Feel Alone

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May 2033

Alexia's POV:

"Another season." I looked at Leila. "How are you feeling coach?"

"Old." She sighed. "These young kids? I'm too old for this."

"Yes, you are." Aitana laughed.

"This is why we all act like you don't exist." Leila said and walked away.

I got home for the night and sat with the boys. Then my phone rang.


I answered. "Hey Vir."

"Lola just called. Carmen is in labor."

"I'll call Jenni." I smiled. "Our family grows once more." 

She laughed. "I'll see you at the hospital." 

"Alright, boys." I stood up. "Who wants to go see crazy aunty Alba?"

"No." Maxi shook his head. 

I laughed. "Well, Aunty Carmen is about to have a baby. And I gotta go, so can you sit with her until I come get you?"

"Fine." He pouted. "Is mama coming home?"

"In a few days." I smiled. "Her season isn't over yet."

Jenni's POV:

We lost. We're still in second place. 4 points behind Sporting. 

With only 3 games left, and Sporting showing no sign of slowing down. We knew this would be a tough challenge. 

I saw my phone light up.


I sighed. "Hey Ale. I'm not really in a talking mo-"

"Carmen's in labor." She said. 

"Oh. Um. Shit." I looked around. "We just lost I can't really pack up and go."

"I know. But I figured you'd want to know." She said. "I'll keep you updated." 


"And Jenni?"


"Win or lose, you're still amazing. Keep your head up, tell your team the same. You guys have been incredible all season."

"I feel like there's a but coming."

"But not as incredible as Mariana."

"I'm going to divorce you." 

"You'd never." She said. "You'd be lost without me, Hermoso."

"I know I would." I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." 

I hung up and nodded. "Our family is getting bigger." 

Alexia's POV:

I got to the hospital and found Lola. 

"How is she?" 

"She's fine." Lola smiled. "Baby is fine."

"Lola is panicking." Virginia laughed and handed her water. "Drink before you pass out."

"Leave them alone." Nahikari sighed. She held their daughter, Raquel. "You were worst before she was born."

"Because it's our first child, Nahi. Lola's been through this already."

"And it never gets easier." Lola said. "Take that information however you want. If you want a second child. Good luck."

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