
By cocainelover999

18.6K 977 4.6K

Where lonely outcast-Harry Styles-struggles with sleeping and suffers from insomnia; hasn't slept right since... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine

chapter thirty-one

344 19 56
By cocainelover999

Doncaster, England📍


Jay had called me earlier apologising about what had happened and told me she went to see Louis. As much as I wanted to hear about Louis, I was angry that I cared about him the whole day and went through all of that yet he still hadn't texted me.

So I said "It's okay" and hung up, because I can be very petty sometimes.

I talked to Niall and Liam a few times since they were worried, constantly telling them that it's fine. My mum told my friends what had happened and that's how Jay found out too, apparently the two had become friends.

My phone rang from beside me, a groan leaving my lips since I seriously didn't want to hear another pity word come out of someone's mouth.

However, I still picked it up and checked it. My body sat itself up pretty rapidly once I saw it was Louis, and like any normal person. . they would answer.

I didn't though. I declined.

Jay would've told me if something bad happened, so I'm going to be taking time to myself.

Setting back down the phone, with anxiety rushing through my body, I sat back and continued to glare at my telly which was playing Friends.


"Harry! I've miss you!" Niall attacked me in a hug once I walked into the cafeteria. I couldn't help but smile and hug around his waist securely before pulling back.

"Missed you too." He smiled at me then grabbed my face and kissed all over it.

I laughed while trying to pull back and push him away. "Okay, okay." He stepped back, my gaze shifting back on his pretty little face.

"Look! I got my metals off!" He smiled brightly.

I lifted my brows. "They're very nice."

He nodded. "Love them, new chompers for more food." I chuckled at him and pet his head. Of course his first thought is food.

We walked over to the table and that's when my eyes caught Louis talking with Liam and Zayn. They seemed to be laughing about something but I could read Louis, and Louis seemed tense.

I guess now would be as good of a time as any to say something to him. I took in a big breath, letting it out, then made my move.

"Hey," I was able to produce causing the three lads to look at me.

"Oh my God, Harry! Are you okay? I'm so sorry that happened," Zayn spoke up. I should've just stayed quiet. I gave him a nod and a smile, looked at Liam who smiled, and then I looked down at Louis.

"Can we talk?" I didn't expect those words to come out of my mouth but they did, and it was horrible because Louis was now frowning. He nodded nonetheless and stood out of his seat, following me to the restrooms.

When we got inside, making sure there were no other people, I faced him.

He was hugging around his arms, head a little low. Definitely expecting the worse. The boy was like an open book, you could just see what he was thinking through his expression.

"How's it going at your dads?" I stepped closer to him, he looked up at me and sort of just stared. He could feel the tension between us.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" He changed the subject. I became upset at the question.

"Well, Louis. You told me you would text me every day since you got there, and I heard zero from you which really made me worry so much that I had to go to your fucking mum. And not even that, she didn't even know how you were doing, and then I got fucking robbed." My arms were now very much crossed and I couldn't help but narrow my brows at him.

His frown deepened, little hairs from his pushed back locks were falling in his face when his head lowered in shame. I felt bad, but I've learnt to stand my ground.

"I'm sorry, it's not- my dad took my phone." Oh.


"Oh. ." The word trailed out almost embarrassingly. "Erm. . sorry. I didn't know."

He nodded. "It's alright." More long silence.

Eventually, "Well. . why did he take it?"

He shook his head. "Wanted to rekindle, spend time with me. He seemed to be doing better, I mean he has a girlfriend. . she was with us the whole time. Seemed to be in lust."

My lips sunk into my mouth. I felt shitty. "So everything went fine?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but he still has alcohol cabinets and half of the alcohol is gone."

I sighed and closed the gap between us, wrapping my arms around his torso. "I'm sorry I was being petty, if I would've known—"

"Really, it's okay, Haz." He unlocked his arms from himself and wrapped them around me instead, grasp comfortable. "I've missed you," he mumbled as I kissed the side of his head.

"I've missed you," I parroted and held the back of his head. "Is he going to take your phone away often?"

Louis shook his head in my hold. "No, he said he just wanted time for the day. He said only if it's necessary like any other teenager." I nodded and went to pull back though he kept his hold.

"Harry. . I've realised something." Oh no. He let go of me and stepped back, staring me nicely in the eyes.

"What's that?" My voice was low with just a little fear hidden in it.

"Harry," he was saying my name. I nodded.

"Harry, I love you." My heart slammed against my rib cage at those words; heat rising throughout my body.

I probably looked like a fish out of water because I seriously couldn't shut my partially opened jaw. But then I couldn't help the smile growing on my face and the shimmer in my eyes.

"You love me?" I whispered, unable to calculate this as a dream or not.

He nodded carefully and stepped closer. "I love you. . I'm in love with you." Another swoop went around my stomach. I couldn't breathe.

"Hey. . you look like you're going to have an anxiety attack." He held onto my hands and chuckled. "You don't have to say it back right now. I just wanted to let you know." My eyes flicked around the restroom, tongue sweeping across my lips, then I looked back down at him and just nodded.

I finally let go of his hand and held the side of his face, trailing my fingers down to his chin to lift it and go down to capture his lips. It wasn't very long because I had smiled and broke it, but I was just really happy. Saying it back wasn't that big to me, I feel like I could, but I still didn't.

"Can we go to your house after school?" He asked, a brow lifting up at me. I nodded in response and slid my arm lightly around his waist to direct us out of the restroom. Nobody really looked because it sort of seemed as if I was leading him, though it still didn't scare me.

Louis made me feel brave.


"Louis!" My mum cheered and embraced him in a warm hug which he gladly accepted and sighed into.

"Hey, Anne." His tiny hands slid off her back as they pulled away, her ruffling up his hair a bit.

"We've missed you."

Louis chuckled and nodded. "I missed you guys too."

He turned his head to me in ask for me to jump in, so I smiled and wrapped my arms around him from behind, pulling him to my chest with ease to kiss the side of his head a couple times.

My mum smiled at us but turned and walked her way to the kitchen, always cooking up something. "We'll be upstairs." She nodded as I led Louis to and up the stairs, making it in my bedroom.

"I missed being here." Louis plopped onto the bed like a starfish and sniffed in my covers. I laughed and walked over to him, sitting down on the edge. He managed to turn over on his side, and now he was just staring at me.

"You're really pretty, you know that?"

Sudden heat engulfed my cheeks, making me shyly look down. "Thank you."

The bed shifted, soon I could feel Louis' warm hands on my face. I lifted my head and watched as his eyes darted back and forth between mine. I couldn't help but just stare into his pretty crystalline ones.

His lips soon met mine in a slow, clean kiss, my hands fitting perfectly on his curved sides. I pulled him carefully on top of my lap, licking slowly into his mouth then kissing him again.

His hands ran up my head, pulling away gently, and staring at my lips for a split second. He then moved his hands up to my hair, where he sort of just held up as far as my long hair could go.

"Can I braid it?"

I blinked out of my daze to process what he just asked. "Braid? You know how to braid?"

He nodded and dropped my hair. "Four sisters," he elaborated, I nodded and smiled.

He almost jumped out of his body when he got up to move behind me now in the middle of the bed. He stood on his knees and started combing through my hair with his fingers, so I turned on the telly.

I felt the little tugs and soft fingers going through my hair as he twisted and combed. My hands found their way behind me and to the back of Louis' knees, and I kept them there. No perfect reason, I just wanted to feel him being here.

"Awe, they look so cute on you," he said as he finally put one more hair tie on the end of another small braid.

"Can I look?" I looked up at him and he nodded, so I removed myself from the bed and walked over to the mirror.

They were two braids on the side of my head, resting at the centre of my neck. Then in the middle was just a normal man bun.

I looked like a little girl but Louis was sure enjoying it because he was taking pictures. "I'm so genuinely creative." He giggled and propelled himself onto my back.

I laughed and stumbled forwards but caught his thighs and regained balance. "Can I do something to your hair then? It's getting pretty long."

He shrugged. "Do you even know how to do hair?"

I shook my head. "Something not too crazy."

Emotions flashed through his eyes, trying to decipher my vision, until I set him down slowly and turned him around.

I combed my long fingers from the front to the back of his hair, body tall and lean behind him. I reached atop my dresser and got a headband, with ease I was slipping it over his head and setting it in the middle.

"That's it. I knew it would look cute." I smiled as he turned around and looked past me into the mirror.

"Ew. ."

He went to reach for it, but I wacked his hand. "Mine." I wrapped my arms around his waist quickly and lifted him. He let out a loud laugh as I plopped him on the bed and crawled over him.

I hadn't noticed till now but Louis had a dimple when he smiled and it was beautiful. A little crater on the corner of his tugged lips made me just want to lick it, or nuzzle my nose into it. Whichever was less weird.

Just looking at his piercing blue eyes and rows of pearly teeth made me want to say it. Those three words. And I was. . I was going to say it soon, because I knew I loved him. . I knew he was my soulmate.


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