Our Family

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August 2029

Alexia's POV:

"Beautiful boy." Jenni kissed the top of Maxi's head. "Beautiful wife." She kissed my cheek. "And sweet coffee." She grabbed the mug. 

"Sleep good?" I smirked.

"Yep." She sighed. 

"You got home late."

"All hands on deck for new baby Mendes." She said. 

"How's he doing?" I asked.

"He's still small but getting bigger." She said. "Scary few months."

"Parenthood is scary." I looked at Maxi. "But it's the best." I smiled. 

"It's even better when you've got the love of your life by your side." 

"Here comes cheesy Jenni." I shook my head. I looked at the fridge of the ultrasound. "With a mini Jenni on the way."

November 2029

Jenni's POV:

"Sporting CP announced the addition of a new player to their youth academy today. Gabriel dos Santos Mendes León has joined the academy that his father and aunt both played for. The club announced it at today's game as they honored the late soccer star, Gabriel on the annivary of his passing. We caught up with his sister, Portuguese captain, Mariana at halftime."

"It's a special day. This club is where I started, my brother and now Gabriel can follow. He's made it clear he wants to play football. My wife did all this without me knowing, but he's very excited to join Sporting." 

"The football world was shocked by the sudden passing of Mariana's older brother, Gabriel Leo in November of 2022, her nephew, Gabriel jr. born just 4 days before. The city of Lisbon has declared November 5th, Gabriel Mendes day in his honor."

I turned off the tv and looked at Alexia. "Why are you pacing?" 

"I'm waiting for the doctor to call. About the baby?"

"There's a mini me baking in a random woman right now. How do you feel?" I crossed my arms.

"I'm going to divorce you." She said as the phone rang. "Hello? Yes this is Alexia. Yes. Really? She knows? Great thank you so much." She hung up and looked at me. 

"How is the mini me?"

"Mini you is great. They found out the gender a few weeks ago and told Mariana like I asked."

"Is she your pick for godmother?" I asked. Alexia nodded. "Ok then. I want Mapi!" 


"Why not! You get to pick Mariana. I want to pick Mapi!"

"I want you to say that again to yourself and let it process." She walked away.

I smiled. "Babe." I got up. "Mapi has grown a lot. She's been there for us so many times. If you're picking Mariana, I think Mapi is a good pick too."

She looked at me. "You really want Mapi?"

"I do. Look at Vir." I smiled. "She was the craziest of all. Now look at her. She's a great godmother for her nephew and Felicia. And an amazing aunt to Maxi. We all grew up, Ale. I trust Mapi."

"Ok then. Mapi it is."

December 2029

Alexia's POV:

"It's in the cake right?" I looked at Mariana.

"Yep!" She smiled. "When you cut a piece of this cake, you'll know if you're having another boy, or a girl. Isn't this exciting?"

"I'm a little nervous. What if this baby gets sick like Maxi did?"

"Maxi got sick, Ale. But he got better because his parents made sure he got the best care. He's fine now." I looked at my son. "You can't worry about the what ifs."

"The only what if you need to worry about is, what if this kid is Jenni 2.0?" Mapi walked over with the cake. "Now THAT would be bad." She smirked.

"I hate you." I looked at Mapi.

She took a deep breathe in and nodded. "I know." 

All our friends sat around and talked.  I walked to Jenni and put my hand on her shoulder. "I love you." 

She grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I love you so much." 

"Ok!" Mariana clapped. "So we all know why we're here."

"There's going to be a mini Jenni coming into their world and we're here to prevent it?" Vir smirked.

"No you ass." Mariana said as Mapi threw a cup at her. Virginia laughed. "We're here to find out what that mini Jenni will be. Boy or a girl. But we all know that as this little baby grows up, they'll decided."

"And we love them no matter what!" Leila screamed. "Babies!"

"Calm down!" Mariona sighed. "Who gave her a cupcake?"

Mapi slowly raised her hand.

"Ale? Jenni? Come cut this cake."

"Wait hold on! How came Mari knows!" Lola said. "Jenni I thought we were friends!"

"We are. I had no control."

"Yeah Lola. Don't you remember?" Virginia said making whip noises.

We grabbed the knife and cut the cake.

"Wait." Leila said. "I'm confused you're having a cake? I thought they were having a baby?"

"You are so stupid I can feel my braincells dying." Mapi said. 

I looked down at the piece and smiled.

Jenni put her arm around me. "Good. I already had a name in mind." She said.

"So did I." I laughed.

"Well?" Mariana smirked.

"We're having a boy!" We said.

"Ew." Carmen made a face. We all looked at her. "I mean, aw yay babies." She clapped.

Everyone got a piece of cake and I looked at Jenni. "What's your name?" She asked.

"Luis. What's yours?"

"Lorenzo." She crossed her arms.

"Lorenzo Luis Hermoso Putellas?" 

"We can call him Enzo." She said. She picked up Maxi and smiled. "Maxi and Enzo. Our boys." 

I nodded. "Our boys." I looked at our friends. "Our family." 

Baby Jenni incoming!!!!! Lorenzo has been born in The World. So this shouldn't be a surprise if you read that new update!

Mapi and Mariana godparents. How we feeling?  

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