Izuku x Ghost rider

By SeanDanielBarro

941K 14.4K 6.6K

Quirkless and abused, This was Izuku Midorya, A young boy born without a Quirk in the world where power is ev... More

2-The past
3- Tartarus
4- Lucifer
5- the transformation
6- Rider vs Nomu
8- the flames of hell vs Endeavor
Girls GIRLS!!
9- now they know
10- Allmights woes
11- Training camp pt.1
12- training camp pt.2
13- training camp 3
14- Ibara
...happy me...
16- they found out
17- the aftermath
18- Argument
19- TO UA!?
20- quirk aprehension
21- cofession and the other book
22- tracking the filth
New book plans
Release date
23- rescue
Im sick
24- time of reckoning
25- Ibara's heart
26- Armageddon
27- Eri
Izuku the Cipher
28- Loud......*^*
29- the debts he owes
30- punishment
Gamer rwby
31- Saving Eri
32- Eri's new family
omake- Eris new life
Christmas special

7- new quirks

32.7K 528 316
By SeanDanielBarro

the streets of Musutafu, Japan, was in chaos, the civilians said to the heroes that a Vigilante with a fire quirk much like Endeavor was 'killing' villains, down from petty thieves to murderers.

The streets burst into flames as a burning man on a speeding motorcycle, drove around the city stopping only to kill.

"According to eye witnesses the individual appears to be covered in flames, much like endeavor, but be warned, 45 people has died from this person and their ways of death is still unexplainable, we think that the said individual has two quirks and the that is the flame quirk and the other is a quirk that 'kills' you instantly, we don't know how but citizens stay on you guard." The police man said to the reporters, but of course, the reporters wanted more information.

"Sir, it rumor says that the burning vigilante appeared first in the USJ incident" one reporter said.
And with that all of the reporters repeated the question to the poor police men, while he tried to get away.

Meanwhile in U.A.,
Nezu turned the television off, and turned to his staff, and the heroes.
Nezu: "can someone please explain to me what the hell happened at USJ?"
Aizawa: "a bunch of individuals calling themselves the league of villains appeared at USJ claiming that they have something that could kill all might."
Nezu: "and did they?"
All might: "yes, they did, I was watching, I couldn't do anything, but I know that—that thing had enough power to beat me, but not kill me"

Nezu breathed loudly and looked up at the ceiling. Everyone was silent for a couple minutes, so Nezu spoke again.
"What about the skeleton."
Everyone tensed, they were still afraid of what they saw, "does the skeleton have enough power to kill you all might?"

All might nodded once agreement, he was the number one hero, but if he were to fight the Nomu head on he would be full of bruises, yes they thing killed it easily.

Nezu: "someone call Endeavor, he might be able to take him on, fire to fire."


Izuku the newly born rider was speeding across the city, burning the roads, when he passed by an old man who looked familiar, but he didn't stop, the sinners must be purged.

No young Izuku, calm yourself, don't let your emotions take control of you, let your hatred disappear and let the flames cool.

Izuku slowed down, and his flames slowly dwindled, Go into the mountains quickly, Izuku did as he was told and drove toward the mountain.

Izuku's motor cycle immediately dissapeared and Izuku fell into the ground clutching his face, He felt his skin regrow and stick into his hot bones.

this went on for 3 minutes until finally it stopped, Izuku looked up and saw Lucifer smiling at Izuku, 
"Congratulations my boy, you got a quirk, or quirks more like." Lucifer laughed, he held his hand out for Izuku, and Izuku took it and stood up.

Izuku: "Yeah, but i think this rider thing doesn't really count as a quirk."
Lucifer: "hahaha, no my boy, that's not what i meant. Remember the penance stare?"
Izuku: "penance stare? i don't remember using it--"

Izuku suddenly remembered the USJ fiasco and him killing 45 people. Izuku held his stomach and puked, I killed people! i'm a murderer!, Izuku started to hyperventilate, but Lucifer merely snapped his fingers and said, "no young Izuku, your not a murderer, their not dead, well physically that is, you see young man, the body can live without the soul."

Izuku looked up confused, 
Lucifer: "the penance stare only works on sinners because when you stare into their eyes their sins will be exposed for the lesser demons to see, and they will drag his soul to hell. Although the police's statement says that you killed them, because technically they are, but 'not' at the same time."

Izuku calmed himself, trying to convince himself that he wasn't a murderer.
"but what do you mean Quirks?" Izuku asked Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled at Izuku, exited to tell him the news.
"The penance stare gives you a chance to take the quirks of the people you use them on, Only i made a few adjustments and made it to only take quirks that strengthens your physical and mental body of both rider and user."

"really?!" Izuku said wide eyed, "what are they?"

Lucifer: "well seeing that you took the souls of 45 people and only about 13 of them had quirks that are actually useful, here they are,
- Strength enhancer
- Low class regeneration x2 = middle class regeneration
- fire manipulation (merged with the cursed flames= the eternal flames)
- invisibility <duration 20 seconds> x2 <duration changed to 60>
- dominators touch x5 <get the reference>
- Scream <user emits a high pitched sound, loud enough to knock someone unconscious>
- calm mind
and that's it."
Lucifer finished while Izuku was dumbstruck, a quirk, i finally got a quirk!, Izuku was about to shout at the top of his lungs, when Lucifer grabbed his mouth and made a shushung gesture.

"Someones here young Izuku" Lucifer whispered, "transform quickly"
"but i might loose control" Izuku whispered back.
"You have the quirk calm mind Izuku, You wont lose control unless you get seriously angry, trust me" Lucifer said before disappearing into the shadows of the trees.

Izuku willed himself to be the Ghost rider once more, and surprisingly there wasn't any pain, he just transformed instantly.
Izuku sensed a sinner near the vicinity, it was near him, 10 clicks north.

Izuku walked toward the sinner seeing a bright light in the distance, When Izuku got into the clearing he was suddenly covered in flames that was foreign for him. 

"Your killings end here Villain!" a man covered in flames spoke.

(author note: holy shite are they brothers? i should edit it in but nahhhhh i'm too lazy"

"I did not kill anyone Endeavor, i merely took their souls to hell, they were sinners... and so are you"


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