Explosive Thoughts | Charles...

By sparksofsage

377K 13K 11.5K

"For the record, I like the bookworm better." "You'd be the first." [X-Men] [Charles Xavier x OC] [First Clas... More

β€’ ACT ONE β€’
01 | Atomic
02 | Charles Xavier
03 | A Magic Trick
04 | The End Times
05 | The Wonders of Memory
06 | Code Names
07 | The Attack On The CIA
08 | Focusing On The Point
09 | Insomnia
10 | A Warm, Unfamiliar Feeling
11 | The Friendly Knife Fight
12 | Trauma
13 | Hank's New Suits
14 | The Fight On The Beach
15 | Like Fireworks
16 | Things Are Looking Up
β€’ ACT TWO β€’
17 | 2023
18 | Battle of Jurisdiction
19 | Prison Break
20 | Confrontation On The Plane
22 | Let It Break You
23 | The Connection
24 | A Reason To Hope
25 | The Final Showdown
26 | Final Breath
27 | Futures That Are Bright

21 | Paris

8.4K 333 588
By sparksofsage


Paris was supposed to be the city of love so why did Evie feel so alone?

The fact that everyone had fit into one car was incredible. However Evie hadn't trusted any of the men to drive so she was. Her glasses were firmly place on her face so cameras wouldn't notice her yet it didn't bother. When they arrived at the gate, Erik took care of the guards by slamming them against the walls before lifting the barrier.

Evie looked over the top of her glasses at the man. "So much for subtly." She stated as she drove forward.

"That was subtle." Erik responded, not sparing her a glance.

"Okay Mr Dramatic, sure it was." The brunette muttered sarcastically as she pulled into the large building.

The car was parked and they began to rush in. Evie and Logan leading the charge, the two most determined people that wanted to change the future. For the most part, the group was lucky as there weren't many guards around.

However when they founded a corner, a short women with glasses on noticed them and immediately tried to stop them. "Sorry you're not allowed here." She tried to tell them.

Evie pulled her jacket back, revealing her glass gun and DOD badge. "Try me." The brunette threatened before slipping past the speechless women.

They scaled the stairs at a fast pace, their movements growing quicker as it finally set in what they had to do. Stop Raven from killing Trask and suddenly the future would be better, right? That's when men started pilling into them, escaping one room.

As realisation hit her, Evie started pushing through the growing crowd, heading to the room at the end of the corridor. Once she got through it, she started running desperately. Because she was moving so quickly, her feet slid a little as she stopped at the entrance.

Raven was knelt there, gun pointed towards Trask. Evie's brown eyes widened as she took a step forward to stop it however someone else called out instead.

"Raven." Charles called out which made Raven freeze. Much to her suprise she saw Charles, Hank, Evie and Erik all standing together, looking at her. The wave of nostalgia that hit her made her lower her gun slightly.

Yet this moment was destroyed when Stryker - who was lead on the floor - pulled up a taser and shot it at her. The blue women began to shake in pain, her body falling onto the desk. Erik didn't waste his time and pulled the metal rods off the women and onto the attacker.

Evie watched as the tasered man began to reach for the gun beside him and she quickly acted. She kicked it away from him before kicking his face, knocking him out. That's when the brunette looked back to the scene. Seeing Erik with a gun in his hand.

"Erik?" Raven questioned in confusion as she started to hide behind her adoptive brother.

Charles looked just as scared as Raven but he looked more angry. "Erik, what are you doing?" He demanded to know.

"Securing our future." He replied solemnly. "Forgive me, Mystique. As long as you're out there we'll never be safe."

Instantly, Evie grabbed her gun with her left hand and held it towards his face. An seething look in her eye. It was similar to the one that she held in the plane yet this one was more murderous, like she was ready to kill him.

"Put the gun down!" She shouted at him, her hand shaking slightly. It was like Erik had an eye for pointing out her weaknesses.

Erik raised a brow at her, not moving an inch. "You have metal plates in your arm." He observed which made her eyes widen in panic.

A pain filled cry escaped her lips as she dropped her gun. She dropped to the floor in pain, clutching her arm as the metal plates began to shift. A sob escaped her lips as the plates stopped moving. As she gathered herself, she heard the muffled voices of her friends.

"Use your powers, Charles, stop him." Raven told her brother, looking even more terrified.

Erik scoffed gently. "He can't."

A gun shot rang out which made Evie clutch her ears. It was like all the memories of Vietnam came rushing back all at once, tears rolling down her face as she tried to focus herself. The sound of a window shattering made her look upwards to find out the situation.

Trask was escaping, Logan was having a moment on the floor, Charles and Hank were knocked down and Erik was going after Raven out of the window.

The brunette stumbled upwards, gripping the table as stability. A fury grew in her veins at the polish man, her teeth gritting. Her feet traveled forward, picking up her gun as she did so. Violently, she pulled on the curtains which made the topple down.

Raising the gun, Evie aimed it so that she would be hitting Erik's head. But there was something within her that made her not want to shoot a friend. With annoyance rippling through her body, she lowered the gun so that the target was somewhere else.

She pulled the trigger without another moment of hesitation. Erik let out a chocked gasp as a bullet embedded itself into his shoulder. He didn't have a chance to react as Hank in full beast mode jumped onto him and slammed him into the fountain.

"Raven!" Evie shouted which made the blue women look at the window. "Run!"

And she didn't hesitate to escape into the crowd. Evie hoped that they would be able to find her again after this but with Erik on his daily murderous rampage, they needed her to escape.

A growl made her look back to the fountain and she gasped in shock. Hank was being held up by metal claws with Erik walking out of the water. His eyes met with hers and Evie glared at him hatefully, reloading her gun for good measure before she exited the window.

The next sight she was met with was a confusing one. A worried Charles was holding onto Logan who seemed to be having a break down. Evie placed her gun in the back of her belt as she walked over to the two.

"Is he okay?" Evie questioned the Englishman in concern. Charles simply shrugged in just as much confusion as her.

Logan blinked looking around before his eyes landed on the brunet. "Professor?" He questioned him in confusion.

"What happened to you?" Charles asked him as he looked over the man.

"I just saw someone who's going to bring me a lot of pain some day." Logan admitted before standing up straight, gaining his composure. "Where's Raven?"

"Gone." Evie replied as she began to walk out the room, stopping in the doorway.

Logan furrowed his brows in confusion. "What?"

"We have to get out of here!" Charles exclaimed in panic before running after Evie with Logan joining just after them.

Now they had learned that whenever Erik Lehnsherr was involved, chaos is just around the corner.

It turns out that there wasn't enough fuel for the flight back to America so the group of four had to stay over night in Paris. Evie was slightly mad but Hank was obviously more frustrated about it, especially after the whole Erik thing. So that's how they ended up in a hotel, watching over the city as it buzzed.

Evie rested her arms on the black, metal rail as she looked out. Her jacket thrown on the chair inside, a cigarette in her hand. She puffed out the grey smoke as she watched the sky.

"I didn't know you smoked." She heard Charles' voice speak up from behind her. She turned her head, pressing her chin into her shoulder.

"I don't." Evie responded as she watched him discard his brown, leather coat before joining her on the balcony. "Logan put us in the same room?" The man nodded. "It's like he's trying to tell us something. Want some?"

"I don't smoke." Charles responded, refusing the cigarette.

"You don't smoke but you are a drug addict." She retaliated which made him sigh deeply. Evie took another breath in before dropping it to the ground and putting it out.

There was a silence between them, its was a little tense but it was more filled with anticipation. They were both waiting but for what was the question. Charles was the first one to feel suffocated by the tension so he spoke up.

"I think we can both agree that today didn't go to plan." He stated as he looked over at the city below.

"No shit." Evie remarked sarcastically as she turned so her back was resting on the rail. "We should never have let Erik out, this is all his fault." She continued, bitterness lacing her voice.

Charles quirked a brow at her tone, his eyes shifting to her. "I'm surprised you're not blaming yourself."

"I am but I'm just blaming Erik more." She responded simply which caused Charles to crack a smile.

The silence was back but this time Charles was observing Evie. Her jaw was clenched and her posture was tense. There was a raging storm in her eyes and he wanted to calm it. "We can still fix this right?" He asked her, a small amount of hope in his voice. "We can still have a future together."

Evie didn't respond instantly, her eyes starting to gloss over. Could she tell him the knowledge she had burdened upon herself? Was that fair? "No we can't." Evie whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

"What?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I die in the future. I wanna say it wasn't in the war too seeing as this is the first time Logan's ever met me." Evie explained, still looking forward. She swallowed hard before looking to the man on her right. "There is no future for me Charles."

"But you're still fighting." Charles stated in confusion, he couldn't understand.

"Yeah, for you." She replied quickly which made him freeze. "Just because we were apart for ten years, doesn't mean that I didn't stop caring about you, loving you." Charles' eyes widened at her words. Evie's expression softened as she gave him a kind smile. "I love you Charles," She admitted. "And I'm willing to sacrifice my future in order to make sure you have one.

She hardly finished her sentence before Charles pressed his lips against hers. Her hands quickly went to his face, cupping it gently. The kiss was desperate, passionate and hard. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. Their lips moulding as if they were puzzle pieces being placed together. As they broke for air, their eyes fluttered to the other's basking in the closeness.

"This is selfish." Charles whispered gently, his breath fanning over her face.

Evie raised her brow slightly. "What's wrong with being selfish sometimes?" She questioned him breathlessly.

The man lent forward again, capturing her lips. Charles didn't mean to be forceful but because of his desperation, he pushed her back into the railing. Evie couldn't care. Their lips molded perfectly as they admitted their feelings without words.

They pulled away again for air, Charles trying to lean forward to capture Evie's lips but she simply tilted her head back out of reach, a small smirk on her face.

"When I first saw you, I knew that you were incredible and fell so hard for you so quickly that it scared me." Charles admitted as his hands moved from her back to the rail, trapping her in. "I've been thinking about you everyday for years."

"Is that a confession?" Evie teased him gently, still trying to catch her breath. "Because I'd totally take that as a confession."

Charles lent forward, pressing his forehead to hers, his eyes fluttering closed. "I love you." He murmured to her which made her heart explode. Now it was Evie's turn to be forceful while kissing.

Without hesitation, Evie pushed the brunet back into their hotel room, walking after him.

The rest of the evening was spent rolling around together in the sheets. Whispers and touches were exchanged as they made up for eleven years of missed memories. It was a night of accepting feelings and now the were even more in love then before.

Hours passed and now Evie was lent against the door to the balcony, standing in Charles' shirt. He was asleep in the bed as she watched the silent city sleep around her. The insomnia had hit her hard tonight but she didn't mind it as much.

"Be safe Raven." Evie whispered to the air, making sure she disturb Charles. "We'll find you soon, I promise."

As she looked over her shoulder to look at her sleeping lover, a peaceful expression on his face. Evie Dalton realised she wasn't alone anymore.

I was gonna write a smut but I got no balls so stopped. Turns out its really hard.

Not edited

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