More Stress

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May 2027

Alexia's POV:

Jenni paced around the waiting room. 

We've been waiting for some time. "Just pop that kid out." Jenni said. 

"It's not that easy." I smiled.

Someone came out and we looked. "Would you like to come meet your son?" 

Jenni smiled. "Yes." 

We walked and saw him. "He's perfect." I said.

"Because he's you." Jenni said. After waiting for a little we were in a room with our son. He was placed in Jenni's arms. "I'm in love." She said. "I truly love him already." She whispered. 

We sat with him and a few days later, brought him home. Our families both came to meet the baby. 

As the days flew by, we got settled into life with our son.

August 2027

Alexia's POV:

Leila and Mariona are married.

Mariana is pregnant.

Virginia and Nahikari are still weird. 

Maxi is a few months old.

Man, life is crazy. 

Jenni's POV:

I got out of the shower and got dressed. As I was finishing up. 

Maxi was asleep and Alexia ran to Mariana's to help out. 

I sat on the couch and heard the door open. "I'm home!" Alexia yelled. 

"Just finishing up! Maxi is sleeping."

"Ok. Take your time, I'll check on him."

I smiled and then finished up. I walked out of the bathroom.

"Jenni! Come here!" I ran into the room. 


She was holding Maxi who was crying. "He's on fire." She said. I felt him and he was burning. "He's breathing funny."

"I'll call the doctor, get some stuff together." 

We were in the car, Alexia sat in the backseat with him. "You're gonna be ok." I heard her say to him. 

"When we get there, take him inside. I'll park."

She nodded.

We got to the hospital and Alexia grabbed Maxi. "Call our families. And I need Mariana." She said. 

"I'll call them." I said. "Go." She ran inside with him and I called our families. Then I opened Mariana's contact. I hit call and waited. 

"Hi, you've reached Mariana. Can't answer your call so be normal and text me." 

I smiled and waited for the beep. I walked inside the hospital. "Hey Mari, a 2 months ago Alexia and I became parents. We got another surrogate and tried again, didn't tell anyone though. Alexia was really scared to tell people. The baby was born, healthy, and everything. But we're at the hospital now, something is wrong with him. Alexia really wants you here so please call me when you get this. We really need you. Thanks." I hung up and stood at the desk. "My wife just ran in with our son. Maximiliano Hermoso Putellas?"

"Yes. They just took him in. 4th floor, someone will be up there to help you."

"Thank you." I got to the 4th floor. They brought me to the room and we waited. 

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