Long Will Be Love

By cheleii

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Isn't it funny how after a long time with the guy you hate the most, you'll eventually fall in love with him... More

Chapter 1 - How It All Started
Chapter 2 - First Day With Zone
Chapter 3 - Prom Date
Chapter 4 - A New Student and Cheryl's Ex
Chapter 5 - The Start Of The Flashback
Chapter 6 - The Reason To All The Hating
Chapter 8 - Meaningless Day
Chapter 9 - A Fight
Chapter 10 - Prom Prom Prom
Chapter 11 - The Past Is Not Always Just The Past
Chapter 12 - A Diary
Chapter 13 - I Saw It
Chapter 14 - I'd Given Him A Kiss On The Cheek
Chapter 15 - Birthday Adventure (Part 1)

Chapter 7 - Losing A Fake Prince Charming

109 14 5
By cheleii

Hey guys! Btw, this is still the flashback. It will end only until you see this :

“End of flashback.”

Have fun reading :D



When I woke up the next morning, my heart still felt like it was in a million pieces. I found Kim still sleeping, so I took a glance at the alarm clock in between our beds. It showed 8:45 a.m. I tried going back to sleep but I just couldn’t. I stared at the ceiling and closed my eyes. Immediately, the memories of yesterday came flooding in my mind. I felt my eyes water up but I controlled them. Kim doesn’t know anything.

Yesterday when I came back, my eyes were all watery and make up was smeared all over my face. Luckily, Kim didn’t look at me when I came in. I said a quick “Hello” and quickly ran into the bathroom. I wiped all of my makeup away and changed into my normal home attire which is a pair of sweatpants and either a t-shirt or a plain tank top.

“Chel, you awake?”

“Yes, I am.” I didn’t bother to look at Kim afraid she might see that I had hurt in my eyes.

“You wanna go out today?” I hesitated before answering. Going out might clear my mind from all the memories of yesterday. So I nodded yes, got up from my bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower and clean myself up. After a quick refreshing shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and went out. I opened the door of my closet and took out a pair of jeans shorts and a flower patterned tank top. I took my socks and a bag that I normally bring out for shopping and stuffed my blue long cardigan inside in case I get cold.

“Ready, Chel?” Kim asked. She was wearing a pair of high waist jeans and a t-shirt tucked inside her jeans. She looked good.

“Nope. I need to put on a bit of makeup first.”

I applied a thin layer of eyeliner and lip gloss. When I was done, I wore my socks and took my black and white converse and wore them. I stood up and realized Kim was staring at me.


“Yes. Let’s go.” I forced a smile.

Even though I talk like I’m in the mood for shopping or actually heading out, I’m not. I’m having a headache and it hurts! I tried to hide it inside of me so that Kim wouldn’t realize something was wrong. But eventually, she will. We walked down to the lobby and waited for the bus to the mall to arrive. We were sitting at the bus stop and I stayed extremely silent. I tried not to but I was afraid I would sound sad.

“Chel, you seem like you’re in a bad mood. You okay?”

“Yea, I’m just a little......... you know...”

“I don’t know, Chel.” Kim narrowed her eyes at me.

“Sorry, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Okay, fine.” I knew Kim would understand. She always has if I say I don’t want to talk about it.

After another short silence, the bus arrived. We got up and took our seats next to each other. When we reached the mall, we got out. I was thinking in the bus, I shouldn’t ignore Kim. Or else I won’t even enjoy today. So, I decided to just talk to Kim, not ignore her and actually, I want to buy lots of clothes and try on tons of them.

“Earth to Cheryl?”

“Oh sorry, Kim. I was uh daydreaming.’

She nodded.

“Let’s go to Cotton On!”


We walked over to Cotton On and I immediately fell in love with all the clothes there as soon as I walked in. I slowly scanned the tops and picked out some I wanted to try on. I also tried on some high waist shorts. We walked out with loads of bags in our hands.


“I’m so tired and worn out!”

“Same here, Chel. How about we go have some fro yo?”

There is only one place to have frozen yoghurt in this mall and that is the place that Reece and I had our first date. I really didn’t feel like going, but also didn’t wanted to seem suspicious since fro yo is my all time favourite, so I just agreed.

“Sure.” I smiled at Kim.

When we reached, I walked in, but when I was about to go to the machine thingies, Kim said she needed to go to the toilet and said she would meet me back here when she’s done. Kim wanted red velvet so I helped her get hers and also mine too. When I was paying, I tried to remember how much did Kim’s fro yo costs so she could pay me back. I scanned the room for a seat but there was no more left. When I tried to scan it one more time, I saw someone staring at me. I looked at his direction and quickly walked out before he could call my name. I was already near the door until...

“Cheryl Lester!”

I cursed under my breath. I didn’t turn around because I was afraid that if I took a glance at him one more time, tears would burst out of my eyes. I was going to walk out when he blocked my way and stood right in front of me.

“What?” I snapped at him angrily.

“I can explain what happened yesterday.” He’ll probably make up some dumb excuses saying the girl walked up to him and kissed him.

“And I don’t want to listen to you make up excuses that is not needed.”

I tried to walk past him but he wouldn’t let me. I let out a sigh.

“Please, Cheryl?” He gave me puppy dog eyes which used to work but now, dream on.

“No, thank you.”

We stayed silent for awhile. I gave up trying to move past him because I know it would never work. I pouted looking at the frozen yoghurts melting. That’s when I noticed there were two doors. I turned around heading for the other door when a familiar face stood in front of me. Mason.

“Move, Mason.” I glared at him, but he seemed to ignore it.

“Ooooo! Reece! See? She remembers me!” Childish much, Mason? I said it in my mind.

“Shut up, Mase.” Reece said to Mason.

“Move out of the way, Mason.”

“No can do, Cheryl.”

I groaned in frustration and decided to just kick him where the Sun doesn’t shine. He immediately dropped down onto the ground.

“Damn, Reece. You have a feisty one here.”

I quickly made my way to the other door and right when I walked out, Kim texted me saying she’ll be at Forever 21. Wait, what? Why is she there when she was suppose to come back. While I was walking there, I realized that maybe I misunderstood Reece. But no, it’s the past now. Forget about it already, Cheryl. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself.

I made my way to Forever 21 which was not far from Tutti Frutti. When I walked in, I immediately saw Kim. She was holding a dress, showing it to me. I laughed and nodded. It looked elegant and casual. She paid for it and we sat on a bench outside eating our, actually, drinking our melted yoghurt.

If any of my friends found out Reece broke up with me and are wondering why am I not sitting in my room crying all day, I seriously do not know. I mean, I read books on Wattpad how girls will be sitting in the corner of their room and cry all day but I don’t feel that way at all. Maybe because he wasn’t even meant for me.

“Cheryl, let’s go back. It’s getting dark soon.”



As soon as I got back home, I went online to Facebook. I was checking my newsfeed and I heard the chat sound. As soon as I saw the name under the window, I closed it not bothering to see what it said. Then what made me open it was because I saw “9” beside his name. What would he say? I opened it.



“Chel? -,-“

“Come on?”

“Kfine… Watch this…”





Then it wrote at the bottom of the chat bar, “Reece is typing…”. Oh, no. I quickly replied. While I replied, I realized I still had a crush on Reece, even though he cheated on me. Maybe he would ask me out again? I quickly slapped myself mentally. I replied his message.

Cheryl : What?!

Reece : Finally. Cheryl, I can explain…

Cheryl : Didn’t I already make it clear on that night?”

Reece : I don’t want to listen. Please, Cheryl?

I ignored him. I closed the chat box, but I still read what he had to say. They were all ridiculous until something caught my attention.

Reece : Cheryl, btw, who was the one you were waiting for when we first met?

Cheryl : Why?

Reece : I need to know. If you tell me, I would never bother you again.

Cheryl : Promise?

Reece : Yes.

Cheryl : Rochelle Foster

Reece : Oh

Cheryl : Why?

Reece : Who is she to you?

Cheryl : One of my best friends. Why?

Reece : No reason.

Cheryl : Reece…

Reece : What?

Cheryl : Reece, if you tell me why, I will forgive you for what you’ve done at Riley’s party.

Reece : Fine. But let me call you. It’ll be better.

I waited for his call in the bathroom. I didn’t wanted Kim to hear our conversation. The phone call never came until 10 minutes had past. He immediately spoke before I could say “Hello.”

“Cheryl, you remember when I first texted you and I said I was busy?” I could tell he was dead serious now.

“Yes, I remember.”

“I was with Rochelle.”

“What do you mean?

“I was making out with Rochelle.”

I immediately felt my heart sink in. My best friend? Was that why Rochelle ditched me? To get ready for her play date with Reece?

“What the heck, Reece?” I shouted at him and continued. “Was that the only time?”

Reece stayed silent. Anger was boiling up inside me already.


He replied in a guilty voice. “Actually, no… When we were dating too… Sorry, Cheryl… I never thought Elle was your friend. I met her before I met you and I tried to dump her but she refused.”

He even had a nickname for her? What the heck, Reece?

“So you just decided to make out with her?” I shouted. I was getting frustrated now.

“I’m sorry, Cheryl.”

“Well, too bad! Apology not accepted!” I shouted back at him.

“I thought you said you’d forgive me?”

“This is different, Reece. I was actually stupid enough to think that I would actually forgive you even though you cheated on me with another girl at Riley’s party.”

“What other girl?”

“The one in the room.”

“That was Rochelle, Cheryl.”

I stayed silent. That was why her face and voice sounded familiar, and she even knew it was me watching them make out. What a backstabber she is.


“And I actually thought you were my prince charming. You know, Reece? Before you told me all this, I even wondered if you were gonna ask me out again. But now, even if you do, I believe you know the answer already.” With that, I hung up on him. I cried in the bathroom for maybe an hour and a half before deciding to call the only person who knew about Reece. Daniel. We talked on the phone about how he wished he could comfort me and he said that he knew Reece wasn’t trustworthy.

“I swear, if he ever appears in my life ever again, he would be on the ground. Dead.” I laughed at Daniel. He would always cheer up my mood if I’m feeling down. I love him so much as a friend. My happy mood didn’t last long until Daniel announced a bad news.

“Cheryl. I have bad news. I’m moving back to Wisconsin.”

“What? Why?”

“My mother had to go there because she was transferred for work.”

“When are you going?”

“Next Sunday.” Today’s a Saturday. So, I have about a week more to see Daniel.

“Don’t worry, Cheryl. We’ll meet.”

We chatted for awhile until Daniel said he needed to go to bed. I said goodbye and after he hung up. My heart was still in a million pieces. It was just like how I woke up this morning but without the headache. I can’t believe so much happened today. I walked out of the bathroom and climbed in bed. At one point, I started crying. I tried to control my sobbing, hoping I wouldn’t wake Kim up. It hurt to just remember everything. I tried to forget all that happened but I just couldn’t.


I was reading “My Wattpad Love” for the third time now. It was just so touching and how I wished that I could have a boyfriend like Evan. He’s so rude but sweet at the same time. I was online in Facebook and I made sure to unfriend and block Reece. Two days had already pass since I heard about the Rochelle thing. She’s officially not my friend anymore. I was at the part where Julie ignored Evan when she passed him when I heard the sound that Facebook makes when someone sends you a message or someone chats with you. I looked at the Facebook tab.

Rochelle Foster messaged you.

Rochelle? What does she want? To apologize? I would love to hear it from her. I read the message in shock.

Rochelle : Hey, bitch. Stay away from my Reece. He’s mine and forever will be mine. So, back off.

Cheryl : I don’t want him anyways.

Rochelle : Good, now bye, slut ;)

I ignored her comment about me because obviously she was the slut and bitch in this situation.

- End of Flashback –

“And that’s the last time Rochelle was ever my friend.”

“Chel! I can’t believe he’s the one you hid from me! And you never told me until I finally met him today. And I so can’t believe that I left you at Tutti Frutti that day. I’m so sorry. I never should’ve walked into Forever 21 just like that. So sorry! And oh my gosh! That was the reason why you suddenly never hung out with Rochelle anymore, but you made up and excuse saying that she was too busy.”

“Yeah, Kim. Bad move.” Zone suddenly said. Kim slapped him on the back.

“Ow! That hurt!”

“Sorry, dude. But you made me do it.” Zone rolled his eyes.

“It’s okay. He never came after me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“It’s fine. Now, that Reece dude. You forgave him?” She asked raising her eyebrows.

“Yea, I did.”

“What?” Zone shouted. I stared at him with my mouth hung open. When he realized he shouted, his eyes widened.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout.” I nodded at him.

“But, why? He hurt you.”

“Forgive and forget, Zone. Forgive and forget.”

He shook his head in disagreement but dropped it. I can’t help but wonder why did Zone get so angry just because I forgave Reece. I let the thought wander off. There was no point even if I find the reason why. As soon as the ‘Reece’ thing was all over, I went back to Facebook. Reece was still online but he didn’t chat with me. I posted a status.

Some say, the past is the past, just let it go. But yet, others say, the past might be the past, but never forgotten. I agree with the never forgotten one :)

I received some likes from my schoolmates. I was bored because Kim was already asleep, so I decided to play Tetris. I was a professional in the game, but now, I’m not sure. I hadn’t played it in ages. I started playing and my rank increased in one level. I was so happy until my rank started dropping and dropping. I groaned in frustration and immediately clicked “Home”. I was about to log out when I got a new notification.

Reece Oliver like you status. 

Then my chat bar popped up.

Reece : Cheryl………

Cheryl : Hey! What’s up with the dots?

I kind of felt like I was not mad at him anymore, so I decided to just chat with him like we’re normal friends.

Reece : I zon’t know ._.

I laugh at how he still types “zon’t” instead of “don’t” because he thinks it’s cute.

Cheryl : Haha xD You’re still not cute :P

Reece : Ouch, Cheryl.

Cheryl : Dramatic, much?

Reece : xD haha! Why aren’t you sleeping?

Cheryl : I was about to until you started to chat with me :)

Reece : Oh, sorry… You can sleep if you want ._.

Cheryl : Nah, it’s okay. I was going to log out because I was bored… but since you are chatting with me, I’m fine :D

Reece : Wait, does that mean you like my company? *raising an eyebrow*

Cheryl : No! Don’t flatter yourself, dude!

Reece : It’s okay, Cheryl. You don’t have to lie. ;)

Cheryl : Pfft… Fine, I feel tired now… Goodnight, Reece :)

Reece : Bye, Pie :)

I remembered how Reece used to call me Pie all the time. He said it suites me. From the outside, I don’t show myself too much, but he said to me, "Actually inside you are as sweet as a pie". That’s what he said. They were memorable but pain shot through me when I thought about the breakup, the Rochelle thing, and when they were making out at the party, but that’s the past. Even though it’s never forgotten, it can be ignored. Well, bye, prince charming I once had.


So, guys! How’s this? :D Like it? I love writing this chapter but some parts didn’t make sense though. I might edit this chapter again. I will tell you guys if I did just in case you guys missed some things. Well, please vote and please comment too :) Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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