Back to You (An International...

By realhc5

250K 4.3K 401

Jenni and Alexia were inseparable. But after leaving Barcelona in 2017, they have not interacted. Alexia doe... More

Hiding It
City Of Love
Head to Head
My Everything
The End
A Job
Nothing Else Matters
Take It Easy
Give Her Time
Nothing Lasts
Your Words
Need Space
Never Doing It
Should Be Fun
Planned This
What Would You Say
I'm Sorry Jenni
For Good
On The Floor
Hurt Your Feelings
When You're Ready
You're Ok
More Than You Know
Biggest Supporter
What's Going On?
At Some Point
Not Fair
Make The World Better
Wifed Up
No One's Godmother
Love Makes Us
Make You A Deal
Know Everything
Look Up To You
Always Count On
The Whole Club
Work Out
In Trouble
Make Decisions
More Stress
Let Us
Really Strong
The Family
Welcome to the World
Old and Fragile
Another Chance
All That Matters
Something Else
Got This
Blood or Not
Our Family
Little Brother
Thinking About Them
Messed Up
Wait For You
All My Fault
Come Back to Us
We're Great
It's Great
My Forever
Over The Years
Now Look
Feel Alone
Meet Her
Forever Yours

It's Time

1.3K 33 1
By realhc5

January 2031

Alexia's POV:

"I don't think we should bring Enzo." I looked at Jenni. "Who knows what Lola has in store for us at that party."

"Who knows what Vir has planned." Jenni sighed. "Nahi better be 100% sure she wants to marry that idiot."

I smirked. "I was 100% sure about marrying my idiot."

Jenni looked at me. "Oh you think you're funny. Ok." 

We dropped Enzo off with Jenni's family and headed to the party. We got to the venue and looked around. "Wow, Lola. I'm impressed."

"Thanks." She smiled. "Carmen supervised."

"I know she did." I said. "Good job Carmen." We all talked until Leila got the call.

"That was Patri. They're on their way."

"PARTY TIME!" Lola cheered.

I shook my head. "They're married." Jenni smiled. "About damn time." I hit her.

"Hey." She rubbed her arm. "You were thinking it too!"

We looked at the door. "I'll cut her." I said.

"You shouldn't be here." Mapi said. 

Alex went back and forth with us. "When is something going to tell me what happened?" Lola whispered.

"When you're older." Jenni whispered back to her.

"Older?" Leila looked. "She's basically dead."

Alex started to leave but then started to cause problems with Mapi. I could see Mapi getting ready to do something she'd probably regret. I grabbed her. 

After Alex left, I went over to Jenni. "There goes your son." I looked at Maxi. 

He tripped then walked over to me. "Mama I tripped."

"My boy." Jenni smiled. 

A few days after the wedding, I was at home with Jenni and the kids. "You look like your mama, Enzo." I smiled. "Just like her." 

My phone rang. 


I answered it and put it on speaker. "Hey Mapi." 

"Hey." She said.

"How's Mariana's dad?" 

"In surgery. Mariana pretty much threatened the life of everyone in the hospital."

I laughed. "I don't doubt it. She'll do anything for those she loves. He'll be ok right?"

"Yeah. She's just pretty anxious right now. Hates hospitals. She requested a call with her favorite person."

I smiled. "I'll go get Vir." 

"Ale." She laughed. 

"I know. Put her on the phone." 


"Hey Mariana. You doing alright?"

March 2031

Jenni's POV:

I looked at my locker and sighed. 

"You ok?" Aitana looked at me. 

"I think it's time." I said. "I'll be 41 at the end of this season." I laughed. "I think I had a good run. What do you think?" I looked at her.

"I think you inspired a lot of young girls around Spain to chase their dreams. One of those girls being me." She smiled. "You're a legend, Jenni. Even if you retired 10 years ago or 10 years from now. You're a legend."

I put my hand on her head. "Alexia has taught you well, young one."

She laughed. "You both have. You'll always have my support and respect," She smiled. "captain." She walked away.

I grabbed my jersey and looked at it. 

"It's time." I whispered.

April 2031

Alexia's POV:

"Hey Vir." I laughed. "What's going on?"

"I just missed my friend." 

"Aw." I pushed her. "What a loser."

"How's Jenni?" She asked. "And the kids?"

"Jenni is good. Kids are good."

"Enzo is getting so big so fast." 

"I know. I hate it." I laughed. "How's Nahi? You enjoying married life?"

"We were together for so long that there really isn't a different. We just wear actual wedding rings." 

"You know Alex showed up, right?" 

She nodded. "We got her gift."

"What was it?"

"A nicely worded letter." She laughed. "Apologizing for everything throughout the years. I guess that's part of her recovery." She shrugged. "I don't know. Nahi wants that door closed so I will nail it shut. Nahi is happy now, I intend to keep her that way."

"You better. Nahikari is a sweetheart. Don't ruin her."

"I feel like you're a little late with that speech. Kind of already married her."

"I will tell you every day." I pointed at her. "Don't mess this up."

"Relax. I'm not Mapi." 

"We know." Mapi walked over. 

"What are YOU doing in Barcelona?" I smirked.

"Important meeting." She said. "With a client about possibly co-opening a shop."

"Really?" Vir said.


"Well I got dips on the first appointment!" Virginia smiled.

"You always get her first appointment."

"Because I'd let her tattoo me blindfolded!" 

"You have way too much faith and trust in me, Vir. Get help, please." Mapi looked at her phone. "It's Mariana. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye Mapi." She walked away. 

"Remember when we'd all hang out for hours? No football at all but we'd still be together?" Vir said. I nodded. "What happened to that?"

"We got married, had kids, grew up."

"We should get together though." She said. "All of us. I mean, Nahi is our teammate, and my wife. Jenni, our teammate, your wife. Leila and Mariona."

"Only one is Mariana. You gonna let an enemy into our group?"

"Mariana is our rock. She must be included." I laughed. "I think our group got stronger when she came along. Mapi became better. Didn't think it was possible for me to love Mapi more than I did but," I laughed. 

"I get it. Mapi changed, but it was a good change."

"I heard a rumor that Jenni's retiring." I nodded. "Is it true?"

I sighed. "It is. After this season."

"Her and Leila. Both done."

"Both done." I looked down. "It's gonna be weird. I've played seasons without her."

"Paris." Viringia coughed.

"We don't speak of that." I glard at her. "But now she's not going to be playing at all. I'll see her at home, but it's gonna be weird. Her locker will become someone else's." I shook my head. "Same with Leila. We've played together forever. Now she'll be gone? You better not leave me."

She smiled. "I think I got one year left. Maybe two." She shrugged. "I don't know. I think whenever Nahi and I decide to start out family, I'll hang it up. I want to be there 24/7 for my future kid. And for my wife."

I nodded. "I'm not done yet. I've thought about it but, playing football, playing for Barca. It's all I've done. I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't doing this. I love being home with my kids, but I'd go insane being home everyday."

"We'll figure it out."

"So." I smirked. "You and Nahi starting a family?"

"Quiet." She walked away.

"Mama Vir." I followed her. "I like the sound of that."

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