissing behind his ear.

"oooooo keep kissing my spot you can own the beach".

He  fluffed the pillow next to him and laid back down.

"Chris I'm serious!"

He kissed his teeth and started to get up. He headed for the bathroom but turned around before speakin.

"I'll take yo bald ass to the beach. You better put sunscreen on that head, I ain't peelin skin off yo ol rattle snake this time!" I threw a pillow at his head and hopped off the bed.

"oooooo I hate you Maurice!"

"but you love this dick baby!"



"This a good spot baby?" I sat where the water stops coming in so she could play in the water in front of me.

I needed a break from walking. The pain in my feet made it almost impossible to go on.

I sat her so she was facing me with both of her legs at my sides.

"you know mommy loves you?"

She nodded and played in my short hair. She's so smart and the most beautiful thing in the world. I couldn't ask for anyone better.

"you gone walk for me mama?" she nodded and crawled off my lap.  I stood and wiped my butt off. I stood her up and backed away.

"okay now you come to me". I held my arms open waiting for her to move.

She looked around and picked up sand throwing it in the air.

"okay LeBron" she clapped her hands and dug in the sand some more.

"cookie!" she threw the sand at me. Hitting me in the face.

"stop it!" she ran from me, fell, stood back up, and kept running.

Damn she's fast.

"get back here!" she ran past this couple and tripped over a tattooed foot.

"I'm so sorry she-"

"sya?" I picked up cookie and looked up.



"Aren't you glad we came down here?" I leaned up and kissed his jaw.

"Yeah I am baby" he threw his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

"you taste like sunscreen"

"boy bush. Look at that baby over there? I miss Michelle"

"I miss her to Tia" the baby came running by me and tripped over my foot.

Some woman reached down and grabbed her,  dusting her off.

I saw the black rose tattoo on the back of her neck and gasped. Followed by the red heart behind her ear that matched the one on my wrist.

"I'm so sorry she-"

"SYA?!" our eyes me and she immediately hugged me. I squeezed her in my arms. This can't be real.

She sobbed into my dress, clutching me tight .

"what happened to you?" she looked at me with such pain in her eyes.



"I'm sorry baby" she undid our hug and wiped tears off her face.

"t-this is your baby?" Chris looked at them like he saw a ghost.

She nodded and looked down at her daughter. Chris looked at me then back at them.

"I'm real Chris" he hugged her and began crying himself.

"we thought you were dead"

"I thought I was dead too" he pulled away and looked at the baby again.

"what's her name?"


"she's beautiful, can I hold her?!"

Sya nodded and handed alexandria to Chris. I can't believe she's here in front of me.

"Sya how... I mean- what happened?"

She wiped her stray tears and took a deep breath. She put a hand over her chest like she was in pain.

"I screamed for you guys. The smoke woke me up, and the building was collapsed. And the Cubans arrived right as I got out. They patched me up and told me I was damaged goods. I thought they were gonna let me go or kill me. I healed from the gun wound to the chest. They tricked me held me for the auction. Ever time they'd wake up me I'd get sick and throw up. They were gonna kill me since nobody wanted to buy me. They thought I had the pleg or something. Until these hillbilly niggas bought me for cheap. Long story short I pulled a Harriet Tubman. I escaped with a group of girls who I'm supposed to be catching up with now".

We could've saved her. I can't believe she made it. I fixed my mouth to something but I couldn't. She's back.


TC stood there with her mouth open catching flies.

"how's August?" I felt my heart beat speed up, just from saying his name.

"He's two seconds away from slitting his own throat. He told me he's. "moving on" but baby girl, that nigga locked himself in a house for the past 2 years. If you call that moving on, then I don't know what is".

I smiled a little knowing he's not dead. But I would've wanted him to move on. But I'm kinda glad he hasn't.

"can you guys take me to the gas station"

She nodded and grabbed my hand.

"we're taking her to get her friends" Chris was to busy having a conversation with Alex to even pay attention.

They led me to their rental car and drove me three blocks to the gastation near by.

It felt good sitting in a car, with the radio on. Made me kinda forget I was in hells kitchen for a little bit.

As soon as we pulled up,  I handed Alex to Chris in the passenger seat. I hopped out the car and ran into ritas arms.

"I'm glad you guys are okay"

"Hell, I'm glad you're okay" Kim hugged me tight like I had just came from the grave.

"where's Alex?" Reena said about to panic.

"she's in the car. I ran into some good friends, at the beach"

I heard car doors shut. I turned around and Chris and TC we're walking over.

"guys this is Tia and Chris. This is Reena, Rita, Jackie, and Kim. There was six of us but she's... "

They nodded in understanding.

"I wanna get you guys into a hotel. A nice one this time".

They laughed and nodded.

I went over to the ATM and finally remembered my pin number.


I smiled to myself and withdrew $10,000. I felt almost human again. It made me remember I was a person with a life before all this. I had a life.  A "job" that I worked hard for. I don't know why seeing those numbers again made me feel that what way. But I'm glad it did.

"okay all set" I grabbed the money and put it in my bra.

I turned to them and saw they were all talking to each other.

"you finished Sy?" Tia smiled at me.

I nodded.

"let's go" Chris tossed Alex in the air and ran with her to the car making her laugh.

We piled into the jeep and headed to.... I'm guessing in the direction of the hotel?

"Sya you know you can't Stay into the same hotel as is right?"

"and why is that?"

"because vanessa and dice getting married"

"MARRIED?!" tears welled in my eyes. I have missed a lot. I almost missed Cairo's wedding.

"Yeah married. So I have the perfect wedding gift" she looked at me through the rear view mirror, with a evil smirk she gets when she had a plan.

Oh boy.


Shout out to all of you for your idea. I loved them.

I know this chapter was boring asf. 
Comment and tell what you think!


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