Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Ju...

By alecjay6

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you buy an orange scented bathbomb, but what comes out of it scares you, but what scares you the most is how... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4!
chapter 5 i think yep
chapter 6(WOT!)
authors noteeeee.
chapter 7
chapter 8( i think)
chapter 10
chapter 11
authors note
chapter 12
chapter 13
irl update

chapter 9?

408 12 3
By alecjay6

Authored note
Okay so I was trying to write a chapter kinda like this but it deleted I cried for maybe an hour

Juicy carries me to the lounge room and when he sits down he sits me in his lap I try to squirm out of his arms.

" BISH lemme gooo" I whine

(Kinky juicy coming right up 😅😅)

Juicy grabs on to my arms tightly holding me in place I tense up because I thought he was a nice dino nuggie.

"Keep moving and I'll have to chain you up little Bunnie " he said in a seductively low voice into my ear

I stop squirming, immediately just chug my drink. I look around the room as if to distract myself.

"Wait a minute, so weird Mexican boi, how the fudge nuggets do you know what fifty shades of grey is bish!" I question

He points to someone on the floor.

"Blame narrator, he was trying get this demon chick to go---"

BAM! we all jump I realise that came from ashes house( have to add dramammaa) then there was yelling.

"Go die in hell you ( I'm soo sorry I'm gonna offend lgbtqa+ right here but I fully support) GAY ASS BINCH OF TWIGS, YOUR A SORRY excuse FOR A CHILD I NEVER WANT RO SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN( that hurt my soul ;-; I'm really sorry again but IMA make it so that narrator gets to hemhem dispose of the character )

I get up and walk to my door to see ( kyle didn't realise he was gay until the final months of highschool in the story) kyle, SHIT I pull on my scary face and immediently walk to kyle, I had to do something he's like a little brother at times.

I walk out and before she punches kyle again I grab her arm and bend it behind her back,while whispering in her ear.

" look here slut, everyone is born human, everyone dies human so if you lay another hand on him I swear I'll personally rip your throat out, cut your arms off and rip your intestines out by hand." 

She turns around and looked terrified ash had walked out of his apartment and behind me giving of the same energy, then the boys basically had fire in there eyes. I let go of her. She runs to the elevator and constantly presses the buttons.

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