A Certain Sky Slayer Mages in...

By MisakaMikoto_Railgun

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Mikoto Misaka has a younger adopted sister named Wendy and same goes with Kuroko Shirai has a step sister nam... More

The Electromaster
Wind Manipulators (Part 1)
Wind Manipulators (Part 2)
The Truth
Strong Feelings
Saving Wendy
The New Member of Judgement
Poltergeisting at the Festival
Awkward Day
Dark Magic
Sky Sisters with Railgun VS Dark Mage
A Certain Magical Cat
Swimsuit Modeling
A Certain Confused Feelings (Romeo x Uiharu Story)
Mental Out
Shokuhou's Objective
The Ability Game Competition
Magic Portal
The Ability Game Competition (Day 2)
The Ability Game Competition (Last Day)
Penalty Game
Wendy's Childhood Friend
Transfer Student
Love Triangle
Shadow Demon Slayer Mage
Carla's Job
Saving Chelia
Wendy Please Tell Me You Love Me
Hidden Feelings Revealed
Mating Season of the Lightning Dragon Slayer
The Mark
Inferno District
The Fight of the Goddesses
Wendy is Sick

Double Date Incident

47 3 0
By MisakaMikoto_Railgun

Narrator's POV

After lunch the girls left the dorm and they teleport to the newly opened amusement park located at school district 21. The girls were amazed with the rides and the perfect view.

Mikoto: Wow! I never knew they have an amusement park here in district 21.
Kuroko: I did some patroling here last week and I saw a flier about this new amusement park.
Wendy: Ok. Maybe we should ride at the roller coaster there. (feels excited)
Chelia: Yeah. Come on Wendy. (Holds Wendy's hand intertwined)
Carla: (Clears her throat)
Wendy: (Letting go of Chelia's hand) Come on Carla. Let's go. (Pulls Carla's arm)
Chelia: Geez! Carla, we're just holding our hands. It's not a lewd thing.
Kuroko: Chelia!
Chelia: Coming guys!

The girls are going to ride on the roller coaster. But before Mikoto and Wendy rides, Wendy uses her Troia Healing Magic spell on Mikoto and herself to prevent their motion sickness. Then they finally ride on the roller coaster. Wendy and Carla seats infront of Mikoto and Kuroko, while Chelia seats alone herself at the back of Mikoto and Kuroko.

Chelia: I guess Carla is messing up with me. (looks upset)

As the roller coaster starts to run. All of them screams and raises their hands until it's finally over.

Wendy: That was a lot of fun! (cheerful tone)
Chelia: That's fun for you cause you enjoy it. (sad look)
Wendy: Don't be sad Chelia. Let's try on the ferriswheel. (Pulls Chelia's hand)
Chelia: (blushes) Ok.

Mikoto, Kuroko and Carla follows them. They ride on the ferriswheel. Chelia and Wendy are finally together inside, then Mikoto, Kuroko with Carla are together in the other cage. As the ferriswheel starts to move, Chelia kisses Wendy to make her feel relax for a sec. Chelia knows that Dragon Slayers are having motion sickness. Then she casts her healing magic on Wendy's head. And same with Kuroko, she tries to comfort Mikoto. Carla is amazed by the wonderful view from up there. After the ride, Wendy tries to confess her feelings on Chelia.

Wendy: Hey uh Chelia.
Chelia: What is it Wendy?
Wendy: Well, thanks for making me feel relax. Since that you're always doing it for me. Maybe we should be uh. You know.
Chelia: (Kisses Wendy for 1 sec) I know what you're going to say. You want me to be your girlfriend? Is that it?
Wendy: (blushes) No! I uh.
Chelia: (Kisses Wendy for 1 sec) Again and again Wendy. Don't try to hide your feelings on me. You should make me some promises.
Wendy: What promises?
Chelia: First, you must be honest with your feelings. Second, there's no need to be embarrassed when we sleep together in a same bed. Third, this is not a promise but I want you to confess your feelings for me right now. Don't be shy, I can see through your actions.
Wendy: Ok. Chelia, w-wwill you be my uh, my girlfriend? (Covers her face in embarrassment)
Chelia: Wendy I can't understand what you're saying.
Carla: Excuse me girls. Mikoto and Kuroko wants to ride on that boat on the big water slide over there.
Wendy: (eyes are widened) Wow! Alright! Let's go. (feels excited)
Chelia: Not again Carla. This is the moment that she will confess her feelings for me. (upset tone)
Wendy: Come on Chelia!
Chelia: Coming!

When the girls are going to ride on that boat. There's a big explosion coming from the big water slide.

Mikoto: Hey what the?
Wendy: Fire Birds?
Kuroko: Alright Chelia. We should help these crowd to evacute this park.
Chelia: Got it!
Kuroko: Sissy, Wendy and Carla. I am counting on you to stop those creatures from up there for a while.
Mikoto, Wendy and Carla: Right!

Chelia goes to the east part of the amusement park, and Kuroko goes to the west part. As for Mikoto, Wendy and Carla remains to the scene of explosion.

Carla: Alright girls get ready!
Mikoto: Yeah! Time for another action.

The Fire Birds attacks the three of them. Wendy uses her Sky Dragon Roar to blow the fire attacks and hits the Fire Birds. The Fire Birds ended up being a roasted birds.

Wendy: Wow! Looks like roasted turkey. (drooling)
Carla: Focus Wendy.
Wendy: Sorry. I feel hungry with this fight.
Carla: Oh Geez!

There's another attack coming from the Fire Birds, Mikoto uses her railgun hitting those Fire Birds. After Kuroko and Chelia managed the crowd, they went back to the location where Mikoto, Wendy and Carla are fighting against the Fire Birds. Then there's a powerful Goddess who creates the Fire Birds and explosion appears infront of them.

Mikoto: What the?! She's the one who creates those Fire Birds and she casts many fires in this park.
??????: Yes. I am Hestia, the Goddess of Fire. I am here to take over this corrupted world. I'll burn this world and turn into ashes.
Wendy: What! She's a goddess! (shocked)
Chelia: Well then, this is my battle. I am a God Slayer.
Hestia: (Chuckles) You're only just a human. How can you manage to defeat a powerful god like me?
Chelia: You call yourself a god? God loves the world even though humans destroyed the nature. The only powerful creature that hates us humans is a demon like you.
Hestia: (growls) Is that so? Why don't you prove to me that you can defeat me!
Wendy: Don't worry Chelia, I am here to fight along side with you.
Mikoto: Me too.
Kuroko: I too.
Chelia: Thanks guys.
Carla: And don't forget about me. I am the one's incharge of protecting you.
Chelia: Right! Let's do this!

Wendy transform herself into her Dragon Force, Mikoto transform herself into lightning. Wendy and Chelia jumps in the air then they use their combine Leading Sky Arrow and Trailing Sky Arrow hitting the goddess of fire. But Hestia dodges their combo attack.

Hestia: You said it yourself that you can defeat a god like me. (creates a huge fire canon ball) It's my turn now. I wanna see your bodies turn into ashes.

The goddess of fire casts her huge fire canon hitting them. Mikoto blocks her attack.

Hestia: So, you can block my attack. This is so boring. Maybe I can invite my friends to fight all of you.

Hestia creates 10,000 fire golems, 10,000 fire dragons and 10,000 fire birds.

Hestia: Now! Attack!

Mikoto and Kuroko manage to fight the 10,000 fire golems, 10,000 fire dragons and 10,000 fire birds. While Wendy, Chelia and Carla are facing the Goddess of Fire, Hestia.


Will these girls be able to defeat Hestia and her fire creatures she created?

This photo came from Pinterest. Credits to the owner.


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