screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.1K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•


2.8K 50 1
By stories000007

ELLIE was tightening her pigtails when Jane came and slammed her books on the table at the great hall.
"Morning to you Jane." Ellie said as she looked at her friend, noticing Jane had a very bad under eye bag.
"Sorry it's just I had a bit of a rough morning.Why didn't you wake me?" Jane asked Ellie while Ellie just shoved cereal in her mouth.
"Well you see I didn't even know you were still sleeping." Ellie said with her mouth full of cereal just causing Jane to roll her eyes with a tiny smile.
"Hey Ellie,Jane!" Chase called from the Hufflepuff table.
"Hey Chase." Jane said.
"You won't believe the friend I made! His name is Cedric Diggory. He's a few years older but he's so cool!" Chase said, very excited with a huge smile.
"Well that seems fun." Ellie said and then she spotted Brandon and groaned.
"Hey kiddos!" Brandon said as he saw the three while ruffling Ellie's hair.
"Are you kidding,I just fixed my hair!" Ellie yelled annoyed with her brother causing Chase and Jane to laugh.
"Oops." Brandon said sarcastically and he went to go sit with his friends.
"Ugh he is so annoying." Ellie said, fixing her pigtails again.
Jane just smiled and continued to listen to Chase's random ranting.
"I'm so excited for herbology today!" Chase said as his eyes widened with thought.
"Is it because Snape's not the teacher?" Ellie asked as she finished fixing her pigtails.
"No.Well kind of but besides that it's because we have it together!" Chase said with a huge grin causing Jane to laugh.
"Yeah but you do know we have most classes together." Jane said.
"Oh yeah! But still it's not Snape's class!" Chase said very happily causing the two girls to chuckle.
"Speaking of Snape here he comes." Jane said, annoyed by the professor.
Snape decided to take 5 points from Chase because he was smiling too much and 5 points from Ellie because of her "perky" pigtails.
"Man what a jerk." Jane said as Snape walked away.
"I know right." Rosie said as she sat down next to them.
"Rosie where were you?" Ellie asked because she had thought her sister had sat with her friends.
"I was in the library looking for a book to read in case I finished my work during classes." Rosie replied.
"H- Hi Rosie!" Chase said in awe as per usual.
"Hi Chase."Rosie said with a smile and then shoved her nose in a book.
"Wow you only stuttered once that's great!" Ellie said causing Chase to blush.
"Well we should probably get going to herbology." Jane said, grabbing her books.
"Probably but we still have ten minutes." Chase said only because he didn't want to get lost in Hogwarts again.
"You are going to be fine!" Ellie said as she grabbed her bag and put it over her shoulder.
"It's just the last time it was so embarrassing so many people were laughing at me!" Chase said with a tiny frown.
"You're going to be okay you have us." Jane said which caused Chase to grab his bag.
"Ok fine but if we get lost I blame you too!" Chase said, causing the girls to just look at each other and roll their eyes.
"See you Rosie!" Ellie called out and Rosie just gave a thumbs up still reading her book causing Ellie to roll her eyes.
"I still can't believe how pretty your sister is!" Chase said swooning over Rosie.
"Chase do you have any other emotion than swooning over Rosie." Jane said annoyed almost as if she was jealous but only Ellie caught that.
"Whatever." Chase said as he just shrugged.
On their way to herbology the halls started to get more and more crowded causing Ellie and Chase to be annoyed while Jane just started pushing people.
"Get out the way people!" Jane yelled pushing and shoving anyone or anything in her way.
"Hey watch it!" Seamus Finnagan snapped at Jane.
"Shut it Finnagan." Ellie said as she glared at him causing him to go back to his friend Dean Thomas and muttering something about how annoying the Ravenclaws are.
"He's something else." Chase said, causing Ellie to laugh.
Her and Chase went into herbology seeing that Jane had saved a seat for her in the Ravenclaw section.
"Good luck!" Ellie said to Chase and they both went to their sections.
"What took you two so long?" Jane said as if they were late.
They had two minutes to spare.
"Nothing, we just walked like normal people. Why are you always in such a rush?" Ellie asked her friend.
"It's best to be on time and prepared." Jane said, making Ellie confused but she just went with it.
"You sound like Hermione Granger." Ellie said with a smirk causing Jane to just shiver at the thought.
"Hey can I sit here?" Padma Patil, a girl who's in there house and year asked.
"Sure the more the merrier." Ellie replied which left Padma with a small smile on her lips.
"I don't trust the girl." Jane said in a whisper that only left Ellie hear.
"She seems fine." Ellie whispered back and they both looked at Padma who was copying down the notes.
"Ok fine." Jane said in defeat and Ellie just smiled and the two started working.
"Um excuse me." Padma said to them.
"Yes." Jane said, giving her a small look.
"Um I think that boy is trying to get your attention." Padma said, as she pointed at Chase and Jane and Ellie just rolled their eyes at him.
"What."Ellie mouthed.
"Look." He mouthed at her and he pointed to the window.
Ellie and Jane looked out the window and saw that Brandon was skipping class with some of his friends which caused a shocked look on Ellie's face.
"Ms.Smith, Ms.Hankel would you please pay attention!" Professor Sprout said, causing many people to stare at them.
"I'm sorry Professor, we just thought we saw something." Ellie said and then smiled.
"Ok i'll let it slide. Mostly because your pigtails look very cute." Professor Sprout said and gave her a sly smile causing Ellie to blush of embarrassment.
"We are so lucky you did pigtails today." Jane said and Ellie just chuckled.
"YOU know i'm kind of shocked Harry Potter didn't get expelled from flying on a broom." Chase exclaimed as the three of them were on their way to the great hall.
"I'm shocked too but I heard a rumor that he was joining Gryffindor's quidditch team!" Ellie said to her friends. Then she spotted the Weasley twins yelling something about people turning up in a month or two.
"Those twins are something else." Jane said and then looked at Ellie and Ellie just nodded.
"They are kind of scary." Chase said looking at them.
"You're scared of everyone though." Jane said.
"Am not!" Chase argued
"Are too!" Jane argued back.
Ellie rolled her eyes at her two friends bickering like they always do.
Just then someone accidentally shoved Ellie.
"Hey watch it!" Ellie spat looking up noticing it was one of the Weasley twins causing her to give him a glare.
"Oh my bad pigtails." Fred said to Ellie causing Ellie to give him a glare.
"Don't call me that." Ellie said causing Fred to just chuckle.
"Are you kidding that's nicer than what he calls me!" George the other Weasley twin shouted out.
"Whatever." Ellie said as she looked back and noticed her two friends still arguing.
"Those two at it again huh." George said.
"It's like they never stop arguing!" Fred added.
"They don't and it drives me insane." Ellie said as she looked back.
"Well that's what you get when you mix a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff." Fred said.
"Don't get cocky." Ellie told Fred and gave him another glare causing Fred to just pat her head.
Which led Ellie to just roll her eyes at him.
"It's ok Pigtails my brother Ron and his friend or at least I think it's his friend Hermione argue all the time." Fred mentioned.
"Whatever I have to go." Ellie said as she rolled her eyes at him.
"Don't forget your friends!" Fred and George yelled out at the same time causing Ellie to just roll her eyes and started to head her way back to the Ravenclaw common room. Without her friends.
WHILE Ellie was doing her potions homework she heard the Ravenclaw common room door swung open and spotted Brandon.
"Hey." Brandon said and sat next to her putting his bag down and taking out his work.
Ellie couldn't take it any longer and decided it was best to ask her brother why he was skipping class.
"Why were you skipping class earlier. I saw you from the window in herbology." Ellie said and Brandon just sighed.
"Ok fine I wasn't going to tell you anything. But since you caught me. I was meeting with Oliver Wood and he said that next year if Ravenclaw even wins at least one game. Just one. I could be captain." Brandon explained to Ellie.
"How you're going to be a fourth year." Ellie asked as she finished potions work.
"We'll see he said he'd try to convince McGonnagall." Brandon said causing Ellie's jaw to drop.
"Brandon!" Ellie scolded.
"I know, I know it sounds bad. But just don't tell anyone." Brandon begged causing Ellie to give in.
"Fine but only if I get to miss at least just one quidditch game.
"Deal." Brandon said and they both started working on their homework.
After a few minutes passed Jane walked in and sat on the other side of Ellie.
Ellie looked at her like she was insane because she had leaves in her hair.
"Hey Jane, you look like a mess." Brandon exclaimed as he studied her.
"Wow, thanks captain obvious." Jane spat and took out her books.
"What happened to you?" Ellie asked as she looked at Jane.
"Ron Weasley happened." Jane said as she rolled her eyes.
"What did he do?" Ellie asked shocked.
"He thought he saw a spider and accidentally pushed me into the bushes." Jane exclaimed, causing Brandon to snort and Ellie to nudge him. While Jane just gave him a look.
"Sorry." Brandon said as he looked at the two and got back to his work.
"It's fine. The Weasleys are just annoying that's all." Jane said causing Ellie to think.
"The twins don't seem that bad." Ellie and Brandon laughed.
"Ha wait until you play quidditch with them they are brutal!" Brandon said, causing the two girls to just look at him.
"I don't know Ellie, aren't the twins very mischievous?" Jane questioned ignoring Brandon.
"How should I know I don't talk to them 24/7." Ellie shrugged causing the two girls to chuckle.
FRED was doing his work in the Gryfinndor common room when his brother George and his friend Lee Jordan came rushing in.
"Hey mate where've you've been?" Lee asked.
"Just finishing work. Why?" Fred asked.
"Nothing much, we just have a question for you." George said as he took a seat on the couch next to where Fred was.
"Ok ask away." Fred said intrigued to what his twin was thinking.
"Do you fancy anyone mate?" George asked.
"What! No why?" Fred asked with a tiny blush on his cheek.
"No reason it's just you were acting a little different when you were talking to the tiny Smith girl." George said looking at his brother with a tiny smirk.
"You mean Pigtails no that was just being friendly. She a first year." Fred said trying to avoid the topic.
"So." George said causing, Fred roll his eyes.
Fred hadn't even thought about it until at that second but he put the thought at the back of his mind.
"I bet ten sickles he'll like her by next school year!" Lee said to George.
"I bet ten he'll like her by the end of holidays!" George said to Lee.
"Hey don't bet on that." Fred said, annoyed because they shouldn't be betting on the poor girl.
"Why is that Freddie?" George asked his brother.
"Well I mean she's a cute innocent first year." Fred said regretting what he just said putting his head in his hand with a huge blush on his face.
"So you think she's cute!" Lee yelled causing some people to stare.
"No!" Fred yelled back quickly because in his defense he didn't even think about her.
That much.
"What's happening why is this dummy so loud!" Percy said pointing to Lee.
"Well Fred has a crush on a first year Ravenclaw." George said, causing Percy to look at Fred with a judgmental look.
"Do not!" Fred yelled back causing Percy to roll his eyes at the twins.
"Ok fine not yet." George said with a smile.
"As much as I find it intriguing could you please quiet down I'm tired of hearing your friend yell. He gives me a headache." Percy said, pointing to Lee.
"What does he have against me!" Lee yelled and the two twins looked at each other and just rolled their eyes.
"No seriously." Lee said but the twins started to ignore him causing Lee to just scoff and sink into the chair.
"HEY!" Brandon yelled as Rosie smacked him with her book.
"That's what you get for skipping class!" Rosie yelled at him.

"But I already told you it's because I may be captain!" Brandon whined. Chase had told Rosie he had seen Brandon skipping because he felt like he couldn't lie to Rosie because she overheard him and Jane talking about it.

"Still Brandon if Professor McGonnagall caught you." Rosie started but Brandon cut her off.

"Look, Rosie it's fine I'm ok it won't happen again." Brandon said and Rosie gave in and turned to Ellie.

"You've been quiet Ellie." Rosie mentioned as she stared at her sister who was reading a book. And then Ellie looked up at her and sighed.

"I already knew." Ellie said blankly going back to her book.

"What!" Rosie yelled and looked back at Brandon who just gave a nod.

"You know school would be better if you guys stopped fighting 24/7." Ellie said, without looking up from her book causing her siblings to stare at her.

"Sorry Ellie." Brandon apologized.

"We didn't know you felt that way." Rosie said, crossing her arms.

"I don't feel that bad it's just I wished you would shut up sometimes." Ellie said, as she got up and walked up the stairs to the girls dormitories.

"She's kind of right." Brandon said, and Rosie rolled her eyes at him and smacked him.

"Hey!" Brandon yelled.

"Shush." Rosie said, which made Brandon touch the spot he was just hit.

"I'm going to go talk to her." Rosie told her brother.

"Ok just send her my well." Brandon said,causing Rosie to just roll her eyes.

This talk was going to take a little while.

"Hey." Rosie said, as she opened the privacy curtains of Ellie's bed.
"Hey." Ellie said as she closed her book.
"I just wanted to say sorry. You know how much I hate it when Brandon does stupid things so I kind of overreact." Rosie said, as she sat down on the bed.
"I know which is why I think you should try to calm yourself down more." Ellie said.
"How?" Rosie asked.
"Maybe try meditation." Ellie suggested.
"We already tried that when I was younger, remember." Rosie said.
Then it hit Ellie.
"Rosie,what if you have anxiety?" Ellie questioned.
"You think I have anxiety?"Rosie asked.
Ellie thought for a moment.
"Possibly I mean grandma had it. Maybe it runs in the family." Ellie said.
"Maybe. But I think we should get some sleep it's been a long day." Rosie said, as she patted her sister on the back.
"We both know that we're going to end up reading." Ellie said with a chuckle.
"I know." Rosie said, and closed the privacy curtains.
So that Ellie was alone with her thoughts and her book.

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