Amour - Fred Weasley

By robinbuckleyasf

248K 4.8K 6.9K

*** Arabella is a transfer student from Beauxbatons after she pulled a dangerous prank that got her expelled... More

authors note
The Sorting
the test
Old Books and Campfires
Truth or Dare
March 13th
Last day
The Triwizard Tournament
Swedish Short-snout
The First Snow
Mermen and Magnolias
Conquering the Curses
Summer with the Order
Lonesome Town
Dumbledores Army
First Year in the Job
The Wedding
The Beginning of the End


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By robinbuckleyasf

December 5th

When I went down to the great hall this morning for breakfast I was surprised to see not many people sitting by the tables and loads crowding around a sheet of paper.

I walked over to the twins and said, "What's with the paper?" They turned around at the same time to face the announcement.

"Its saying how tomorrow is the first Hogsmeade trip, it also says you need to tell the professor of your house if your staying for the holidays." Fred said.

I turned to face the announcement and saw loads of kids running back to the tables to discuss the first trip of the season.

"I guess Hogsmeade is a big deal huh?" I said to the twins.

"Very big deal" Fred said.

"I plan on asking Pacifica to go with me. You better get someone to go with Freddie." George said very unsubtly hinting at me.

Pacifica, the Ravenclaw and George had been going out now for a few weeks. Ever since their first studying session they've been together almost as much as the twins. Pacifica was sitting with all her friends when George went to go ask. He sat next to her and looked to be making some witty comments because she was practically on the floor laughing.

"Always been the ladies man," Fred said, "Speaking of Hogsmeade, would you want to come with me?" 

 "Sure, ill go." I said. We both smiled.

"We can go over to Zonko's, get more fireworks. Maybe set them off in potions next class and blame them on George," We both cracked up and George came back with a huge smile on his face.

The owls dropped in and gave us all our mail. I didn't have much other than a letter from mum and dad. Fred and George had a howler each, only god knows what for. They dunked it in their tea before they went off and though it was still fairly loud, you couldn't tell what it was saying. The howlers both started smoking and then exploding in the tea but neither of them cared.

They clinked their cups took a sip and then pointed to my letter, "open it Dupont!" they said. I tore open the letter with our family crest in green wax keeping it shut.

                          " our dearest Arabella,

Your father and I miss you dearly but we regret to inform you, we wont be having you home for the holidays. We will send gifts in a few shorts days but please remember to stay out of trouble. Your father and I have been getting letters from Dumbledore about your performance as well as from McGonagall. Dumbledore likes you too much to inform us about all the detentions, McGonagall thought better. Please do be better.


                                                           mum and dad"

In the envelope there was another small piece of parchment with messy handwriting scrawled on it.

" I'm not mad about the detentions, your mum wanted to bring you home but i told her about the fun your having. Reminded her your happiness is more important than school. Do try to limit it a little bit, your mum already doesn't like us enough. -Dad"

"She'll get used to it after a bit!" George said

 "Our mum did!" Fred added.

We all 3 looked down at the steaming howlers and laughed. I dont care if my mum is mad, dad would never let me leave another school. Especially not for a dumb finishing school for wayward girls. For one part im not wayward, im creative. And two, Dads right. My happiness is at an all time high at the moment. I haven't felt like this since I was young enough to still ride a beginners broom.

"Oh and by the way, were staying too! Mum and Dad are visiting Charlie, and I dont think we could stand Percy for another week. He's going with, thank Merlin." Fred said.

 I was actually quite looking forward to this holiday season. Generally I hate the holidays, sitting with family for long grueling hours while uptight relatives visit. They always get me boring gifts like quills and parchment, and then yell at Dad and I for being to noisy. The cousins are great because the little boys help me prank dad and the little girls are always a good time. I will miss Dad and the cousins but I think one year away will be fine.

I woke up and grabbed my coat and boots. I met Fred, George, and Pacifica in the common room before breakfast. I had never really had a full conversation with Pacifica but she seemed sweet. She complimented just about every inch of my body each with genuine interest.

" I really adore your hair Arabella. I want to learn how to do that but I just dont know if im up for it." She said. My hair had since gone back to the original blonde dye job after Fred dyed it Red with me. I loved the red but it didn't suit me as well as it suited the Weasley's. When we got into Hogsmeade, George and Pacifica split off from us to go get butterbeer.

"Where to first?" Fred asked. I looked around for a bit and we settled on Honeydukes. It was like a dream come true for my younger self. Dad used to sneak me candy back from villages he would do odd jobs in. We stuffed our pockets full to the brim with candy. We headed back out into the snowy street and went to join George and Pacifica.

When we got into the small shop they weren't there, but instead was a very happy looking Narcissa Malfoy at the register.

"Ill get us drinks?" I told Fred. He grabbed a table and I headed up to Narcissa.

"Good morning, Mrs. Malfoy. What brings you to Hogsmeade?" I asked as I approached her.

"Oh darling! I haven't heard from you, I was beginning to get worried. I just love butterbeer and when I have free time I apparate here to take a break from life." She said with a soothing tone of voice.

" I am very sorry for not writing, but I've been well. Adjusting has been a bit rough but all together very lovely." I told her. The waitress got her the butterbeer and she stood with me until Fred and I's came out.

"Have you talked to Draco at all? He's been getting in quite a bit of trouble, giving other students problems I assume." She added. I didn't know whether to tell her about the run in with him. I looked down and hesitated for a moment.

"I've seen him about. If I see him again I'll make sure to tell him hello." I said as the waitress handed me my drinks.

"Well, I better get back to my er- friend." I said finally leaving her side to sit by Fred in a small booth. We sipped the butterbeer and he asked about Narcissa.

"Oh we just met a while back, quite a kind woman compared to her son." I joked. Fred swallowed a large sip of butterbeer and looked very tired. I pointed to his upper lip where he had a foam mustache. He wiped it off his sleeve and smiled. Right before we left Narcissa walked over to our booth and said goodbye.

"Goodbye Arabella, do give my best to Draco." Her eyes caught Fred's and they both smiled, "Mr. Weasley is it? Pleasure to meet you, I've met  your father a handful of times. Hes a very interesting fellow indeed, Have a good day you two." She left and Fred laughed.

"Nothing like her husband either" He said. I looked up with a confused look on my face.

"Oh you dont know? Lucius hates my father, has tried to get him fired one too many times. They're a very powerful and rich wizarding family, we dont have quite the money or power but my parents done mind." He added on. We headed out as Fred kept talking about his dad. "my dad works for the muggle artifact department of the ministry. Its one of the lower parts but he makes well enough money for us to live. The Malfoys like to use it against us but there's a rumor spreading their in league with you-know-who. We would rather be poor than be traitors any day. Narcissa seems nice though, nothing like the other two." He finished. We walked back to the castle and sat in the common room for a bit before heading upstairs for bed.

The next day we woke up to find most of the other students packing to leave for the holidays. After breakfast Fred threw a ball of paper at my head. I looked him and he pointed to the paper. I opened it up and saw a note scrawled in messy handwriting.

"You. Me. Snowball fight" I looked up at him and nodded.

I wrote "You're on." On the note and tossed it back. Not too many people stayed, there were only a few of us from Gryffindor so we had the whole common room and table to ourselves. The train left after breakfast and I met Fred outside on the great lawn for our snowball fight.

I would normally not be too excited about a snowball fight with a guy I liked but speaking from Fred's past experience with throwing quaffles I don't think I would have too much trouble. I walked down the lawn to find Fred, but he wasn't there. From out of nowhere a huge ball of snow hit the back of my head. I whipped around to find Fred standing on a boulder taunting me.

"Oh it is so on Weasley!" I said running to take cover behind a bush. I grabbed a large pile of snow and popped out of hiding. Fred popped out at the same time with a snowball in his hand too. I chucked the ball at him and it hit him in the shoulder. I ducked back into hiding to get another snowball. We spent probably 30 minutes hurling snowballs at each other before a ball of snow hit me in the back of the head again. I whipped around to find Freddie with 3 snowballs in his hands. We threw them back and forth until we both ran out. We both sprinted for cover behind a rock when I reached out and pushed Fred into the snow.

"You little.." He started while laying in the snow.

"Here ill help you up Weasley." I said offering my hand.

"Gladly" He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the snow. We cracked up and eventually sat up.

"I definitely won" I said.

"Maybe you win at a snowball fight but i would win at a fist fight any day of the week." He said with a confident smirk on his face.

"Oh really?Lets go then" I said. We started wrestling in the snow until he grabbed my wrists and pinned me down.

"Told you." He said. I laughed and accepted defeat. He stood up and offered me his hand, "Gladly" I said pulling him back down.

"It's a little thing called revenge Weasley. Get used to being outsmarted." I said with a chuckle. We both stood up as George and Pacifica walked over holding hands and George holding a sled in his other hand.

"What happened to you two?" George said looking at the two of us covered in snow.

"I totally whooped Freddie's ass at a snowball fight." I said with a grin. Fred shook his head and scoffed.

"Well if you two aren't completely worn out were going sledding. You could come with." George said. We looked at each other and both decided to turn in early.
On the way back up to the common room Fred got hit by another snowball, but this time not from me. A group full of laughing came from behind us. We turned around to find none other but Draco Malfoy.

"Fathers here on business, picking me up himself. Got to stay a little longer." He said with a smirk.

"Draco, I had a talk with your mother the other day in Hogsmeade. Told me to report back to her if you gave me or any of my friends any trouble. I wont hesitate to turn you in you little ferret." I said. He picked up another snowball and hurled it at my face. Despite being like 3'4" and the scrawniest kid at school, he could throw a mean snowball. It hit me square in the nose.

"Go cry to my mother Arabella. She only likes you because 'You remind her of a young Narcissa.' Which by the way isn't much of a compliment." Draco said and all his buddies laughed.

"Draco if you weren't size of my thigh I would duel you, but one spell and I'd break you in half." I said. Fred tapped my shoulder and tried to get me to turn around. I felt a trickling down my face and touched my nose. There was blood.

"Best go to Madam Pomfrey Dupont." Draco said with a smirk on his face. Fred and I turned around and walked back up to the common room.   Fred grabbed a bunch of tissue and helped me fix my nose.

"He must have hit you pretty hard. That little shit" Fred said as he got a washcloth and got the blood off my face.

" I dont know what his problem is with me." I said while taking my blood splattered coat off.

"I'm sorry. That would be me. Draco doesn't like us Weasleys. Let alone me." He said with a guilty look on his face. I shook him off and went to go get changed. I put on a pair of sweats and a large jacket. I threw my hair into a bun and headed back downstairs.

Fred looked at me with a shocked look on his face.

"What?" I asked Fred. He closed his mouth and shook his head.

"Oh.. um nothing." He said. We headed down to the great hall for dinner and met George and Pacifica at the table.

"Are you alright Arabella" Pacifica asked.

"Oh yea, just a bloody nose." I said back. George and Fred sat next to each other which meant I sat next to Pacifica. It was a real mystery how she wasn't in Hufflepuff. I mean she must be insanely smart and super kind? What are the odds of that. Dinner was quite alright and I ended up heading to bed early. It was quite a long day.

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