Got This

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January 2029

Jenni's POV:

We were at Mariana and Mapi's for Felicia's 1st birthday. Mariona was holding Maxi while I sat with Gabriel.

"Mari, Mapi needs you." Patri said.

"Jenni! Can we play a game?" Gabriel said.

"Sure." I smiled. He gave me a controller and we started to play FIFA. He beat me the last time we played.

I refuse to lose again. The game went by quick and he scored in the last second.

"I win!" He said. 

"What the he-" 

"Mari, I beat Jenni again." Gabriel said as she walked back in.

"Did you?" He nodded. "Wow. Jenni you good?"

"I'm pissed." I said. "Damn kids."

"Mama!" Maxi waddled over. "Up."

I smiled and picked him up. "Hi, little man."

The party was great and it was nice to have everyone together. "Hey wait up!" Virginia ran up to me and Alexia. 

"What's up?" Alexia smiled.

"First of all, usually it's "go away Vir", I'm loving this growth." I laughed. "Second, I'm asking Nahikari to move in with me tomorrow."

"That's awesome, Vir." I smiled. "Remember when you'd just sit and talk about how you'd never end up with her. She was too perfect for you?"

"She still is." Virginia said. "She can do a lot better than me, but I'm with her and I think I'm gonna hold on." She looked down. "You two have been a big part of our relationship. I want to keep you guys involved."

"I expect a wedding invitation." Alexia said.

"We will not be getting married." Virginia shook her head. "Hard pass on marriage, my friends."

Alexia nodded. "Ok. See you at the wedding." She put Maxi in the car and then got in.

"Hey," Virginia looked at me. "I'm happy for you. Really I am. Nahikari is a great woman, Vir."

"I know she is, Jenni. Everything with Alex is behind us, I hope. We're moving forward, together."

"Let us know how it goes." I said when I saw Nahikari walking toward us.

"I will." 

"What are you talking about?" Nahikari asked.

Virginia put her arm around her shoulder. "Just making sure they send me pictures of Maxi at all times."

"And making sure Virginia sends that cutie hat she found for him."

"Right." She glared at me. "I'll see if I can find it. Again."

They walked away and I got in the car. "Ready to go home?" Alexia asked.


March 2029

Alexia's POV:

I woke up to my phone going off. "Hello?" I answered.

"Did I wake you?" Mariana said.

"Yeah but what time is it?" I looked around. 

"Almost 11."

"Damn it, Jenni." I sighed. "She let me sleep."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Yeah! I like getting up early. Starting my day."

"You guys have a day off. Sleep in, enjoy it. Unlike us here at Atletico Madrid who will soon be on a flight to Italy." 

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