What Would You Say

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Alexia's POV:

I walked side by side with Jenni. 

We weren't talking but just being together like this was great.

"So." She finally broke the silence. "You know how I feel. About you, about what I've done." I nodded. "I know you said that this was too much. That you needed space. I respected that until obviously this trip. Not my fault."

"I know." I laughed. 

"I just want to know where we stand. Are we at least friends?"

"We're going to be teammates at Barca this season. I think the only way for the team to be successful is if we're on good terms. I am your partner in crime after all." 

Jenni smiled. "You know what goes on in my mind." 

"It's pretty scary stuff." I laughed. "I did miss you, Jenni. But it hurt to see you leave and not know until you were already gone. I found out the day you left. I thought you left because of me, that I pushed you away."

"It was never because of you." She grabbed my hand. "I got the opportunity to play in Paris. Irene told me they had a great thing going and that it'd be good. I never thought that would be the thing that broke us. I think we needed it though. Me leaving, us being apart just made both of us, me especially realize that you are all I want in this world. When I'm finally finished with football, I'll be thankful for the moments I had. But mostly I'll be thankful because football led me to you. The medals, trophies, records, none of it will matter. Seeing you is the only thing that does."

Jenni's POV:

"Want a drink?" Virginia asked.

"No. I'm good!"

"Ok!" She walked away. I turned to Alexia who was talking with Carmen. 

"Good day?" Lola asked.

"I spent most of it with Alexia. It was a great day."

"Are you guys ok?"

"We're talking again. Friends. It's going to be a long road to get back to where we were, but I'm willing to wait. It's Alexia. She's worth every second." 

"Broken heart, broken arm, redemption." I laughed. "You two will get there. I know it." 

As the night went on, we were all enjoying ourselves. Alexia was dancing to the music and I joked around with everyone. 

"I'm pretty tired. Think I'm gonna head out." I looked at Lola.

"You sure?"


"Alright. Want me to go with you?"

"I'll be fine. You have fun." I headed out and heard footsteps behind me. "I said I'll be fine, Lola."

"That's great," I turned around. "I'm not Lola." 

"Alexia. You don't have to."

"I know. But I want to." She smiled. 

We got to the room and sat in silence. 

I turned and looked at her. 

"What?" She looked at me.

"I want to kiss you."


"I know. Friends."

"I was going to say I think we've waited long enough." 

Alexia's POV:

I woke up and saw Jenni's arm around my waist. Smiling, I gently lifted her arm off me to get out of bed. 

I went down and saw Virginia wide awake.

"You're up early."

"Couldn't sleep." She sighed. 

"What's on your mind?"

"A lot. That's why I couldn't sleep." She laughed. "Don't worry about me, Alex. I'll be fine."

"We're basically family, Vir. I'll always worry about you." I sat next to her. She rested her head on my shoulder and we sat in silence.

"I might fall asleep on you." She mumbled.

"That's ok." 

"How was your night with Jenni?" She whispered.

"Nothing happened."

"Too bad. I was hoping you two would work it out during this trip. I like it better when you two together."

I rolled my eyes. "Go to sleep." 

"Ok, mom." 

I laughed. She fell asleep and I sat there. I heard footsteps and saw Carmen. "Hey." She whispered. "What's going on here?"

"Taking care of my child." She laughed. "Do you and Lola want to switch rooms?"

"Why? What about Jenni?"

"We're not together."

"You want to be."

"It's complicated."

"So make it not complicated." I stared at her. "You love her. She loves you. Neither of you ever stopped during this entire time. Did something happen last night?"

"I kissed her."

"And then?"

"And then we fell asleep. I woke up with wrapped in her arms."

"I knew it." Virginia mumbled in her sleep.

"Shut up." I covered her face. 

Carmen laughed. "What's wrong with that?"

"All that drama almost ruined the team. Jenni and Mapi were at each other's necks before the World Cup."

"Mapi is protective of her friends." She smirked. "Especially the friends that are related to her girlfriend."

"Alba got another one?" Virginia sat up half asleep. "Who's after Mapi? Is it Leila?"

"Sleep." I pushed her over. 

"If Jenni asked you to get back together right now," I opened my mouth. "Yes, Alexia. Everyone knew you guys suck at hiding things." I laughed. "If she asked you to get back together what would you say?"

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