Amour - Fred Weasley

By robinbuckleyasf

248K 4.7K 6.9K

*** Arabella is a transfer student from Beauxbatons after she pulled a dangerous prank that got her expelled... More

authors note
The Sorting
the test
Old Books and Campfires
Truth or Dare
March 13th
Last day
The Triwizard Tournament
Swedish Short-snout
The First Snow
Mermen and Magnolias
Conquering the Curses
Summer with the Order
Lonesome Town
Dumbledores Army
First Year in the Job
The Wedding
The Beginning of the End


9.5K 229 54
By robinbuckleyasf

The last month has been pretty uneventful since Halloween. It was almost December now and in a week we would be taking our first Hogsmeade trip of the year. I'm truly glad I transferred in my 5th year now, I would probably not be friends with the twins and I would definitely not be going to Hogsmeade with them.

We all 3 walked down to Defense Against the Dark Arts for our first lesson on something Lupin  said was "Absolutely terrifying for most, and for all its a real challenge to even face it." When we got into the class Lupin had us moving the desks so we could face something called a boggart. 

It's sort of like a shadow thing that can take the shape of your greatest fear. The only way to kill it is by saying "Riddikulus." Lupin always had us doing something hands on and after the 3rd years got to tackle the last boggart we were all very excited to get the same opportunity. 

Lupin had us all stand in front of a brown box that had been latched shut.

"Miss. Bell. You are up first." He said. Katie walked up to the box as Lupin unlatched it a giant snake came out. Tons more people went, spiders, ghosts, death, and even giraffes.

He then looked at me and said, "Miss Dupont. Your turn" I stepped in front of the brown box which had since been relatched after the giraffe. He unlatched it and my parents stood before me.

"This isn't scary." I thought.

"its just her parents?"

"She's scared of her parents?" whispers broke out until my "dad" opened his mouth.

"I am extremely disappointed in you." He said. The mom figure just smiled and started to open her mouth. 

Before I could let her speak I said in a quiet voice, "Riddikulus." 

Lupin nodded and motioned to Fred who was before hand standing next to me.

I walked over to George who put his arm around me.

"Mr. Weasley, step up." Fred walked up to the box and when Lupin unlatched it there were two caskets before him.

"Death?" Lupin said, "A very popular one.. oh hold on, they say to open them. Fred if you wish you open them you may." 

Fred grabbed his wand and opened the caskets. He gasped. Everyone else standing too far back to see were very curious as to what was in them.

 "Now Weasley, share with the class who it is and then expel the boggart." Lupin said  Fred turned to George and I and sighed.

"It was George." Everyone looked very concerned as a single tear shot out of Fred's eyes.

" And?" Lupin asked, looking concerned. 

"It's you, Arabella." Fred said as he walked over to us. Lupin ended the class early as we were all very shaken up, handing out chocolate as we walked out. 

We all 3 walked out to the Great Hall together.

"Yikes what happened to you three" Percy asked as we sat down.

"Boggart" I answered shortly.

" Ahh and what was it?" Percy asked. All 3 of us looked up at once with very angry looks on our faces.

"Not the time, I see." Percy said and continued eating. We all ate then headed up to the common room together. It was a very early night for most but the twins somehow lightened up by the end of the night.

I sat by the fire and read as the twins played a very eventful game of wizards chess where every 2 minutes one of them would be shouting at their pieces trying to get them to cheat. At the end of the game they walked over by the fire and took a seat.

"Whatcha reading now, Dupont" Fred asked.

"The book my dad got me, trying to plan for the winter holidays with my mum." I said. They both sat with me for a bit before George headed upstairs. I put my book down as Fred said across from me in the other armchair.

"I'm sorry about your bogart." I said. He nodded and took a deep breath.

" I'm sorry about yours. Why didn't you let your mom speak?" he asked. I thought for a moment.

"I've already heard her being disappointed in me, not too much fun if I do say so myself." I told Fred.

"What does she say" He asked. I tried to remember what she used to say to me during summer.

"Loads of things, how I should be more like my cousins, how my dad eggs me on, how I should've gone to the finishing school. All things parents say when you get in trouble, just not only when I was in trouble. I stopped her because I dont think that's what she would've said. I think it would've been something about Hogwarts, or you." Fred looked down and sighed.

" Now I dont know much about your cousins, but my parents always compare me to my brothers. Even Ron. It's awful, and even sometimes George. She'll say things like 'Be more like Percy' or blame me for roping George into my pranks and jokes. He always says he wanted to do it too but she never believes him. He's always been the tame one." Fred said

"Tame? George? Wow." I said, in disbelief. 

We both hugged and headed up the stairs. Before we made it up the stairs on opposite sides Fred turned to me.

"Hey, try not to get eaten by a boggart in your sleep." he said 

 "Do they eat?" I asked. 

I walked into the common room where Katie and Angelina were talking.

"Hey Bella" 

"Hey Bells" The two girls said

"Hey Katie, Hey Ang. What are you guys talking about?" I asked

"Oh we were just talking about our Amortentia. I figured out that mine is Cedric, so Fred's cant be me." 

"Well it could be, the feelings just wouldn't be mutual." I said, the girls shrugged. 

"That would be odd though right? What did Fred smell again?" Angelina asked.

"Perfume, Old books, and smoke." I recited back

"That has to be you Bella! I don't read, Fred said the perfume was more unisex and floral right? Lets smell your perfume." Katie said, rushing over to my bedside table and grabbing my perfume. 

"Katie that could be anyone. Tons of girls are always in the library and wear flowery perfume." I said, making excuses and hoping to drop the subject. 

"But, the smoke? That's peculiar is it not?" Angelina said, raising her eyebrows. 

"Yes but-" I started

"Didn't you mention something about loving fireworks in like our first week here?" Angelina said 

"Yes but-" I said

"And dont fireworks smell like smoke after you set them off? Arabella stop pretending like it isn't you and tell him how you feel!" Angelina said. She did have a point. 

"Okay, Okay fine maybe I will. How did you find out its Cedric, Katie?

"Well I smelled plants, cologne, and broom oil. So it has to be a quidditch player from Hufflepuff and he said he smelled broom oil, perfume, and citrus."

"That's totally you!" I said 

"That's what I said." Katie said, looking satisfied. 

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