The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1

By MKG2012

166K 6.8K 855

Book 1 in the Blood River Series Gregory Beau Morgan, Alpha of Blood River pack is a powerful C.E.O. who take... More

1. Gregory
2. Travis
3. Gregory
4. Alec
5. Travis
6. Gregory
7. Travis
8. Gregory
9. Cooper
10. Travis
11. Alec
12. Gregory
13. Travis
14. Gregory
15. Travis
16. Gregory
17. Travis
18. Gregory
19. Travis
20. Gregory
21. Travis
22. Gregory
23. Travis
24. Gregory
25. Travis
26. Rift
27. Travis
28. Gregory
29. Travis
30. Gregory
31. Travis
32. Gregory
33. Travis
34. Gregory
36. Gregory
Epilogue The C.E.O. & His SSGT

35. Travis

2.8K 143 6
By MKG2012

Geneva Dawn Morgan is finally here!! ^^

"Colby James!" I yelled for my son when I stepped on yet another damned lego, making me almost fall. It's hard to see past my huge belly so we told Colby many times to make sure his toys were picked up out of the way from where we walk, especially me right now.

"Yes daddy?" He popped up behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

"Toy in my foot." I lifted my foot and he picked the lego from between my toes.

"Sorry daddy."

"Colby we have told you many times to make sure your toys are picked up and you won't listen so you make sure your toys are picked up and you need to clean your room, now young man." I said and he ran off to the living room to pick his toys up after he picked up the trail of Legos I would have stepped on if he didn't that I couldn't even see.

Our little girl is due any day now so everyone has been put on Luna duty per Gregory's orders. I can't even go to the bathroom without telling someone where I'm going. After seeing what Justin went through, I'm not going to complain. I'd rather have someone know where I am instead of not in case I go into labor and need help.

I decided to have a c-section because that fear is still there no matter how many times I was told I'll be fine, I just want to be sure my baby will be healthy and alive, myself as well.

We got her nursery done weeks ago and all the shopping done so we are ready, just waiting on her to decide to want to be here. She is growing beautifully and is healthy. I can't wait to hold her in my arms and see who she looks like. I would love for her to look like her papa because he truly is a beautiful man and if she got his looks, better watch out whoever her mate is is all I'm gonna say.

With all the craziness going on, Gregory forgot to tell me once he bit Colby, all traces of DNA from his mother are gone and are replaced with Gregory's. Now Colby won't be an Alpha though, he wasn't born an Alpha but he could possibly be a high ranking wolf when he grows so we have to wait and see for that.

"Luna Travis." Rogue called out to me from the hallway, I was in my baby girl's room to make her bed since I had washed the sheets, again. I just want everything to be perfect for her.

"In the nursery." I answered and he walked in and saw me trying to reach the corner of the mattress so he came over to help me.

"Whew thanks, that was a struggle. She's pushing out so it makes it harder to bend." I said and he helped me sit in the rocking chair next to the window.

"No problem. Has she been doing that a lot?"

"Mhm all day on and off."

"I'm not so sure it's her, it could be contractions. Do they bring you any pain?"

"Not at first but it's getting more intense as they come."

"We should go see Dr. Emma." He got up and helped me stand back up and we walked down the hallway to the ramp from the end of the hall to the downstairs, it comes in handy for pregnant wolves and elderly wolves.

"Paxton has Colby, Beta Cooper is on his way with David."


"Already done. He's leaving work now." Rogue finished my thought and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and he waved me off.

"No problem Luna." We made it to the infirmary and Dr. Emma was waiting already and knew Rogue had linked her to let her know I was coming.

"Right this way Luna. I'm going to put these around you to check if you are having contractions and if you are, we will prep you for surgery." I sat down on a comfy chair and she put two bands around my belly, one to measure contractions and one for her heartbeat.

"Have you been in any pain?" She asked as she sat down.

"Not really, just more intense as the day went on. I have had these Braxton hicks contractions so I thought it was just them."

"Well no, you are in labor, the beginning stages by the looks of the monitor so I'm going to go scrub in and you are going to get into a gown and we will get started. Alpha Gregory just got here so he will be down in a minute I'm sure." She said and sure enough a minute later Gregory was in the room.

"Hi love. How are you?" He asked as he got on his knees in front of me.

"I'm fine, not in any pain and going to be getting prepped for surgery soon." I said and a nurse came in and gave Gregory my gown and he helped me up and helped me walk to the bathroom and undressed me and as he did, he placed soft kisses to my shoulders and neck, touched my belly softly and sighed as he closed his eyes.

"I love you. I can't thank you enough for giving me the most precious gift in the world. You are my everything and we will be welcoming our little Luna soon, I couldn't have asked for a better mate and life than who I was blessed with and what I was blessed with." As he was talking, his eyes filled with tears and I wasn't any better. He always knows the right things to say to make my heart flutter.

"I love you too Gregory, thank you for loving me through everything." I sniffled and he wiped my eyes and cheeks. He kissed me and picked me up after he made sure my gown was covering me.

"You can sit him down here. Luna Travis I need you to hold onto this pillow and lean over as much as you can so I can do the spinal tap for the medicine to numb you." Gregory placed the pillow on my lap and I hugged it and leaned over as best I could with Gregory standing in front of me, helping me stay balanced so I didn't fall off the bed.

"It'll be done soon love, you're doing great."

"This is honestly the worst part of this whole procedure Luna Travis. Once you're numb you won't feel a thing and can just lay back and we do all the work." Dr. Emma said and I knew she was right but a long ass needle going into your spine is a little scary but I trust her.

"Ok all done. Now let's get you comfortable and we'll start in a few minutes." Gregory helped me lay down and he went to get changed in scrubs as I was getting hooked up and a shield was placed over my chest to cover me from seeing anything.

"Can you feel this Luna Travis?" Dr. Emma asked.

"No, I can't feel anything."

"Ok let's get started." Once she said that, I felt pressure and the smell of blood filled the room. Gregory held my hand and looked into my eyes the whole time waiting to hear our daughters cries.

"Did you come up with a name yet?" He asked and I smiled.

"Geneva Dawn Morgan." I said and he smiled softly at me and kissed my forehead.

"It's perfect."

"She's perfect." Dr. Emma said a moment later our daughter's cries were loud and strong, just like her.

"Oh love, she's beautiful." Gregory said as he looked over the shield.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" Dr. Emma asked Gregory, he kissed me and went to the other side of the shield and a second later our daughter was taken to get weighed and measured, cleaned up and taken care of while I was being stitched up.

"It should be no longer than an hour for you to heal Luna. Once you do, you and your family can go back to the Alpha suite. She is perfect, no health issues so I have no reason to keep her here. If anything should happen you can always come back with her though." She said and I was taken to a recovery room, Gregory right behind me pushing the baby bed.

Once I was settled Gregory placed our daughter in my arms and I teared up looking down at her beautiful sleeping face.

"Hello beautiful Geneva Dawn, it's so nice to finally meet you." I whispered as I touched her soft cheek and took in the details of her face and kissed her small soft forehead, breathing in her baby smell.

"Thank you for being born to us. You are already so loved and cherished by everyone. Your big brother can't wait to meet you, he is so excited about having a little sister to protect and he said he will always be there for you. His name is Colby. He had to go with your uncle Paxton while your other uncle Rogue helped me. Your other uncles should be here along with your grandparents and everyone else who wants to meet you but I think we will wait until we get out of here from the looks of your papa, he's not going to let anyone near you just yet." I said softly and chuckled when Gregory growled lowly.

"If at all love, if at all." He said and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Well you can't keep her to yourself forever you know." I said and he narrowed his eyes at me and I bit my lip to keep from laughing again.

"Watch me. My first pup is in your arms love, a pup I have been dreaming of having since I met you. I didn't know just how much I wanted a family until I met you so just be patient with me with her, it will be a battle to let me have anyone near her right now." There is no use in even trying to get him to let up some when I know it's a losing battle right now.

Hank told me he was the same way when his boys were born so it must be an Alpha thing. Poor Josephine had to deal with him with his boys, I can only imagine how Gregory will be with his daughter when Hank was all over her and his babies. A girl in the family after so long, I may as well just keep my mouth shut.

"Colby is asking if he can come in." Gregory said and I looked to the door and his little head was peeking through the window so I motioned him to come in. He opened the door and shut it softly and walked over to the bed.

Gregory picked him up and put him beside me and he looked down at Geneva and touched her cheek gently.

"Hey sis, I'm your big brother, Colby. You and I will talk later. I will tell you all the secret ways to get away with stuff with daddy and papa but don't tell them." He whispered. He still doesn't understand the concept of a whisper. Gregory chuckled and I smiled at them. A little while later after Colby was done bonding for the time being, I was able to leave and we made our way to the Alpha suite where our friends and family were waiting. I guess Gregory told them to come up.

"Everyone give us a moment to settle in and we will introduce you to our daughter." Gregory ordered when everyone started asking questions and were getting a little loud. They all stopped talking and Gregory and I took our daughter to her nursery to get her fed because she hasn't eaten yet.

"Have you decided if you wanted to chest feed her or bottle?" Gregory asked as he helped me sit in the rocker and grabbed a blanket to cover Geneva.

"I want to try to chest feed her. I read all the benefits that come with it so I want to try." I said and he nodded.

He grabbed the small body pillow for Geneva and I put her on it and held her as he took my shift off for me and sat next to me on the window sill and Geneva found my nipple and started suckling as I traced her face and watched her as she ate.

"It feels weird but also comforting knowing I can provide her what she needs."

"You are so beautiful, do you know that?" Gregory asked and I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"I do everytime you tell me." I said and leaned over and kissed me softly.

"If we can manage, if she sleeps for a couple of hours without waking up tonight, I plan on making love to you." He whispered against my lips and I loved the sound of that. It's been a while since we had made love, I was the one who didn't want to have sex with how uncomfortable I was with my big belly, my swollen feet and my back hurting plus the heartburn was horrible to the point I had to sleep almost sitting up.

"Please do, daddy." I said and he growled softly and his eyes flashed from blue to red and back to blue.

"Careful, I may put her in her crib, kick everyone out and take you now in our room, all over the room." He said and I held back my moan as I thought of all the ways he can please me. I cleared my throat and he smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing to me.

Once Geneva was fed, burped, and changed we took her out to meet the family.

"Everyone it is our pleasure to introduce to you for the first time, future Luna Geneva Dawn Morgan." Gregory said and we sat down on the couch as everyone gathered around to see Geneva.

"Oh sweetheart, she is precious." My mama said and I handed her her granddaughter and she sniffled and kissed her.

"Yes, she is." Josephine said and sat beside my mama and they both cooed over the little Luna.

"So, how does it feel to have a daughter, son?" Hank asked Gregory.

"Like it's still a reality that I haven't fully been aware of yet. I know she's here and held her, counted her little fingers and toes, changed her and loved on her but it's like it's still a dream, a beautiful dream of my life and family complete, for now until we have more kids in the future." He said and his reply was sweet and I could feel how sincere his words were.

"That was beautiful son." Josephine said and she was now holding Geneva. I can feel everyone's wolves connecting to Geneva and it was such a calming feeling that every one of these wolves would do anything in their power to protect my little girl.

A little girl that has changed our lives for the better, forever.

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