All or Nothing (August Alsina...

By RockofAges

1.3M 58.5K 19.5K

Fresh out of high school Kashmere has everything figured out for the most part, until she meets August and de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Short)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (Bonus)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 4

29.5K 1.2K 728
By RockofAges

August actually called me the next day to my surprise and we talked on the phone for close to two hours. He wanted to hang out with me again, alone this time and I agreed. We hung out that same night, he took me to dinner because I told him that I loved to eat. 

 We've hanging out for the past three weeks, on weekends and even on weekdays when we both were free. He was nothing like I thought he would be like, he was actually smart and funny and sweet and we had fun together. Laughing and cracking jokes one second, then going back and forth the next and sometimes there was some flirting but it was innocent, I didnt like him like that.....

Okay, I may have had a tiny crush on him. We've been spending a lot of time together and no boy has really ever taken the time to get to know me like he has. Not all there faults, I never let a boy get that close to me but August was different.  The more time we've spent together the more I realized deep down I may have some sort of feelings for him but he was just so fine.

I caught him checking me out a couple of times but I've caught him checking out lots of girls so I didnt think to much of it. Sometimes he would flirt with me and I though that he liked me, like I liked him and then in the next five minutes he would talking to some other girl, flirting with her. It only made me realize that maybe I was ready for a boyfriend and as more time passed, no matter my dumb crush I knew that boy wasn't August. 

The girls thought it was weird that we became friends out of the blue but we got along, connected. They didnt understand and to be honest I didnt either. Today we were headed to the mall since I was in need of shoes and he told me that he would take me. He was always volunteering to take me out. 

Today I decided to step it up and dress cuter than I normally did. The mall was the perfect place for me to meet boys and I was ready to give it a try. I picked out a black thin strap tank top, a skirt, some wedges, I even straightened my hair. I even put on more makeup than usual. 

I knew what I was wearing would stand out to him because usually I was dressed in shorts and baggy t's and sneakers, my go to style. I grabbed my cross body and gathered everything I needed and waited for him outside and up the street where I always told him to pick me up since I didn't want mom seeing me get into his car. 

He pulled up close to five minutes later and I got in his car and closed the door behind me and turned my attention to me. He was looking at my outfit with a frown on his face. 

"Why you all dressed up?"

See. I rolled my eyes, "This is not dressed up but if you must know I'm shopping...for boys."

"Boys," he looked so confused and slightly disgusted. 

"Yes, I want a boyfriend."

I couldn't read his facial expression but he caught me off guard with his next question.


"Because I just do, I'm sick of being single and today I'm going to find one."

"I doubt that."

"You'll see."

He didn't say another word. It was a twenty minute drive to the mall. Once we got out and headed inside I kept on the lookout but it was like boy or girl, all eyes were on August. The girls were mean mugging me and by now I was slightly used to it. 

I couldn't even blame them for there unneeded jealousy. No matter what August wore he always looked good. Me and him could be in mid conversation and all of a sudden random girls would come up, interrupting us just to flirt with him. It pissed me off, especially when August acted there was nothing wrong with it. They were all thirsty hoes and they had no shame and weren't fooling nobody. 

Never one to disappoint as soon as we walked in some bold hoe walked right up to us and after mugging me she directed her attention to August. That was my cue to walk off by myself. I pointed to the store I was headed to and left him. Inside I went to the shoe aisle and saw nothing that stood out but that wasn't the case with boys. 

I spotted two guys in the store in the mans shoe aisle talking. One was black with dreads and he wasn't that cute but the other caught my eye. He was dark skinned with a low cute and looked like a model. I fixed my outfit and decided to be bold and walk past and as I walked by we locked eyes. I smiled in his direction before walking off. 

I found myself at the female clothes section and waited. It took two minutes and us locking eyes again before he finally approached me. He wasn't as tall as I would of liked him to be but he would do for the time being. 

"Hey," he flashed me a smile and I mirrored it.


"I'm Justin."

"Kassie," I smiled. 

The conversation flowed from there, he was funny and nice.  He didn't use any cheesy lines on me and he was really easy to talk to. 

"So I was thinking maybe I could get your number. So we can meet up, hang out?"

I hesitated and just as I was about to say fuck it and give it to him I felt someone wrap there arm around me and pull me close to them. I didnt have to look to know who it was, August.

"No ya cant cause shes wit me."

I glanced at August frowning but he was looking straight forward at the guy, "My bad yo', I didn't know she was your girl."

August just nodded and the guy didnt say another word or look back, he walked off. I watched him go in slight shock at what just happened.

"Get off me August," I pried his hands off of me and turned around crossing my arms over my chest narrowing my eyes at him.

"What," he shrugged like he had no clue.

"Don't what me, why would you do that?"

"You tellin' me you actually was feelin' him, that nigga was a lame."

"He was asking me out, not you so why do you care?"

"Yeah okay," he looked amused, "So were you really bout to give him ya number?"

"So what if I was," I shrugged. 

"Stop playin' you and I both know you wasn't gon' to."

He acted like he knew me or something when he didnt know anything about me. 

"Whatever, you don't know anything," I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms out of my chest.

"Stop poutin' and besides I was just tryna help you out. He just wanted one thing from you, take it from one nigga to another."

I rolled my eyes and walked away leaving him chuckling and following behind me. Just like he thought he knew me, I knew him to. I learned a lot about him in these past few weeks. 

He was 19, and so was his best friend D or Dorian. He lived by himself and has since he was 17 and he graduated just last year to everyone's surprise. He was a notorious player and obviously that wasn't a surprise but he claimed he never had sex without a condom and I guess I was glad that he was responsible. I also knows he talks to his mom everyday and visits her a couple of times a week and that little fact made smile. I also knew he knew exactly what to say and do to push my buttons....

We ended up at the food court and I made him order me some fries and a milkshake to make it up to me. Even though I made him by it for me, it never failed that he was always stealing fries and taking sips. 

"Your going to drink it all," I whined as I watched him chug down my milkshake. I had been complaining for the last minute but he ignored me and continued to gulp down my milkshake quicker this time.

"August," I hit him on his shoulder and after one more sip he finally handed it back over and chuckled. I shook the cup and realized it was almost empty. 

"Shit," he grabbed his forehead and I laughed out loud when I realized he had brain freeze.

"That's what your ass gets," I laughed taking a sip of my milkshake, "Your going to buy me another one to."

"Says who?"

"Says me negro."

"Who you think you talkin' to li-."

"Hi August." He was cut off my some chick that approached our table with a smirk on her face as she looked at August with lust in her eyes.

"Here we go," I mumbled under my breath and sipped the remainder of my milkshake and sat back in my seat to watch the show. 

She literally walked up and sat next to him and started a conversation with him. She must have knew him or thought she did because when she asked if he remembered her he got her name completely wrong. As if that wasn't embarrassing enough she started bringing up where they met each other. I just sat there quietly playing with my straw getting more annoyed as the seconds ticked by until...

"Who's she," she asked motioning towards me. 

"This is my friend Kash," he told her.

The word friend stuck out like a sore thumb. 

"Well, anyway," the girl blabbered on looking happy that I wasn't competition, "You should come, I'm going to be there and a few of my girls and you and your boys should come through." 

 She said come through in a suggestive manner and I didn't know if he had slept with her before or not but she was coming off way to hard. 

"I'll think about it."

"Really," she smiled so wide, she looked like a Cheshire cat. 

"Yeah," he nodded and he glanced at me and back at her and handed over his phone, "Give me ya number."

She happily took his phone from him and I frowned. So he could talk to any hoe he wanted, get phone numbers and I couldn't and for what? He acted like he was looking out for me but I could look out for myself. I didnt need him. She wasn't even cute and I hoped that he wasn't planning on sleeping with her. 

I realized at that moment that maybe I was a little to emotionally invested. Even though it has only been a couple of weeks since we've been talking maybe I've come to develop some kind of feelings for him and that was my fault. Him flirting with girls in my face didnt help at all, it just hurt my feelings, made me jealous. 

I wasn't in the mood to be here anymore or be around him at all. I waited for the girl to disappear and as soon as she walked off before he could say anything I spoke. 

"Can you take me home?"

He frowned, "Home?"



"Because I said so," I snapped.

"I thought you wanted to see a movie after this?"

"Never mind, you can you can find someone to accompany you I'm sure," I stood up grabbing my phone and purse, "I'll just call a cab."

I walked off and headed towards the nearest exit and when I got outside someone grabbed my arm. Knowing it was him I just stopped and instead of turning around he walked and stood in front of me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Don't talk to me."

He looked confused for a second more before a smirk started to appear on his face. 

"You jealous?"

"No I'm pissed off."


"How come I can sit back and watch you flirt and talk to girls in front of my face but as soon as I find a cute guy I like you scare him off?"

"That nigga wanted one thing, I told you."

"It doesn't matter it and I cant talk to whoever I want to, so next time you see me talking to a guy do me a favor and mind your business."

He had a blank look on his face before smirking and then chuckling like everything I said was a joke to him. I punched him in his arm. When that didnt get the reaction I was looking for I went to punched him again but he blocked me from hitting him. 

"Kash-" he started but I cut him off by doing something I wanted to do to him for a while now. Shocking him and myself I kissed him. I gasped and pulled away from him. I was speechless and didnt know what to say or do but I had the sudden urge to run. 

Run, that didnt seem half bad. I moved to walk around him but he blocked me. I was about to tell him to move but instead he made a move and stepped closer to me. I moved back but he stepped closer to me again until my back hit something hard. 

He leaned in closer to me, and then closer and closer and this time caught me off guard by kissing me. He leaned back like he was waiting on me to pull away or reject him. I didnt. He wasted no time kissing me again catching me off guard when he deepened it. 

Oh my god! I cant believe this, I'm kissing August. 

I was on cloud nine from just kissing him. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't instead I pulled him closer. I would kiss him all day if I could. I was moaning and I would have been embarrassed about it but I didnt care. I may have been a virgin but I've been kissed before but never like this. 

Once he gripped my ass in his hands I slowly came back down to reality. This was going to far and this was wrong but it felt so good. I pulled away from him pushing him away from me lightly. I needed a second to catch my breath and control the butterflies in my stomach. 

"We cant do that, this."

"Why not?"



"We just cant, were friends and I don't want to cross that line with you."

He looked at me and I thought that I had offended him by how quiet he was. 

"Fuck the line, I've been wanting to kiss you for weeks now."

My heart fluttered at him admitting that. 

"I thought you said you didnt kiss?"

"I made a exception fa you, I was just waitin' on you to make the first move."

I rolled my eyes playfully. 

"What makes you think I would?"

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you started developing feelings for a nigga."

"Slow your roll, who said I had feelings for you?"

"It's kind of obvious..."

"I shouldn't have kissed you," I wiped my lips off roughly.

"But you did."

"You better be lucky none of your hoes were around to see it."

"What hoes?"

I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Don't play dumb."

"I haven't had sex in weeks."

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm aint lying and despite what you may think or heard I just don't go around having sex with any and everything, I may be young but I aint stupid."

I smiled and decided to fuck with him, "So you were saving yourself for me, I knew you liked me."

He sucked his teeth and shook his head.

"Man whateva."

"Just admit it, you like me don't you?"

"Nah," he shook his head. 

I rolled my eyes and decided to leave him alone. 

"Look I apologize for er'rything and I promise when I'm wit you I wont talk to any other girls." 

"You don't have to do that," I waved him off. 

"But I am."

"Yea right, I'll have to see it to believe it."

"You will."

-----------------------------------------Pic of Julianna

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