I'm Sorry Jenni

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August 2019

Alexia's POV:

"Another season." I smiled and looked at my training top.

"It feels good to be home." I turned around. 


"Alexia." She smirked and walked to her locker. 

"Awkward." Leila mumbled.

"Hey." Mapi slapped her.

"Oh right. You defend your sister in law." Leila smirked and got ready to train.

"She's not my," Mapi sighed. "Shut up."

"It's crazy that you're dating Alexia's sister." Jenni laughed.

"Who's dating Alba?"


Sandra turned to me. "You let your sister get another one? Who's next?"

"Not it." Leila smirked.

"Stop it." Mariona hit her. 

"Enough about my sister please." I sighed. 

"Ok. Let's talk about you and Jenni." 

"Let's not." I finished getting ready.

"No please." Jenni stood up. "Let's talk about us." She crossed her arms.

"WE will. Later. When we're NOT surrounded by them."

"They all know! Why keep trying to hide it! We failed the first time."

"Because of YOU." I closed my eyes. "I'm not doing this now." I headed out to the field. 

Jenni's POV:

I grabbed my stuff and ran after Alexia. "Hey." I caught up with her. "Hold on."



"Jenni. Not now." She turned to me. "Later. Please." She started to walk away again.

"Your version of later or mine?" 

She stopped. "What the hell does that mean?"

"It means that your "later" is basically never. We talk about it now or not at all. I'm done putting it off. We needed to talk in Ibiza, but of course, you said "later" and later never came."

"You really want to do this now?"

"No. But it needs to be done, Alexia. I don't want to push this anyway any more!" 

"Fine." She dropped her cleats. "Let's talk. Since you're so set on doing this in front of everyone!"

"Why don't you want people to know?"

"I don't care if they know! I just want this one conversation to be private between us." 

I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from everyone. "Practice is that way."

"Not now Leila." I said. I turned to Alexia and looked at her. "We need to talk about this."

"So start talking." She crossed her arms.

"Ibiza. We slept together."

"Yes, I know. I was there."

"Can you not be like that for like 5 minutes? I love that about you but for once. Do you regret it?"

"No." She sighed. "I regret nothing that involves you, Jenni. You know that."

"Then why did you run?"

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