Meet Her

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Cute chapter here. 

Insert comment from @thegayestsport 

As always, hope you enjoy!

June 2033

Alexia's POV:

I waited at the airport and looked around. Jenni's flight landed and I was picking her up. 

"Come on." I looked at my phone. 

"Ale!" I looked. I saw Jenni and walked towards her.

She wrapped her arms around me. "It's so good to be home." She mumbled. 

I looked around. "I thought Mariana was flying with you?"

"No, she's coming in a few more days." She said.

"Oh. Let's get you home. There are two very excited people waiting to see you." 

"Leila and Virginia can wait, I have to see my sons." She smiled.

"I hate your stupid jokes."

"I know." She said. "But you love me. Stupid jokes included."

"We'll see." 

We got her bags and went to the car. The drive home all she did was talk about how excited she was to see the kids. 

But I knew that she just wanted to take a nap. 

"Tomorrow we can go see Amaya. If you want."

"YES!" Jenni clapped. "More babies."

"Not for us." I said. "We've got two."

"You wouldn't want another?"

"Mariana and Mapi have 4. Carmen and Lola now have 3. I like having 2. We aren't outnumbered."

"But." She pouted. "Babies."

"Babysit for Nahi and Vir. Or Carmen and Lola. We are not having a 3rd kid."

"You also said we'd never have A kid. Now we have two."


"Meaning you always change your mind." She said. 

"Jenni. I seriously don't want another kid. I'm happy with the 2 we have. Aren't you?"

"Yes I am. I just miss when they were babies. I feel like they grew up way too fast."

I laughed. "Because they did." I said. "And a new baby will be the same thing. We'll blink and have a walking, talking, mini-me or you." She sighed. "Look, as much as I miss when they were babies, watching them grow up, no matter how fast it's been, is amazing. We're raising those two boys, Jenni." I smiled.

"You've been raising them. Which means they're the best kids ever." 

Jenni's POV:

We got home and I went inside. Vir was there watching the kids.

"Mama!" Maxi ran to me. He jumped into my arms. "Are you home now?"

"Yep." I held him. "I'm home." 

I looked at Virginia. "Where's your wife and baby?"

"With Enzo." She smiled and stood up. I put Maxi down. "Welcome home." She hugged me. "Man, I missed you."

"You love me, Torrecilla."

She nodded and took a deep breathe. "I do. I do love you, Hermoso. Not as much as I love my beautiful wife, but you are a solid 8th on that list."

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